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Thailand 2015 - The Most Dangerous Country in the World


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Well after 23 years I have seen 1 fight 3 Thais and one attempted necklace snatch, where I lived in the UK I saw far far more violence and crime

You have only seen 1 fight here in 23 years?!?!?!

When I lived in Pattaya, I could see more than that in a single weekend.

Remind me never to go on a night out with you. I don't think I've ever seen a proper fight here. Somebody I know was apparently in the process of being beaten up when an off-duty policeman intervened. Somehow, I doubt that it was a random attack.

safe ? look at the south of thailand, everyday a teacher, army boy, innocent bystander is killed by the religion of peace

Simple, don't go there or if you live there move somewhere else.

As I understand it, some people in the far southern provinces want to become independent.


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I dont think that Thailand is the most dangerous place in the world.However i do think it is dangerous.

Firstly,i think it is dangerous for the uninitiated,first timers and the naive.

I think it is more dangerous in the holiday/coastal resorts,because that is where the above mentioned flock to.

More tourists in holiday/coastal resorts,more the gathering of thieves,scammers and would be violent people that would harm or assault to get what they want.

More robberies and assaults by men dressed as women.

More so called suicides,that we know cannot all be true.

more access to alcohol and drugs by under aged male tourists who visit for the first time.

More access to easy women who have hidden agenda's when having access to the above.

The carrying of guns or knives by the Thai locals,who in a fit of rage think nothing of pulling the trigger or stabbing.

The access to guns by the locals.

The weakness of punishments meted out on the perpetrators of such crimes,allowing them to re offend with no fear of serious jail time.

These areas,i would say are the most dangerous,because of the newbie tourists and the expats who are nothing but piss heads and bar stool lawyers.

Violence is world wise,i know,but here it is more the norm.

No! i do not think that Thailand is the most dangerous place in the world, but some of the places in Thailand are the most dangerous.

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If a British person is dying every day in Thailand it would be roughly 365 people per year

Almost 1,000,000 British people are visiting Thailand every year, so roughly again it would be 365 death for 1,000,000 visiting the country.

X by 65 for the 65,000,000 UK population it would be 23,725 death, in 2014 the UK death was about 1400 per day .

Number of death in England and Wales in 2013 506,790.

Of course I do not want to prove anything with any of those figures only to underline one could say everything and its contrary with any figures at all! I have read a book maybe 20 years ago "How to lie scientifically?" The author managed to prove and convinced the reader of two opposite conclusions with the same figures, every single pages never I forgot it. smile.png

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I can't think of many major towns or cities in the UK I would walk alone after midnight, you walk around Pattaya Beach area for one your asking for trouble, its global not just Pattaya.

I read the book, Thailand the Worlds most Deadliest Destination, well I didn't finish it, the author was paranoid about Thailand, all he did was slag it off, good and bad everywhere.

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My French is less than good so I can't do much with your link.

Thailand 2015 - The Most Dangerous Country in the World? No, nonsense.

just crazy :? Yes, somewhat.

Where there are disproportionately many old people, people with health issues, pensioners (untypical age structure) there will be a higher death rate, don't you think so?

The expat population does not represent a typical home country population.

Thailand is NOT, repeat NOT, more dangerous than other western countries. Have you all not read international newspapers, or listened to international news, recently? Have you all heard about the carnage in the USA, in France, the recent attack on a train in Germany, the daily killings in Israel, let alone such countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt and Tunisia? What are you talking about? I would say Thailand is one of the safest holiday places in the world , compared to others , including Turkey.

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I think it is very dangerous here. I have been rolled by over 1,000 hookers in the thirty years I have lived here. What really irks me is it probably is going to happen again tonight.

You must be very proud of that achievement

Well after 23 years I have seen 1 fight 3 Thais and one attempted necklace snatch, where I lived in the UK I saw far far more violence and crime

It's true. Recently went back and couldn't walk 20 meters in London without looking around. Felt like things could go down anytime.

You must be very timid and easily frightened

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Most Westerners living here don't consider Thailand to be dangerous

In my experience, the only ones that do are those who genuinely believe the Thais are "out to get them" in pretty much every aspect of their life here

Frankly, they're so insufferably boring, I kinda wish the Thais would "get them'

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Not a chance, that is utter rubbish. All countries are dangerous if you are drunk and alone in a quiet place, flash a lot of expensive jewellery, start bragging that you a are a millionaire when you are really the tea boy in a company or being aggressive. In any country like that you will have problems. Suicides yes there are quite a few possibly because some people believe the hype and when they arrive they soon find it was just talk.

If you really want dangerous places try Venezuela or Port Moresby in PNG they are truly dangerous. Venezuela had had over 100,000 murders in a single year. I don't think Thailand would come close to that if you accrued the last 10 years

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A lot of Brits, and other nationalities, staying in or visiting Thailand on longer term, are elderly people, thus more exposed to dying. The number of expat's and visitor's death in Thailand, are probably not higher than in many other areas of the World, or the expat's home countries; i.e. some have a better life here and will survive longer; some lives a harder – or more fun – life here and die "younger"...wink.png

As for Thailand being dangerous in general, I think it depend of your lifestyle and what kind of places you seek – i.e. driving motorbike, eventually without helmet and without motorbike experience from home, you are indeed exposed to accident in the second or the third most dangerous traffic in the World; mingling with the "wrong kind of folks", or get mixed-up in with drug business or money laundry, like some folk with motorbike experience from their home country does, also may expose you for a "young" death; and some just cannot stand the local harder physical efforts than in their home country, motorbike experienced or not, in combination with age, alcohol, blue pills and sandwich – the list can go on. In percentage relation, how many people die in the home country vs. Thailand, in number compared to number of long terms visitors; taking age and health factors into consideration..?

As for my personal sense of security feeling, I'm feeling more safe here in Thailand, than in my Scandinavian home country, never afraid to walk alone at night – and I do seek amusement and fun – I managed to survive almost 15 senior-years in these extremely dangerous environments; however, I have no homeland motorbike experience, and do not try to get it here, either...biggrin.png

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I think it is very dangerous here. I have been rolled by over 1,000 hookers in the thirty years I have lived here. What really irks me is it probably is going to happen again tonight.

You must be very proud of that achievement

Well after 23 years I have seen 1 fight 3 Thais and one attempted necklace snatch, where I lived in the UK I saw far far more violence and crime

It's true. Recently went back and couldn't walk 20 meters in London without looking around. Felt like things could go down anytime.

You must be very timid and easily frightened

Yeah tough guy, I must be.

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I sometimes wonder when I read statements like this. When I first came to Thailand I couldn't believe how people felt secure leaving their helmets hanging on their motorbikes, bar and other businesses leaving their furniture out at night, stalls when closing up for the day in shopping malls simply wrapped plastic around them, lots of valuable stuff left out in the back of trucks. I won't even get started on the violence in the West.

Back home, they would rob the eye out of your head....and come back later for the eyelashes.

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More dangerous than Syria & Iraq? Not hardly. Also, Thailand is much safer than Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia and many African countries. BTW, many of the foreigner deaths in Thailand are suicides.

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You have to keep things in context and perspective. Remember a lot of ex-pats are old.

Many like the bottle a little too much, and many have health issues. As for younger

travelers/tourists many leave common sense at home when they get on a plane to

Thailand. They leave a nanny state with regulations and safety practices and arrive

at a third world country where safety is up to you. Look when crossing the street

to make sure the way is clear. Don't assume the traffic will stop for you like

in your home country. Staggering down the street at 3 am drunk and belligerent would

put you in danger in New York, Chicago, LA, London, Paris. In short just about

everywhere. Why would it be any different here. They funny thing is people don't

generally do it in there home countries but in Thailand on vacation it is common tourist

practice. Tourists who do not have motorcycle licences or experience on scooters,

renting because the rental companies will rent to you. The roads are genuinely

dangerous in Thailand. That said, show a little common sense and some caution

and you will have no issues. thumbsup.gif

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Well I don't think it is as dangerous as countries like USA, UK where hundreds of people get shots everyday and thousands die every year. Just see the latest news in USA police are killing blacks and others killing police. Same type of crime rate in UK.

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Well after 23 years I have seen 1 fight 3 Thais and one attempted necklace snatch, where I lived in the UK I saw far far more violence and crime

You have only seen 1 fight here in 23 years?!?!?!

When I lived in Pattaya, I could see more than that in a single weekend.

Sorry to say, but Pattaya is not Thailand.

If you live somewhere in the countryside or even little bit outside a bigger city (not Pattaya or Phuket) then I think it is very reasonabal that you only see little bit fighting. In about 5 years bangkok i never saw a fight. So my personal opinion is: Pattaya sin city.... so the name have to come from something :)

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Well I don't think it is as dangerous as countries like USA, UK where hundreds of people get shots everyday and thousands die every year. Just see the latest news in USA police are killing blacks and others killing police. Same type of crime rate in UK.

Firstly cops in America are shotting criminals be they white/yellow/brown or black so sensational coments are really helping

Secondly I have seen no reports of any shottings have you got some links please.

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traffic death is most dangerous here about 20 -30 ppl per 100000 inhabitants ayear as europe is 4-5 alrough lagos nigeria or some south american places more high but everyday life pretty safe .thais are buddhist that most of time have a peacefull outlook on life ..christians or muslims ( capitalist mental u must make it or u go to hell basic life concept ) muc h more violent and aggressive if poor see catholic countrys like italy philipines or any south americas stealing robbery bourglary street violence soccer violance the usual lifestyle all these in thailand very rare..

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In a couple words F****k No .................. if you even gave this piece of crap news a one second consideration, you haven't been anywhere. I have lived in countries far worse than Thailand.

LOS doesn't even make the top twenty on my list. coffee1.gif

Edited by TunnelRat69
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Pop over to Caracas , Venezuela for a week, you will love getting back to the safety of Thailand.

Correct answer!!! Currently, I'm traveling in Colombia and Ecuador, NOT Venezuela! No way Jose. The people there work two days a week; no power, electricity, the rest of the week they line up for hours to obtain water, toilet paper, and a little food. Right now Venezuela IS the most violent place in the world. A lot of youth committing crimes in the streets. I've read reports that Americans landing in Caracas have been mugged in the Airport, before even hitting the streets. The average laborer works "all day" for $1(USD).

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Its very dangerous here.

Just last night, I had 17 beers then drove my unlicensed motorbike home, with a hooker on the back.

That would never happen back home were its safe.

What, no ladyboy? I've done the same thing. A girl, ladyboy, and I on a motorbike with no helmets, flipflops on, each of us holding a big Singha. Midnight. We go to Spicy's(CM) carrying our open, big beers into the bar. "No ladyboys allowed," we were told. No problem. Upon escorting us out onto the street, they gave us back our unfinished beers! You got to love Thailand. P.S. Don't ask what the seating arrangement or sleeping arrangements were. 555

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The biggest danger for retired Brits is that to come to Thailand with advanced pulmonary disease and or any combination of health related disorders coupled with a moderate income in the hope of living like a Lord is that they will also increase the possibility of death due to many factors. Probably the least of them is from deliberate violent acts unless you factor in B&D. blink.png

If 1 Brit a day dies in Thailand is there any distinction given as to the causes? Or is such claimed stats intended to say " keep your costly credit pension at home ! We need the VAT !". cheesy.gif

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