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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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3 hours ago, Pinot said:




Nevermind the persisting and unresponsive technical problem above.



Last time this happened it was called Watergate...


“We’re witnessing another effort to steal private campaign documents in order to influence an election. Only this time, instead of filing cabinets, it’s people’s emails they’re breaking into…and a foreign government is behind it.”


“Donald Trump needs to condemn these illegal hacks and denounce Russian efforts to intervene in our election. Why is Trump protecting Putin by lying about Russia’s role in these hacks? What did his campaign know and when did they know it? Why won’t he condemn this? With less than a month until Election Day, these are the questions we need answered — and soon.”




Like now.



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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I can't vote in the US, but if I could I'd vote against HRC.


The reason as you've made clear in several dozen posts over several months is that Donald Trump is your guy.


100% your guy. You consistently defend Donald Trump and you very consistently attack his critics. 


Your Hero, The Ignoramus In Chief Donald Trump.

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Some more great news out today. This sociopath's misadventure at the US and world's expense is finally coming back to bite him in his wrinkled fat ass.


Donald Trump's brand is 'plummeting,' biographer says


A potential fallout for Trump's businesses has also been predicted by billionaire Mark Cuban, who tweeted after the tape's release that Trump's actions could make employees at his properties "toxic and unemployable."

"Bernie Madoff now has a better brand," Cuban wrote in reference to the infamously disgraced fraudster and former stockbroker.


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trump is a man baby. If he was elected president, he'd probably arrest the SNL people. So happy Americans are getting it now. Why it took them so long .... that is disturbing.


Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!



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Saw a news analysis about his meltdown asserting if he has just been locked up in a (padded?) room for the last several weeks, he's be WINNING. Not sure if that's really true but there's no doubt he'd be doing much better than he is. Very grateful he has come out of the closet to reveal what a totally insane monster he really would be holding the most powerful office on earth. Not talking so much about the sexual assaults but  the total package.

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Saw a news analysis about his meltdown asserting if he has just been locked up in a (padded?) room for the last several weeks, he's be WINNING. Not sure if that's really true but there's no doubt he'd be doing much better than he is. Very grateful he has come out of the closet to reveal what a totally insane monster he really would be holding the most powerful office on earth. Not talking so much about the sexual assaults but  the total package.


Honestly, this guy is off his rocker. The institutional damage he is doing to the American system of elections will be serious, because he is planting the seeds of doubt and conspiracy into the minds of the easily manipulated and fooled, which are many millions of people. I have read several articles on this now this morning, that he is laying waste to the land in a way that will take perhaps decades to rebuild. The most toxic thing to happen to American politics perhaps ever.

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Clinton heavily favored to win Electoral College: poll


"After a brutal week for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton maintained a substantial projected advantage in the race to win the Electoral College and claim the U.S. presidency, according to the latest results from the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday."


"If the election were held this week, the project estimates that Clinton's odds of securing the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the presidency at more than 95 percent, and by a margin of 118 Electoral College votes. It is the second week in a row that the project has estimated her odds so high."


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9 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Honestly, this guy is off his rocker. The institutional damage he is doing to the American system of elections will be serious, because he is planting the seeds of doubt and conspiracy into the minds of the easily manipulated and fooled, which are many millions of people. I have read several articles on this now this morning, that he is laying waste to the land in a way that will take perhaps decades to rebuild. The most toxic thing to happen to American politics perhaps ever.

Yes, agreed. He has already been historically destructive. He has earned a NOTORIOUS place in American political history alongside villains like Joseph McCarthy that not surprisingly he has a direct connection to via Roy Cohn. 





Trump’s Mobbed Up, McCarthyite Mentor Roy Cohn

Donald Trump’s brash and bullying style was learned at the heel of Roy Cohn, one of America’s most infamous lawyers.







It's impossible to overstate just how AWFUL trump has been for his own nation. He's the opposite of a "great" Ameican. He is the VERY WORST kind of American. Most Americans just live their lives and try to get by. He is going out of his way to inflict MAJOR LONG TERM DAMAGE. 



All of this — every last scummy bit — is path-breaking in the worst possible sense. This is nothing less than the transformation of American political culture into a fascist-tinged re-do of The Jerry Springer Show. And we owe it all to Donald Trump.



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Trump loses grip on Ohio


"Two weeks ago, Ohio looked to be Donald Trump’s best big-state bet. The Republican rank-and-file appeared to be getting on board and the state seemed to be fading out of reach for Hillary Clinton. All that’s changed."


"After several disastrous weeks for Trump, Ohio is suddenly back in play. Clinton has taken a lead in four of the last 5 public polls there and the Trump campaign has returned to a war footing with the state’s GOP establishment."


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


You do not think that the left are doing everything they can to cause him to lose? I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime. 


You have been saying that for 8 years of berating everything about Obama and the MSM does to support him. I think it's time for a new shtick. :wink:

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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


You have been saying that for 8 years of berating everything about Obama and the MSM does to support him. I think it's time for a new shtick. 


That does not make it any less accurate. The MSM have enabled Obama and they are enabling Hillary's cover ups too.

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The desperate Bloviator is rilling up the Loonies again:


Warnings of conspiracy stoke anger among Trump faithful


"And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem."


“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes.

"There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”



Gee, I wonder if Dan Bowman's psycho comments put him on the radar.

I hope so...

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


That does not make it any less accurate. The MSM have enabled Obama and they are enabling Hillary's cover ups too.


Well, you let me know when decent Republicans I supported like Reagan and George H. take back control of the Republican party, and when Fox News rejects the tea party and other outer space viewpoints, and maybe I'll stop reading the MSM. :thumbsup:


Maybe November 9th?  Here's hoping. 

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Donald Trump Continues to Dip in Polls as Hillary Clinton Firms Her Lead


"Conducted after the second presidential debate, the NBC News/WSJ poll finds Clinton leading Trump among likely voters 48% to 37%."


"Both polls show that fervor for Trump has tanked in the aftermath of a video of the Republican nominee making crude comments to describe women and as multiple women have accused him of sexual assault.


"Two-thirds of registered voters reject Trump’s denial of making unwanted sexual advances toward women, the ABC News/Washington Post poll said."



Bye, bye, Donnie bye, bye...

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

That does not make it any less accurate. The MSM have enabled Obama and they are enabling Hillary's cover ups too.


There ya go again.

Just making stuff up. :laugh:




Pure cursory emotive blather...

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1 hour ago, keemapoot said:

Some more great news out today. This sociopath's misadventure at the US and world's expense is finally coming back to bite him in his wrinkled fat ass.


Donald Trump's brand is 'plummeting,' biographer says



That sounds very silly. I would never presume to think a person who worked for Enron or AIG was a bad person because of the management there. Only a very judgmental person, like a leftist, would engage in such prejudice.

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