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Thais warned: Don't go to Thaksin's birthday party - we might not let you back home


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Reply to Winniedapu´s post #199

Yes because it was Thaksins brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat and PPP (People´s Power Party) who was running the country when Thaksin left for China. So of course the let him (the party boss) go.

And your point is...?

If you don´t se it, don´t bother!!!

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Reply to Winniedapu´s post #199

Yes because it was Thaksins brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat and PPP (People´s Power Party) who was running the country when Thaksin left for China. So of course the let him (the party boss) go.

And your point is...?

If you don´t se it, don´t bother!!!

OK. No, actually it's not OK. What you must've known, but tried to misdirect in some Somchai's direction anyway, is that it is the responsibility of the court to allow permission for anybody subject to judicial process whether awaiting trial, awaiting sentencing, or an appeal, to leave the country. It was nothing to do with the prime minister of the time, it had everything to do with the courts and they were acting on instructions received.

If you knew this already then your post is deceitful. If you did not know it already then your post is uninformed. Take your pick.


Edited by Winniedapu
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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Or is it because it is mighty convenient to have a bogeyman to blame?

ROFLMAO. "bring him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence". "What is keeping you from doing that?" Sure! Why they could've just sent a taxi to pick him up! Or maybe a Thai invasion of Dubai to fetch him is what you had in mind? Really funny. 'Like the govt is keeping him from coming back... Folks, we have another hopeful here for the Comedy Award!

(Psssst! I don't think he WANTS to come back! That prison sentence waiting for him seems to be, strangely enough, acting as a bit of a deterrent. He wasn't exiled; he FLED the country, genius.)

Plus there's a strong possibility that if he did come back, right now, to serve his deserved 2 year sentence (and paymaster fan club members please don't say the charge he was convicted on was politically motivated, it clearly wasn't) the other 14 or whatever charges would proceed with a very good chance of much longer jail time. Just one example: there's already much evidence revealed in the Krung Thai bank case with two of the former bank executives already in jail on 18 yr and 12 yr sentences. Plus a lot already revealed in many of the other cases and not looking good for the paymaster.

On the other hand if he returned with sudarat as the sitting pm no doubt there would be a whitewash of the current 2 year sentence and all other cases cancelled. And therefore a very backwards step for justice and total clash with all the claims being made by the red fans about democracy, freedom of speech etc.

Edited by scorecard
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Happy Birthday Thaksin!

Seen the video before, as always he doesn't tell the truth and as always just as divisive.

Pure evil.

Thaksin: -Yes I miss my country very much. Well khun Thaksin you have you´r own aircraft just go on-board and come here and fight your course in court.

It´s not going to happen is it khun Thaksin?

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"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that, but, yes, IMO, he is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too),dangerous for Thais and Thailand. That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit...

"I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that..."

OK, good. So you agree that Thaksin is just one of a vast number of people who "is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too)", so then can you explain to me why you're obsessing about Thaksin as that description fits a great many people, including a certain cantankerous one?

"That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit..."

What is "the Thaksin power thing"? If you want people to reply to your posts you should at least make an effort to make yourself understood.

Don't put words into my mouth! I agreed there is, indeed, a lot of evil in the country which is not related to Thaksin, but, IMO, he was, and still is the most evil an divisive(!) personality menacing this country's future.

'The Thaksin power thing' refers to his attempt together with his clan to gain total power over the Kingdom(!) in order to establish an hereditary dictatorship. Clear enough?

OK, so you have insight into the mindset of all the personalities that have counted since 1932,have you? Now let me tell you why he is divisive, and why the old elite hate him so much:

He has cleverly used the disenfranchised, the peasants, those who have never had a voice. These guys have been alerted to the fact that in a country where people vote for their leaders they wield enormous power. And that's something the Sakdina loving old elite will never accept!

"'The Thaksin power thing' refers to his attempt together with his clan to gain total power over the Kingdom(!) in order to establish an hereditary dictatorship. Clear enough?"

Why didn't you say so in the first place insted of trying to obfuscate (are you a woman?). And how is that different from what's been and is happening in Thailand? Case in point; have you even paid attention to what's happening in the military every time there is a new army chief with new handlers/backers? Their "enemies" are removed from all the important positions and the 'good guys" are in. Or are you totally clueless about what you're talking about?

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

"And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?"

Speak about talking out of your own behind!555555. Show me ONE post where I have said something positive about Thaksin. Can't find it? Then I think it's time for you to go and wipe off the enormous amount of egg on your face!

"Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course."
Oh. I'm sure he's still very active and I'm also sure this worries the "PM" a lot - as it should. But what on earth do you mean by "attempt to get Thailand back on course"?? OK, now I understand. You mean the course where the old elite rule over a poor, but happy people and everything is done according to the Sakdina system?
Edited by MZurf
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

"And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?"

Speak about talking out of your own behind!555555. Show me ONE post where I have said something positive about Thaksin. Can't find it? Then I think it's time for you to go and wipe off the enormous amount of egg on your face!

"Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course."
Oh. I'm sure he's still very active and I'm also sure this worries the "PM" a lot - as it should. But what on earth do you mean by "attempt to get Thailand back on course"?? OK, now I understand. You mean the course where the old elite rule over a poor, but happy people and everything is done according to the Sakdina system?

'MZurf': Can you show us ONE post where you have said something negative about Thaksin...? Maybe because he never did anything wrong, hmm...?

'I am not a Thaksin fan, but...': where have I read that one again...?

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"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

"And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?"

Speak about talking out of your own behind!555555. Show me ONE post where I have said something positive about Thaksin. Can't find it? Then I think it's time for you to go and wipe off the enormous amount of egg on your face!

"Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course."
Oh. I'm sure he's still very active and I'm also sure this worries the "PM" a lot - as it should. But what on earth do you mean by "attempt to get Thailand back on course"?? OK, now I understand. You mean the course where the old elite rule over a poor, but happy people and everything is done according to the Sakdina system?

'MZurf': Can you show us ONE post where you have said something negative about Thaksin...? Maybe because he never did anything wrong, hmm...?

'I am not a Thaksin fan, but...': where have I read that one again...?

Perhaps he doesn't see the point of pillorying Thaksin when it's so much easier to make the Thaksin-haters look bad.

Personally I wouldn't agree with it if that were his opinion. I think the Thaksin-haters make the Thaksin-haters look plenty bad enough on their own. Of course, that isn't what they think they're doing...


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An egomaniac was once the king(mind the cap) of the Thai Monopoly board, as long as he could play using his own 'special' set of dices, and use the Bank's money as if it was his own, then one day he 'unfortunately' pulled a 'Go to Jail' card, refused to follow the rule, even tried to make other rules of his own on a late night, as he was (still is) living in the illusion the whole boardgame of Thai Monopoly belonged to him, to him alone, but he didn't succeed (mind you, in the meantime he had part of the board set on fire, and other parts damaged too): when it is not his Monopoly, there will not be any Monopoly anymore, for anybody, nah! Mind you, the rules of Monopoly are very permissive, so he could come back and play again any time soon, but the rules are also clear, he should first sit out his time in jail, and eventual other 'penalties' applying, but that egomaniac will never, ever, accept rules other than his own...

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An egomaniac was once the king(mind the cap) of the Thai Monopoly board, as long as he could play using his own 'special' set of dices, and use the Bank's money as if it was his own, then one day he 'unfortunately' pulled a 'Go to Jail' card, refused to follow the rule, even tried to make other rules of his own on a late night, as he was (still is) living in the illusion the whole boardgame of Thai Monopoly belonged to him, to him alone, but he didn't succeed (mind you, in the meantime he had part of the board set on fire, and other parts damaged too): when it is not his Monopoly, there will not be any Monopoly anymore, for anybody, nah! Mind you, the rules of Monopoly are very permissive, so he could come back and play again any time soon, but the rules are also clear, he should first sit out his time in jail, and eventual other 'penalties' applying, but that egomaniac will never, ever, accept rules other than his own...

There we go, it sort of proves my point. Didn't take very long either, as expected.


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"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

"And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?"

Speak about talking out of your own behind!555555. Show me ONE post where I have said something positive about Thaksin. Can't find it? Then I think it's time for you to go and wipe off the enormous amount of egg on your face!

"Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course."
Oh. I'm sure he's still very active and I'm also sure this worries the "PM" a lot - as it should. But what on earth do you mean by "attempt to get Thailand back on course"?? OK, now I understand. You mean the course where the old elite rule over a poor, but happy people and everything is done according to the Sakdina system?

'MZurf': Can you show us ONE post where you have said something negative about Thaksin...? Maybe because he never did anything wrong, hmm...?

'I am not a Thaksin fan, but...': where have I read that one again...?

"'MZurf': Can you show us ONE post where you have said something negative about Thaksin...? Maybe because he never did anything wrong, hmm...?"

I can show you many posts where I have said something negative about Thaksin, and I will send a link just as soon as someone can tell me how I search own posts.

In the mean time let's set things straight. I will repeat some of my criticism of Thaksin if you write some criticism of the junta. Deal?

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An egomaniac was once the king(mind the cap) of the Thai Monopoly board, as long as he could play using his own 'special' set of dices, and use the Bank's money as if it was his own, then one day he 'unfortunately' pulled a 'Go to Jail' card, refused to follow the rule, even tried to make other rules of his own on a late night, as he was (still is) living in the illusion the whole boardgame of Thai Monopoly belonged to him, to him alone, but he didn't succeed (mind you, in the meantime he had part of the board set on fire, and other parts damaged too): when it is not his Monopoly, there will not be any Monopoly anymore, for anybody, nah! Mind you, the rules of Monopoly are very permissive, so he could come back and play again any time soon, but the rules are also clear, he should first sit out his time in jail, and eventual other 'penalties' applying, but that egomaniac will never, ever, accept rules other than his own...

Note to self; don't post when drunk!

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Pathetic bah.gif

I am not a political fan of anybody.....this is low down village attitude......"you entertain him in your house and I do not look after you!"....shows the mentality of the top nobs. They should be ashamed they could not catch this grease monkey....all the loose face and spirit talk. Well....the fact is that his friends will be friends and he will celebrate his birthday and you will continue to fear what you cannot contain.....som nah na.

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Pathetic bah.gif

I am not a political fan of anybody.....this is low down village attitude......"you entertain him in your house and I do not look after you!"....shows the mentality of the top nobs. They should be ashamed they could not catch this grease monkey....all the loose face and spirit talk. Well....the fact is that his friends will be friends and he will celebrate his birthday and you will continue to fear what you cannot contain.....som nah na.

Exactly, except the grease monkey bit.

His friends are many, what were the figures for the election of Yingluck, Thaksin's clone? Twenty million or more votes. A lot of friends indeed!

I saw on the Thai news that Yingluck was out shopping in Bang Kapi yesterday. Probably buying some gifts for her brother's birthday. Do you fear her? Why, because she her brother is Thaksin? I think the Suthep brainwash worked on many of you.


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