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Warrant issued for arrest of Thai man over disappearance of 15 year old Thai/French schoolgirl


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Warrant issued for arrest of Thai man over disappearance of 15 year old Thai/French schoolgirl

Image: Manager Online

TRANG: -- Police in Trang have got an arrest warrant for a 19 year old Thai man after a 15 year old Thai/French schoolgirl went missing from her Trang home on Saturday.

The distraught French mother and Thai father of Kanokwan Benlounas, a M4 (Year 11) student in the southern town, had earlier issued a Facebook appeal for information leading to the whereabouts of their daughter, reported Manager Online.

She had gone to a local market Saturday with two close female friends but had not returned and did not answer her phone. They said that this was most out of character and that she was a "good girl".

Trang police investigators, however, have discovered that she is with her 19 year old Thai boyfriend who comes from Satun. They have known each other for a year.

The warrant calls for the arrest of Somrak Thianyi on a charge of abducting a minor aged between 15 and under 18 and taking that person away without the permission of parents.

Police said that the suspect's elder brother was proving helpful in the case.

Reporters had earlier caught up with the parents at their Trang home.

The French mother Loma Benlounas who has lived in Thailand for 20 years said that she had permitted her daughter to go to the market Saturday evening with two girlfriends her daughter has known since early childhood and who could be trusted.

She had phoned her daughter after an hour to ask when she would be home and the girl had asked to stay out a bit longer. When she tried to contact her daughter again there was an engaged signal.

Now five days had passed with no contact. She said that she was a widow who remarried Bunya Ketthep who was the father of Kanokwan, better know to family and friends as "Nong Yim".

She had left items at home that a young girl planning a trip might take with them. Her mother said Nong Yim had left behind a phone charger, a spare battery and a new lipstick she had just bought.

Nong Yim is a student at Soon Karn Suksa Nork School in Trang.

Trang police spokesman Prasert Songsaeng said that she was with the man named in the warrant in the nearby area. He did not want to give more details at this stage as police are concerned that the man might flee.

He said that a quick arrest was expected and that the suspect's elder brother was helping police with their enquiries.

Source: Manager Online

-- 2016-07-29

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and the friends she went to the market with ????????

police need to get on top of this pretty sharpish, photos of both on national media and assurances that nothing will happen if the young girl is returned to her parent

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....hope they get her back safe....

....and press charges.....

...and the insinuation that she is not a good girl...by the police no less....is not appreciated....

.....'boyfriend'......sounds more like a predator.....

...and whoever has known about this and condoned it is an accomplice....

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Sorry for the family! I can't honestly say what I would do if it was one of my girls. A severe beating to that man comes to mind. However I just cannot fathom why the police would refuse to give anymore information and use the excuse that they worry the man would flee? They already gave his name and age and hometown as well as the charges laid agains him! All that is plenty to let this man know his is in some deep poo when and if he returns with the girl.

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nothing new here, it happens all over the world, 15 year old girls think they are in love because some guy treats them well or is their first sexual experience. Bad education doesnt help and the lack of parental discipline/guidance is also far from perfect especially in Thailand. While the girl may well be a bit immature to realize what she is doing the boy is not and needs to be charged and spend time in lock up, he should know what he is doing is wrong but like many here he is probably letting his little head do all his thinking for him

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Can well feel with the parents. So sorry for them.

My son went missing for a whole day when he did not return home from school.

My wife and myself almost died from worries.

The girl missing for five day.... oh no !

Hoping so much that everything turns out well for them.

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getting my half thai daughter out of thailand well before she turns 11. seeing quite a few nasty stories on the news that make me think think i should be leaving today.

And you think this will not happen somewhere els. A lot of girls around that age when hormones start flowing are difficult because they think they know it all.

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hope she's ok and just a romantic bit of silliness and her virginity is intact! if not throw that boy in jail for 10 years

There is little chance of the above being a reality. She is missing five days with a 19 year old Thai male.

The writing is on the wall as to what has been happening, the same that happens all over Thailand every day where the kids have no correct discipline, morals or upbringing. I do not say many places in Europe these days are any better.

All this usually ends up in a mess. She also has probably been using her ' friends ' as cover to go meet this guy since the start of the relationships.

I recently mentioned in another thread ( The 20,000 baht parental guarantee against boy racers ) about Thai guys of his age hanging around school gates waiting and preying on young girls finishing school, it's a national pastime, until of course, there is a pregnancy!!!

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it must be a trying time for the mother, single at that.

since the police appear to have the particulars of her possible boy friend, tracking

the couple may be a little easier. unless the victim and the boyfriend have

some other plans in mind. they might flee to another hideout.

we sure hope and pray that mother and daughter are reunited soon.

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getting my half thai daughter out of thailand well before she turns 11. seeing quite a few nasty stories on the news that make me think think i should be leaving today.

And you think this will not happen somewhere els. A lot of girls around that age when hormones start flowing are difficult because they think they know it all.

significantly less likely in new zealand. the 19 year old would face a 20 year rape sentence in new zealand for sex with a minor. what will he get here? 1000thb fine?

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Very sorry to hear. I hope this story ends up well and the parents are back united with their daughter. As for the guy he is a big <snip> because their are no school holidays currently and if he would have some brain he wouldn't have taken her.

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The 15 year old girl has a 19 year old boyfriend she has known for a year.

What kind of parents would allow this sort of thing? 15 year olds are still children and should be supervised by their parents at all times. Let us hope the girl turns up safe and well, but as we all know, the outcome of these cases don`t normally have happy endings.

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The 15 year old girl has a 19 year old boyfriend she has known for a year.

What kind of parents would allow this sort of thing? 15 year olds are still children and should be supervised by their parents at all times. Let us hope the girl turns up safe and well, but as we all know, the outcome of these cases don`t normally have happy endings.

I dont know where you are came from but at that age I already had GF's and it was quite normal for guys to have GF's that age (guys being a few years older)

It happens all over the world.

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....hope they get her back safe....

....and press charges.....

...and the insinuation that she is not a good girl...by the police no less....is not appreciated....

.....'boyfriend'......sounds more like a predator.....

...and whoever has known about this and condoned it is an accomplice....

Police have to ask the questions, no matter what the income level or nationality of the parents.

It is highly likely that this girl will be found. Going to the market with her friends was probably cover for meeting the boyfriend - this kind of thing happens all the time and I am not sure that pressing charges is the way to go. Missing persons in all Western countries know all to well that "runaways" are invariably escaping problems at home or running off with boyfriend and therefore very few police forces will do what the Thai police are doing in this case - they will just list the person as missing and put them on the computer network.

The parents got it into the media and therefore have probably got more traction than what is usual with the police.

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People are quick to "pull the trigger" on the boyfriend. How the hell did police get a warrant to arrest this guy ? Sounds to me like a typical case of a runaway. Dating for a year ? Why are the parents concerned about their daughter being with this guy all of a sudden ? There has to be more to this story, otherwise it isn't a story. Maybe the boyfriend stopped paying the monthly allowance to the parents. Parents then get pi$$ed off and start screaming abduction. facepalm.gif

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....hope they get her back safe....

....and press charges.....

...and the insinuation that she is not a good girl...by the police no less....is not appreciated....

.....'boyfriend'......sounds more like a predator.....

...and whoever has known about this and condoned it is an accomplice....

You malign people for questioning the girl's character and then malign the boyfriend with having no clue about him. Wow!

Who knows, maybe the mom and dad were intolerable.

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and the friends she went to the market with ????????

police need to get on top of this pretty sharpish, photos of both on national media and assurances that nothing will happen if the young girl is returned to her parent

my first thought... but not a word from 2 friends!!!!!!

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