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UK will not abandon EU friends, says Boris Johnson


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Even intelligent people seem to assume that trade with Europe will cease. It won't.

At worst it will be subject to tariffs and access may be more difficult. The biggest factor may be panic and negative sentiment creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

The biggest problem is letting go of the bird in one hand in the hope of catching two birds you believe are in the bush, but can't see and have no idea or plan on how to catch them if you could.

In the face of these difficulties, blame the very people who warned against the ilasvised course of actuon you chose to take.

Brexit was the decision of Brexit supportes - own it!

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Even intelligent people seem to assume that trade with Europe will cease. It won't.

At worst it will be subject to tariffs and access may be more difficult. The biggest factor may be panic and negative sentiment creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

The biggest problem is letting go of the bird in one hand in the hope of catching two birds you believe are in the bush, but can't see and have no idea or plan on how to catch them if you could.

In the face of these difficulties, blame the very people who warned against the ilasvised course of actuon you chose to take.

Brexit was the decision of Brexit supportes - own it!

Poor metaphor.

Leaving EU does not mean trade with Europe will cease.

UK already trades with rest of world, and is clearly planning the revamp already.

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20% of UK exports come/came from London as international market place.

The international staff already starts to be removed outside (Francfort, Paris, Dublin)

Scotland wants the oil in cooperation with Norway.

Cuckoo birds as originally african species emigrate back home. (They understand the Brexit)

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Even intelligent people seem to assume that trade with Europe will cease. It won't.

At worst it will be subject to tariffs and access may be more difficult. The biggest factor may be panic and negative sentiment creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

The biggest problem is letting go of the bird in one hand in the hope of catching two birds you believe are in the bush, but can't see and have no idea or plan on how to catch them if you could.

In the face of these difficulties, blame the very people who warned against the ilasvised course of actuon you chose to take.

Brexit was the decision of Brexit supportes - own it!

Duly owned - and Lovin; It.

The Remoaners will also have to suck it up as democracy applies to the whole country.

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20% of UK exports come/came from London as international market place.

The international staff already starts to be removed outside (Francfort, Paris, Dublin)

Scotland wants the oil in cooperation with Norway.

Cuckoo birds as originally african species emigrate back home. (They understand the Brexit)

Before you get too excited about the financial business moving from London, think about the effects upon it of the proposed European Union Financial Transaction Tax, (a.k.a. The Tobin Tax) a decision on which is due I believe in September.

This is designed to raise revenue directly for the coffers of the EU commission, rather than the member states. It will effectively give the putative EU state direct tax raising powers. Does anyone think that they will be able to resist the lure of all that cash? Of course they won't.

Nor would I suggest would the individual states in many cases be able to resist the temptation to take a cut! I certainly can't imagine the French Italian or Spaniah governments resisting the cash or the opportunity to "regulate"

Only a fool would move any sort of financial business to the "basket case" Euro economies around the Mediterranean., economies which many consider will eventually destroy the Euro anyway.

I'm sure that some business activity will move into Mainland Europe, but I doubt that it is anything like the amount which is imagined by those of you licking your lips at the thought of The City of London becoming a Dickensian wasteland, and dare I say in that process rather reinforcing the opinions (you would call them prejudices) which led many of us to conclude that The UK would in the end be better off cutting free from the EU.

Edited by JAG
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Even intelligent people seem to assume that trade with Europe will cease. It won't.

At worst it will be subject to tariffs and access may be more difficult. The biggest factor may be panic and negative sentiment creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

The biggest problem is letting go of the bird in one hand in the hope of catching two birds you believe are in the bush, but can't see and have no idea or plan on how to catch them if you could.

In the face of these difficulties, blame the very people who warned against the ilasvised course of actuon you chose to take.

Brexit was the decision of Brexit supportes - own it!

Oh, we'll own our brexit decision alright, as well as our country. And a short few years down the line there will be no looking back. And we'll still own our country. Unlike Germany ( ;) ), which will still be more than smarting from the failure of it's third and most cunning plan to get control of Europe.

Edited by Khun Han
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20% of UK exports come/came from London as international market place.

The international staff already starts to be removed outside (Francfort, Paris, Dublin)

Scotland wants the oil in cooperation with Norway.

Cuckoo birds as originally african species emigrate back home. (They understand the Brexit)

Rubbish. UK will still retain most Euro trade and is reorientating itself to global trade.

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