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On their convention's eve, Democrats bedeviled anew by email


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Nihilist crapola about third parties. If for nothing else than supreme court picks Clinton is the only choice for antifascists.

You just merely dismiss democratic choices as "nihilist crapola"? A true believer in democracy wouldn't make such remarks.

Stop buying into the system or it will continue to just get worse and worse.

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No expert has yet to appear on TV and give any facts, about Russia or Trump. Any connection to Trump is beyond BS. Putin hates Clinton and Obama. That occurred well before this campaign started. The destabilization of the Ukraine, its regime change and add in the sanctions that are hurting Russians badly and Putin and his cronies personally. Plenty of reasons for Putin to show his power and be a part of regime change in America. Putin couldn't care less who is in contention for the Presidency as long as it is not the Demos, that have went way beyond pissing him off. Putin could well be showing the world his power, if the Russians are indeed the hackers.

What is scary is all these Demos and their lack of discipline in protecting any secrets, including those in DOS, which we may well see in the coming weeks.

Both the IG of DOS and the FBI director both spoke of the lack of leadership and absence of seriousness in the DOS email abortion. Clinton and her close pals at the DNC continue to be a rabble of a mess that can't govern themselves let alone the USA. On top of all that, the FBI warned the dumb butts last November that they may be getting hacked. Idiots, Hillary and her lot.

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For all the right-wingers calling foul here, this is an amazing piece of video. 2 mins, longer ones available on youtube. Here a computer programmer swearing under oath that he was employed by Rep Congressman Tom Feeny in Florida to write a program to rig the election. The programmer said it would rig the election 51% in anybodies favour. The only way to see the program is via source code or physically counting all the papers. WOW! Now remind me again who won the presidency around then by only a few votes with Florida as the deciding state?

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Nihilist crapola about third parties. If for nothing else than supreme court picks Clinton is the only choice for antifascists.

Fascists are the people who disrupt opposition rallies, force the speakers to flee, then intimidate, threaten and assault people who came to listen to the opposition speaker.

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For all the right-wingers calling foul here, this is an amazing piece of video. 2 mins, longer ones available on youtube. Here a computer programmer swearing under oath that he was employed by Rep Congressman Tom Feeny in Florida to write a program to rig the election. The programmer said it would rig the election 51% in anybodies favour. The only way to see the program is via source code or physically counting all the papers. WOW! Now remind me again who won the presidency around then by only a few votes with Florida as the deciding state?

I'll just remind you that winning Florida by about 600 votes...that were actually hand-counted several times, goes against your entire post.

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Nihilist crapola about third parties. If for nothing else than supreme court picks Clinton is the only choice for antifascists.

Fascists are the people who disrupt opposition rallies, force the speakers to flee, then intimidate, threaten and assault people who came to listen to the opposition speaker.

Like the creeps disrupting Trump rallies.

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For all the right-wingers calling foul here, this is an amazing piece of video. 2 mins, longer ones available on youtube. Here a computer programmer swearing under oath that he was employed by Rep Congressman Tom Feeny in Florida to write a program to rig the election. The programmer said it would rig the election 51% in anybodies favour. The only way to see the program is via source code or physically counting all the papers. WOW! Now remind me again who won the presidency around then by only a few votes with Florida as the deciding state?

I'll just remind you that winning Florida by about 600 votes...that were actually hand-counted several times, goes against your entire post.

What were hand counted? The 600 votes? Imagine the entire country with over 300 million people comes down to 600 votes :D nothing suspicious at all. I think you get the point that someone swearing on oath in front of a legal body claims what he claims. Did we send this computer program to Iraq when we tried to instil our western system of Democracy on them?

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Nihilist crapola about third parties. If for nothing else than supreme court picks Clinton is the only choice for antifascists.

You just merely dismiss democratic choices as "nihilist crapola"? A true believer in democracy wouldn't make such remarks.

Stop buying into the system or it will continue to just get worse and worse.

You don't get it.

trump winning is worse. Much worse.

Not supporting Clinton gets trump.

If you actually believe the winner is going to be anyone but trump or Clinton, then we are from different planets, so never mind.

Trump, His Virus and the Dark Age of Unreason

He's the latest in a long line of American demagogues but has come closest to the White House. That makes him the most dangerous of them all.


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For all the right-wingers calling foul here, this is an amazing piece of video. 2 mins, longer ones available on youtube. Here a computer programmer swearing under oath that he was employed by Rep Congressman Tom Feeny in Florida to write a program to rig the election. The programmer said it would rig the election 51% in anybodies favour. The only way to see the program is via source code or physically counting all the papers. WOW! Now remind me again who won the presidency around then by only a few votes with Florida as the deciding state?

I'll just remind you that winning Florida by about 600 votes...that were actually hand-counted several times, goes against your entire post.

What were hand counted? The 600 votes? Imagine the entire country with over 300 million people comes down to 600 votes biggrin.png nothing suspicious at all. I think you get the point that someone swearing on oath in front of a legal body claims what he claims. Did we send this computer program to Iraq when we tried to instil our western system of Democracy on them?

I am more than happy to help you with your electronic vote manipulation theory. smile.png

Pointing to Bush in 2000 is not the best example. Days were spent hand counting hundreds of thousands of votes (Google "hanging chads")..and the technology to manipulate votes as you suggest wasn't yet available.

"The programmer said it would rig the election 51% in anybodies favour. "

You need to look at 2012. Obama won re-election with such horrible economic numbers - economy tanking after 4 years, unemployment at a modern record high - and foreign policy exploding in the Middle East of which Benghazi was only a part of...and yet he won by 51.1%. Now THAT is suspicious. There are videos out there showing the machines changing the votes one way or another, but I think you are talking about something more sophisticated than that.

Edited by mopar71
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Back on topic.

Here's an excellent summary of the (so far) leaked DNC e-mails: Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump

  • DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
  • DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
  • Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.
  • Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
  • ...

The list goes on and on.

I think the rotten DNC is the perfect environment for people like Mrs. Clinton. I'm always deeply impressed about the steadfast loyalty of her supporters - I think this loyalty and respect must be mutual between them. Amazing, just amazing!

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No expert has yet to appear on TV and give any facts, about Russia or Trump. Any connection to Trump is beyond BS. Putin hates Clinton and Obama. That occurred well before this campaign started. The destabilization of the Ukraine, its regime change and add in the sanctions that are hurting Russians badly and Putin and his cronies personally. Plenty of reasons for Putin to show his power and be a part of regime change in America. Putin couldn't care less who is in contention for the Presidency as long as it is not the Demos, that have went way beyond pissing him off. Putin could well be showing the world his power, if the Russians are indeed the hackers.

What is scary is all these Demos and their lack of discipline in protecting any secrets, including those in DOS, which we may well see in the coming weeks.

Both the IG of DOS and the FBI director both spoke of the lack of leadership and absence of seriousness in the DOS email abortion. Clinton and her close pals at the DNC continue to be a rabble of a mess that can't govern themselves let alone the USA. On top of all that, the FBI warned the dumb butts last November that they may be getting hacked. Idiots, Hillary and her lot.

“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication.

In 2013, Trump found a new Russian partner for a Moscow real estate project, Aras Agalarov, an Azeri-born real estate developer who is sometimes called the “Trump of Russia” for his tendency to emblazon his name on his development projects.

The Agalarovs are wealthy developers who have received several contracts for state-funded construction projects, a sign of their closeness to the Putin government.


So there are plenty of facts to tie Trump to the Russian government. There might be even more facts if Trump would reveal the contents of his income tax returns. Remember, why he said he couldn't release them? He said it was because they were being audited. That's a lie. There's nothing about the auditing process that prohibits release of the returns. And of all the current Trump supporters who got worked about about Russia's invasion of the Ukraine and other territories, they seem to be remaining remarkably mum about his silence on this subject. Not to mention Putin's threats to the Baltic states. Don't any of you think it strange that Trump refuses to criticize Putin? As far as I can determine, Trump has nothing but good things to say about that dubious gentleman.

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Hillary won't show the contents of her Goldman Sachs speeches either, so probably both have stuff to hide. If Trump makes the Presidency and there is a new detente between Russia and the USA, Syria's problems may get solved. Assad should remain in power despite his brutal dictatorship and ISIS would then get defeated. Instead every state that the US has interfered with and toppled the dictators and tried to establish "democracy" in has failed miserably and Pandora's box of snakes has opened, one enemy replaced by thousands. Has Hillary learned this lesson yet? That is the question.

As far as the hacks go, whoever it is becomes a deflection from the fact that if you've done nothing wrong then there's nothing to hide to later be exposed.

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Back on topic.

Here's an excellent summary of the (so far) leaked DNC e-mails: Detailed List of Findings in Wikileaks DNC Document Dump

  • DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
  • DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.
  • Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.
  • Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
  • ...
The list goes on and on.

I think the rotten DNC is the perfect environment for people like Mrs. Clinton. I'm always deeply impressed about the steadfast loyalty of her supporters - I think this loyalty and respect must be mutual between them. Amazing, just amazing!

Again, show an action in the emails that would have caused 3 million people to vote for Sanders instead of Hillary.

The emails are fascinating reading, as any time you get to read what people say when they think they are engaging in a private conversation,

But, there is no "smoking gun" in anything released that shows it would have made any difference in the Democratic nomination process.

Your examples are classic examples of cheery picking and out of context.

Your first link:

DNC member killing horses for insurance money

Turns out this is about vetting a potential donor (not a member of DNC). Response by a member of the DNC "I vote fail....again"

My vote is fail....again for you.


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The wonderful thing about the emails is that they show the depth of the collusion between the press and the Democrats. With "journalists" going so far as to submit their stories in advance to the DNC to make sure that the DNC approved and didn't have any more "suggestions."

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The wonderful thing about the emails is that they show the depth of the collusion between the press and the Democrats. With "journalists" going so far as to submit their stories in advance to the DNC to make sure that the DNC approved and didn't have any more "suggestions."


And the libs keep suggesting only FOX news is biased.

All these news organizations have an agenda and bias today.

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