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Motor bike hire


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Hi, I'm arriving in Chaing Mai on August 1/ 2016

I will be staying for one month and would like to hire a motor bike, just a simple Honda click or similar.

Where would the best place to hire a decent bike, reasonably low rate? I'm not looking for something too cheap, just reliable.

I will be staying close to the Uni.

Thanks I really appreciated any info.

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There are plenty of different rental places around Chiang Mai, offering a great variety of bikes.

There are a few 'major players' and many, many small shops, all offering different deals.

I'd suggest that you stick with the larger shops. The bikes are in better condition, and the service you'll get from them more reliable. But keep in mind that everyone who rents bikes regularly has their own preferred dealer, having had bad problems at other ones! You will hear stories of total satisfaction of a dealer from one person, followed by horror stories about the very same dealer from another person. Fact is... just about all the major dealers are the same. They offer the same bikes at just about the same prices... Pick one, rent the bike for a day, and if you are satisfied, come back and rent it for the month.

"Pop's Bike Rental" is the oldest established place in Chiang Mai, with 4 or 5 different outlets, and the largest fleet of reliable bikes. Pop's will also allow bikes to be taken into Laos. I've rented bikes from Pop's 2-3 times a year for the past 15 years when I need a different style of bike for a particular road trip, and never had a problem other than a turn signal blowing out on the third day of a trip. Other people insist his bikes are terrible.... Pop's will dress your bike to your needs; if you want hard saddlebags and rear box, he'll put them on. If you need a live wire for a GPS or other device, he'll put it on. Very accommodating.

"Mr. Mechanich" is also a popular shop with which to deal, although the one time I did rent from this shop, the bike's brakes were next to worthless...

"Tony's Big Bike" also a safe bet in Chiang Mai.

Rent, try, and you decide. Renting from any of these three will be your best bet. I usually rent the day before a trip, ride the bike up and down Doi Suthep once or twice checking it out, and if there are any adjustments needed (clutch or brakes, lights, etc.) I can just bring it right back and have it taken care of before we leave town.

This may give you some better ideas... http://www.gt-rider.com/motorcycles-in-thailand/renting-big-bikes-in-thailand

Edited by FolkGuitar
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