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A woman or child is raped every 15 minutes in Thailand - study shows


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all of these comments... about everything but the problem.  I know, someone will say I am also foolish and too simplistic but... in the schools, which are centrally managed, copying stuff is not only not a bad thing... it is rewarded and it's looked on as better than doing you're own work. don't skip over that.  did you just read what I wrote???? and what does this really mean?  that reading and writing... thinking and getting new perspectives, such as 'theory of mind' (about others perspectives) as well as just the ability to analyze, what makes us human (and it is not religion)... but the schools piss on reading and writing and what books they do have or get are ones not worth reading by anyone of any 'culture'.... and then someone will say even something more ridiculous such as 'they copy books' or 'they don't have books' because Thailand is a 'poor country'.  Thailand is the 20th richest ranked by purchasing power (by how much a haircut or hamburger really costs).  my parting shot I always take is this: at home we know always where the post office, hospital and library is... even if we are not library users.. because other folks are... do you know where the local Thai post office is?  the hospital?  and the library?  main branch or your local neighborhood library is?  and please, don't tell me we don't need them as much as our granddaddies generation did now that we are in the Age of Smartphones.... etc etc. and yeah yeah... if they had a Bible etc.. but what about the very thing that anywhere else... including in asia (HK, Singapore especially)  competes with travel as the No. 1 Favorite Pastime of most people.. but here reading ain't even in the Top 5 or maybe Top 10 and doesn't even compete with drinking alcohol for many. huh????  and this could also be why Thai seem to have a greater tendency to always do things in groups... like they were in school.. if you can't think on your 2 feet when you are alone... you need to be in a group... not because it is fun or funny.. but because otherwise it is trouble.       

Edited by maewang99
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On 30/07/2016 at 3:05 PM, ravip said:

I wonder why so many foreigners strive to live there. .. are they worse perverts?

Paedophiles, ever heard the word?

Majority of those are not Thai. Visit a shrink fast, for your sake.

How many times must people be reminded,  this is about Thailand, no other country,  we all know no country if perfect, but please stop protecting Thailand, just because you choose to live here, face the facts, face the truth.

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On 7/30/2016 at 0:11 PM, gdgbb said:

Which children are they that are victims of rape that don't make it to the news reports? How do you know about them if they are not reported?

1 raped every 15 min is 96 every day,

 If 20% is children you would read around 20 article's a day about children being raped if all DID make it to the news reports.

And at lest I don't se that being reported.




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On 01/08/2016 at 6:30 PM, MissAndry said:

One must remember that nearly all the male posters on this forum were driven out of their own countries by their wife, who grabbed a significant part of their lifetime assets. So the attitude of forum posters towards women is explicable but not justifiable.

Now that was seriously uncalled for. You have no believable evidence on which to lay your accusations which in my opinion  makes your post a massive insult. 


(If if it were a man posting such comments about women then the handbag waving, man hating,  PC brigade would drop untold abuse on him)


That is is unless you include in your generalisation, dishonest banks, corrupt money grabbing corporations and inept politicians!


oh wait where am I?

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Don't be so ignorant...third world countries are known to under -report statistics intentionally and unintentionally...


they lack the means, computer illiterate and the necessary checks and balances to obtain reliable and accurate statistics....


hence third world status....

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On 29/07/2016 at 10:01 PM, trainman34014 said:

Huge amounts of sexual abuse and rape of minors is covered up in this broken society. Most of it goes unreported in Village life and when you ask 'Why? ', you are told that it is 'normal' and one should not 'fink too mutt' about these things !

HI trainman,

I feel illiterate when I am on this website, what is "fink too mutt" you mentioned here. And what is OP that is sometimes mentioned ?

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On 16/08/2016 at 1:13 AM, JayBeeee said:

I remember there being a lot of confusion over what the 'legal' age for sex is in Thailand, so I looked into it.

The most reliable law associated web-sites I could find said it was:

13 years old - with parental permission.

15 years old - in normal circumstances.

18 years old - if there is to be any material or financial gain.


I believe that, traditionally at least, the vagina was seen as a financial commodity, even by parents, and it was common practice to sell-off daughters to the highest bidder at 13-14 years old, and I personally know ladies, all from the north, who were sold to Bangkok brothels at that age.

Many, if not most, of the girls in our village are sexually active at 13-14 years old, and it's quite common for the 14-15 year-old 'husband' to move into the girl's home; many can be seen heading off to school together in the mornings on a motorbike.

Dropping a baby at 14 is nothing unusual. One of my step-daughter's friends had produced two babies before finishing school at 15.


All this has to be kept in perspective, in that Thai country folk live more in tune with nature, and there's plenty of evidence to say what nature dictates. Of course, we now have the added influence of internet pornography, which most teenagers can't get enough of, and which increasingly depicts sex as a hostile act of male dominance over women, as in nature, and often, what can easily pass as rape.

Women here are aware of man's ignorance of his own natural needs, combined with the aggressive nature his hormones invoke, all in the name of propagating the species and ensuring his seed is the most successful. So, they conduct themselves accordingly... avoiding physical contact and familiarity that might suggest an 'opportunity' to the man. They are also more protective of daughters than sons and, as pointed out by a previous commenter, would rarely leave girls alone in the company of the weak-willed, weak-minded man who subconsciously will see the vulnerable as a potential conquest. I personally had to pull my 12 year-old step-son out of his 9 year-old sister a number of times, and then it was no simple task convincing their mother that they should have separate rooms and not be left alone behind closed doors.

In the west we've learned that women are no longer the property and sex-slaves of men. Unfortunately that's not the case in cultures like Thailand; the traditional moral values of modesty and respectability, mixing with the modern, sexually liberated 'pseudo-western' younger generation, are contradictory and confusing to the simple minds of the men.

I'm hardly surprised about the high rape statistics here; It's sad but true that the poorly educated have little control over their emotions and natural urges; true anywhere in the world, but especially where keeping the majority of the population stupid is the chief objective of the few in control; as is evident by the growing abandonment of Thaksin's attempts to modernise education.

Sad, in the extreme, but certainly not unique to Thailand!

Good research you have done "JayBeeee" If you watch a documentary on China, about "Luku Lake" in south west of tibet, a small tiny district with a few thousands people. Before communist took over china the young girls married at 13, then the chinese government said "no, too young" they changed it to 15.

I met a Farang traveller who had been to Tibet and he said the men there are so gentle towards the ladies, he could see they are none violence and he thinks they don't even know how to pin a lady down to rape her.

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On 05/10/2016 at 11:42 AM, cyberfarang said:

According to RapeCrisis.org there are 11 rapes of adults alone every hour in the UK. And my guess is the rape figures are even higher in America, India and many other countries and probably these statistics are not taking into considerations the rapes that go unreported.


Worldwide rape and pedophilia have become an epidemic. I would bet that Thailand doesn’t even fall into the top 20 lists of countries with the most rapes in the world.

Cyberfarang, I have a strong feeling you could be right.

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On 30/7/2559 at 11:08 AM, rooster59 said:

Statistics issued jointly by the national research institute and the national police bureau show that a woman or child is raped in Thailand almost every 15 minutes.

There were approximately 30,000 rape cases per year or 82 per day in the period from 2009 to 2013.

I am sorry I am not trying diminish the horrible crime of rape  in any way--but those figures,  they are wrong

You have given the number of 30,000 & divided  it by 365 days---when those figures are for 4 years 2009--2013..1,460 days . 400% less


Or--maybe I am missing something---in which case I apologise.

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11 minutes ago, Dexlowe said:

^^^ @oxo -- yep, you missed something. It said 30,000 PER YEAR, or 120,000 over 4 years. 


Which is pretty horrendous regardless of who, what, where and why. 

Yes your right--Dexlowe---- in my rush to the keyboard --I did miss read it  (or as Hillary would say--I miss-spoke) --yer horrific figures  --my apologies for muddying the waters by not looking properly.......:sorry:

Edited by oxo1947
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Who would really be surprised at these figures? Stepfathers: this type of abuser often targets and marries a female with very young daughters, trust is established over months and years, the daughters get to the age the Stepfather finds attractive, and the abuse starts. It may have been planned for many years, or the abuser may just be an opportunist. The Stepfather being the financial supporter has power and control over the situation.

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4 hours ago, madusa said:

HI trainman,

I feel illiterate when I am on this website, what is "fink too mutt" you mentioned here. And what is OP that is sometimes mentioned ?



'Fink too mutt' is 'Think too much''.    OP is  ''Opening Poster'....ie, the person who started the thread.

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