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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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14 pages so far of the usual redneck Muslim bashing that now seems to be the norm on this forum despite rule #11.
You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards ...any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
and despite the fact that the OP perp was not a practising Muslim; he ate pork, drank alcohol, took drugs, never went to a mosque or observed Ramadan.

Rubbish. No one cares if he was zealous about every aspect of his religion. The 9/11 murderers weren't either. He was a radical Muslim terrorist who died in the act of committing violent Jihad against infidels.

Hadith 19:4294 " Fight against those who do not believe in Allah. Make a holy war."

Those committing acts of terror against civilians are operating in contradiction to all mainstream schools of Islamic Jurisprudence i.e. Rules of War. As an aside it's interesting to note Islamic law does not endorse conscription which is in force in (all?) Islamic majority countries.


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Displacement might not be the problem as much as being displaced and not trying to integrate.

Here we have millions of people fleeing violent, backward countries with medieval attitudes & culture.

They are attracted to the peace and security of the West and the economic opportunities it provides.

What do they do when they get there?

They try to turn their host country into the same violent, backward crap-hole they just escaped from.

Then they can't find a job and feel alienated in their new home. Go figure.

You generalize from one barbaric psychopathic murderer in the OP to "they" ...all refugees, as though they all harbor the same evil intent.
Some of the redneck racists on this forum generalize even further to include a quarter of the world's entire population.
The real danger is stereotyping and whipping up hatred. We have witnessed this all before in history...with dire consequences for the world.

Funny how some people around here have no problems with generalizing or stereotyping when it comes to gun owners, cops and, yes, even rednecks.

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Attacker in Nice is said to have radicalized ‘very rapidly’

“We are now facing individuals who are responding positively to the messages issued by the Islamic State without having had any special training and without having access to weapons that allow them to commit mass murder,” Cazeneuve said.

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Muslim background. Mass terrorist murder. Shouts Allah Akbar. Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist. Also this method has been suggested on Jihadist inspirational website.

Also it's well known Jihadists actively work to recruit and inspire mentally unstable alienated people. There doesn't need to be any direct contact at all. They don't give a fig if the people they inspire are good practicing Muslims. Face reality.

Don't make excuses for the this Jihadist scum. Even trying does disservice to moderate Muslims.

I am appalled by your illogic.
First a litany of admitted unproven assertions.
"Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist."
Then you contradict yourself.
He does not need to be a good practising Muslim...yet simultaneously he believes in Jihad????

He was born muslim. Always a muslim. It was a call to arms. He obliged.

There are approximately 1.6 billion muslims. If all of them behaved as you say they must, most of us would be dead long since. Such nonsense.

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Muslim background. Mass terrorist murder. Shouts Allah Akbar. Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist. Also this method has been suggested on Jihadist inspirational website.

Also it's well known Jihadists actively work to recruit and inspire mentally unstable alienated people. There doesn't need to be any direct contact at all. They don't give a fig if the people they inspire are good practicing Muslims. Face reality.

Don't make excuses for the this Jihadist scum. Even trying does disservice to moderate Muslims.

I am appalled by your illogic.
First a litany of admitted unproven assertions.
"Barks like a dog. Ipso facto. Jihadist."
Then you contradict yourself.
He does not need to be a good practising Muslim...yet simultaneously he believes in Jihad????

He was born muslim. Always a muslim. It was a call to arms. He obliged.

There are approximately 1.6 billion muslims. If all of them behaved as you say they must, most of us would be dead long since. Such nonsense.

Where did I refer to all 1.6 billion muslims? This individual, like many others in France (see list earlier), acted. Anyways, 15% of them are following islam as it should be followed. I see a problem there and more will be killed and slaughtered in name of islam.

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The Nice terrorist (that sounds odd) certainly does not represent Islam. But he does represent Islamic Jihadist terrorism. Such scum are often not good practicing Muslims. Perhaps that's too much contradiction for some to grasp but welcome to the real world. Within the Islamic texts you can find teachings of peace and also teachings of horrific violence. The Jihadists like the violent parts. It's not Islamophobic to be open about this truthiness.

How foolish.

The lunatic liberal line appears to be as follows:

Good practicing Muslims are peaceful.

This man in Nice committed an atrocity, therefore he cannot be a Muslim.

Therefore it follows that ISIS are non-Muslim, Osama Bin Laden was a non-Muslim, the 9-11 attackers were non-Muslims, Mullah Omar was a non-Muslim.

In fact - it is hereby declared by Jingthing that committing an atrocity automatically makes you a non-Muslim. Even if you were somehow convinced that you were a Muslim and acting on the name of your faith. It still makes you a non-Muslim.

This also means that all sectarian violence in the Middle East is committed by atheists. When primarily Sunni ISIS recently bombed a shopping district full of Shiiite Muslims that were shopping, breaking their fast, watching soccer, training at the gym - the bombers weren't Sunni's at all. They were atheists because liberals decided that they were atheists the moment they committed the atrocity.

Looking back in Ireland, it now seems that all sectarian violence there must have been committed by warring atheists because good, practicing religious people wouldn't do that.

Somehow liberals have forgotten that hundreds of millions of people have been killed by violent minorities throughout history.

Nobody says all Muslims are bad but this claim that no Muslims can be bad is silly. It's like saying no Catholics can be bad.

Your silly syllogism undermines your credibility.

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Displacement might not be the problem as much as being displaced and not trying to integrate.

Here we have millions of people fleeing violent, backward countries with medieval attitudes & culture.

They are attracted to the peace and security of the West and the economic opportunities it provides.

What do they do when they get there?

They try to turn their host country into the same violent, backward crap-hole they just escaped from.

Then they can't find a job and feel alienated in their new home. Go figure.

You generalize from one barbaric psychopathic murderer in the OP to "they" ...all refugees, as though they all harbor the same evil intent.

Some of the redneck racists on this forum generalize even further to include a quarter of the world's entire population.

The real danger is stereotyping and whipping up hatred. We have witnessed this all before in history...with dire consequences for the world.

Funny how some people around here have no problems with generalizing or stereotyping when it comes to gun owners, cops and, yes, even rednecks.

So you do not deny that you are generalizing and stereotyping.

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This guy had nothing to do with Islam. He didn't even follow its teachings.

Nonsense. He followed Islam's teachings concerning violence and Jihad. He was Muslim all right.

There are 1.6 billion muslims. Let's just say half of them are devout. It what you assert is correct, we'd all have been dead long since. Such stupidity.

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This guy had nothing to do with Islam. He didn't even follow its teachings.

Nonsense. He followed Islam's teachings concerning violence and Jihad. He was Muslim all right.

There are 1.6 billion muslims. Let's just say half of them are devout. It what you assert is correct, we'd all have been dead long since. Such stupidity.
false logic. There are hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads worldwide. It would only take a dozen to extinct all living creatures. So all life on earth ended decades ago? Ah but there is the question of if and when the warhead is launched. They are ticking time bombs.
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This guy had nothing to do with Islam. He didn't even follow its teachings.

Nonsense. He followed Islam's teachings concerning violence and Jihad. He was Muslim all right.

There are 1.6 billion muslims. Let's just say half of them are devout. It what you assert is correct, we'd all have been dead long since. Such stupidity.

They are getting there if they get their way, one massacre at a time. Are you complaining lack of speed? I think they are stepping up pretty rapidly if you consider France alone. Slowly they are forcing their ways where ever they settle or invade. If you do not comply they kill. Why they need to start separating women and men in Sweden festivals and swimming pools? These kind of things are put in place because of leftist PC and idiotic SWJ's. If the muslims immigrate to my country THEY should integrate to OUR way of life and follow OUR laws and not the other way around. We passed stone age already. If you worship your spaghetti monster at your home out of sight I do not care. Do not force your religion to others in any way. Accept that or <deleted>. Assisted if needed.

Edited by metisdead
Profane acronym removed.
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This guy had nothing to do with Islam. He didn't even follow its teachings.

Nonsense. He followed Islam's teachings concerning violence and Jihad. He was Muslim all right.

There are 1.6 billion muslims. Let's just say half of them are devout. It what you assert is correct, we'd all have been dead long since. Such stupidity.
false logic. There are hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads worldwide. It would only take a dozen to extinct all living creatures. So all life on earth ended decades ago? Ah but there is the question of if and when the warhead is launched. They are ticking time bombs.

Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

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14 pages so far of the usual redneck Muslim bashing that now seems to be the norm on this forum despite rule #11.
You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards ...any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
and despite the fact that the OP perp was not a practising Muslim; he ate pork, drank alcohol, took drugs, never went to a mosque or observed Ramadan.

Rubbish. No one cares if he was zealous about every aspect of his religion. The 9/11 murderers weren't either. He was a radical Muslim terrorist who died in the act of committing violent Jihad against infidels.

Hadith 19:4294 " Fight against those who do not believe in Allah. Make a holy war."

Those committing acts of terror against civilians are operating in contradiction to all mainstream schools of Islamic Jurisprudence i.e. Rules of War. As an aside it's interesting to note Islamic law does not endorse conscription which is in force in (all?) Islamic majority countries.


I'm not sure that's correct. The Koran is full of verses exhorting the killing of non-believers.

See eg below. At 4.48 it discusses civilians.

Edited by katana
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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



Edited by FinChin67
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The Nice terrorist (that sounds odd) certainly does not represent Islam. But he does represent Islamic Jihadist terrorism. Such scum are often not good practicing Muslims. Perhaps that's too much contradiction for some to grasp but welcome to the real world. Within the Islamic texts you can find teachings of peace and also teachings of horrific violence. The Jihadists like the violent parts. It's not Islamophobic to be open about this truthiness.

How foolish.

The lunatic liberal line appears to be as follows:

Good practicing Muslims are peaceful.

This man in Nice committed an atrocity, therefore he cannot be a Muslim.

Therefore it follows that ISIS are non-Muslim, Osama Bin Laden was a non-Muslim, the 9-11 attackers were non-Muslims, Mullah Omar was a non-Muslim.

In fact - it is hereby declared by Jingthing that committing an atrocity automatically makes you a non-Muslim. Even if you were somehow convinced that you were a Muslim and acting on the name of your faith. It still makes you a non-Muslim.

This also means that all sectarian violence in the Middle East is committed by atheists. When primarily Sunni ISIS recently bombed a shopping district full of Shiiite Muslims that were shopping, breaking their fast, watching soccer, training at the gym - the bombers weren't Sunni's at all. They were atheists because liberals decided that they were atheists the moment they committed the atrocity.

Looking back in Ireland, it now seems that all sectarian violence there must have been committed by warring atheists because good, practicing religious people wouldn't do that.

Somehow liberals have forgotten that hundreds of millions of people have been killed by violent minorities throughout history.

Nobody says all Muslims are bad but this claim that no Muslims can be bad is silly. It's like saying no Catholics can be bad.

Your silly syllogism undermines your credibility.

Your lack of a counterpoint undermines your argument.

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Looks like the racists on this forum don't care if the OP perp was a Muslim by birth alone or not, whatever evidence is presented. They simply want any excuse to spout their vile bigoted nonsense.

I was baptized a Christian (long ago lapsed), but it doesn't make me responsible for the troubles in N. Ireland or the bombings of abortion clinics.

I regard racism/religionism as a form of inferiority complex. It's all very weird and tribal. One can make oneself feel big, because one belongs to what one regards as a superior tribe. Boost your own ego at the expense of someone else.

Why not just treat people as you find them on a one to one basis? We are all the same species after all...human beings.

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I was baptized a Christian (long ago lapsed), but it doesn't make me responsible for the troubles in N. Ireland or the bombings of abortion clinics.

If you subscribe to a religion better swallow it whole. I regard all religious people as potential nutters.

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Mental illness traveled to Pakistan?

Qandeel Baloch: Pakistani social media star strangled by her brother
In the meantime France calls up 12,000 reservists

This dementia, or whatever it was the leftist PC's and SWJ's referred to, seems to be spreading like a Zombie attack whistling.gif ...

Even Turkey is going to be very soon Islamist demented state...

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Many people chanting for war against Muslims when it turns out the attack was not motivated by Islamic terrorism at all.

The real threat to world peace is extremist Right Wing war mongers.

It just shows how dangerous Trump would be. He has already declared war on no one in particular. What a dangerous fool he is.

And another silly excuse bites the dust.

Isil claims the attack


Terrorist group Isil have claimed responsibility for the attack.

An Islamic State-run media outlet says the man who drove his truck into a crowd in the French coastal city of Nice is a "soldier" of the group. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/16/nice-terror-attack-truck-driver-who-killed-84-named-as-loner-fre/

Of course ISIS will claim the killings.

That would be fine if he was working alone. These "lone wolf" attackers have logistical support. Plus 5 arrests so far.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

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I was baptized a Christian (long ago lapsed), but it doesn't make me responsible for the troubles in N. Ireland or the bombings of abortion clinics.

If you subscribe to a religion better swallow it whole. I regard all religious people as potential nutters.

When you unsubscribe from islam you lose your head. Pretty hefty exit fee.

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Nice Terror Attack - The Telegraph UK - July 17, 2016

"French authorities withdrew police vans blocking off the promenade in Nice just hours before a 19-ton truck crushed at least 84 people to death in an Islamist terrorist attack, it emerged last night."
"Bouhlel, who had a history of violence and mental health problems, had walked into a van rental office and said: “I want the heaviest truck you have.” He had also sent £82,000 to his family in Tunisia, suggesting a well planned suicide mission."
So where did he get the 82K if he had been a "lone wolf"? (assuming this is true, of course)
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I was baptized a Christian (long ago lapsed), but it doesn't make me responsible for the troubles in N. Ireland or the bombings of abortion clinics.

If you subscribe to a religion better swallow it whole. I regard all religious people as potential nutters.

When you unsubscribe from islam you lose your head. Pretty hefty exit fee.

Usual gross exaggeration. I know more that a few people raised as Muslims who have walked away from their religion without any threats whatsoever. Sadly in some countries there are deaths threats and and actual killings for apostasy, but relatively a small number.

Edited by simple1
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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



In other reporting it is presented that police forensics found no evidence of torture / mutilation by the terrorists.

Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives


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Those committing acts of terror against civilians are operating in contradiction to all mainstream schools of Islamic Jurisprudence i.e. Rules of War. As an aside it's interesting to note Islamic law does not endorse conscription which is in force in (all?) Islamic majority countries.


I'm not sure that's correct. The Koran is full of verses exhorting the killing of non-believers.


Read / research the link I provided.

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Looks like the racists on this forum don't care if the OP perp was a Muslim by birth alone or not, whatever evidence is presented. They simply want any excuse to spout their vile bigoted nonsense.

I was baptized a Christian (long ago lapsed), but it doesn't make me responsible for the troubles in N. Ireland or the bombings of abortion clinics.

I regard racism/religionism as a form of inferiority complex. It's all very weird and tribal. One can make oneself feel big, because one belongs to what one regards as a superior tribe. Boost your own ego at the expense of someone else.

Why not just treat people as you find them on a one to one basis? We are all the same species after all...human beings.

Because the cause of these incidents is the key to stopping them.

Not very complicated is it?

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



In other reporting it is presented that police forensics found no evidence of torture / mutilation by the terrorists.

Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives


Snopes is a liberal propoganda site.

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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



In other reporting it is presented that police forensics found no evidence of torture / mutilation by the terrorists.

Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives


Snopes is a liberal propoganda site.

So the quoted French Prosecutor, Francois Molins, who is also handing the Nice investigation is a lying liberal?

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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



In other reporting it is presented that police forensics found no evidence of torture / mutilation by the terrorists.

Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives


One police witness told the committee in the report: “The bodies have not been shown to the families because they are people who are decapitated, people who are bloated and people who have been disembowelled.”

He added: “There was people decapitated, swollen and disembowelled. There are signs of sexual acts committed against the women and knife cuts to genitals.
“If I am not mistaken, some of the eyes of certain people have been removed.”
He told the committee that he had not actually seen this, but another investigator had told him while vomiting and crying after witnessing the horror.
On the other hand, does it actually really matter how they were killed? Body count is there, adding up to religion of pieces handiwork.
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Your logic makes even less sense. Your nuke argument aside (??), you seem to be insinuating that there are hundreds of millions of Muslims plotting to kill westerners. Ilost is right, there would be a heck of a lot more dead westerners if this was the case. If the world was at war with Islam, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It seems that a lot of you right wing guys want just that. Can't you see that you're playing into the hands of the truly radical, who number only in the thousands? Yes, a few thousand can play havoc in the world, but imagine what hundreds of million can do.

France is at war or that's what they say themselves. In your opinion France is doing great? No problems with muslims?

Read this:

French Government Forced To Admit It "Suppressed News Of Gruesome Torture" At Bataclan Massacre



In other reporting it is presented that police forensics found no evidence of torture / mutilation by the terrorists.

Forensic doctors were categorical: there was no act of barbarism, no use, including knives


One police witness told the committee in the report: “The bodies have not been shown to the families because they are people who are decapitated, people who are bloated and people who have been disembowelled.”

He added: “There was people decapitated, swollen and disembowelled. There are signs of sexual acts committed against the women and knife cuts to genitals.

“If I am not mistaken, some of the eyes of certain people have been removed.”

He told the committee that he had not actually seen this, but another investigator had told him while vomiting and crying after witnessing the horror.


On the other hand, does it actually really matter how they were killed? Body count is there, adding up to religion of pieces handiwork.

the clues are in recent history. Do ISIS have lengthy history of torture? those fire cages, drowning cages, detonating chord around necks multiple rehersals of executings etc etc etc. Seriously, do ISIS have standard MO to torture or not? Rather than leaping on the report post button, can we not just discus this civilly? Getting any non PC post removed is dragging on this discussion for ever as one sides arguments and the poster themselves are perpetually removed.
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Another <deleted> Muslim no doubt. Wanna bet?

No kidding as his first name is Mohamed.

French are stating it was a terrorist attack, going to great length to omit the word Muslim of course.

Hollande: "we are at war with Islamic terrorism", it doesn't get any clearer than that ( although I doubt very much that he is capable of prosecuting that war).

I think the words to note. "We are at war with Islamic Terrorism" as we should all be. But not just Islamic but all Terrorism. We are not at war with Islam just those who twist its message to justify Barbarity

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