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Thai government snubs at UN rapporteur's statement


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"He insisted that the government still respects and adheres to the International Convention on the rights of the people and political rights, press freedom."

Is that so?

Well then, that's good to know.

Has he read the convention?

he said the government had insisted all along of the needs and reasons for the arrests and legal actions because Thailand is in the middle of transition which requires the enforcement of some rules which are not normally enforced in order to maintain peace and order.

Be interesting to see what the EU enforces over the next year or so as these attacks increase, you think it will all be normal running....I don't, Thailand was seeing escalating violence on the streets (not for the first time) and dealt with it very effectively

there's violence on the streets in every major city in Thailand every single night. Is it being dealt with effectively?

The violence down in the South is still there after 2 years of military rule, well actually they've been under military control a LOT longer, has it been controlled effectively?

You do love your cherries, as you pick them a lot!

lets hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the country and stays were it is, most countries in the world have their little pockets of sectarian violent terrorism.....granted some more than others and some to an extreme, lets hope Thailand doesn't become an extreme

Thailand is not extreme. It is suppressed. Is curtailing freedom of speech lower violent tendencies ? It is doubtful.

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The original off-topic post you removed stated in black and white ALL the specific treaties/conventions that Thailand is continually violating and ignoring so I would think that is very relevant to any discussion on "freedoms" here of any and all types.

Why are these international bodies allowing this to continue with no consequences?

Why are they allowing Thailand to remain a member of the UN despite ignoring the treaties they have signed up to?

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It is pretty clear that this government does not repect some basic human rights. There is no freedom of expression, assembly or press. People are being sent to attitude adjustment session without due process, people are being tried by military courts for offences that amount to nothing more than freedom of expression.

The reason Thailand is in a transition is because the military used force to get it into that state, not because the Thai electorate choose to be in that transition.

The reason why those basic human rights are not respected is because Thailand is transitioning to a state where the elite and the military will have a continued power base, without an electoral mandate, a power base with which it can control a government which does have an electoral mandate.

The last thing they need is pesky individuals or the press exposing their transition for what it really is..

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If you are worried as mentioned in your statement, the government also feels worried too with the suitability of the expression of your personal views which may transgress on the Thai law. Nevertheless, the government is open to recommendations which are useful, said Veerachon.

Am I reading this right? Did he just basically threaten the UN guy with Thai laws?

Oh that would be interesting, him trying to prosecute. I can see that developing into a nice "Who's your daddy now" scene. Go on, try it out.
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"He insisted that the government still respects and adheres to the International Convention on the rights of the people and political rights, press freedom."

Is that so?

Well then, that's good to know.

Has he read the convention?

He started to read it, then his gik called. He started again, but had to look up some works, so he went to eat. Well, he just never got around to it, or had the will to read, even though his job requires it....mai pen rai

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"He insisted that the government still respects and adheres to the International Convention on the rights of the people and political rights, press freedom," bur in the previous paragraph threatens anyone whose personal opinions may transgress Thai law, you know, those laws the prohibit free speech, that does not support the junta's view. Someone, in the UN needs to drop the politically correctness and inform Thai that the world does NOT believe it and laughs at its government.

Quite right. In addition to to that if they were within the international standards why are the 'internationals' suggesting otherwise.

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"the good intention of the rapporteur in trying to do his job so that it would be recognized"

I don't think the UN works on the face principal.

Proof it's not the world failing to understand the Thai Project, rather the Thai Project not understanding the world.

The charade that was the Thai Project (Thai Culture) became a victim of its own success: the parasite adapted so well to its host that when the host evolved (got democracy and social media) the parasite found itself in an evolutionary cul-de-sac (incompetent due to lack of real skills or talent).

This is possibly their last desperate attempt to cling on before their day(s) of reckoning.

It is pretty clear that this government does not repect some basic human rights. There is no freedom of expression, assembly or press. People are being sent to attitude adjustment session without due process, people are being tried by military courts for offences that amount to nothing more than freedom of expression.

The reason Thailand is in a transition is because the military used force to get it into that state, not because the Thai electorate choose to be in that transition.

The reason why those basic human rights are not respected is because Thailand is transitioning to a state where the elite and the military will have a continued power base, without an electoral mandate, a power base with which it can control a government which does have an electoral mandate.

The last thing they need is pesky individuals or the press exposing their transition for what it really is..

Thailand isn't in transition, it's being locked down precisely to protect the status quo from transition.

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