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NBTC to propose special SIM cards for foreign tourists so they can be traced


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Dumb idea in many respects.


If ( as in If ) they were to do this for genuine security reasons and security reasons only, maybe you could half heartedly agree...but here in Thailand it will turn into a scam of sorts and or corrupted in ways only the Thais can corrupt something....as it always does.



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As I've stated loads of times it happens all over the world and if your silly enough to think they only use it for security reasons then you are seriously deluded. Even us mere mortals with a mobile phone and a little knowledge of how to find and use certain software can track a mobile phone from its number. There are apps you can download to track family members now so how hard do you think it is.!!!! So yes the Thais will use it for there own reasons but no more than so called civilised countries like the USA/UK do. It's time you woke up to today's world instead of oh Thai this oh Thai that.

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12 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Tempting prospect. But how do you get by? I get so many OTP's sent to my mobile when logging onto supposedly secure internet sites now. Banks, on-line sellers, even HMRC ! Just about everyone wants my mobile number and once you say you don't have one you are immediately red flagged! 

I probably am red flagged, but hey ho. If the Powers That Be don't like it, that's their tough titty until they change the law and make me carry one.


As a matter of fact, I do actually own one somewhere, but the battery has been flat for ages and I wouldn't be able to tell you what the number is even if you had a loaded pistol at my head (a cheery thought for some of the junta fanbois out there...:clap2:)

How I get by is simply giving somebody else's number if I have no choice, either Mrs. Baboon or my Ma in the UK. Whatever they want from me can wait...

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It would be so good if all the countries around the world decided enough is enough and treated all the Thai's that come to our countries the same so they treat us here, love to see what the Thais would think and say :w00t:

Edited by JASON THAI
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2 minutes ago, JASON THAI said:

It would be so good itf all the countries around the world decided enough is enough and treat all Thai that come to our countries the same so they treat us here, love to see what the Thais would think and say :w00t:

They already do UK prime example.

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Well, short of putting my house up for sale, at the very least it's time to establish that second home in __________.

In addition to the illegal bonfires next door, my neighbours chickens infiltrating my yard - and kitchen with shit, their cows wandering onto my patio area , and the illegal dump trucks going by which I have officially taken legal action against to no avail (of course)... .... it's just about time to leave the "land of smiles".  I have better places to spend my money and perform community volunteer work thank you kindly. Plus, I can have my Harley there without paying 200% taxes. <deleted> it. Furthermore, if I wanted to be "tracked" and "traced" and "monitored" more than I already am, I'd go back to Red China.

Edited by TerrylSky
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Typical Thai nonsense. If they are worried about

crime or national security, I am pretty sure that

99% of crime committed in Thailand is by Thai

people.  Probably the same percentage applies

to people who are threatening national security.

So logically every Thai person should be tracked...

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I think it's a great idea.  I've lived and traveled all over the world.  I've been retired here for a little over 2 years.  I have not seen anywhere, such a dense concentration of expat psychopaths, sociopaths, freaks and liars.  Although it probably won't be the cure. Anything that can be done to monitor the flow these "dregs" I think is a good thing.  IMHO...

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4 hours ago, baboon said:

I probably am red flagged, but hey ho. If the Powers That Be don't like it, that's their tough titty until they change the law and make me carry one.


As a matter of fact, I do actually own one somewhere, but the battery has been flat for ages and I wouldn't be able to tell you what the number is even if you had a loaded pistol at my head (a cheery thought for some of the junta fanbois out there...:clap2:)

How I get by is simply giving somebody else's number if I have no choice, either Mrs. Baboon or my Ma in the UK. Whatever they want from me can wait...


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6 hours ago, gemguy said:

Dumb idea in many respects.


If ( as in If ) they were to do this for genuine security reasons and security reasons only, maybe you could half heartedly agree...but here in Thailand it will turn into a scam of sorts and or corrupted in ways only the Thais can corrupt something....as it always does.



I'm American.  Sorry for corruption we're number one.  We just make it look good...:cheesy:

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1 hour ago, joeyg said:

I think it's a great idea.  I've lived and traveled all over the world.  I've been retired here for a little over 2 years.  I have not seen anywhere, such a dense concentration of expat psychopaths, sociopaths, freaks and liars.  Although it probably won't be the cure. Anything that can be done to monitor the flow these "dregs" I think is a good thing.  IMHO...

Remind me to take you off of my Christmas card list. I am amazed that you would retire in such a cesspool of iniquity. Are you perchance a retired man of the cloth. Jesus loves all of us not just you. Do you want my address to send me my free bible?

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As mentioned by another poster, they probably cannot easily access who is who with the current registration system, so they now want a way to tell who is foreign and who isn't at a glance. There would be something built into the new sims that would show up on their tracking systems. Of course it's easy to see the flaws in it and why it won't work very well, if at all, but there are perhaps a few people who may be able to sell what data they do get to local marketing companies wanting to know where tourists go. That said, they are not demonstrating a level of acumen, perspicacity or resourcefulness that suggest they would be very good at collecting or interpreting the data, but perhaps there is some planned collaboration with businesses wanting to know where we go who would handle all that. Nor do I see very many western tourists cooperating and going along with this, they would need to have something to offer tourists such as increased English language functionality say with their phone services, special apps like dial-o-English-speaking-taxi-driver, instant-McDonald's-to-room food delivery button or hotel room discounts, but one does have the sneaking suspicion that that is really out of their ballpark. Enough people researching their holiday to Thailand will check out the deal with this foreigners sim card stuff and probably turn their noses up at it and just simply do without a phone for their two week holiday if they aren't put off coming here altogether. I would imagine Chinese tourists would be used to these kinds of things, from what I have observed and heard they seem to have a less developed sense of their entitlement to privacy so probably wouldn't mind as much, so perhaps it would work with them. I can't see even Koreans or Japanese tourists accepting this either, it flies in the face of taking safety precautions that you would allow people you don't know to have access to the info on your whereabouts 24/7. Mobile services usually don't even work where we are, so seems they ought to fix the system first, they cannot track me via phone 95 percent of the time due to the systems not working where I stay. I am sure there are many other areas where track would be poor or sporadic, such as national parks or other places away from the tourist meccas that many like to explore. Personally, I don't need and rarely use a mobile. If it gets down to this, why bother? Their internet tracking they do is much more of worry as some sources have said the Thai govt. already uses de-encryption software to read emails and likely force ISPs to store data on what we say and do online. Seeing as anything you say at all can be grounds for arrest, that is much more of a worry than a half baked attempt to cow chip me with a blinking foreign tourist bleeper. But as far as the new idea for sim cards goes, I don't see how they are going to sort out foreigners who live here from tourists, 7-11 staff can hardly be asked to start looking at people's visas and determining who is a tourist and who is resident, they are already asked to do a myriad other tasks from making people sandwiches, working out their bill payments to booking their airline tickets and I am sure there are many more things they have to do. What now, they are now part time immigration officials as well? Of course most are hardly bothered with the difference, neither tourists or long time residents are Thai and we are all supposed to be leaving very soon anyway in the minds of many. I have noticed that the assumption that I am soon leaving seems to be a feature in the misconceptions and assumptions  of many a xenophobic Thai I have encountered over the years, such as the evidenced by the  racist and xenophobic overtones of the statements made by these guys trying to implement this new surveillance attempt. Seems in all practicality, all foreigners would be forced onto these sim cards for tourism purposes if we don't just get friends and family to get our sims for us which of course is the biggest gaping flaw in all of this. But you could see all kinds of problems with a tourist sim card, seems very likely they would only last a month, so who would go for that? I'm sure there are many other corners it would make sense to cut with a mere tourist sim card that would make it quite a pain for foreign residents and workers to use. If they are really serious about actually tracking us in our movements from kitchen to bathroom, to garden to corner shop to office  and back home day in and day out, they will have to work out a way to stop people from using sim cards registered to other people. My money is on this dying another death on the great shining pile of brilliant ideas the Thai government has come up with. I am sure they can soon buy the rights to use some kind of nano-technology where by the whole country is crop dusted with trillions of microscopic gizmos that will give them a look at what everyone is doing everywhere. Such gizmos would get into people's digestive tracts and they could even have a gander in there, they should just be a bit more patient, seems that day will soon be upon us if it isn't already.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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how does this affect a SatPhone? say, an Iridium - do they offer a guaranteed-to-function SIM for that??


The Instruction manual says the original factory supplied SIM is necessary for the set to actually function correctly



LOS probably bans them in toto!! -  much like how Malaysia banned private satellite receivers years'n'years ago, because they were unable to Control (i.e. Censure) them

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On 8/2/2016 at 6:37 PM, taichiplanet said:

the ones that want to engage in illegal activities won't be carrying those sims around with them anyway.

Just offer us all ankle monitors with the promise of a free beer every week and most would gladly wear it! :lol:

What, you think a free beer is enough for most? What a bunch of limited self-esteem people you must know.

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25 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I'II just maintain my old fashioned method of a land line.   Why do you need mobile phones?.




Not being facetious, but I just had a quick look at my mobile (Cell phone for our North American friends), and it transpires that I use it to access the following Android Apps (available to download from Play Store):

ABC Iview; ABC News; ABC Radio; Adobe; Bangkok Airport; Bangkok Bus Map; Bangkok Post; BBC Iplayer; BBC News; Buddhist Holy Days; Calculator; Calendar; Camera; Chrome; Clock; Contacts; Earth; English_to_Thai; EN-TH Dictionary; Excel;

Facebook; File Manager; Firefox, Grab Taxi; Indian Ocean Tsunami; KBank; LINE; Maps; Memo; Messenger; Messages; Music; PowerPoint; SET; Siam Gold; Thai Baht; Thai Lotto; THAI Mobile; Thai Script; Thai_to_English; ThaiVisa Connect; TMD Radar;

TrueVision Anywhere; Twitter; Video; Water4Thai; Windyty; WiTopia VPN; Word; YouTube.


And, that's just in Thailand!


Oh yes, I almost forgot, and I use it to make phone calls and send and receive SMS messages too!



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Another silly idea to make themselves look useless from the rest of the world, but TIT lol 555, they need to sort out there own  house out first before picking on Fanangs, KICK ALL THAIS OUT OF OUR HOME COUNTRIES AND SEND THEM BACK HOME, lets see if your people like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Edited by JASON THAI
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10 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

They already do UK prime example.

STOP TALKING SHIT, no they don't they treat them like any other non EU country, can you give me an example of how Thai's are treated different to the rest and please do not say they think that there are all on the game as the same could be said for other countries in Asia who come to the UK



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7 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Remind me to take you off of my Christmas card list. I am amazed that you would retire in such a cesspool of iniquity. Are you perchance a retired man of the cloth. Jesus loves all of us not just you. Do you want my address to send me my free bible?

I think it's a great idea.  I've lived and traveled all over the world.  I've been retired here for a little over 2 years.  I have not seen anywhere, such a dense concentration of expat psychopaths, sociopaths, freaks and liars.  Although it probably won't be the cure. Anything that can be done to monitor the flow these "dregs" I think is a good thing.  IMHO...


Not interested in your Christmas card  or pathetic sarcasm. Facts are the facts.  You just illustrate it clearly with your words.  Do forward me your address though, I'll get that "Bible" right out to you.  Thank You.

Edited by joeyg
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2 hours ago, JASON THAI said:

STOP TALKING SHIT, no they don't they treat them like any other non EU country, can you give me an example of how Thai's are treated different to the rest and please do not say they think that there are all on the game as the same could be said for other countries in Asia who come to the UK



The only shit around here is you my boy

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3 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

The only shit around here is you my boy


So why cant you answer the question little boy, I have just moved to Thailand with my wife who spent 8 years in England and she agrees, so don't talk shit about what you don't know


So answer the question we are all waiting how does the UK treat Thai's different to other non eu's coming to the UK,  COME ON SMART PANTS ANSWER THE QUESTION or are you just drunk in some bar trying to get a young girl to like you lol

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On ‎8‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 4:41 AM, Hawk said:

In Malaysia there are no special sim cards for foreigners, just ordinary sim cards that need to be registered. I only had to show my passport to get one, easy enough.


 In Laos and Cambodia no ID of any kind was needed, just plug and use.

Maybe Cambodia, but Laos requires Sim registration.

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