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Doi Inthanon now 300 THB for Farang


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On 5 สิงหาคม 2559 at 11:54 AM, guzzi850m2 said:

I think the dual price is practiced many places in SEA and other places, I was up in the Protronas twin towers in KL last year, and all non Malaysians was charged 10 times (I think) more than the locals for a guided tour.


What I find hard to swallow here in Thailand is that I have a family here, kids in private schools and so on but still I pay this tourist price.


I am by no means rich, have a pick-up truck, not a Mercedes Benz.


I think many retired expats will say no thanks to pay 300 baht for looking at a temple if they are on a thigh budget, a whole days food money for some.


Thankfully a few places still do the Thai price if you show Thai DL, underwater world in BKK and Pattaya as examples, private owned venues.

Malaysia is disgusting for double charging. I wanted to go up the cable car on Penang, but when I saw the price difference I told them they were a bunch of crooks and went to the million Buddha Pagida instead.

Pity more foreigners don't refuse to pay, as they will continue to do so when farangs are stupid enough to willingly get ripped off. It's not like Thailand doesn't have plenty of free or cheap places to visit. Scenery around Chang Dao is spectacular, and no charge. MHS loop is amazing and no charge. Temples on C M hills are free and have amazing views. The Rambo temple is one of nicest temples I've been to and is free, while the Footprint temple is at the foot of the same hill. The lakes near C M are 20 baht per person.

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On 5 สิงหาคม 2559 at 11:54 AM, guzzi850m2 said:

I think the dual price is practiced many places in SEA and other places, I was up in the Protronas twin towers in KL last year, and all non Malaysians was charged 10 times (I think) more than the locals for a guided tour.


What I find hard to swallow here in Thailand is that I have a family here, kids in private schools and so on but still I pay this tourist price.


I am by no means rich, have a pick-up truck, not a Mercedes Benz.


I think many retired expats will say no thanks to pay 300 baht for looking at a temple if they are on a thigh budget, a whole days food money for some.


Thankfully a few places still do the Thai price if you show Thai DL, underwater world in BKK and Pattaya as examples, private owned venues.

Malaysia is disgusting for double charging. I wanted to go up the cable car on Penang, but when I saw the price difference I told them they were a bunch of crooks and went to the million Buddha Pagida instead.

Pity more foreigners don't refuse to pay, as they will continue to do so when farangs are stupid enough to willingly get ripped off. It's not like Thailand doesn't have plenty of free or cheap places to visit. Scenery around Chang Dao is spectacular, and no charge. MHS loop is amazing and no charge. Temples on C M hills are free and have amazing views. The Rambo temple is one of nicest temples I've been to and is free, while the Footprint temple is at the foot of the same hill. The lakes near C M are 20 baht per person.

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2 hours ago, TheSiemReaper said:


Yes, I always find that people who make threats on the internet and haven't got a pot to urinate in are the ones to be terrified of. You wouldn't be able to afford your hospital bills any better than the national parks you're too cheap to visit. So save the empty threats for someone who cares. Though in fairness that's probably no-one. 

Please, please tell me you're in Chiang Mai. I don't make threats and you have no clue about my life. You can talk all you want but I still want you to do it to my face. If you think I'm the one going to hospital, you may find yourself suprised. Send me a PM. Tell me where to meet you. I'll be there with bells on.

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300 baht to visit Doi Inthanon. Big deal so what.


I`ve visited twice over the years and lets face it, seen it once, seen it for all time. Besides having a photo taken under the, this is the highest point in Thailand sign just to prove you`ve been there, there is nothing else worth seeing at that God forsaken spot on the outskirts of nowhere.

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3 hours ago, TheSiemReaper said:


Yes, I always find that people who make threats on the internet and haven't got a pot to urinate in are the ones to be terrified of. You wouldn't be able to afford your hospital bills any better than the national parks you're too cheap to visit. So save the empty threats for someone who cares. Though in fairness that's probably no-one. 


55 minutes ago, cmth said:

Please, please tell me you're in Chiang Mai. I don't make threats and you have no clue about my life. You can talk all you want but I still want you to do it to my face. If you think I'm the one going to hospital, you may find yourself suprised. Send me a PM. Tell me where to meet you. I'll be there with bells on.

If your'e worried about the police or outside interference, I know the owners of a couple of training centers that would be happy to let us meet there. It's time to see if your ass can cash the checks your mouth writes.

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5 hours ago, cmth said:


If your'e worried about the police or outside interference, I know the owners of a couple of training centers that would be happy to let us meet there. It's time to see if your ass can cash the checks your mouth writes.


I'm not worried about anything. Little boys with no money don't interest me very much. If this is how you get your homoerotic thrills; good for you. I can understand how that lack of 300 baht would lead to masturbating on the internet and making threats - actually I can't - I always have 300 baht as disposable income. So, have fun as a global vagabond, I don't think you can afford the entry to a private training center any more than you can afford the entry to Doi Inthanon. When I see you begging outside Tops; I'll be sure to flick you a coin. 

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11 hours ago, cmth said:

Based on your reasoning if I want to go to Tarutao National Marine Park, I will need to figure in plane tickets, bus tickets, tuk tuk fees, ferry fees, meals and all related expenses into price of entering the park? Doesn't make sense. These expenses are made by you at your discretion. It has nothing to do with entering the park. That is not the issue here. The issue is entering the park. If you don't think the military deserves a small token for their service, then I feel really sorry for you. I don't know what country you are from but every one from every county owes respect to their military personnel. I've been in Thailand for a long time and I have known about this for many years. The issue is that the prices keep going up and even if you stay here long term you are still paying tourist price. Up until a year or so ago, a Thai DL got you the Thai price. It's only recently that the government has decided that no matter how long you have been here, whether you pay taxes or not, you still get to pay more just because you are not Thai.


My feelings towards the military has NOTHING to do with this argument.  It's how we "feel".  They risk their lives (some of them), sacrifice this and that....and we feel obligated to give them a discount at a park.  seems like a small gesture......OK, fine....But then how can you not understand Thais treat all Thais like we treat the military??????  Listen to their national anthem....it's pretty clear.  Think of their constitutional monarchy and current atmosphere now.....so yes, no matter how long you are there you are not Thai....


your bias is getting in the way of logic.  Using home "common sense" doesn't work abroad, so try to understand.....if you don't understand, too bad......

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3 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

OMG.... I'm leaving..... the usual TV farang freaks are out... no wonder some people are not welcomed into the general Thai society.... they would not be welcomed in their own.


insulting TV members???  yes, you are NOT welcome!!!  go to the temple now!!!!

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43 minutes ago, puukao said:


My feelings towards the military has NOTHING to do with this argument.  It's how we "feel".  They risk their lives (some of them), sacrifice this and that....and we feel obligated to give them a discount at a park.  seems like a small gesture......OK, fine....But then how can you not understand Thais treat all Thais like we treat the military??????  Listen to their national anthem....it's pretty clear.  Think of their constitutional monarchy and current atmosphere now.....so yes, no matter how long you are there you are not Thai....


your bias is getting in the way of logic.  Using home "common sense" doesn't work abroad, so try to understand.....if you don't understand, too bad......

Understanding something and liking it are two different things. I understand that there is no logic behind any decisions made here. Consistency is a mythical creature here. The whole point of the post was just to point out that another price increase has occurred for not being Thai at National Parks. It started out at double price and now it's up to 6X price. That's the fact and yes, I understand it completely. That doesn't mean I have to like it and the last time I checked, I am free to express my opinion. By doing so, people that don't agree start getting upset and talking about other people they don't even know in a very disrespectful way. As I said in an earlier post, childish name calling is something that people do when they don't have an intelligent argument. It's easy to sit behind your keyboard and talk a bunch of shit about someone. If you act that way in a normal civilized society, you are going to have issues. I made a post about my opinion and all I get is childish people that have nothing better to do than criticize others for having an opinion. I am done with this. Everyone here can take a flying <deleted>. To those that want to talk shit, you know how to get in touch with me. Maybe I can help you understand a little more about respect.

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On ‎8‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 10:42 PM, MissAndry said:

I've been here since May, I'm a tourist and there is nowhere I need to go where they have dual pricing. Racism is wrong in any circumstance. It certainly bothers me.


Yes, I understand the morality of many foreigners in Thailand becomes somewhat flexible after being here a while. Bribing police, paying VISA agents, buying women, buying property by proxy, drunk driving, etc ..... it's a slippery slope best avoided IMHO.

love your post making assumtions about people who have lived here long term, inthe end hiring a visa agent has nothing to do with morality  it is about convience.

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Just hide in the trunk and save your 300b. Problem solved. ;-)


Personally, I've been there, paid I think 200b at the time, and wasn't that impressed. But to be fair, I'm American and have been spoiled by true amazing parks, such as Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and countless others, all beautiful, clean, and well maintained. So, it's not easy to impress me when it comes to parks. Japan delivers, bigtime. Amazing parks there too. However, Thailand fails most of the time. I've yet to be truly impressed by anything I've had to pay to see here, other than Maya Bay back before it became popular. Having that to yourself all day is incredible.


My biggest issue is the lack of cleanliness at Thai parks. No one wants to see ANY garbage in a park, ever. The dual pricing sucks, it's a slap in the face to those of us who live here, but it's also a reminder that no matter how long we live here, and no matter how well we think we are welcomed by our neighbors, in reality, we are all just foreigners to them, not much different than the foreigners throwing up at a full moon party or any other number of unacceptable behavior. To most of them, we're all the same, just as most of them are all the same to a lot of us.


I wouldn't think twice about charging Thais more than westerners if I could get away with it. They deserve the same treatment we get. I'd also love to see them lose land rights abroad, get GPS tracked, have to check in with immigration every 90 days, and whatever else would offend them. Maybe then they would pull their heads from their bums and treat people equally. 

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LOL....fun to troll the long-term bitter ex-pats!!!!!   They get all mad complaining about people complaining...as if that is good!!!   LOL


so whomever is reading this....you know nothing about Thailand!!!  You are not buddhist!!!  You have not changed your ways, go back home!!!!   LOL

feel free to get super mad for the next 24-hours....I'll check back

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5 hours ago, cmth said:

Again you run your mouth about something you have no idea about. Thinking you are better than someone else with no clue about the person you are berating. You have not accepted my invitation for a personal meeting. I can only assume that you are too good to bother with us peasants or you are a coward. Which one is it? Maybe you should change your screen name to TheSiemSleeper, I think it would fit you much better.


Definitely too good for you. Glad that you've figured that out peasant. 

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1 hour ago, TheSiemReaper said:


Definitely too good for you. Glad that you've figured that out peasant. 

Just as I thought. A little chicken shit that feels nice and safe behind his keyboard. My invitation is always open Ms. TheSiemSleeper.

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On 8/7/2016 at 2:40 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Malaysia is disgusting for double charging. I wanted to go up the cable car on Penang, but when I saw the price difference I told them they were a bunch of crooks and went to the million Buddha Pagida instead.

Pity more foreigners don't refuse to pay, as they will continue to do so when farangs are stupid enough to willingly get ripped off. It's not like Thailand doesn't have plenty of free or cheap places to visit. Scenery around Chang Dao is spectacular, and no charge. MHS loop is amazing and no charge. Temples on C M hills are free and have amazing views. The Rambo temple is one of nicest temples I've been to and is free, while the Footprint temple is at the foot of the same hill. The lakes near C M are 20 baht per person.

Huay Tung Tao entry fee  increased as well...

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I'm Sure That A Lot Of Foreiners Will Be Able To Pay 300 Tbh. My Gripe About It Is Not About The Money it's About The Unfair Practice That Comes To Discrimination And Racisim. In All The Countries I Have Been To Everybody Pays The Same , Foreiners And Locals

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I'm Sure That A Lot Of Foreiners Will Be Able To Pay 300 Tbh. My Gripe About It Is Not About The Money it's About The Unfair Practice That Comes To Discrimination And Racisim. In All The Countries I Have Been To Everybody Pays The Same , Foreiners And Locals

If it is the same in other countries it should be the same here too!
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