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Rich parents or rich husband/boyfriends?


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The chief of the army earns just over B 1 million per year, which place the B 960 k she says her parents are giving her into perspective. Her parents either inherited money or her dad is earning money on the side or she is scamming/setting you up or a combination.

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The overall saltiness in this thread is pretty much what I expected. I don't blame people for calling bullshit...why do you think I'm here trying to brainstorm reasons why this situation can't be as good as it seems on the surface? I can't even believe it myself, it's too good (in certain ways) to be true.

Thank you to the people who offered sincere or even half-sincere advice. I think for now I'll just enjoy the ride on this one. I'll continue to keep my eyes open and report back here if anything comes up. That is, if anyone cares.

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She's what? 28/ your 23,with all the wonderful attributes that god has chosen to bestow upon you.She's not hiding any thing?possibly true.She has plenty of money from her dear old dad? possibly true.She sounds like a dream come true.But have you ever considered the fact,that soon,you may be too old for her.

Mee wan dee

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So dad could be a corrupt military man with a motza yet makes his wife work at a food stall while unloading all his spare dosh on his daughter who doesn't work and could maybe be hiso except for the tramp stamps and swearing like a sailor.

Troll, troll, troll your boat gently down the stream. Merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

Actually not trolling at all. My main question is based on whether its possible for someone in the Thai military to make 180k+ a month (and if it is, should I be afraid of someone who is pulling in that much?).

I don't expect anyone to believe my story buts its true. Being in your twenties, white, in shape, with decent looks and a well put together profile got me about 20+ new messages a day (more if I was online for long periods of time) on TF. From there I just replied to women that seemed to have similar interests as me, were attractive, spoke decent English (over chat), and tried to get them to meet up with me. She was one of the few that agreed to meet one-on-one. I didn't take part in the nightlife scene, but it's pretty obvious which girls online are bargirls or gold-diggers ("Looking for a good man to take care of me...."I'm not bargirl. I'm good girl. Want nice man not bad man"...desired age limit set to "Any" or upper limit of 45+ when they are only in their 20s).

The financial aspect is nice but I still have to deal with truly psychotic levels of jealousy, blatant and unapologetic materialism, and the equivalent emotional stability and neediness of a 16 year old girl. I don't think an older, more experienced man could tolerate it for more than a few weeks, even taking the sex and financial situation into account.

Oh Buddha my heart bleeds purple P___ for you mate....

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Sounds to me she is/was a mistress to someone possible Thai. When a Thai dumps the mistress they normally pay the rent for another 3-6 months and often the gal can keep the car.

I would suggest to the OP if he is not trolling enjoy the ride for as long it last.

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I hear your concerns, and the first thing that came into my mind is. Freelance service. As you said, she doesn't seem to have a relationship, no hidden phonecall conversations and so on. That we can rule out. But problem is, do you know where exactly she is all the time, and do you believe her? All she needs, is to be away for 1-2 hours max with a customer just to provide this service, and the price ranges from 5,000 to 20~30k+.

What you need to do now, is pop up randomly at places where she said she would be, and if she's not there, you know why. I'm sorry to say this, but I highly suspect this. Don't ever fall for any of her excuses saying where she is until you actually have evidence by yourself. If she's away from you and a video chat seems unavailable, be worried, very worried.

Also, she has a second phone you don't know about. Or a separate line/wechat account that doesn't need a phone, but could be accessed by the computer where she receives time and location, and she just shows up there.

Best of luck either way, better to find out the truth sooner and deal with it while you are still young.

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The only flaw in your plan seems to me to be insisting on paying for something. Kick back, and enjoy whatever crumbs she throws your way. Stop asking questions you don't really want answered and shouldn't even bother to ask. This forum is for guys with serious problems like the mother has died two or three times, the buffalo is sick, and the family house just burned to the ground in Buriram

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I hear your concerns, and the first thing that came into my mind is. Freelance service. As you said, she doesn't seem to have a relationship, no hidden phonecall conversations and so on. That we can rule out. But problem is, do you know where exactly she is all the time, and do you believe her? All she needs, is to be away for 1-2 hours max with a customer just to provide this service, and the price ranges from 5,000 to 20~30k+.

What you need to do now, is pop up randomly at places where she said she would be, and if she's not there, you know why. I'm sorry to say this, but I highly suspect this. Don't ever fall for any of her excuses saying where she is until you actually have evidence by yourself. If she's away from you and a video chat seems unavailable, be worried, very worried.

Also, she has a second phone you don't know about. Or a separate line/wechat account that doesn't need a phone, but could be accessed by the computer where she receives time and location, and she just shows up there.

Best of luck either way, better to find out the truth sooner and deal with it while you are still young.

Our maybe, you know, she's just not a hooker?

Some of you guys have spent too long in the bars if you think any woman in Thailand with money must have earned it on her back.

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Your 23 years old and in thailand you most have a great job with great money or sorry to say you are stupid, how can someone of 23 years live in thailand not understand people like you if you are there just for thai pussy .

But about your thai lady , good on you but she is a player or you are playing TV READERS .

I not give a shit what you say she is a ex hooker or has dick heads sending her money every month , I would say that is how she gets the money because she is not get it from mum and dad .

Have you not seen thai hookers with two phones .

You are very young and have know idea about how a woman things and if she is a ex hooker she can play you like a ball .

I am just trying to help you and answer your story but you can just think I am a stupid man , and I could be but I have been around and I have had lots of lady friends in my life and I can tell you this I don't trust one of them sorry but that is how I am .

I had my bad times in thailand and I leant the games thai woman play the hard way , I did not lose a lot but now I car read them like a book .

What gets me blokes go to thailand get suck in by thai pussy and blow the lot and it is not as if you can't read about thailand and and thai woman on the Internet now .

I am not thai bashing , I now have a great thai lady who I like a lot but I tell her no cars no gold no money every month and no home .

If she dose not like it my way she can move on you see I pay the bills so it has to be my way .

I see it over and over again how men get suck in by thai lady's , but I have stop helping out my friends who ask me about thai woman because all of them not want to hear what I have to say.

I have seen lots of happy couples as well , it is not all bad it can be great as long as you not get suck in by the pussy

And sell the lot back home thinking your life will be better in thailand.

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I hear your concerns, and the first thing that came into my mind is. Freelance service. As you said, she doesn't seem to have a relationship, no hidden phonecall conversations and so on. That we can rule out. But problem is, do you know where exactly she is all the time, and do you believe her? All she needs, is to be away for 1-2 hours max with a customer just to provide this service, and the price ranges from 5,000 to 20~30k+.

What you need to do now, is pop up randomly at places where she said she would be, and if she's not there, you know why. I'm sorry to say this, but I highly suspect this. Don't ever fall for any of her excuses saying where she is until you actually have evidence by yourself. If she's away from you and a video chat seems unavailable, be worried, very worried.

Also, she has a second phone you don't know about. Or a separate line/wechat account that doesn't need a phone, but could be accessed by the computer where she receives time and location, and she just shows up there.

Best of luck either way, better to find out the truth sooner and deal with it while you are still young.

Our maybe, you know, she's just not a hooker?

Some of you guys have spent too long in the bars if you think any woman in Thailand with money must have earned it on her back.

I'm afraid we are talking about different classes of woman here. We don't go to bars like you to pick up women. There is a "hi-so" service that includes various artists, singers, air hostesses, and magazine models. It isn't available to everyone, only through contacts.

This is my honest opinion of what flex may be looking for if he wishes to investigate further. You can spend your time wisely by helping him, instead of useless self-assumed posts.

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About 15 years ago I was 21-22, pretty broke and hooked up with a 27 year old. Rented (simple) apartment. Job with Panasonic or something similar.

Stayed together for best part of 2 years.

Her good friend, "same same 'brother'" turned out to be her husband and she had foreign sponsor(s).]

As others have said. Enjoy it while it lasts. It's a fun ride. But learn to let it go when the time comes.

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There are alot of Thai people who lead everyday lives that have huge bank accounts. Many sold land that now have skyscrapers on them. My friend sold his family compound after is Mom had passed . He and his sisters each got close to Ten million US........They have nice condos, share a beach house. drive Hondas.....

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...........but I still have to deal with truly psychotic levels of jealousy, blatant and unapologetic materialism, and the equivalent emotional stability and neediness of a 16 year old girl.

The above says it all, "Run Forest Ruuuun!!" if her father is really a Big Man in the Military and you piss her off, hurt her feelings, etc etc etc, you may wind up as ne of the "Bangkok Balcony Jumpers committing suicide with their hands tied behind their back. beatdeadhorse.gif

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Half the military guys running the government are multi-millionaires. And re allowances a professor at a university once told me about his wealthy students, one who I recall has access to his own condo and a 50,000 baht allowance.

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The overall saltiness in this thread is pretty much what I expected. I don't blame people for calling bullshit...why do you think I'm here trying to brainstorm reasons why this situation can't be as good as it seems on the surface? I can't even believe it myself, it's too good (in certain ways) to be true.

Thank you to the people who offered sincere or even half-sincere advice. I think for now I'll just enjoy the ride on this one. I'll continue to keep my eyes open and report back here if anything comes up. That is, if anyone cares.

Everybody gets lucky sometime.

When I first moved to Thailand I was 32, I met a girl at a restaurant and things clicked. She made good money as she worked in a massage and had a falang boyfriend overseas. She would call me asking to come over 2-3 times a week and show up with beer and food. I tried to give her taxi money she wouldn't take one baht. Lasted a good 6 months or so then I had a business trip and was gone for 3 months, after that we lost touch.

So OP enjoy it while it lasts as it wont last forever, who cares where her money comes from, just enjoy life!

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The overall saltiness in this thread is pretty much what I expected. I don't blame people for calling bullshit...why do you think I'm here trying to brainstorm reasons why this situation can't be as good as it seems on the surface? I can't even believe it myself, it's too good (in certain ways) to be true.

Thank you to the people who offered sincere or even half-sincere advice. I think for now I'll just enjoy the ride on this one. I'll continue to keep my eyes open and report back here if anything comes up. That is, if anyone cares.

I think it could be true, the wealthy in Asia are often filty with money, what you should be concerned about is if you want to break up with her one day, pop being in the military with a hurt daughter....

Another thing you should consider, at some point she is going to want to take the relationship further you cannot afford her, pop wont let you marry her even if she wants...let me remind you pop is in the military.....

My first TGF from a middle class family had a brother who i knew well that was an officer in the airforce, and dad had been a career soldier, she was living with me in AU when we split, i NEVER told her that i planned to spend a year in Thailand after the break up, your not living back home now kid.

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Enjoy it while you can. Things change. Nothing is forever. You've got a great ride. Ride it for all it's worth but condition yourself that every ride breaks sooner or later.

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