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Police: London stabbings that killed US woman not terrorism


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Figures show that in London and other large cities the majority of those carrying out knife attacks are black; but so are their victims.


So your feeble attempt to play the race card fails at the first hurdle.

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6 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Figures show that in London and other large cities the majority of those carrying out knife attacks are black; but so are their victims.



You sound like that makes it OK. Does the race of victims make any difference? Not to me.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Once again you have cherry picked by leaving out the rest of my post from your quote in an attempt to change it's meaning.!



Is there a forum rule that says every response to a post must respond to every single point from that post?


It certainly seems to offend you  when this happens.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Once again you have cherry picked by leaving out the rest of my post from your quote in an attempt to change it's meaning.!


Typical desperation tactics from you.



Huh? Your post is right above mine. I quoted you exactly and did not change your meaning at all. Those are YOUR words.


Desperate is as desperate does. I am not the one denying reality. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Figures show that in London and other large cities the majority of those carrying out knife attacks are black; but so are their victims.


So your feeble attempt to play the race card fails at the first hurdle.


Mentioning black involvement in knife crime is playing the race card is it.


I merely pointed out who were involved in most knife attacks and did not even remotely hint that the victims' ethnicity was anything other than that of the perpetrators.


I've lived in London all my life and know who goes round stabbing who. It's on the news practically on a daily basis anyway

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ClutchClark, there is, obviously, no reason why anyone must respond to every point in a post. But the forum rules do say


16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.

By leaving out the last line, UlyssesG altered the context of my post.


UlyssesG, yes, my post is directly above yours, so why quote it at all, let alone quote only part of it and leave out the part which made my meaning clear, thus altering the context?


yogi100, If you were not playing the race card, why was it necessary for you to say that the majority of knife crime in London is carried out by black people?


By pointing out that most of the victims are black as well I was showing that, like Islam, race is not an issue in this problem; that most knife crime is neither a racist nor religious crime; although, of course, some attacks are one or the other, no one would deny that.






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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


UlyssesG, yes, my post is directly above yours, so why quote it at all, let alone quote only part of it and leave out the part which made my meaning clear, thus altering the context?



The sentence where you basically accused another poster of racism did nothing to make your meaning any clearer. You just do not like it that I pointed out that you are not any less guilty of it than he is. What difference does it make if the victims were the same race, or not? They were still attacked and many murdered.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sometimes I read these threads and are left wondering what realm some folk are living in.


When on earth did an Islamic terrorist attack become something other than an Islamic terrorist attack?


imagine trying to defend these situations.


world has gone mad or rather is fast filling with douchebags.

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19 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The sentence where you basically accused another poster of racism did nothing to make your meaning any clearer. You just do not like it that I pointed out that you are not any less guilty of it than he is. What difference does it make if the victims were the same race, or not? They were still attacked and many murdered.


 So, by saying "I pointed out that you are not any less guilty of it than he is" you must accept that his remark was racist.


I have explained my meaning in the last paragraph of my previous; up to you whether you accept it or not; I doubt that you will.

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8 minutes ago, neverdie said:

Sometimes I read these threads and are left wondering what realm some folk are living in.


When on earth did an Islamic terrorist attack become something other than an Islamic terrorist attack?


imagine trying to defend these situations.


world has gone mad or rather is fast filling with douchebags.


This topic is about a random attack by a deranged individual, not an Islamic terrorist attack.


Even so, no one is trying to defend this, or any other attack; terrorist or not.

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25 minutes ago, neverdie said:


When on earth did an Islamic terrorist attack become something other than an Islamic terrorist attack?


imagine trying to defend these situations.


Certain posters do it on almost every thread concerning Islamic terrorism. They spend their days trying to excuse or justify the bad guy's actions and delight in distorting the situations and coming up with false equivalence to get their hero's off the hook.

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58 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Certain posters do it on almost every thread concerning Islamic terrorism. They spend their days trying to excuse or justify the bad guy's actions and delight in distorting the situations and coming up with false equivalence to get their hero's off the hook.


Thanks for your intelligent response UG, it's appreciated.


One can only hope that the next victims of terrorist attacks on civilians are these sort of people. Perhaps they need to taste the blood, so to speak, to awaken them to the real situation.


if someone must die, let it be the sleepy or ignorant!


For the rest of you, like I said previously, when you head outside be vigilant of your surroundings !

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


This topic is about a random attack by a deranged individual, not an Islamic terrorist attack.


Even so, no one is trying to defend this, or any other attack; terrorist or not.




there seems to be alot more of these mentally deranged folk attacks in recent politically correct speaking times.


in my world, a rock is a rock, not an item of earthy properties and structure. Peel back the double talk, we are big boys here.

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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


This topic is about a random attack by a deranged individual, not an Islamic terrorist attack.


Even so, no one is trying to defend this, or any other attack; terrorist or not.

In which case why have you spammed the entire thread with your bloviating nonsense about the IRA, the name Mohammad and just about anything else you can think of to divert people's attention from the facts?  


The murderer was reading books specifically concerning Koranic justifications for violent jihad.

The murderer wrote such quotes in a post in support of a known terrorist held in Guantanamo.

Why did the murderer choose a menthod of attack identical to Palestinian terrorists and one called for by an ISIS spokesman against the UK?





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1 hour ago, neverdie said:


Thanks for your intelligent response UG, it's appreciated.


One can only hope that the next victims of terrorist attacks on civilians are these sort of people. Perhaps they need to taste the blood, so to speak, to awaken them to the real situation.


if someone must die, let it be the sleepy or ignorant!


For the rest of you, like I said previously, when you head outside be vigilant of your surroundings !


Over the top post. Wishing members who disagree with your & others interpretation of this attack are the next victims of murderous individuals -  I suggest a good idea to withdraw the comment

Edited by simple1
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On 8/5/2016 at 6:24 AM, webfact said:

Police flooded the streets with extra officers and mobilized counterterror detectives before saying the shocking burst of violence appeared to have been "triggered by mental-health issues."

As I posted in another thread, mental illness has become the PC cover for terrorist.

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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

ClutchClark, there is, obviously, no reason why anyone must respond to every point in a post. But the forum rules do say

By leaving out the last line, UlyssesG altered the context of my post.


UlyssesG, yes, my post is directly above yours, so why quote it at all, let alone quote only part of it and leave out the part which made my meaning clear, thus altering the context?


yogi100, If you were not playing the race card, why was it necessary for you to say that the majority of knife crime in London is carried out by black people?


By pointing out that most of the victims are black as well I was showing that, like Islam, race is not an issue in this problem; that most knife crime is neither a racist nor religious crime; although, of course, some attacks are one or the other, no one would deny that.







In London most street crime consists of black violent crime are directed at other blacks. it rarely involves Muslims nor white people.


That's because there are few elderly white folk left in the city for them to mug. It's an actual fact, nothing to do with race cards.


See it you know what ethnic group is responsible for most gun crime in the same city? We'll see if YOU can answer this simple question without playing any race cards.

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16 hours ago, 7by7 said:



It seems the uniformed off duty soldiers I spoke to in Aldershot the other day have decided to ignore this "nationwide order!"


After an extensive search, including on ARRSE, whilst I can find some advice issued shortly after the murder of Lee Rigby not to wear uniform off duty, I can find no trace of any order to that effect. Can you provide a link?


Are you trying to claim that by some remarkable coincidence you just happened to be in Aldershot the other day asking various off duty squaddies what they thought about orders regarding the wearing of uniforms in public.


I think you're talking bullshit. You were doing nothing of the kind the other day!


And you can buy the sausages you mentioned yourself in any British supermarket. If you do not want ones containing pork you'll need to use any halal butchers that now abound in many of our high streets.

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So as i see it , the head in sand crowd on here ,reckon that any crime that is commited by an individual or a group , it is racist to say what their color or religous  beliefs are ,and if we point out that most crimes are carried out by anyone of color we must not mention it or we are racist , must be great in luvie land .

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3 minutes ago, i claudius said:

So as i see it , the head in sand crowd on here ,reckon that any crime that is commited by an individual or a group , it is racist to say what their color or religous  beliefs are ,and if we point out that most crimes are carried out by anyone of color we must not mention it or we are racist , must be great in luvie land .


I don't recall anything of the sort. The disagreement seems to be more whether the average Muslim in the street supports or dispairs at this violencem and whether they should be collectively punished / stigmatised.


I mean, it would be unusual but not particualry offensive to mention that the guy who shot Jo Cox was CofE, but it would be offensive to suggest that all CofE followers were, therefore, potential fundamentalist terrorists who endorsed his actions.

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


I don't recall anything of the sort. The disagreement seems to be more whether the average Muslim in the street supports or dispairs at this violencem and whether they should be collectively punished / stigmatised.


I mean, it would be unusual but not particualry offensive to mention that the guy who shot Jo Cox was CofE, but it would be offensive to suggest that all CofE followers were, therefore, potential fundamentalist terrorists who endorsed his actions.


Ok i will start the chart guy who killed Jo Cox C of E(mind you was this a terror attack ?) number of muslims that have killed people recently in terror attacks ?


please start list here

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This thread has taken a rather nasty turn. Going back to the topic, the thread is centred on an vicious, unprovoked knife attack that has resulted in one death and several serious injuries. The attacker, a Muslim, also and immigrant, is according to police reports mentally ill. 

He was arrested at the scene, and charged on Friday morning, his name, nationality, religion and immigration status were released to the media soon after he was charged. He presented to the magistrates court on charges of murder, GBH &c., He has been remanded in custody pending trial and shall appear at the Old Bailey in open court on Wednesday* of this week. (I'm not entirely sure if it is Wednesday but that is the last report I read.  


He has not been charged with terrorism or terrorist retaliated offences. The police have explicitly stated they see no connection to terrorism in these attacks. 


These facts have fed a steam of Islamophobic, racist, xenophobic and hate mongering posts. 


When some of us challenge Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia and hate mongering we are now accused of being 'supporters of Islamism', 'apologists' 'appeasers', 'enablers'.


Language aimed at shutting down debate, isolating those with whom you disagree and quite frankly language and accusations that border on criminal defamation. 


I think we all need to keep this in mind. 


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21 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

You obviously didn't live through the IRA bombing campaign, and work in the West End at the time....

The thing I find most depressing is the hatred of so many - this time directed at ALL moslems. It used to be Russia and now its moslems. Popular politics at its best - justifying any act of aggression towards moslem countries :(.  We went through this previously - do we really have to go through this again, bearing in mind our 'actions' (i.e. wars) only lead to more moslem terrorist acts?? Edit - No idea of the truth behind Charlie Wilson's War - but the end result sounds about right to me....

No, I did not live through IRA bombing campaign. I do not know what that has to do with the topic anyways and why you bring IRA up? Were these IRA people illegal immigrants / "refugees" too like most of the muslims killing people in Europe? Are you missing the bombing campaigns? I think you're getting it now - EU wide. I am firmly against this madness and immigration controls / deportations should be in place instead of Merkel welcoming million potential killers more.

"Used to be Russia and not its moslems." ??

You bring even Russia into discussion now? My father went to war with Russia, twice. My neighbor (already dead) went to war as a 16 year old volunteer. I can live next to a Russian and my fathers very good friend is a Russian. Don't bring Russia into this discussion because it has nothing to do with it. Anyways you can't compare Russians to muslims on any level. You can of course go and see how Russians deal with muslims.

Add to my earlier list how this Belgium "single incident" played out in our media;

- muslim yelling allahu snackbar (check)
- illegal immigrant (check)
- mental problems (check)
- nothing to do with terrorism or radicalization (check)
- in newspapers "comments unavailable" (check)
- spontaneous act (check)

Immidiately Finnish prime minister writes that "refugees need now more money". The same idiotic prime minister who said he will give his house to refugees (did not) and made thousands of iraqis come to Finland after it was in news. Most of the ministers through their relatives are in refugee business and so are the people from parliament.

WHY there are idiots that want to turn rest of the Europe like Marseille (I recommend you to visit, all areas):

Marseille: Europe's most dangerous place to be young

It's also great to see how loving these people are towards pets, specially dogs. Like muslim taxi drivers refuse to take guide dogs!!!

Former security guard is jailed for six months after throwing a dog to its death from the SEVENTH floor of a tower block

And then nice behavior from two days ago:

Girl in a bar in Tampere said no to a refugee who try to fondle her. While the security was escorting him out he turned aggressive and threw a glass directly at the girls face which was severely damaged. That's how they handle "no" from a girl .. In a refugee center one Iraqi stabbed two guys in the neck and then wanted to cut the third guys head off. Such peaceful people when they arrive to safe place. Makes Finland exciting!!??

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11 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:

Language aimed at shutting down debate, isolating those with whom you disagree and quite frankly language and accusations that border on criminal defamation. 


I think we all need to keep this in mind. 



Like calling other posters "hate mongers", "fear mongers" and "Islamophobes"? 


Pot, kettle, black.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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3 hours ago, neverdie said:


Thanks for your intelligent response UG, it's appreciated.


One can only hope that the next victims of terrorist attacks on civilians are these sort of people. Perhaps they need to taste the blood, so to speak, to awaken them to the real situation.


if someone must die, let it be the sleepy or ignorant!


For the rest of you, like I said previously, when you head outside be vigilant of your surroundings !


I've occasionally known left leaning liberals get mugged in London over the years. It usually brings them down to earth to some degree.


In fact I knew the Labour Mayor of Lambeth in South London and his family quite well nearly 40 years ago. He was a good conscientious man who looked out for everybody and was a dyed in the wool old fashioned socialist who tried to see the best in all people regardless of their ethnicity.


His wife got mugged at a bus stop on her way to work one morning, although not seriously injured it shook her up, shattered her nerves and confidence and she quit her job and she never felt safe on the streets again. This totally disillusioned the man and he dropped out of local politics soon after. The wind had been completely taken out of their sails.


His and his wife's attitude to black people was never the same after that and within a few years they'd moved out of the city that had been home to their forefathers for generations.


Although I was a bit more worldly wise than they I took no satisfaction from the incident as they were good if somewhat naive folk whose lives were turned upside by the very people whose welfare they had previously championed. That was the thanks they got for their liberalism and devotion to a multicultural Britain.



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4 hours ago, neverdie said:

Thanks for your intelligent response UG, it's appreciated.

One can only hope that the next victims of terrorist attacks on civilians are these sort of people. Perhaps they need to taste the blood, so to speak, to awaken them to the real situation.

if someone must die, let it be the sleepy or ignorant!

For the rest of you, like I said previously, when you head outside be vigilant of your surroundings !

There were few cases like this in Sweden and Finland where the victims died. Unfortunately the people are so idiotic that it did not change anything but made things even worse. It reminds me of a photo where one young lady had a sign saying "I rather be raped by a refugee than agree with a racist" (in Finnish).

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6 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


The sentence where you basically accused another poster of racism did nothing to make your meaning any clearer. You just do not like it that I pointed out that you are not any less guilty of it than he is. What difference does it make if the victims were the same race, or not? They were still attacked and many murdered.



Ulysses, he can accuse me of racism all day long for all I care. It means nothing anymore anyway.


The pink and fluffy, liberal hand wringers call folk racists, fascists and bigots etc in order to stifle their comments about the negative aspects of multiculturalism no matter how true and accurate their comments may be.


But it no longer cuts the mustard in the real world. They are just words that are simply water off a duck's back and should be regarded as so.


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39 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:

This thread has taken a rather nasty turn. Going back to the topic, the thread is centred on an vicious, unprovoked knife attack that has resulted in one death and several serious injuries. The attacker, a Muslim, also and immigrant, is according to police reports mentally ill. 

He was arrested at the scene, and charged on Friday morning, his name, nationality, religion and immigration status were released to the media soon after he was charged. He presented to the magistrates court on charges of murder, GBH &c., He has been remanded in custody pending trial and shall appear at the Old Bailey in open court on Wednesday* of this week. (I'm not entirely sure if it is Wednesday but that is the last report I read.  


He has not been charged with terrorism or terrorist retaliated offences. The police have explicitly stated they see no connection to terrorism in these attacks. 


These facts have fed a steam of Islamophobic, racist, xenophobic and hate mongering posts. 


When some of us challenge Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia and hate mongering we are now accused of being 'supporters of Islamism', 'apologists' 'appeasers', 'enablers'.


Language aimed at shutting down debate, isolating those with whom you disagree and quite frankly language and accusations that border on criminal defamation. 


I think we all need to keep this in mind. 



The Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service tell PC Plod what he'll be charged with and the politicians in turn tell them. Having terrorists in our midst reflects a lot worse on them and is not as bad as having a few head bangers running around attacking people out of the blue and for no reason.

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