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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican


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Donald Trump: the rebellious Republican




NEW YORK: -- Donald Trump’s campaign positions have angered minority groups, liberals, Democrats and increasingly those within his own party, the Republicans. Positions described as racist, divisive and callous.


He recently sparked criticism over his mocking of the mother of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq.


Ghazala Khan stood silently next to her husband as he criticised Trump in a speech at the Democratic Convention.


“If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably – maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say,” Trump told US television.


The billionaire businessman kicked off his campaign last year saying Mexico was sending rapists and drug dealers across the US border – and proposed putting up a wall to stop them.


“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you; they’re not sending you,” he said.


“They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us.”


Trump has also proposed re-opening dialogue with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un – and putting pressure on China to help.


“I would speak to him, I would have no problems speaking to him,” Trump said.


“At the same time I would put a lot of pressure on China because economically we have tremendous power over China. China can solve that problem with one meeting or one phone call.”


Trump’s called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering America – and has had a spat with the Pope, who questioned his Christianity.


“If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’ ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president,” he said in a speech.


Former reality TV star Trump has a thick skin and has won support from white, blue-collar workers who feel ignored by the political establishment.


Recent polling puts Clinton four-and-a-half percentage points ahead of him.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-05
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Trumps spokesperson Now blames President Obama for the death of Officer Khan. 
Yes "it's the Obamas policies that got that kid killed" she stated. 

Fact is, Officer Khan was killed in action in 2004, five years prior to Obama taking office in 2009.
It's embarrassing (and very funny)  to see her try to "walk it back".

Stupidity on steroids! Dumber than dirt!


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Donald Trump’s days are numbered as the Republican knives come out
If he’d thrown away his phone and gone to a desert island for a fortnight after the Republican convention, he’d probably be ahead right now. Instead, his actions have led to Hillary Clinton being ahead by ten points in a Fox News poll




"He’s shown himself to be incapable of self-discipline for more than five minutes. His relationship with the truth is next to non-existent."


Well worth a read. Listing all his gaffes and lies.


Interesting aphorism...Steins doctrine: "If something can’t go on forever, it won’t."

Edited by dexterm
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6 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Donald Trump’s days are numbered as the Republican knives come out
If he’d thrown away his phone and gone to a desert island for a fortnight after the Republican convention, he’d probably be ahead right now. Instead, his actions have led to Hillary Clinton being ahead by ten points in a Fox News poll



Trump loves to hear himself talk too much to ever go silent for 2 weeks (or even one day).

Edited by Silurian
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4 hours ago, Buzzz said:

Trumps spokesperson Now blames President Obama for the death of Officer Khan. 
Yes "it's the Obamas policies that got that kid killed" she stated. 

Fact is, Officer Khan was killed in action in 2004, five years prior to Obama taking office in 2009.
It's embarrassing (and very funny)  to see her try to "walk it back".

Stupidity on steroids! Dumber than dirt!



It's getting really scary. Millions mindlerssly followed Hitler who was insane. Now people like this woman are mindlessly following Trump and failing to admit their mistakes and apologise even when presented with film to prove they are wrong. Are we really in danger of having this sort of cr*p served to us day in and day out for the next 4/8 years? The mind boggles.

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The train has finally come off the tracks. I am utterly amazed it took this long and as I said before this fight is going to be so lopsided they will have to stop it. I am still wondering at times if he is doing this on purpose or if he is really just mentally ill? 


I am beginning to think the only people that support him here or in the GOP in general feel they supported him earlier on and have to continue for some warped reason. You don't have to paint yourself in a corner this way. I was a fan earlier on but this isn't the rebellious anti-establishment man I initially thought. He is really ranting like a lunatic and the GOP should realize this battle is lost already and do something drastic. They need to pull the plug anyway they can if they want to live to fight another day. 


I am not sure what they can do now as he is in the ballot but the GOP should make it clear they no longer support Trump in any way shape or form. This could be too humiliating for those that are now railroaded in but as we all know the train is off the rails. To admit you got duped by Trump is a hard pill to swallow.

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24 minutes ago, freebyrd said:


It's getting really scary. Millions mindlerssly followed Hitler who was insane. Now people like this woman are mindlessly following Trump and failing to admit their mistakes and apologise even when presented with film to prove they are wrong. Are we really in danger of having this sort of cr*p served to us day in and day out for the next 4/8 years? The mind boggles.

Scary indeed. Absolutely cringeworthy watching Trump's spokeswoman attempting to backtrack and whitewash. Recommended viewing.

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If you look at his record, you'll see he's been closer to being a Democrat than a Republican.  He voted Democrat and contributed money to Democratic candidates.  Now, as he gets older and richer he leans more to conservatism.  In reality, he's a flip-flopping sheister.  He'd be a voodoo snake charmer if he thought it got him more votes. 


Because I have no love for Republican talking heads, I get a kick when watching someone like Ryan implode while trying to keep the Republican Titanic from sinking (Trump is the iceberg) .  Ryan is damned if he supports Trump and damned if he doesn't.  Another stick-in-the mud: Newt.  What a crappy speech Newt gave at the Rep convention.  "You must be terrified......!"  he told the sheeple.


Republicans are so bereft of leaders, they can't even find someone to take Trump's position, if Trump dropped (or is pushed) out of contention.   Maybe a bellboy at the Podunk Holiday Inn will take the position.



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Sorry if this sounds repetitive, but when I watched the Republican debates, I was aghast at what a bullying buffoon Trump was.  But that's not the most amazing part.  What was most amazing, to me, was that a majority of right wing Americans voted for him after viewing his bullying.  They made the choice!!!

......it was all under the Republican Party umbrella, so that's what Republicans get.  They created Trumpenstein, and now their creation has killed its creators, broken out of the lab and is terrorizing neighborhoods wherever he goes.   "Listen to me!  You must be terrified.  Vote for me.  That is the only way you will be free from being terrorized.  I am the only one who can save you.  Believe me!"

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It's insanely amazing how Trump uses non existing people to try and prove his blatant lies. He always "hears these things" and always has "people writing these things" but these blatant lies are simply coming directly from this sociopath himself.


It is just such a sad statement about modern America that a con man lie this is able to garner millions of like minded idiots to follow him.


Is there any hope for the future?

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One of the things that I find consistently amusing is listening to (or reading) the trumpanzees. On those rare occasions when a poll shows the spray tanned cow pie to be ahead they immediately take to their keyboards shouting how this PROVES that the Lemming-in-Chief will destroy "Hitlery". However, when those same polls show Clinton in the lead it is nothing more than "liberal bias", "manufactured polling", and media lies. It must be a lot of fun living in their little fantasy land. It's gonna suck to be them on Thursday morning, November 10.


However, the GOP power structure is coming unglued, knowing that the Mouth That Roared is quite likely going to cost them the Senate, and the possibility of him throwing in the House for good measure is increasing daily. They are frantically trying to find some way to throw him under the bus. I'm no fan of Clinton, but she and the DNC have now managed to reverse rolls with Trump. Before, he was getting millions in free press, which was one of the primary things that won him the nomination. Now, that same free press is what is sawing off the limb that he decided to go out on. Clinton and the DNC don't have to do a thing or invest a dime to trash his campaign. He's doing a fine job all by himself.

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I do feel some sympathy for the Trump supporters.  They were so desperate for change and with good reason.  To this end they decided to go with the maverick without taking on board that he was actually a moron.  Once committed it is hard to put your hands up and say, "Boy did we get it wrong!"  There needs to be drastic changes in the republican party before they stand a chance of getting elected.

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1 hour ago, Bung said:

Where's all the Trump fan boys now that the wheels are falling off?

Right here. However I am more motivated to want that woman kept out than I am to want Trump as POTUS. At first he was amusing kicking politicians in the butt, but now he is in danger of losing the prize because he can't change from primaries mode.

I dread to think the pants suited one will win and then we are all doomed because she is too weak to destroy ISIS.

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5 hours ago, Traveler19491 said:

One of the things that I find consistently amusing is listening to (or reading) the trumpanzees. On those rare occasions when a poll shows the spray tanned cow pie to be ahead they immediately take to their keyboards shouting how this PROVES that the Lemming-in-Chief will destroy "Hitlery". However, when those same polls show Clinton in the lead it is nothing more than "liberal bias", "manufactured polling", and media lies. It must be a lot of fun living in their little fantasy land. It's gonna suck to be them on Thursday morning, November 10.


However, the GOP power structure is coming unglued, knowing that the Mouth That Roared is quite likely going to cost them the Senate, and the possibility of him throwing in the House for good measure is increasing daily. They are frantically trying to find some way to throw him under the bus. I'm no fan of Clinton, but she and the DNC have now managed to reverse rolls with Trump. Before, he was getting millions in free press, which was one of the primary things that won him the nomination. Now, that same free press is what is sawing off the limb that he decided to go out on. Clinton and the DNC don't have to do a thing or invest a dime to trash his campaign. He's doing a fine job all by himself.

Mock Trump as much as you like, but you can't change the fact that the only other candidate with a chance is deeply flawed, hugely unpopular and would make a terrible president.

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