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Trump to Russia: Uncover, release deleted Clinton emails


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She deleted those 30,000 emails for a reason.

The public deserves to know that reason.

If Russia is the only source, so be it.

They might just be something that we in the states call "private". Maybe you've gotten so used to cameras everywhere in old blighty so you no longer value your privacy. Would you like to make all of YOUR emails public? Do we deserve to see everything?

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That's probably about right. Polls don't matter in late July.

The real show is at the debates and we can see how well the media moderators can shield Hillary and whether Trump says something so outrageous that he finally crosses the tipping point

I agree for the most part. However, I would put a small caveat in: if Hillary doesn't get a bounce from her convention like Trump did, it would be a bad omen.

And given the tidbits coming out of the convention like no American flags but Soviet flags instead and Bernie supporters presenting and furthering the image of Hillary being corrupt (and this after being caught rigging the primary), there's definitely reason to not assume a bounce for her.

I also believe we are going to see the moderators go to extraordinary lengths to protect Hillary. And the American people will notice- well, those of us with triple-digit IQs, anyway.

Edited by MajarTheLion
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Russian Trolls has been active even on this forum for quite a long time.

They are mostly poor folks who do anything for the few dollars, not rubbles, to post pro-russian propaganda to western thinking discussion boars.


"It's a brand of information warfare, known as "dezinformatsiya," that has been used by the Russians since at least the Cold War. The disinformation campaigns are only one "active measure" tool used by Russian intelligence to "sow discord among," and within, allies perceived hostile to Russia."

It's time for us to laugh these trolls away. While we westerners might have our of fights against each other, our differences are not even similar scale, that we would wish to have a Russian authoritative ideology to run our countries.

Russian trolls had a time in the spotlight, but the time is now past.

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Donald Trump implies Vladimir Putin uses the 'N-word' to describe Barack Obama

"The US election campaign has plunged to new a level of accusation and toxicity after Donald Trump claimed Russian leader Vladimir Putin,

had no respect for Barack Obama and appeared to imply he used a racial epithet to describe the American president.”

"He also encouraged Russia to hack the emails of his election rival Hillary Clinton."

"In comments that were extreme even by the standards Mr Trump, the Republican candidate was asked by reporters in Florida,

about the controversy surrounding the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails."


This is fantastic. It couldn't get any better.

The more the Bloviator opens his mouth, the more the World sees what an complete buffoon he is.

Lovin' it. Big Time. Keep it up Donnie. thumbsup.gif

"I hope he likes me"cheesy.gif

WATCH: Trump says he ‘never met Putin’ — despite bragging about meeting him just last year

"In an interview with Florida news station CBS4 Miami, Trump denied he had any business dealings with Russia and even went so far as to say that he’d never met Putin."

“I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever,” he told the station.

“I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes , we were stablemates,” said Trump at the time." blink.png


Here’s the Deal With That Putin 60 Minutes Episode Trump Mentioned

"Trump and Putin did not meet in a “green room” for the show, which does not have the typical off-stage waiting area for guests that a talk show has."

"In fact, they weren’t even on the same continent. Trump was interviewed by CBS’s Scott Pelley in his New York City penthouse,

for the season premiere of the hour-long docu-series while Charlie Rose travelled to Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin." cheesy.gif


"Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever,” he told the station."

"Trump: I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word." blink.png

The Lunatic. The Babbling Bloviator.

This Huckster, this Carnival Barker is all over the map.

He belongs in an institution.

Dunning Kruger.

Edited by iReason
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Vote for Trump, he is a good guy! I sometimes listen to his speeches , I don't here that he lyes, his speeches are sincere, he says what he wants to say and doesn't give a flying one about what Dems think. He would be a great president if elected but unfortunately we are going to live under Clintons dynasty (Kim Jong Il comes to mind) for another 8 yrs, and it possibly could end up with major military conflict. Freedom leads to crimes and hyperegoism. Americans are the leading nation and they have to vote fo man who will change current destuctional suicidal poicy.

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Donald Trump implies Vladimir Putin uses the 'N-word' to describe Barack Obama

"The US election campaign has plunged to new a level of accusation and toxicity after Donald Trump claimed Russian leader Vladimir Putin,

had no respect for Barack Obama and appeared to imply he used a racial epithet to describe the American president.”

"He also encouraged Russia to hack the emails of his election rival Hillary Clinton."

"In comments that were extreme even by the standards Mr Trump, the Republican candidate was asked by reporters in Florida,

about the controversy surrounding the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails."


This is fantastic. It couldn't get any better.

The more the Bloviator opens his mouth, the more the World sees what an complete buffoon he is.

Lovin' it. Big Time. Keep it up Donnie. thumbsup.gif

"I hope he likes me"cheesy.gif

WATCH: Trump says he ‘never met Putin’ — despite bragging about meeting him just last year

"In an interview with Florida news station CBS4 Miami, Trump denied he had any business dealings with Russia and even went so far as to say that he’d never met Putin."

“I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever,” he told the station.

“I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes , we were stablemates,” said Trump at the time." blink.png


Here’s the Deal With That Putin 60 Minutes Episode Trump Mentioned

"Trump and Putin did not meet in a “green room” for the show, which does not have the typical off-stage waiting area for guests that a talk show has."

"In fact, they weren’t even on the same continent. Trump was interviewed by CBS’s Scott Pelley in his New York City penthouse,

for the season premiere of the hour-long docu-series while Charlie Rose travelled to Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin." cheesy.gif


"Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever,” he told the station."

"Trump: I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word." blink.png

The Lunatic. The Babbling Bloviator.

This Huckster, this Carnival Barker is all over the map.

He belongs in an institution.

Dunning Kruger.

Russia thanks God does not have these weird politcal correctness symptoms, caused by Europes atavistcolonial history. Conquestadors and Brtis when conquering Americas killed hundred of millions of local population. Russia finds itselif in a very conntrary situation, Russians does not have to apologize between the whole world for something created in sick someones sick minds. Only spitting in the face they get. THe western society is very rude, hypocritical, aggressive and unfair.

Edited by Hammock
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Vote for Trump, he is a good guy! I sometimes listen to his speeches , I don't here that he lyes, his speeches are sincere, he says what he wants to say and doesn't give a flying one about what Dems think. He would be a great president if elected but unfortunately we are going to live under Clintons dynasty (Kim Jong Il comes to mind) for another 8 yrs, and it possibly could end up with major military conflict. Freedom leads to crimes and hyperegoism. Americans are the leading nation and they have to vote fo man who will change current destuctional suicidal poicy.

Yeah, a really great guy. bah.gif So compassionate!

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The big deal is that Trump is owned by Russian investors.

You have repeated that accusation a few times already in this thread, without giving any evidence at all.

I suggest you post some credible evidence, or the next time you mention it i'll call you the same as you like to call others on this forum. A troll.

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I doubt Trump has any business interests in Russia, he is brilliant self made man

Self made? You're joking right? He was born into money. Of course he has business interests in Russia but that doesn't mean he's owned by Russia either.

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Putin definitely prefers trump to win over Hillary Clinton. Given that understanding, trump's supposedly sarcastic games inviting them to espionage on his opponent would normally be skating on thin ice, but people have such a low bar for his comments and behavior, that he's learned the supporters of his movement simply don't care. As he said himself he could start shooting innocent people on the street and he'd keep them!

Edited by Jingthing
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I doubt Trump has any business interests in Russia, he is brilliant self made man

Self made? You're joking right? He was born into money. Of course he has business interests in Russia but that doesn't mean he's owned by Russia either.

Okay, Trump was born into money, but he didn't waste his inherited money but invested his money in business, was working hard, bulit his own empire. He knows how to manage huge enterprises so he will be smart in economics which is more important than foreign deals. First of all the president has to care for its own population, provide jobs, food and shelter to own people. Foreign policy is secondary.

Edited by Hammock
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I doubt Trump has any business interests in Russia, he is brilliant self made man

Self made? You're joking right? He was born into money. Of course he has business interests in Russia but that doesn't mean he's owned by Russia either.

Okay, Trump was born into money, but he didn't waste his inherited money but invested his money in business, was working hard, bulit his own empire. He knows how to manage huge enterprises so he will be smart in economics which is more important than foreign deals. First of all the president has to care for its own population, provide jobs, food and shelter to own people. Foreign policy is secondary.

He knows how to stiff and cheat people. He's not a man of the people. He's a man of trump and his family and cronies. That's all!

He's also not nearly as wealthy as he brags about.

Let's see his tax returns, OK?

He won't release them? Oh, I see.

Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York, extremely successdful businessman

Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies and thousands of lawsuits and angry stockholders and contractors who feel cheated and disillusioned customers who feel they have been ripped off. Trump wants to run the nation like he’s run his business? God help us.

I’m a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one. Trump says he’ll punish manufacturers that move to Mexico or China, but the clothes he sells are made overseas in low-wage factories. He says he wants to put Americans back to work, but he games the U.S. visa system so he can hire temporary foreign workers at low wages. He says he wants to deport 11 million undocumented people, but he seems to have no problem in hiring them. What'd I miss here?

Truth be told, the richest thing about Donald Trump is his hypocrisy.

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The issue is in what kind of mess Trump has managed to get into while asking for money earlier in his life, and can't get out of now, without fully loosing his face. He is not likely to loose his face valua, and the that's his well known weak point.

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Putin definitely prefers trump to win over Hillary Clinton. Given that understanding, trump's supposedly sarcasCtic games inviting them to espionage on his opponent would normally be skating on thin ice, but people have such a low bar for his comments and behavior, that he's learned the supporters of his movement simply don't care. As he said himself he could start shooting innocent people on the street and he'd keep them!

Khun Jing, why do you refere to Putin almost in all your posts? Can you share your views on him ? Why do you follow him so hard and listen to each word he says ? Maybe I should also do so?

I do no such thing.

He's a strong man totally corrupt dictator.

His regime murders lots of political opponents and press in Russia.

He controls the media there and also western propaganda organs like Russia Today.

He's very intelligent, much more so than trump, not even close.

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You are all Americans and know your own cuisine better than farangs.

But Trump is a fresh gasp of air , he is different and looks perusiative. He is totally different even in his own party. This is something new.

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Twitters tweets from by Republicans after Obama's speech - read it and weep:

Still stunned. Feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Obama just defended America & conservative values from attacks by the Republican nominee.

Trump is asking Russian President for help. Hillary Clinton is asking an American President

Will a Trump apologist explain to me why an 18 yo watching the conventions would want to be a Republican? We're giving away a generation

Why wouldn't an 18-yr old prioritize issues differently just like any other adult does? Not all 18 yr olds want the same thing. Maybe some don't like abortion? Maybe some like the 2nd Amendment? Maybe some don't like the idea of someone breaking a federal law against mishandling classified documents, lying about deleting them then escape prosecution because of her last name?

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You are all Americans and know your own cuisine better than farangs.

But Trump is a fresh gasp of air , he is different and looks perusiative. He is totally different even in his own party. This is something new.

What nationality are you? Russian?

Yes, trump is something new.

Mussolini was something new too.

A reality t.v. show star comic book style demagogue buffoon.

No thank you!

Edited by Jingthing
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You are all Americans and know your own cuisine better than farangs.

But Trump is a fresh gasp of air , he is different and looks perusiative. He is totally different even in his own party. This is something new.

What nationality are you? Russian?

no I am from Fiji

O.K. Thanks. Happily, you have no say in USA elections.

Sure thing, Putin isn't corrupt.

Whatever you say!rolleyes.gif

OCCRP: Putin Is Corruption's 'Person of the Year'

A Europe-based investigative journalists’ group that follows organized crime and corruption in government has issued a report naming Russian President Vladimir Putin its "2014 Person of the Year."

The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) editor Drew Sullivan said Putin "has been a real innovator in working with organized crime."

"He has created a military-industrial-political-criminal complex that furthers Russia’s and Putin’s personal interests," he said. "I think Putin sees those interests as one and the same.”


Next ...

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The Bloviator's daddy gave him a million dollars along with his Silver Spoon in 1968.

That would be $6.8 Million in today's dollars.

When the old man croaked in 1999, The Bloviator, after splitting up the pie with his siblings, inherited: $204,783,549.78 in today's dollars.


He's made his way as a Huckster ever since...

"It's not been easy for me, it's not been easy for me" ...

Poor baby.

Dunning Kruger.

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I get where Trump was going with this as social media is lit up with speculation that the Russians would most likely have these damning emails of Hillary motivating a coup in Libya and gun running for Obama. But, this was a stupid statement. It does force the Hillary camp, in responding, to concede there would be something to fear. But it also makes trump look small.

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Donald Trump implies Vladimir Putin uses the 'N-word' to describe Barack Obama

"The US election campaign has plunged to new a level of accusation and toxicity after Donald Trump claimed Russian leader Vladimir Putin,

had no respect for Barack Obama and appeared to imply he used a racial epithet to describe the American president.

"He also encouraged Russia to hack the emails of his election rival Hillary Clinton."

"In comments that were extreme even by the standards Mr Trump, the Republican candidate was asked by reporters in Florida,

about the controversy surrounding the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails."


This is fantastic. It couldn't get any better.

The more the Bloviator opens his mouth, the more the World sees what an complete buffoon he is.

Lovin' it. Big Time. Keep it up Donnie. thumbsup.gif

"I hope he likes me"cheesy.gif

WATCH: Trump says he never met Putin despite bragging about meeting him just last year

"In an interview with Florida news station CBS4 Miami, Trump denied he had any business dealings with Russia and even went so far as to say that hed never met Putin."

I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever, he told the station.

I got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes , we were stablemates, said Trump at the time." blink.png


Heres the Deal With That Putin 60 Minutes Episode Trump Mentioned

"Trump and Putin did not meet in a green room for the show, which does not have the typical off-stage waiting area for guests that a talk show has."

"In fact, they werent even on the same continent. Trump was interviewed by CBSs Scott Pelley in his New York City penthouse,

for the season premiere of the hour-long docu-series while Charlie Rose travelled to Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin." cheesy.gif


"Trump: I have nothing to do with Russia, nothing to do, I never met Putin, I have nothing to do with Russia whatsoever, he told the station."

"Trump: I was shocked to hear him mention the N-word." blink.png

The Lunatic. The Babbling Bloviator.

This Huckster, this Carnival Barker is all over the map.

He belongs in an institution.

Dunning Kruger.

That's hilarious. I find your phony indignation amusing. So you're upset with Trump because he stated that Putin has no respect for Obama and that Putin has been reported to have referred to Obama using the n word? That sounds like imposing political correctness to second power. Pointing that out seems appropriate. I'm not sure I draw the same conclusion from it that Trump wants us to, but many would come to the same logical conclusion. That being that Obama is viewed as a weak pushover by the rest of the world. The rest of the world just loves Obama. Why not, his actions favor them at our expense.

Then you're confused about the email hack. How could Trump suggest that the Russians go hack 30,000 emails that were supposedly deleted and the drive later partially wiped. Even the FBI couldn't retrieve them. What he suggested is clearly sarcastic especially knowing that the Russians would never release them even if they did access them years ago. Why would they want to show their hand and reveal the extent of their intelligence?

It's quite likely that private actors have accessed all of that. They will sit on it until the price is right. I doubt Putin would have interest.

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The Bloviator's daddy gave him a million dollars along with his Silver Spoon in 1968.

That would be $6.8 Million in today's dollars.

When the old man croaked in 1999, The Bloviator, after splitting up the pie with his siblings, inherited: $204,783,549.78 in today's dollars.


He's made his way as a Huckster ever since...

"It's not been easy for me, it's not been easy for me" ...

Poor baby.

Dunning Kruger.

What's wrong with inheriting money?

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I don't understand all these pages of bashing Trump.

Are there actually posters here who vote for a candidate rather than a political party?

If one of these Hillary voters actually liked a GOP candidate more would they switch their vote to a party that did not represent their views?

Liberals are an emotional bunch.

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