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Thai Girl Embarrasses Me Infront Of My Folks

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Was the goal that you scored against her obviously offside but not flagged ....? :o

Hahaha......... :D

Maybe she's been watching too much Premier league.


Get used to it. Everytime you score a goal, you will hve to pay for it! Try not scoring in front of the folks!


I do not know how long your parents are staying in Thailand, but the odd note in your post IMHO was that you and your girlfriend were playing a game which excluded your parents.

If we are talking manners here, perhaps a more inclusive activity would have been appropriate. If your parents' stay is lengthy, this is irrelevant, since you will have plenty of time together and need "time out".

It may be that your girlfriend's behaviour signalled her anxiety at the visit. Only you would know the dynamics of the parents-girlfriend relationship. If the visit is characterised by mutual hostility or unspoken stresses, you will have to do the hard yards: talk to everyone to understand where they are coming from and organise potentially enjoyable activities, separately or together, to try to improve relations between all parties and to make your parents' visit as enjoyable as possible.


how can i explain to my parents ...................

You don't have to explain anything....your parents are probably wise people and have seen a thing or 2 in their lives before...

The only thing they wish (for you) is, that you will be happy in your relationship and if they are wise, they will keep their lips sealed :o


They will, but inside they will be thinking, "What an absolute twit!"

Meanwhile, perhaps we should make a note of those who are so dismissive of the feelings of Farang Parents in a Thai/Farang relationship

I think we should also make a note of the ammount of Trolls that start these type of threads on Thai Visa. :o


I guess I should take some responsibility because I wouldnt tell her where the "Turbo" key was. She kept asking if there was a way to run faster, and I insisted that I had no idea what she was talking about. Then I took out Beckham's ankle. :o


was it a very hard throw followed by a terrible stare and then walked off in a huff?


was it a, that was dissapointing that I lost, underarmed it to you as a signal that she didnt want to play anymore?

really, unless she pegged at your head and stormed off, is it even an issue? If she did peg it at you, have you taken the time to find out why? maybe there is some underlying issue (she is pissed of at you for something else) that triggerd it.

Just a thought!

ITR! :o


what fruitbatt says does have a point, there maybe a lot of nerves/undercurrents and the like when you parents are around (the cultural difference /anxiety, yet the feeling of wanting to impress the BF parents..that kind of thing)

BUT, having said that, I must say I totally agree with what guesthouse has said....not the kind of behaviour you would expect....regardless of nationality. I dont think you can use her thainess to explain the behaviour, and being a thai myself Id be offended if you tried to use that as her excuse. please dont blame an individual's behaviour on the entire culture.

unless you wanna admit to cheating being a culture of?? :o:D


Thais are brought up a) to be acutely aware of the effect of their behaviour on others and b ) to show respect to elder members of the family.

I guarantee this bitch (sorry) is playing you. She is testing the limits in a new and strange environment for her i.e. with farang elders. This behaviour pattern must be corrected immediately. Or drop her.

Someone's gonna slam me for saying this.

Thais are brought up a) to be acutely aware of the effect of their behaviour on others and B ) to show respect to elder members of the family.

I guarantee this bitch (sorry) is playing you. She is testing the limits in a new and strange environment for her i.e. with farang elders. This behaviour pattern must be corrected immediately. Or drop her.

Someone's gonna slam me for saying this.

not me! :o


We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.

Thais are brought up a) to be acutely aware of the effect of their behaviour on others and b ) to show respect to elder members of the family.

I guarantee this bitch (sorry) is playing you. She is testing the limits in a new and strange environment for her i.e. with farang elders. This behaviour pattern must be corrected immediately. Or drop her.

Someone's gonna slam me for saying this.

I agree with some of that regarding respecting elders. I would also say the vast majority of Thai females have a streak of petulance in them. Another Thai cultural trait that doesn't get talked about much here, is the "Thai Whine". It absolutely drives me up a wall when I hear it. It's mostly women , but men exhibit this trait as well. I've talked to many Thais about this and they say it is indeed a part of their culture. Not the most attractive part IMO.

We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.


Well everything has it positive sides as well....she can't play anymore....SO: you won't have fights over a simple game anymore and that's positive :D

On the other hand it's about time to........ :o


We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.

Does anyone actually believe this is happening ??? :o


We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.

Does anyone actually believe this is happening ??? :o

thought this thread might have a bit of meat to it, boring really, why did the OP feel he had to tell us?

they sound like they deserve each other.

keep us posted though if anything good happens like when the TV goes through the window, seen it happen, luckily it wasn't my bird so I didn't have to deal with it.

We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.

A few suspected you might be a troll, now you've gone and removed all doubt.


OP has to be yet another bored troll with too much time and not enough to think about. Sad really, when you consider the amazing country many of us live in.


We had a rematch tonight. She lost again, so she took the control, went to the bathroom, dropped it in the toliet, urinated on it. and then flushed the toliet. It is now lodged in there.

A few suspected you might be a troll, now you've gone and removed all doubt.

yeh c'mon 007 you're sitting on this thread so why not spice it up a bit, these things start off small and usually escalate very quickly, what's happening now? is the controller still in the kazi? have you spat your dummy out and told her she's on the sofa 'til she sorts her attitude out and sees what a lucky girl she is. just a few suggestions to beef it up, if it gets any good I'll tell you about the time the TV went through the window.

OP has to be yet another bored troll with too much time and not enough to think about. Sad really, when you consider the amazing country many of us live in.

I don't think so. He wrote in another topic, earlier this month, about buying a Playstation in BKK.

Playing these games can be quite frustrating for someone who loses (all the time) and H_ll will brake lose.

So I think he's genuine but that doesn't solve the problem he and she has.



Whenever I am subjected to The Thai Whine, I do it back to them. It's so inappropriate for a farang male to do it, that they crack up and the situation is immediately lightened up and whine-free. Just watch any Thai soap for 5 minutes and copy. It's simple. Get that petulant squeak in at the end.


I think this thread is quite funny really. Funny really to see the reactions of people aghast that a Thai girl could do such a thing in front of parents. Funny also that it is completely made up, as trolls go its not a bad one at all.

Guesthouse is still probably shaking his head at how disrespectful she was - probably made him smash the rice cooker!


Actually I think it's a very valid topic. For most normal people around the world of every race and nationality, the hope that your parents and your spouse have mutual respect and are able to get on with one another is an appropriate concern.

People I meet that boast about not having communicated or seen any member of their family for several years come across as sad.

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