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Noel Thomas - Farewell Old Friend.


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My condolences to his family and fellow his friends. I wish that I've known him earlier as I never had a chance to read his postings. But seeing so many posters sending their condolences I believe he is good guy.

As the OP mentioned, why it always happen to the good ones? I always think that this departing is only temporary. One day, we all will meet again in some place but in another time.

RIP Noel. :o

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Sad when these things happen, but we all have to face the abyss one day. One is defined by the manner in which one squares up to it.

The amount of glorious karma won by getting a warning from his 'last post' will probably see him reincarnated as a Moderator in his next terrestrial visit.

Good idea about forum for deceaseds, as of course people just fade away unannounced. Any news about dear old Syd Barrett who was poorly with liver trouble?

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I feel privileged to have met Noel Thomas on a couple of occasions. Before that we had a few heated exchanges on his message board, the Bahtbus.com. It was hard to do battle with his sharp mind and often-sardonic wit. When I met him in person he turned out to be a scholar and a gentleman, nothing at all like his alter ego, Sweeney Todd, the demon barber.

Noel has to be commended for his tireless work for the HIV-infected kids at the Camillian Centre in Rayong, run by Father Contarin. I think Father Contarin’s efforts to get Noel interested in religion were in vain. Noel always professed to be an atheist, but at times sounded more like an agnostic. I hope there will be a place for him where he can be rewarded for some of the good work he did.

I also hope the Bahtbus.com, a message board created by Noel with the help of Donkeykong, Johnny Walker and a few others, with then aim to raise funds for the Camillian Centre, will continue to exist.


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didnt quite get to know him, nor come across his posts much, but very clearly a man dedicated to doing good and making life better for the less fortunate as well. with best wishes to his family and friends.

kind regards.

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A few words about Noel:

There are some people that we come into contact with in this life, and not necessarily for too prolong a period, who somehow manage to leave an indelible memory to savour and cherish for many years to come, perhaps for the remainder of our lives. Noel has been one such person in my own life. In many ways and on many different levels Noel was a mentor which is very apt because we do always have a lasting memory of such individuals; it’s inculcated in the very relationship we enjoy with them. Their invaluableness to us, is, I guess additional to the loss of friendship we have shared with them, in a sense it describes the depth, ease and genuiness of such a relationship.

Noel's girlfriend Wan, and a few of those close to Noel will be accompanying him back to Pattaya on Thursday morning where he will be transported directly to the Wat Bunkanchanaram in South Pattaya. (See below for directions to the Wat). The ceremony is scheduled for Saturday afternoon thus giving three days whereby anyone that wishes to can pay their respects prior to the cremation in the afternoon. The ceremony will start at 1500 hours and is expected to last about one hour.

Thereafter everyone is invited to the Caddy Shack Inn, where the owner Keith has most generously offered to provide a free buffet. The Caddy Shack is located opposite the Harley Bar at Suksabai Villa, Soi 17, South Pattaya.

It is a testament to Noel and the friendships he made that so many people have come together to help with the various aspects of the funeral arrangements. You know who you all are, notwithstanding the many kind messages of condolences and examples of Noel helping others in their time of need that have been illustrated in the foregoing posts.

As ‘marshbags’ pointed out regarding Wan and Noel's immediate family they have been provided for by Noel. True to form Noel covered all his bases before his operation so should the worst case happen; he has made it as straight forward as can be for those that have been charged with settling his estate.

I spoke to him two hours before surgery and he still managed to put a smile on my face as he did with the Surgeon when he was being wheeled into the Operating Theatre.

Noel was unmistakably a happy soul, confidant, fun loving and selfless by nature to the very end. I am quite sure that is how he would have wanted to be remembered.

RIP my friend.

Directions to the Temple: If you are traveling south on Sukhumvit Road in the direction of Rayong drive straight on through the traffic lights at the junction of Thepprasit Road where there is the Lotus Superstore on the right-hand side. Continue to the next set of traffic lights (you will have passed a Ford Dealership and a Caltex Garage) then turn right at this set of traffic lights. This is Soi Watboon. You will be able to see the Temple on the corner of the Soi as it is rather large and the entrance is approximately 50 meters down Soi Watboon on the left-hand side.

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I have been reading this thread for a few days. My first thought, was that as I did not know Noel, it might be improper or contrived to post a message.

Bereavement is such a unique and private feeling, for both friends and family.

Reading the tributes, it has become clear that Noel was a good man, humorous and brave, particularly when diagnosed with life-threatening cancer.

But, for me; I was most admiring of his devotion to charitable causes, which have been detailed by his friends in previous posts. I felt a twinge of guilt, because I do very little for good causes, especially since I have so much time on my hands.

So, for people such as myself, it is a wake-up call, to do more and give more to people less fortunate than myself, either by donating time and effort, or by other charitable means.

Rest in peace, Noel.

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Hi, I am Noel's sister Mair, and may I say how moved I am with all your messages of condolence to me and my family.

It is a joy to hear how much Noel was thought of and how hard he worked for something he believed in.

Unfortunately I did not know that Noel was ill, Mum said that he wanted to tell me himself, but obviously he could not bring himself to do this. We were very close and had no secrets - or so I thought! Again it just proves what sort of person he was by not wanting to worry me.

Noel's death has knocked me for six and at the moment I don't know if I am coming or going! He was my mentor growing up and my best friend and I loved him to bits and always will. He was a typical brother and I am amazed that I survived my childhood with all the things that he did to me!! But I have very many happy memories and they are keeping me going!

I have printed all your messages to show my mother and I am sure they will bring some comfort to her.

Once again thankyou to you all.

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For those that may be attending Noel's ceremony tomorrow and wish to attend the Thai part of the service; this will commence at 1200 hours.

It will last approximately two hours and then Father Giovanni Contarin will conduct the Christian Service. I know it is unfortunately rather late timing but the Monks are rather insistent that they would prefer not to be waiting around another hour before the Christian service commences.

On the surface this seems to me to be totally unacceptable given that they are resident in the Temple grounds! Though I am sure Noel can see the irony as he was never fond of waiting around.

As a result it has been agreed that 1430 hours would be a compromise to get things underway, though if this message is not read by those that have suggested they may wish to attend then rather strong protestations will be made and I am quite sure that the service will begin at 1500 hours. They are being paid after all!

In any event I am quite sure that Noel will not mind as he is well supplied with food and a few cans of Heineken as befitting the Thai tradition to leave food and beverages next to the coffin.

This seems a most unusual and most unceremonious gesture which has just been imparted to me. I would be interested on anyone's views as to the foregoing; or is this just another case of ‘TIT’.

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Hi Chopper.

This indeed being Thailand, it is unlikely that things will really get under way at 2.30 even if that is the new commencement time.

I wouldn't worry too much, I'm sure most people will be there ahead of time anyway, and it'll all work out just fine.

As you say, Noel will certainly see the humerous side of all this.

Take it easy mate, and hope to see you tomorrow.


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A joint Buddhist/Thai ceremony for Noel Thomas was held yesterday, Saturday 25 November at Wat Boonkanchanaram, on the corner of Sukhumvit Road/ Soi Watboom in South Pattaya, starting at 2.30 PM.

Many of his friends from the Farang community and his extended Thai family attended the funeral, celebrating Noel’s life. Father Contarin held the Christian service and gave a very good account of Noel’s life. So did one of Noel’s life-long friends, who had flown in from England at short notice, together with Noel’s brother, representing the family.

Chopper, who played a very big part in helping with just about everything, that had to be done under difficult circumstances, gave a very good eulogy also.

Some of the light-hearted remarks by the speakers reminded us of the larrikin in Noel and his easy-going nature. More emphasis was put on what the man was really about, his strong sense of justice and his never-ending efforts to help people in need.

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What a great shock this has been, a tremendous loss to the community.

The efforts and selfless work that Noel put in will ever remain he's legacy.

I consider that a yearly charity should be named in he's honour, not because he would have wanted the attention but it provides a tangable way for Noel to be remembered and for he's work to be continued.

RIP Noel.

ps. Now I am at a loss as to who will correct my spelling and poor grammar! :o

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A joint Buddhist/Thai ceremony for Noel Thomas was held yesterday, Saturday 25 November at Wat Boonkanchanaram, on the corner of Sukhumvit Road/ Soi Watboom in South Pattaya, starting at 2.30 PM.

Many of his friends from the Farang community and his extended Thai family attended the funeral, celebrating Noel’s life. Father Contarin held the Christian service and gave a very good account of Noel’s life. So did one of Noel’s life-long friends, who had flown in from England at short notice, together with Noel’s brother, representing the family.

Chopper, who played a very big part in helping with just about everything, that had to be done under difficult circumstances, gave a very good eulogy also.

Some of the light-hearted remarks by the speakers reminded us of the larrikin in Noel and his easy-going nature. More emphasis was put on what the man was really about, his strong sense of justice and his never-ending efforts to help people in need.

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A joint Buddhist/Thai ceremony for Noel Thomas was held yesterday, Saturday 25 November at Wat Boonkanchanaram, on the corner of Sukhumvit Road/ Soi Watboom in South Pattaya, starting at 2.30 PM.

Many of his friends from the Farang community and his extended Thai family attended the funeral, celebrating Noel’s life. Father Contarin held the Christian service and gave a very good account of Noel’s life. So did one of Noel’s life-long friends, who had flown in from England at short notice, together with Noel’s brother, representing the family.

Chopper, who played a very big part in helping with just about everything, that had to be done under difficult circumstances, gave a very good eulogy also.

Some of the light-hearted remarks by the speakers reminded us of the larrikin in Noel and his easy-going nature. More emphasis was put on what the man was really about, his strong sense of justice and his never-ending efforts to help people in need.

I am so glad to hear that everything went well, I myself was not able to be there but my brother Wyn and Noels most treasured friend and his wife were.

Thankyou all for attending. :o


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You're Noel's sister, so , ultimately, are privileged to be related.

Your brother was such an intelligent man and I would just hope that an iota of this would rub off on the populace in general, but, sadly, they lack the insight and the ability.

May Noel live on!

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