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ISIL claims responsibility for Nice truck attack


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ISIL claims responsibility for Nice truck attack


Police still don’t know how Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel managed to get access to the Promenade des Anglais and plough a rented truck through dozens of people celebrating Bastille day.

And they also don’t yet know what inspired the 31 year old Tunisian man to contemplate such an extreme act of hate. Neighbours said he was not outwardly religious nor did he visit a mosque.

In a statement released online on Saturday ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack describing Bouhlal as one of its “soldiers”.

“He carried out the operation in response to calls to target nationals of states that are part of the coalition fighting Islamic State, the statement said.

Police have arrested three more people in Nice and the focus is now on the five individuals who remain in police custody including Bouhlel’s ex wife.

But so far the Paris prosecutor says no links have been found between Bouhlel and any Islamic extremist groups.

At the Promenade des Anglais, which is now open again, people have been laying flowers and other tributes to the victims.

As France mourns there are still many unanswered questions.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-17

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

and the cost of hiring a truck for the day is....

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

A good start would be Saudi Arabia?

What about the funding that starts locally?

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

A good start would be Saudi Arabia?

What about the funding that starts locally?

Well, there's speculation that ISIS is being funded by the US government too which opens up a big can of worms doesn't it?

Edited by Boon Mee
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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

A good start would be Saudi Arabia?
What about the funding that starts locally?

Well, there's speculation that ISIS is being funded by the US government too which opens up a big can of worms doesn't it?

The US govt promised that they wouldn't put boots on the ground, so instead they armed and funded certain groups of people and sent them after other groups. Strangely enough, it turned around and bit them.

Now I hear you saying, "but uncle neverdie, didn't this happen once before"? 55555555

And around and around it goes


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Actually, there are at least two recent bestseller novels recently published with the locus of the theme a rouge US government entity supporting ISIS.

But, the question begs, why hasn't Raqqa been bombed back to the stoneage already? The civilian population argument is not a totally convincing one.

Round and round it goes is the operative phrase for sure.

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

It's call the War on Terror,, but i agree with you something more or different has to be done.

It's such a complicated issue to solve. But as unpopular as this might sound I think leaving the middle East alone to sort out their own problems might be the only way to get the terrorists to stop attacking on foreign soil.

After all, the West do attack (with stealth bombers) many targets in the middle east which only fuels the rage of the extremists.

What i do know is it never seems to end, just when everyone things the last terrorist group is squashed another one pops up.

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

Well, let's see; funding huh. Well, you'd have to get him to Nice and have a credit card or cash in the tune of what $200-300/day for a large truck?

Not much funding required my man and not much planning either. That's why it was so easy.

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

A good start would be Saudi Arabia?

What about the funding that starts locally?

Well, there's speculation that ISIS is being funded by the US government too which opens up a big can of worms doesn't it?

Why sure it is bunky. It's part of the plan to wipe-out Europe. You see, if we give up Europe to Sharia law, they'll leave us alone.

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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

A good start would be Saudi Arabia?

What about the funding that starts locally?

Well, there's speculation that ISIS is being funded by the US government too which opens up a big can of worms doesn't it?

Why sure it is bunky. It's part of the plan to wipe-out Europe. You see, if we give up Europe to Sharia law, they'll leave us alone.

Yeah until the next round. It's going to get worse before the rest of the world either says "enough " or they all submit and become apart of the cult of the pedophile prophet

Edited by Mystified
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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

Well, let's see; funding huh. Well, you'd have to get him to Nice and have a credit card or cash in the tune of what $200-300/day for a large truck?

Not much funding required my man and not much planning either. That's why it was so easy.

Yes, well thanx for ur input, thanks for stating the obvious. ;) Edited by neverdie
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The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs? What is going to be done about that. Time to wind up their business.

Well, let's see; funding huh. Well, you'd have to get him to Nice and have a credit card or cash in the tune of what $200-300/day for a large truck?

Not much funding required my man and not much planning either. That's why it was so easy.

Yes, well thanx for ur input, thanks for stating the obvious. wink.png

Well it appears it was not so obvious to you and those who liked your ill-informed statement, "The biggest question that needs to be answered is, who's funding these grubs?".

What is obvious is that funding is not a major issue for these sorts of terrorist acts. They can be done on a shoestring budget and it does not take the powerful to play the game.

I submit, the biggest question is how do we stop them?

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These gang rapist, serial killing, larcenous thugs wake up in the morning, and their sole desire is to make mankind as miserable and as unfulfilled as they are. How is that for an agenda, and a way to start your morning?

72 virgins? Who on earth would want that? What a bunch of fools. I prefer my women experienced!

There are some acts a man commits, that by the very commission of the act, he self revokes his right to breathe oxygen. That applies to every member of this misfit bunch of misguided, ignorant, non believing (they only believe in a ridiculous doctrine, not spirit, nor God) villainous, dispirited, ugly, racist, dogmatic, indoctrinated, hypnotized, stupid, heinous, vile, black hearted, small minded, murdering fools.

Edited by spidermike007
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These gang rapist, serial killing, larcenous thugs wake up in the morning, and their sole desire is to make mankind as miserable and as unfulfilled as they are. How is that for an agenda, and a way to start your morning?

72 virgins? Who on earth would want that? What a bunch of fools. I prefer my women experienced!

There are some acts a man commits, that by the very commission of the act, he self revokes his right to breathe oxygen. That applies to every member of this misfit bunch of misguided, ignorant, non believing (they only believe in a ridiculous doctrine, not spirit, nor God) villainous, dispirited, ugly, racist, dogmatic, indoctrinated, hypnotized, stupid, heinous, vile, black hearted, small minded, murdering fools.

They must have redeeming qualitiescheesy.gif

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This kind of attitude serves no useful purpose. There are 2 ways you can react to this kind of situation. One is emotional, the second is logical. History shows that the way to deal with rebellions, when there are genuine grievances, is to hit the perpetrators hard, and address the grievances. It's really a poverty issue. There is no doubt the North Africans in France are second class citizens. They need to address this problem, and at the same time get their security act together.

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These gang rapist, serial killing, larcenous thugs wake up in the morning, and their sole desire is to make mankind as miserable and as unfulfilled as they are. How is that for an agenda, and a way to start your morning?

72 virgins? Who on earth would want that? What a bunch of fools. I prefer my women experienced!

There are some acts a man commits, that by the very commission of the act, he self revokes his right to breathe oxygen. That applies to every member of this misfit bunch of misguided, ignorant, non believing (they only believe in a ridiculous doctrine, not spirit, nor God) villainous, dispirited, ugly, racist, dogmatic, indoctrinated, hypnotized, stupid, heinous, vile, black hearted, small minded, murdering fools.

They must have redeeming qualitiescheesy.gif

You are funny. And I am sure you said that in a joking manner. Sorry if I am a little sensitive about this subject. I really hate mass murderers. Call me sensitive.

Perhaps their mothers think they have some redeeming qualities. How do you think the 13 year old girls, that they kidnapped from a neighboring village, kept as sex slaves, then sold onto the open market for $100 each, feel about them? How would our daughters feel, given the same circumstances? Or, is that too close to home?

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