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This Saturday is a no Alchol Day??


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Your prerogative, but despite your problems, can you not see that some people can control their alcohol intake and enjoy it ?

What problems dude? Next day tiredness and for days following? Slowdown of brain functions. Lighter wallet?

Yet to meet a guy or girl who defends their drinking who can actually control it.

Anyone who truly controls it doesn't give it much thought and wouldn't bother to comment to defend themselves and drinkers in general
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9 minutes ago, JJGreen said:


What problems dude? Next day tiredness and for days following? Slowdown of brain functions. Lighter wallet?

Yet to meet a guy or girl who defends their drinking who can actually control it.

Anyone who truly controls it doesn't give it much thought and wouldn't bother to comment to defend themselves and drinkers in general



Reading your post again, I find it pathetic.

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I am not defending anything.


I enjoy a drink, your use of the word 'dude' tells me you are American.


Enough said.

I enjoy a night breeze coming off the water as I sit on a near deserted beach..
but not relevant much eh?
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I never engaged anyone, you decided to have an opinion about anyone who can enjoy a drink. and socialize.



nope. Those are things u are reading in your head , not what I wrote or think...

I made some simple statements...
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Just now, JJGreen said:


nope. Those are things u are reading in your head , not what I wrote or think...

I made some simple statements...



Excuse my profanity, but what the <deleted>  is your interest in a no alcohol day in Thailand ?


Is your internet bird from here ?

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Excuse my profanity, but what the  is your interest in a no alcohol day in Thailand ?


Is your internet bird from here ?

What is your interest in my comment?

U take umbrage on behalf of all drinkers?

U like a drink and can control yourself... and can socialize.. Okay...!! good for you

Internet bird?
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Just now, JJGreen said:


What is your interest in my comment?

U take umbrage on behalf of all drinkers?

U like a drink and can control yourself... and can socialize.. Okay...!! good for you

Internet bird?



You obviously had issues with drinking in the past, being American I do not dispute it.


I come from a civilised country, enjoy a drink, and I don't need grief off someone who cannot handle it.  

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You obviously had issues with drinking in the past, being American I do not dispute it.


I come from a civilised country, enjoy a drink, and I don't need grief off someone who cannot handle it.  

You are making your own grief.

Go to bed. sleep it off.
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1 hour ago, JJGreen said:



What problems dude? Next day tiredness and for days following? Slowdown of brain functions. Lighter wallet?

Yet to meet a guy or girl who defends their drinking who can actually control it.

Anyone who truly controls it doesn't give it much thought and wouldn't bother to comment to defend themselves and drinkers in general


I don't drink and get drunk.  I drink in moderation.  So I don't get hangovers, aching heads and slowed down brain function or a much lighter wallet.  I know my limit and stick to it, unless its a special thing like Christmas or a big birthday party, even then I don't go over the top, perhaps just a bit groggy the next day.. and this is perhaps only 5 or 6 times in a year!


Why don't you think people who drink can control themselves? 


If you had a problem with alcohol in the past and had to give it up then I can understand.  But the for vast majority of people drinking a little alcohol in social situations is not a problem and a very enjoyable experience. 


I don't know why you commented on this thread hinting that all people who consume any alcohol are alcoholics, unless you just wanted to start silly arguments.


If you can't have one drink without going crazy and over the top drunk then that's you personal problem. 



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Why don't you think people who drink can control themselves? 


I don't know why you commented on this thread hinting that all people who consume any alcohol are alcoholics, unless you just wanted to start silly arguments.

I didn't say or hint either of those things.

Another poster made up some stuff in his head he wanted me to have said. You have taken his fantasy as fact. Very odd

But thanks for proving my point about people who feel the need to justify themselves... unasked

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11 hours ago, JJGreen said:
11 hours ago, JJGreen said:



I didn't say or hint either of those things.

Another poster made up some stuff in his head he wanted me to have said. You have taken his fantasy as fact. Very odd

But thanks for proving my point about people who feel the need to justify themselves... unasked




You did say you have yet to meet someone who drinks that is able to control the amount they drink, which would suggest that person has an alcohol problem, or is an alcoholic. 


You did say that if people drink alcohol they have next day tiredness .. and for days after, and slowed down brain function.  An average person drinking a moderate amount will not suffer these problems.........


Also, what is all this stuff you keep on about saying people have to 'justify themselves', like you think they are committing a  crime or a sin? 


You come across as someone who has a problem with alcohol and is trying to put down anyone who drinks it.  You are either some religious freak or you yourself have n alcohol problem.


Why else would YOU 'feel the need to justify yourself' in putting down anyone who drinks alcohol?





11 hours ago, JJGreen said:




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This is a valid topic, some of us own restaurants, bars, etc and there's very little information available apart from local gossip amongst other retailers.


The law enforced in one area might not be enforced in another area even within the same town.

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Get it right dude, if you are quoting me...it ain't difficult.

I said I am yet to meet someone who defends their drinking who can control it...

People who drink in actual moderation occasionally never defend their drinking IMO. Only people who drink too much or are in denial feel a need to justify themselves
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Most ex alcoholics believe because they couldn't control themselves and lost everything in life that it's the same for everyone.. No exceptions! When in reality they would love a couple of cold beers now and then but that little luxury is gone forever. Kind of sad especially in a stinking hot climate

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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