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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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Americans and Barack Obama continue to connect, concerning Donald Trump in particular. Four more years...


A new Fox News poll shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by six points nationally, 45% to 39%, with Gary Johnson at 5%.


“A large gender gap marks the four-way race, as Trump is ahead by 7 points among men, while Clinton is up 17 points among women.  She also leads among non-whites (+51 points) and younger voters under 30 (+19).  Johnson and Stein get the support of one in five of these young voters.”


For comparison, the HuffPost Pollster average shows Clinton leading by eight points, 49% to 41%. 

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‘He damaged his brand’: Garrison Keillor says Trump will lose so hard he’ll have to go live in exile.


He has damaged his brand.”

“The steaks, ties, home furnishings, fragrances, whiskey, resorts, condos, golf club memberships — when you associate yourself with white supremacy, male chauvinism and invincible ignorance, this is not smart marketing,” Keillor wrote.




-Som nam na.

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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Judge Curiel Rules Trump Must Face Trial for Racketeering in Trump University Suit.






And imagine what Trump is going to say about Federal District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel. This is such a sweet court case, I hope it is followed by many more.

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51 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Michael Moore, what a nut, but he predicted that Trump will win.



Dude, you do understand he said that to MOTIVATE people to do the work the beat him, right? Not get complacent, right? Basic politics.                                                                                                                            

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Why Recent Child Rape Case Against Trump Should Not Be Ignored: Victim Has A Witness (updated)


"I personally witnessed the Plaintiff being forced to perform various sexual acts with Donald J. Trump and Mr. Epstein. Both Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein were advised that she was 13 years old."


"It is exceedingly rare for a sexual assault victim to have a witness. But Tiffany Doe says:

I personally witnessed four sexual encounters that the Plaintiff was forced to have with Mr. Trump during this period, including the fourth of these encounters where Mr. Trump forcibly raped her despite her pleas to stop."


"Tiffany Doe corroborates, based on her own personal observations, just about everything in Jane Doe’s complaint: that twelve year old Maria was involved in a sex act with Mr. Trump, that Mr. Trump threatened the life of Jane Doe if she ever revealed what happened, and that she would “disappear” like Maria if she did."



Read the full Trump/Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits, here:


With testimony from Tiffany Doe. Jeffrey Epstein's personal "party manager".


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BUSTED! Fake Trump Accuser Rachel Crooks is LYING According to Family and Friends

Breaking News By Amy Moreno October 13, 2016

The NY Times is in desperation mode, trying to destroy Donald Trump for their “Dear Leader” Hillary Clinton.

They’re creating fake “hit pieces” on Trump, and their hoaxes are falling apart at the seams.

According to friends and family fake Trump accuser, Rachel Crooks is lying.


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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

BUSTED! Fake Trump Accuser Rachel Crooks is LYING According to Family and Friends

Breaking News By Amy Moreno October 13, 2016


The NY Times is in desperation mode, trying to destroy Donald Trump for their “Dear Leader” Hillary Clinton.

They’re creating fake “hit pieces” on Trump, and their hoaxes are falling apart at the seams.

According to friends and family fake Trump accuser, Rachel Crooks is lying.


Clearlly I was wrong in accusing you of using low class news sources like breitbart.com.  What could be a more highly esteemed source than truthfeed.com?  Did you actually read the article? The Headline says Rachel Crooks is lying according to Friends and Family. But if you read the text the only person whose testimony is produced is Lona Burnstein whose "cousin was married to Crook's uncle."  Someone who has a cousin who was married to Crook's uncle is family?  Really?  Was she a friend?  No evidence is produced to support that either. And unless the Bernstein person has multiple personality disorder, she is only one person.  Yet somehow she turns into the plural of family and friends?  Fond of garbage much?

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36 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Clearlly I was wrong in accusing you of using low class news sources like breitbart.com.  What could be a more highly esteemed source than truthfeed.com?  Did you actually read the article? The Headline says Rachel Crooks is lying according to Friends and Family. But if you read the text the only person whose testimony is produced is Lona Burnstein whose "cousin was married to Crook's uncle."  Someone who has a cousin who was married to Crook's uncle is family?  Really?  Was she a friend?  No evidence is produced to support that either. And unless the Bernstein person has multiple personality disorder, she is only one person.  Yet somehow she turns into the plural of family and friends?  Fond of garbage much?


do these guys actually think theyre gonna get trump  elected by posting this crap?

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

Clearlly I was wrong in accusing you of using low class news sources like breitbart.com.  What could be a more highly esteemed source than truthfeed.com?  Did you actually read the article? The Headline says Rachel Crooks is lying according to Friends and Family. But if you read the text the only person whose testimony is produced is Lona Burnstein whose "cousin was married to Crook's uncle."  Someone who has a cousin who was married to Crook's uncle is family?  Really?  Was she a friend?  No evidence is produced to support that either. And unless the Bernstein person has multiple personality disorder, she is only one person.  Yet somehow she turns into the plural of family and friends?  Fond of garbage much?


It's just weak misdirection and spam.

Textbook Trolling from that poster. :thumbsup:


Quite disturbing coming from a self-professed "non-Trump" supporter as he continually states... :whistling:

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21 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:


I thought maybe D. Trump had aged badly and was disoriented to such an extent that he lost memories of the lies he lied about.

But this video shows he replays the seme scenario agin  and again since décades, pretending to have superior knowledge, but scarcely releasing proofs.   

This recipe finally is his signature.    

Edited by Opl
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Two statements made separately but taken together are the most accurate and insightful I've seen to date about this Potus campaign and election cycle...



James Hohmann: Clinton has spent the past few months trying to frame the election as a referendum on him. She’s succeeded, in part, because Trump’s favorite thing to talk about is, well, Trump. And he takes everything personally. Trump started his answer on the Supreme Court vacancy, for example, by noting that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said nasty things about him and claiming that she was ‘forced to apologize.'”



Maureen Dowd: “In Trump’s warped fun-house mirror of a psyche, every rejection is a small death. That is why he harps on humiliation, that America is being humiliated on the world stage … He gets so easily distracted by belittling statements … that he could not focus to make points in areas where Hillary is vulnerable. In order to stop losing, he would have to stop losing it.”



Thing is, Trump never had it.

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Trump Just Removed His Name From His Hotels Due To Plummeting Business.

Amidst reports that occupancy rates at Trump Hotels have slipped this election season, the company has announced that new brand hotels will no longer bear the Trump name.




-Som nam na!


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6 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Removed His Name From His Hotels Due To Plummeting Business.

Amidst reports that occupancy rates at Trump Hotels have slipped this election season, the company has announced that new brand hotels will no longer bear the Trump name.




-Som nam na!



What Trump forgot is that the people he aims at as his 'base' will never be able to afford a night in a 750-1000 USD a night hotel in their lives. They are lucky to scrape together enough to pay the rent for their trailer park and then the donation of 5-10 usd a month they seem obliged to send Trump. The more educated people in jobs that can afford such hotels are disgusted by Trump and subsequently everything in his brand will suffer. I hope he loses at least another billion this year.

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


What Trump forgot is that the people he aims at as his 'base' will never be able to afford a night in a 750-1000 USD a night hotel in their lives. They are lucky to scrape together enough to pay the rent for their trailer park and then the donation of 5-10 usd a month they seem obliged to send Trump. The more educated people in jobs that can afford such hotels are disgusted by Trump and subsequently everything in his brand will suffer. I hope he loses at least another billion this year.

Absolutly right, how could this great business man have missed that?

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


What Trump forgot is that the people he aims at as his 'base' will never be able to afford a night in a 750-1000 USD a night hotel in their lives.


Yes, but you can get some great discounts at the moment....

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On 10/20/2016 at 0:32 AM, Skywalker69 said:


I must admit he doesn't seem to be getting much support now, except from the two biggest window lickers on the channel, Hannity and that Judge woman.



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Donald Trump is killing Ivanka’s business as women boycott her brand — and the stores that carry it.


 It seems Trump’s business spiral isn’t isolated to the Donald. And Ivanka Trump might soon need to take her name off of her fashion line now, as well. According to Yahoo Fashion, women are not only  boycotting Ivanka’s brand, they’re also avoiding the stores that sell it.



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