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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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10 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump victory increases uncertainties for global economy.


The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president creates new uncertainties for the global economy, say investors and economists, who see him as a reckless novice who might disrupt trade at a time when growth is already fragile.



Well the DOW would seem to disagree, setting record breaking daily gains and levels.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:

Whatever one thinks of Donald Trump he single handedly put an end to two of the most damaging and powerful political dynasties in America, the Clintons and the Bushes. He deserves credit for that at least.


He put an end to the Bush dynasty?  I thought they self-destructed.


As to the Clinton's, I'd prefer their experience and competence to the clueless arrogance and erratic temperament of Trump.  For that matter, I'd rather see Chelsea Clinton as POTUS than Trump, I'm sure she's much better prepared for the job.

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8 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

Blah, blah, blah. 61 pages of it. Get over yourselves. You lost. default_clap2.gif

Before This Election, Newt Gingrich Believed the Popular Vote Winner Should Be President


So did Donald Trump, but they're not complaining now.


Newt Gingrich, one of Donald Trump's top surrogates and a possible Cabinet pick for the Republican president-elect, does not believe that Trump, who lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, won the presidency within a fully fair and representative electoral system. That is, if Gingrich's words from two years ago can be taken seriously.



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On November 9, 2016 at 5:51 PM, Skywalker69 said:

His supporters will soon be so <deleted> tired of him when he can´t forfill his promises, wait and see. 


I hardly expect Trump to fulfill his campaign promises...I simply wanted to stop 4 more years of obama/hillary and that goal was already realized ;-)


Its all just icing on the cake from here on out.

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17 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Before This Election, Newt Gingrich Believed the Popular Vote Winner Should Be President


So did Donald Trump, but they're not complaining now.


Newt Gingrich, one of Donald Trump's top surrogates and a possible Cabinet pick for the Republican president-elect, does not believe that Trump, who lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, won the presidency within a fully fair and representative electoral system. That is, if Gingrich's words from two years ago can be taken seriously.




Until these rules on electoral vs popular vote are changed then this is the system we operate in...are stuck with.


It does not mean it has to be favored, supported or liked...it simply IS and it was equally applied to both candidates--hillary had the identical rules and protections available to her but she lost.


It would be beneficial for liberals to wrap their head around this fact.

Edited by ClutchClark
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3 hours ago, heybruce said:


He put an end to the Bush dynasty?  I thought they self-destructed.


As to the Clinton's, I'd prefer their experience and competence to the clueless arrogance and erratic temperament of Trump.  


Perhaps you missed the 2016 Republican debates when Jeb Bush was running for President. The debates where Trump triumphed.


Or possibly you did not realize Jeb was part of that Bush family ?



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5 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Perhaps you missed the 2016 Republican debates when Jeb Bush was running for President. The debates where Trump triumphed.


Or possibly you did not realize Jeb was part of that Bush family ?


Jeb came in sixth in the first primary, fourth in the second primary, fourth in the third primary,  and fifth in Florida, his home state and where he had been governor.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries,_2016  Do you really think if Trump hadn't run he would have somehow jumped to first?

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Trump Is Being Taken To Court For Fraud Just DAYS After Being Elected President (VIDEO)


Trump is due in court just days after being elected as the next President of the United States, as the civil class action case Low v. Trump University is set to take place before the Electoral College can even meet and vote Trump into the presidency. Trump is being taken to court for “promising, but not delivering access to” “hand-picked” instructors that were supposed to give students lessons about real estate through Trump’s non-accredited Trump University. That trial is coming up on November 28th.



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Before This Election, Newt Gingrich Believed the Popular Vote Winner Should Be President
So did Donald Trump, but they're not complaining now.
Newt Gingrich, one of Donald Trump's top surrogates and a possible Cabinet pick for the Republican president-elect, does not believe that Trump, who lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, won the presidency within a fully fair and representative electoral system. That is, if Gingrich's words from two years ago can be taken seriously.

Take out the democratic vote fraud machine ( dead, illegals, no id laws...) and you got a deal ! [emoji1]

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34 minutes ago, Merzik said:


Yes impeach him! He fat-shamed Miss Piggy! I was triggered ! emoji1.png

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Can you read?


“Trump appears to have lied about his role in Trump University to students, he has throughout the election continued to misrepresent the cases that focus on his misrepresentations.”

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Can you read?


“Trump appears to have lied about his role in Trump University to students, he has throughout the election continued to misrepresent the cases that focus on his misrepresentations.”

Yes, I can read in many languages but this is just another frivolous charge from a few unhappy students in a country where law suits are all to common. So, does this mean that everybody that goes to college and accumulates student loans and gets a degree and can't find a job in their field, can file a law suit against that college? No one is guaranteed anything when they attend a school. There were many happy students and some that were not.

On the other hand we had a presidential candidate guilty of serious war crimes and corruption on a scale that is shocking to even the most cynical and in return we got a series of these trivial charges that never pan out or amount to anything. When you think of what the Clintons did in Serbia, Egypt, Lybia, Ukraine and Syria or the massive pay-for-play slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation and compare it to the absurd "grab-a-pussy" recording, unhappy uni students, "groped" women from 30 years ago or a fat-shamed porn star stories the MSM gave us about Trump you might start to understand?

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I read once where an argument was made that liberalism is a mental sickness and I thought it quite harsh. After reading about all the bitterness and vitriol these last couple of days I am starting to think that article about liberalism being a mental sickness might not have been to far off. It is apparent ,to liberals you must conform to their warped thinking or you will be chastised and villified. Clint Eastwood who is an American icon and true hero tweeted that he was very happy that the Republicans won the election and his few remaining years will be great. For this, Twitter had the audacity to suspend his account. This is a prime example of the hypocrisy of the liberal leftwing mentality. If you don't subscribe to their way of thinking, however warped it is, they will shut you down. Forget about the issue of freedom of speech or expression. The liberal mindset is such that  inclusive means subscribing to their warped ideology or else be labeled a homophobe, a sexist, a racist, etc. Their behavior and comments have been sickening and their rants are beyond childish. They can't accept that Trump won the election and their behavior speaks volumes. It would never happen but my fondest wish is all those liberals who said they would leave for Canada would do so.

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I read once where an argument was made that liberalism is a mental sickness and I thought it quite harsh. After reading about all the bitterness and vitriol these last couple of days I am starting to think that article about liberalism being a mental sickness might not have been to far off. It is apparent ,to liberals you must conform to their warped thinking or you will be chastised and villified. Clint Eastwood who is an American icon and true hero tweeted that he was very happy that the Republicans won the election and his few remaining years will be great. For this, Twitter had the audacity to suspend his account. This is a prime example of the hypocrisy of the liberal leftwing mentality. If you don't subscribe to their way of thinking, however warped it is, they will shut you down. Forget about the issue of freedom of speech or expression. The liberal mindset is such that  inclusive means subscribing to their warped ideology or else be labeled a homophobe, a sexist, a racist, etc. Their behavior and comments have been sickening and their rants are beyond childish. They can't accept that Trump won the election and their behavior speaks volumes. It would never happen but my fondest wish is all those liberals who said they would leave for Canada would do so.

I accept that he won and realize what a tragedy that is. We must resist all we can even if that means only winning crumbs.
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20 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

He is not president yet. You have to wait.

I would think you would have to give the same consideration givin that logic.

But yet you spew out nonsense as if it is reality. 

Edited by dcutman
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3 hours ago, Merzik said:

Yes, I can read in many languages but this is just another frivolous charge from a few unhappy students in a country where law suits are all to common. So, does this mean that everybody that goes to college and accumulates student loans and gets a degree and can't find a job in their field, can file a law suit against that college? No one is guaranteed anything when they attend a school. There were many happy students and some that were not.

On the other hand we had a presidential candidate guilty of serious war crimes and corruption on a scale that is shocking to even the most cynical and in return we got a series of these trivial charges that never pan out or amount to anything. When you think of what the Clintons did in Serbia, Egypt, Lybia, Ukraine and Syria or the massive pay-for-play slush fund known as the Clinton Foundation and compare it to the absurd "grab-a-pussy" recording, unhappy uni students, "groped" women from 30 years ago or a fat-shamed porn star stories the MSM gave us about Trump you might start to understand?

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It wasn´t a university. It was a pure scam.






Trump used 'fraud' university to pocket millions, New York attorney general says.



Trump University was a “scam from beginning to end”: The most damning allegations against the “school”



Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony.


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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

And sleazeball con man trump used very similar SALES tactics to rip off the students at his scam university as he did scamming voters to elect him to be president.


Nobody ever taught liberals how to lose with dignity it would seem.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

And sleazeball con man trump used very similar SALES tactics to rip off the students at his scam university as he did scamming voters to elect him to be president.

The laughable part, is that you guys are calling Trump a sleazeball, while defending Hillary.

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22 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Garrison Keillor: Trump voters will see his disasters fall on them—more than anyone else.


Author and radio personality Garrison Keillor took to pen and wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post on Wednesday. Like many other political commentators, Keillor discussed the 2016 presidential results. Like few, Keillor infused wisdom and hope with some hardcore reality.




So Garrison has "infused wisdom and hope" on fellow liberals and a curse on the houses of all Trump voters.


Are they rioting in Lake Wobegon?



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5 hours ago, Merzik said:




Your link equates charges for jaywalking to...what, absence of evidence of voter fraud?


Show me evidence that actual vote fraud occurred at a level that in any way influenced the election.

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6 minutes ago, beechguy said:

The laughable part, is that you guys are calling Trump a sleazeball, while defending Hillary.

The election is over. trump did not get a mandate. He can't get away with faking that he did. Well, he can with trumpists ... they're excellent marks for his CONS. 

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6 minutes ago, beechguy said:

The laughable part, is that you guys are calling Trump a sleazeball, while defending Hillary.


I have worked under Vietnam vets, with Vietnam vets, and over Vietnam vets.  The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service.


Ever send a brother off to war?  Ever feel that feeling?  Ever see what that does to your mother?  I have.

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