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Buddhism promotion week kicks off nationwide


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Buddhism promotion week kicked off nationwide


BANGKOK, 18 July 2016 (NNT) - Thailand’s Buddhism promotion week has begun ahead of the Asanha Bucha Day and the Buddhist Lent.

The Office of National Buddhism has initiated the Buddhism promotion week to commemorate the 2016 Asanha Bucha Day, which will take place on July 19.

The program kicked off at Buddha Monthon in Nakhon Pathom Province and was joined by Buddhists in Thailand.

Several activities to celebrate Buddhism have been offered at the event, including the practices in Buddhism, the making of the candles for the Buddhist Lent and the candle-lit circumambulation ceremony.

Asanha Bucha Day falls on the first full moon of the eighth lunar month and commemorates the Buddha's first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares, India and the founding of the Buddhist Sangha or monkhood, about 2,500 years ago.

The day also marks the beginning of Vassa or the Buddhist lent period also known as the 'Rains Retreat'.

-- NNT 2016-07-18 footer_n.gif

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Ah, promoting Buddhism, Thai style, acceptance of corruption, adultery, criminal activity oh and harbouring of criminals from justice. It really is something to be proud of and to promote... my apologees to all honest Budhists.

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Thailand’s Buddhism promotion week

Slogan 1: Kill a Tiger and Win the Lottery!

Slogan 2: Launder Stolen Money and Hide in a UFO!

Slogan 3: Become a Monk and get Food for Free, and Ray Ban Glasses, and a LV bag, and a Vintage Car!

Edited by klauskunkel
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Monk came to gate this morning dogs barked and wife ignored him!

Its my fault really he came yesterday and i said do you like cold rice pudding?

he said Yes

so i told him its still hot ,come back tomorrowcheesy.gif

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I fail to see how Thailand can kick off a promotion for Buddhism when the overwhelming majority of Thai's practice anything other than Buddhism. Maybe they should start at home before trying to teach the world.

Edited by gandalf12
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commemorates the Buddha's first sermon in the Deer Park in Benares, India.

This is when he talked about the Four Noble Truths, among other things that craving and clinging can be confined (the dukkha)


With the frequent stories of Thai monks' behavior, maybe they should start by actually living and understanding this themselves before they promote their way of Buddhism.

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Good show. Certainly beats the religions - Christianity, Judaism, and then there's Islam! Stroll on. Easy to mock I know, but the sooner people go for Buddhism in favour of the above tripe, the better.

How about follow no religion, and be atheists.

Use science, rationale and logic to apply common sense in everyday life.

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Good show. Certainly beats the religions - Christianity, Judaism, and then there's Islam! Stroll on. Easy to mock I know, but the sooner people go for Buddhism in favour of the above tripe, the better.

Mature, educated, critical individuals(!), making a choice of their own, might decide not to go for any of that 'tripe'(sic)... When they would feel a personal(!) need to though, it should not be because of a 'promotion (week)' of any kind, as what has one's spiritual life to do with this kind of a washing powder sale?

Try to convince your wife from buying Persil(f.i.) instead of the Dash(f.i.) she's using for years, it will take more than a 'good show' to make her...

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a great start would be for them to hand over all the corrupt monks so justice can be seen to be done, until such time buddhism stops all the corrupt practice and no longer allows their leaders to hide behind their religion to avoid jail it is totally meaning less and most thais dont follow its teachings anyway, its a total farce. Buddhists are a joke in this country, there are so many corrupt monks it isnt funny, drinking, drugs, women, material possessions etc, its become a way to get rich without having to obey the laws and their so called followers think they can buy their way into the good books rather than by religious teaching being followed

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