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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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2 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Actually when Obama was elected president, he lowered the bar for future presidents.  Even after Obama's eight years of on-the-job-training, he proved over and over again to be woefully unfit to serve as president.


Obama will leave office with a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and red lines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with the apology tour, the rhetoric of disparagement "you didn't build that," he supports the anti-police group Black Lives Matter movement, and a will leave a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders.  Trump is light years ahead of where Obama was when he took office.


One observation I have made viewing many of the anti-Trump posts, is it appears some of you left-wing people appear to be suffering from the "Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder," (TARD).  This disorder is a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again."  Some symptoms include telling others you are moving to Canada, fixated fantasies about the Electoral College, referring to Trump supporters as racist, sexist, bigoted,  homophobic, and even bed wetting.


The only known treatment is to be repeatedly exposed to reality, and to wear a "Make America Great Again" cap.  Most patients with TARD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups.  If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TARD, please urge them to seek treatment.


Obama took office with two unfinished wars, an economy in free-fall, and Bush's final budget leading to the country's first trillion dollar plus deficit.  He leaves office with the country at peace, the economy the fastest growing in the developed world, and the deficit declining. 


Let's see if Trump can match that.

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4 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

What is a so-called "alt right" account?

Something that differs with the philosophy spouted by the far left?


Disclaimer:  Honest question - not a Troll

Did you look at the link?  It explains the headline.


Disclaimer:  Honest question, not a Troll.

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

And you actually  believe him? A problem that has been wrestled with by economists for a century now is going to be solved by Donald Trump. Maybe he's going to invite Jesus back?


Economist haven't been able to solve it for centuries, and therefore also Trump will be unable to solve it, but going from your posts you seem to be able.



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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Obama took office with two unfinished wars, an economy in free-fall, and Bush's final budget leading to the country's first trillion dollar plus deficit.  He leaves office with the country at peace, the economy the fastest growing in the developed world, and the deficit declining. 


Let's see if Trump can match that.

Trump will enter office with 4000 unfinished law suits his businesses and reputation in freefall, and a multibillion dollar portfolio of debt. He will leave office with lucrative deals in energy and construction in Russia, his bank balance growing quicker than it ever has done in 50 years and his multi billion dollar debt issue eradicated due to political wheeling and dealing with other nations central banks, whilst maintaining there was never any conflict of interest.


What could possibly go wrong?  

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3 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


Economist haven't been able to solve it for centuries, and therefore also Trump will be unable to solve it, but going from your posts you seem to be able.



Actually, they have wrestled with it and won twice: first with some form of socialized medicine which gets at the problem by including the entire citizenry or compulsory insurance for the uninsured and otherwise uninsurable combined with subsidies otherwise knows as Heritage Care, I mean Romneycare, I mean Obamacare.  There is a 3rd possibility: the state massively subsidizes the uninsurable. The problem with that is analagous to a similar subsidy for  fire insurance. Why bother to buy it when you can wait until your house catches on fire before you do?

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump will enter office with 4000 unfinished law suits his businesses and reputation in freefall, and a multibillion dollar portfolio of debt. He will leave office with lucrative deals in energy and construction in Russia, his bank balance growing quicker than it ever has done in 50 years and his multi billion dollar debt issue eradicated due to political wheeling and dealing with other nations central banks, whilst maintaining there was never any conflict of interest.


What could possibly go wrong?  

True, we may see corruption on a scale unseen at the Federal level since the 19th century.   I don't know if this will happen, but I wouldn't be surprised.  I'm not sure if Trump understands what ethics and conflict of interest are.

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6 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


Skywalker, not being American I am unsure of procedure. Should the respective electoral colleges not identify such anomalies and initiate an investigation? Or is it just left to a lawyer to file a complaint (can that be done)?


What a poll may or may not indicate is never the basis for investigation under the law. Just as politicians lie to voters, voters sometimes lie to pollsters. Those results could become the basis of an academic study which, if substantiated as fraudulent could be become the basis of a legal action which possibly could lead to an injunction, which.... I don't know.

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5 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


Actually when Obama was elected president, he lowered the bar for future presidents.  Even after Obama's eight years of on-the-job-training, he proved over and over again to be woefully unfit to serve as president.


Obama will leave office with a failed health care law, non-existent economic growth, $20 trillion in national debt, a Middle East in ruins, failed reset and red lines, and a laughable Iran deal.  Obama divided the country with the apology tour, the rhetoric of disparagement "you didn't build that," he supports the anti-police group Black Lives Matter movement, and a will leave a series of anti-Constitutional executive orders.  Trump is light years ahead of where Obama was when he took office.


One observation I have made viewing many of the anti-Trump posts, is it appears some of you left-wing people appear to be suffering from the "Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder," (TARD).  This disorder is a persistent unwillingness to accept that Donald Trump is going to "Make America Great Again."  Some symptoms include telling others you are moving to Canada, fixated fantasies about the Electoral College, referring to Trump supporters as racist, sexist, bigoted,  homophobic, and even bed wetting.


The only known treatment is to be repeatedly exposed to reality, and to wear a "Make America Great Again" cap.  Most patients with TARD are very resistant to treatment, and dangerous in large groups.  If you have a friend or loved one suffering from TARD, please urge them to seek treatment.








Must be at the wrong thread cause I just read a post from two years ago. Another one from then actually. The rote raging against OB was of course the immediate give away.


Oh, on a second glance I see it was brought up to date to mention the Trump election of November 8th. Doesn't improve it much though.


Overall it's the standard Right Sector pulp fiction boilerplate. I can look forward to the movie in this particular instance though cause it's sure to be much better, as will be the year 2017 when the flick comes out.


Can't decide just yet however on the title of the movie. Am betwixt and between 2016: The Election of the Angry Winners  or How To Win And  Still Be A Sorehead.


I'd rather to hear the inside scoop on what the wildman Trump's gonna do, not to hear for the thousandth time the rants of the radical right in their fierce compulsions against Potus Barack Obama. Or against Hillary Clinton (how'd you miss doing that?).


So any recovering obsessive over there who might have any advice or suggestions for those over there who continue to rage on would be welcome to come forward. Apparently now would be none too soon thx.

Edited by Publicus
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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Trump will enter office with 4000 unfinished law suits his businesses and reputation in freefall, and a multibillion dollar portfolio of debt. He will leave office with lucrative deals in energy and construction in Russia, his bank balance growing quicker than it ever has done in 50 years and his multi billion dollar debt issue eradicated due to political wheeling and dealing with other nations central banks, whilst maintaining there was never any conflict of interest.


What could possibly go wrong?  

Him dying from a heart attack? In a not so distant future.

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4 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Democrats Just Named Bernie To A Senate Leadership Position.




I don't think that's a particularly powerful position. I think they're just trying to exploit Bernie's popularity. It remains to be seen if the Democrats will evolve their party into the party Bernie wishes they were.

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

Obama took office with two unfinished wars, an economy in free-fall, and Bush's final budget leading to the country's first trillion dollar plus deficit.  He leaves office with the country at peace, the economy the fastest growing in the developed world, and the deficit declining. 


Let's see if Trump can match that.

Doesn't look very peaceful with the Clinton crybabies rioting in the streets.


Yes, let's wait and see if Trump can match that, in 4 years time.

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22 hours ago, heybruce said:

Why do so many people ignore this sentence:


" The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "


This is a topic about Trump's lack of fitness for POTUS.

No it isn't. It's just another pointless attack on Trump because he won from the sour grapes club.

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18 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Only he has not backpedaled. Combining a wall with a fence still accomplishes the same goal and he said that he would keep the provisions for allowing pre-existing conditions all along.


Can't recall him going on about a fence while on the campaign trail. Do recall him going on in detail about his beautiful wall. It was all pretty straightforward in his rallies. Your own interpretations are just what I said - trying to have it both ways.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Well, he certainly seems to be doing OK for himself these days.

To wit:

GALLUP: Confidence in President-Elect Grows After Election...

His back-pedaling on deportation, the wall, taxes, healthcare, etc. helped.  Also worth noting, from your source:


  • 51% in U.S. say they are "more confident" in Trump's ability to serve
  • Similar to post-election confidence in Bill Clinton, George W. Bush
  • 19% of Hillary Clinton supporters more confident in Trump since election
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No it isn't. It's just another pointless attack on Trump because he won from the sour grapes club.

The subject is " Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President"


My comment was:  " The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "


Clearly you don't like legitimate, factual criticism of your demigod, but the comment is on-topic.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Once Soros' blood money dries up, they'll disappear...:smile:

Time for a freeze on the Hungarians assets? It worked a treat here in Thailand when a certain wannabe dictator was sposoring violent upheaval on the streets. Worked so well, these days when you say Thaksin, they say who?

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. The Dems can't DO anything this time, except filibuster the senate.

I hope Bannon is dangerous to the elites. I hope he is dangerous to the system. I hope he is dangerous to the lobbyists and business as usual. I didn't support Trump for him to be corrupted by the office and change nothing.


Bannon is chaos. Chaos is even worse for Joe Average than a disliked status quo. Reform is one thing, destruction another.

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16 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

OMG the clutching at straws continues unabated. He owes them 300 MILLION. That's chump change for big banks nowadays. He probably spends more than that every time he builds another hotel or whatever.


Is your argument that Trump, being wealthy, needs to be judged on another scale when it comes to potential corruption and conflict of interests? 

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6 minutes ago, heybruce said:


The subject is " Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President"


My comment was:  " The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "


Clearly you don't like legitimate, factual criticism of your demigod, but the comment is on-topic.


Just because you said something does not make it a fact. Fact!

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1 minute ago, kevkev1888 said:


Just because you said something does not make it a fact. Fact!

" The tragic part is that we have elected a clueless fool who equates his "sacrifices" in employing people (and sometimes paying them) to the sacrifice of actual heroes who served for their country and the families who lost loved ones in their service. "  http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/30/trump-says-hes-made-a-lot-of-sacrifices-in-response-to-khizr-khans-blistering-dnc-speech.html  


Do you feel better now that I've referenced my fact?

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