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Thai Govt asks UN to understand its effort to keep peace in the country


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Govt asks UN to understand its effort to keep peace in the country


BANGKOK, 28 July 2016 (NNT)-The Thai government has cited the need to enforce a different set of laws to maintain peace in the country following a United Nations (UN)’s statement condemning the National Council for Peace and Order’s arrests of people.

Deputy Spokesperson to the Prime Minister’s Office Major General Weerachon Sukhontapatipak said in response to the statement that some laws currently enforced in Thailand need to be different in order to help the country move forward during this transition period.

He claimed the government has always provided clarifications to the international community after each arrest, adding that it also respects political rights of Thai citizens, evident in that Thai media are still allowed to criticize the government. People have also been given a chance to debate the constitutional before the upcoming referendum via platforms organized by the Election Commission of Thailand.

The Deputy Spokesperson called on the UN to understand that Thai people will decide for themselves whether they want the newly drafted constitution, and respect the government’s decisions, which are based on fair grounds.

-- NNT 2016-07-28 footer_n.gif

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Clarification doesn't excuse the crime.

A rapist on the phone telling cops I am tying her up now because she is struggling, don't suffice.

Human rights are human rights.

And now that you have shown audacious disregard to the UN you will be punished.

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The main objective of UN is to protect and help and develop citizens to have good governance and good societies.

No country should be exempted from the policies of UN. Otherwise world will have 100 North Korea, who have their own set of rules.

Free and fair election of a functional parliamentary democracy is essential for a freedom.

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what the good spokesperson really means is that some laws are needed to be enforced against their political opponents whilst their supporters are allowed "leniency" because they're "good people"

This isn't about keeping the country safe, it's about eroding the opposition whilst protecting your own interests, it's really that transparent.

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"People have also been given a chance to debate the constitutional before the upcoming referendum via platforms organized by the Election Commission of Thailand.

The people have been given a chance?? When? What platforms??

If I didn't know any better I would say you were full of it...coffee1.gif

Edited by MZurf
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PM Prayuth should go the full Monty to put a stop to all this UN criticism.

The UN Secretary-General's job is up for grabs as Ban Ki-moon is retiring at the end of the year and as Ban Ki-moon and General Prayuth are good mates perhaps Ban could find some country to nominate the General for the top job. My guess is that with his diplomatic skills he would be a shoo-in to get the position.

Then when successful he could put and end to other world leaders saying nasty things about Thailand.

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I am sure the UN, and other foreign bodies, fully understand the clarifications and explanations the junta spews forth on an almost daily basis. Most likely far better than the junta does.

I see that Suthep, who supports the charter, and who continues to air his daily facebook broadcasts to urge people to vote yes, has not been told to stop, nor has he been arrested.

Would Abhisit be allowed to also air daily facebook broadcasts if he was urging people to vote no? Highly unlikely, me thinks.

Thailand, Hub of double standards.

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"The Thai government has cited the need to enforce a different set of laws to maintain peace in the country"

Laws made for the special purpose of banning freedom of speech, stop the people disagreeing with the illegal government. Then there are the special laws of arrest and detain in order to stop people terrorizing the illegal government. Then there are the special computer crimes laws which makes it illegal to talk, chat or say "ja" on the internet.

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"The Thai government has cited the need to enforce a different set of laws to maintain peace in the country"

Laws made for the special purpose of banning freedom of speech, stop the people disagreeing with the illegal government. Then there are the special laws of arrest and detain in order to stop people terrorizing the illegal government. Then there are the special computer crimes laws which makes it illegal to talk, chat or say "ja" on the internet.

A government that has a reasonable grasp of knowledge would not ask the UN to understand that the junta have enforced "special laws" to keep the peace.

They would do one of two things, either follow the International convention on the rights of freedom of expression and political expression and a free press OR NOT..

But because Thailand thinks it is special, They do the Thai thing, that is say one thing and do another.

The really stupid thing is they think the UN and the rest of the world believes their BS...

This just one day after They make a veiled threat to the rapporteur claiming he has broken Thai laws by handing down his report.

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"He claimed the government has always provided clarifications to the international community after each arrest, adding that it also respects political rights of Thai citizens, evident in that Thai media are still allowed to criticize the government. People have also been given a chance to debate the constitutional before the upcoming referendum via platforms organized by the Election Commission of Thailand."

This is by far the most bullsh!tting statement made this month

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Lets just peek beneath the covers here, what government are we referring too , it's a Junta , Thailand is being controlled, starting to border on fear , not governed, one of several DPM three weeks back assured the Thai people that the assistant UN Secretary General understood and gave a glowing account of the conversation , unfortunately , only the good parts were given out, Junta lie to the press, You lie to the people of Thailand , you lie all day to protect your totalitarian junta , you have lied and denied freedom of speech , denied people to sell flowers, you arrest 7 year old girls , you harass students for meeting ,you threaten people for going overseas for a birthday no one can talk against about the referendum, you muzzell any decent against your activities and you wonder why no one understands, who the hell would even want to talk to U, let alone understand................................................coffee1.gif


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I thought that only the other week the UN were quoted as "fully understanding the situation in Thailand".

Have they (UN or Junta) forgotten already?

The UN refuted those comments, an article in a Phnom Phen paper, they gave the proper transcript, the UN was not impressed with Thailand, I can assure U Jag.

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Lets just peek beneath the covers here, what government are we referring too , it's a Junta , Thailand is being controlled, starting to border on fear , not governed, one of several DPM three weeks back assured the Thai people that the assistant UN Secretary General understood and gave a glowing account of the conversation , unfortunately , only the good parts were given out, Junta lie to the press, You lie to the people of Thailand , you lie all day to protect your totalitarian junta , you have lied and denied freedom of speech , denied people to sell flowers, you arrest 7 year old girls , you harass students for meeting ,you threaten people for going overseas for a birthday no one can talk against about the referendum, you muzzell any decent against your activities and you wonder why no one understands, who the hell would even want to talk to U, let alone understand................................................coffee1.gif


The delusion they are a government is cultivated at every turn .....desires "" the people do good deeds, think correctly, are good and obedient, ......"" Which makes it more perverse given its a hostage situation where fear and weaponry are used on the populace to maintain rule.

They rule by threat are soldiers and have absolutely no mandate.

Which brings us to this referendum .

And the reason they want to cook up a yes vote.

But in their haste they have insulted the UN perhaps this time too much.

And the downhill run for them will commence as of now.

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"Weerachon Sukhontapatipak said in response to the statement that some laws currently enforced in Thailand need to be different in order to help the country move forward during this transition period."

This silly transitional notion is long gone, and the only progress that might be gleaned is that coups simply do not work. Thailand has been moving backwards and that is what the UN is having trouble understanding.

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"evident in that Thai media are still allowed to criticize the government."

Only to a certain extent, the BPost has posted some fairly risque articles but Thai TV and radio stations are being clamped, like Peace TV for a start.

On the other hand Thai citizens standing on a street corner, or in KFC, or on Facebook criticizing the government are quickly rounded up like cattle.

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The Thai government has cited the need to enforce a different set of laws

Says it all really.

"four legs good, two legs bad"

A different set of laws than liiiiiiiiike, a democracy? And, they have to be different becauuuuuuuuuuse the people don't know better?

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Correct. The people have been given a chance to discuss on televised debates through open sessions in communities and so on. Of course Jatuporn and his ilk could witness a live debate right in front of them at 200 Db and all he will say is "The people have been given a chance?? When? What platforms?? If I didn't know any better I would say you were full of it.". Because Jatuporn will dismiss facts to suit his agenda because he simply loves to disagree no matter how irrational he sounds.

Ban Ki Moon has certainly had a constructive discussion with Prayut, he understands the situation, he even understood that peace was brought to Thailand after the coup. I am confident that the UN will also understand it wants to maintain the peace that it brought to Thailand and so far they have done very well in doing that. Not a single red terrorist attack since the rebirth of the country.

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Correct. The people have been given a chance to discuss on televised debates through open sessions in communities and so on. Of course Jatuporn and his ilk could witness a live debate right in front of them at 200 Db and all he will say is "The people have been given a chance?? When? What platforms?? If I didn't know any better I would say you were full of it.". Because Jatuporn will dismiss facts to suit his agenda because he simply loves to disagree no matter how irrational he sounds.

Ban Ki Moon has certainly had a constructive discussion with Prayut, he understands the situation, he even understood that peace was brought to Thailand after the coup. I am confident that the UN will also understand it wants to maintain the peace that it brought to Thailand and so far they have done very well in doing that. Not a single red terrorist attack since the rebirth of the country.

The rebirth of the country ?

Oppression is not a birthing process it's a grave situation .

It's a perverse point of view when the overwhelming evidence is contrary to the conclusions .

Insidious biased clouds the judgements to the extent (evidently ) that its actually ludicrous for the reader to for second consider the opinion.

Example : North Korea allows elections and is a progressive society.

"Thailand military are helping the Thai populace and are fair and just government that intend on restoring democracy ."

I don't know how many BBQs you were invited to in Australia .?

And might conclude your grateful to your host country where you have more integrated time here.

But the silliness of the statements you make and the audacity of using words like ""Terrorist "" making no discernible separation of all red shirts to violent frustrated ones is telling.

The government ( really the military ) is creating fear and terror in society.

Taking people away in disgrace acts of injustices, for uttering words against them , or alerting the world to their deeds.

It's very unkind to not only lack empathy , but applaud their oppression.

What a kind of person sits by and has no emotive response to see gross injustices .?

It would be amusing , were it not so insidiously disgraceful.

The UN is seeing human abuses and this is the case.

You are entitled to an opinion ....

And I would not ( even if I could) censor you.

Because freedom of speech ( even your type ) is important.

Ironically , you don't agree , in that you support oppressive actions against the people that host you.


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Correct. The people have been given a chance to discuss on televised debates through open sessions in communities and so on. Of course Jatuporn and his ilk could witness a live debate right in front of them at 200 Db and all he will say is "The people have been given a chance?? When? What platforms?? If I didn't know any better I would say you were full of it.". Because Jatuporn will dismiss facts to suit his agenda because he simply loves to disagree no matter how irrational he sounds.

Ban Ki Moon has certainly had a constructive discussion with Prayut, he understands the situation, he even understood that peace was brought to Thailand after the coup. I am confident that the UN will also understand it wants to maintain the peace that it brought to Thailand and so far they have done very well in doing that. Not a single red terrorist attack since the rebirth of the country.

Usually you manage to appear a lot more sane, despite your nonsensical, baseless stance.


The fact these inept bloodsuckers think they can get away with a dog ate my homework excuse as vague and childish as Thailand somehow needing a different set of laws.

Bare-faced lying toe-rags need to understand the world knows damn well it's the elitist parasites who need a different set of "laws" to protect their interests. Their clear and present retarded logic that spins out of their dreamy mouths belies their project is already dead in the water.

Junta muppetry and friends your days are numbered,

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