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The murder trial of tycoon and two-star general Thong Sarath, who is accused of ordering his bodyguards to shoot a business rival, continued on Friday morning at the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. Mr. Sarath, the owner of Meanchey International Investment Company and Borey 999 Apartments, and five of his bodyguards are on trial for the shooting of magnate Ung Meng Chue in November 2014.

The tycoon did not attend the hearing because he is currently staying at Khmer-Russia Hospital receiving treatment for “high blood pressure,” but four of his bodyguards were present along with their lawyers and almost 35 witnesses. The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) was also monitoring the trial.

Presiding Judge Top Chhun Heng said Mr. Sarath, 39, and his bodyguards Seang Veasna, 45, Ly Sao, 43, Meas Sambath, 28, Kuoy Chanthol, 30, and Chhun Chitra, 48, are all facing premeditated murder charges under article 200 of the Penal Code. Mr. Sao from died from sicknesses related to AIDS on June 17.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/27296/tycoon-on-trial-for-rival---s-murder/

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