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Turkish military says seized control, people take to streets


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As a Turk in Turkey, let me write a bit on all this :

There probably will be lots and lots of analysis of the coup; but the important and sad thing is that a dark chapter in Turkish history has just started.

*Turkey should forget about EU membership. Yes, even before this coup thing, Turkey was YEARS away from joining, and with no guarantee at all; but now ? Let me put it this way. Before this thing, there was maybe a 10 percent chance; but now, maybe only 1 percent; not even that.

*Many squares and streets in Turkey are still filled with (okay; not like a real large number of people; but still, thousands in many locations) Erdogan supporters; with many of them being hardcore Islamist types. Slogans involving 'Allah u akbar' are sadly very common. It is an intimidating, fascist crowd. This mob-madness might last some more days.

*Expect a lot more authoritarian stuff from Erdogan in the coming weeks/months. Death penalty might or might not be reinstated; but expect him to make sure that from soon on, almost all the employees in the army, police, judiciary, mainstream media and academia will be his people.

Expect lots of authoritarian laws etc to be passed in the Parliament.

*He won't tolerate any dissent anywhere.

*Expect him to enable the Presidential system to be installed in Turkey. Mind you, he is already almost like a President-with-full-powers now. So, this would make only a slight change, I think.

*Expect deteriorating relations with many other countries.

*And, most important of all, expect secularism to be dealt even more blows in the coming months/years.

Words can't express how depressed, sad and angry I feel :(

It's no point analysing the coup, I think; so, I just wanted to let you know what's likely to happen here from now on.

It's difficult for someone like me to know what someone like you is going through exactly.

There are many folk on this forum from countries that are free from this sort of situation.

We live in dangerous times indeed, I wish you all the best, but sadly there seems to be no solution.

If this man was removed from power, by force, civil war would rage, that's a certain. Change needs to come from within the country, but the chance of that being a peaceful process is very low indeed, probably zilch.

Good luck.

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