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The Quest to Understand the Biology of Weight Loss


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On 8/9/2016 at 6:10 AM, ClutchClark said:

Well all I know is the obese folks buying coffee drinks that look more like ice cream sundaes every morning at Starbucks are making lifestyle choices. 


Call them what they are - milkshakes!  My frustration is wanting a hot Americano or brewed coffee, that takes 20 seconds to make, and getting stuck behind those cows ordering all their milkshakes.

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52 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

Call them what they are - milkshakes!  My frustration is wanting a hot Americano or brewed coffee, that takes 20 seconds to make, and getting stuck behind those cows ordering all their milkshakes.

They're probably worse then milkshakes - sickly sweet with lots of added cream. You couldn't do worse. You're probably better off with a plain bar of chocolate.


And when you suggest lifestyle choices are making them fat you'll likely be chastised and ridiculed for being a fool... how dare you suggest that poor food choices and calories are making people obese.:)

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I have great sypathy for people who are overweight. They are in a sense trapped into our current economic system, with regard to the processed food industry, diet industry and medical industry.


Our economy relies upon the continuous creation of jobs, in all industries. Solutions which would cause redundancies in some of those industries, such as my solutions explained in the other thread, 'The Simplicity of Weight Loss', are unlikely to ever be popular, even though they undeniably work successfully.


The proposal of fasting, if it caught on, would be a disaster for the processed-food industries and the medical industries in general. MacDonalds would collapse. The dieticians exploiting their own theories about all sorts of diets with magical effects, would lose their jobs, and many doctors and nurses might be made redundant, unless funds were directed at other issues such as charity work for the underprivileged without medial support.


Life is to be enjoyed, and that includes eating tasty hamburgers which are always easily available at so many locations. The availability is part of the problem.


If life has no meaning unless you have a continuous stream of tasty food available, then you're stuffed. Try becoming a Buddhist monk. That might help. ;)

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