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Trump ignites new firestorm: Gun backers might stop Clinton


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Trump has become totally unhinged.  Clinton continues to be rather unlikable.  And now everyone is focused once again on firearms, with those to the right of the fence once again falsely claiming that those on the left of the fence wish to take away their firearms.  Why are we in the US in this irrational quagmire I ask myself over and over.  So I stop, take a deep breath, and go back to that fundamental question of politics, cui bono, who is benefiting.  And I just don't think the profits of S&W, Ruger, ATK, et al add up enough to create this ridiculous situation.  So after a brief period of contemplation I realize we must ask from whence is our attention being diverted from?  And it came to me clearly as a full moon on a clear winter's night, the TPP, the little-to-do with trade agreement.  Trump is the foil, intentional or otherwise, that is his role as determined by the multinationals pulling all the strings.  The Clinton Foundation has taken the reins from Kissinger and Associates and of course supports TPP, as one of the rewards for Bill Clinton promoting NAFTA is the Clinton Foundation.  For me it is the only rational explanation that provides a group that benefits sufficiently and that has enough power to foist upon us this cruel demented celebration of democracy.  Because if there is one focal point of what we know about TPP, it is to prevent interference by democracies upon the doings, and specifically the profits, of the multinationals.





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6 hours ago, nottocus said:

The US media has a lot to answer for.


US media are exactly on point....


A former Secret Service agent tells Time that Donald Trump’s comments about “Second Amendment people” could be considered a “veiled threat” against Hillary Clinton.


Said the official: “Look, this guy is coming pretty close to the edge here.”


The former CIA deputy director says Donald Trump (the idiot) is an "unwitting" agent of Vladimir Putin. And we know Julian Assange and Wikileaks have been in Putin's back pocket all along.


Donald Trump is the official nominee of the 2016 Republican Party and as such Donald Trump is the face and the voice of the Republican Party, which is controlled and directed by a gang of right wing crackpot fringe extremist lunatics. And Trump is wildman number one.

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2 hours ago, Johpa said:

 And now everyone is focused once again on firearms, with those to the right of the fence once again falsely claiming that those on the left of the fence wish to take away their firearms. 




Do you really believe that? I have never owned a gun in my life and I am not firmly on either side of the debate. However, I do not entertain the slightest doubt that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and much of the left would take people's guns away if they had the chance. They refuse to admit it because it would cause them problems politically, but if the tide ever changes, they will do the same thing they did with gay marriage and suddenly "evolve" on the issue. IMO, firm believers in the 2nd amendment have every reason not to trust them.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Oh come on Assange has never been in Putin's back pocket. What a crock of  dung. Right wing Trump propaganda. Personally I hope Assange finds and releases something that destroys Clinton. Then Bernie will be the next and first decent president in many, many years. Hey UG Obama never made the slightest effort to take any body's guns away in spite of all the lies from the right wing. Clinton on the other hand...... ?  Ahem, somebody has a problem with gay marriage, a bit homophobic scared cat there. Better look around you.

Edited by sgtsabai
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9 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Do you really believe that? I have never owned a gun in my life and I am not firmly on either side of the debate. However, I do not entertain the slightest doubt that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and much of the left would take people's guns away if they had the chance. They refuse to admit it because it would cause them problems politically, but if the tide ever changes, they will do the same thing they did with gay marriage and suddenly "evolve" on the issue. IMO, firm believers in the 2nd amendment have every reason not to trust them.


I too have never owned a gun, but I did spend several years in a green uniform carrying around an assault weapon of one sort or another.  But yes, I think the idea that they want to take everyone's gun away is preposterous.  I think they do want to increase the requirements to own a gun and they do want to ban the private ownership of military style assault  weapons. But that is not the same as coming after the guns of every responsible gun owner. That is just a pure fear inducing fantasy that does indeed drive the profits of the arms industry who were just laughing all the way to the bank after the same unfounded fears were spread after Obama was elected.  I know this because I heard it from the source, the sales reps of ATK.  The dilemma is that for every responsible gun owner these days there is nearly one irresponsible gun owner. 


But my point is that we are being distracted.  This election is not really about guns or where people piss.  It is about a treaty, actually a group of treaties, that allows multinationals to have their own private court that allows them to sue sovereign nations for any actions or legislation that affects their profits:  a new world order far more frightening than black helicopters circling overhead. 

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32 minutes ago, sgtsabai said:

 Hey UG Obama never made the slightest effort to take any body's guns away in spite of all the lies from the right wing. Clinton on the other hand...... ?  Ahem, somebody has a problem with gay marriage, a bit homophobic scared cat there. Better look around you.


Read more carefully, he did not take guns away, because he COULDN'T. As far as gay marriage goes, it was not me who changed his stance on it repeatedly for political reasons.


“I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage"

-Barack Obama

Edited by Ulysses G.
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3 minutes ago, Johpa said:


I too have never owned a gun, but I did spend several years in a green uniform carrying around an assault weapon of one sort or another.  But yes, I think the idea that they want to take everyone's gun away is preposterous. 



We will have to agree to disagree. It is all speculation anyway.

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8 hours ago, joeyg said:

As tragic and grotesque as it seems. No one is innocent.  I'm not looking for a fight.  This is the philosophy.


http://www.sanctusgermanus.net/english/messages/There is no Innocence under The Law of Karma.html

Philosophy and philosophers - always fighting. Especially over notions of cause and determinism. Anyway, be that as it may, in these dark times, a person looking for some light in that darkness and something to stifle and strangle their inner Dr. Pangloss can do worse than this: Simon Critchley, The Book of Dead Philosophers. Exits grand, small, petty funny and sometimes just plain macabre. Done it all - fancy being pulverized to death in the equivalent of person sized som tam khrok and saak? Nice.

Why has Donald Trump launched a war on words and sentences? If I remember correctly his book recommendation was his 'autobiography' The Art of the Deal which:


1. He did not write

2. Has been characterized as complete bullshit by the person who did write it.


Oh Donald.

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7 hours ago, iReason said:

The Crazy Bloviator is whistling what other crackpots in his party have been saying the past few years:


Sharron Angle Floated ‘2nd Amendment Remedies’ As ‘Cure’ For ‘The Harry Reid Problems’

"Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate turned Republican primary winner in Nevada,

has taken heat for a number of extreme affiliations and policy positions."


"One of the more outlandish was a statement she made during a radio interview last January in which she floated the idea that the public would bring down an out-of-control Congress with “Second Amendment remedies.”




Sharron Angle, in a discussion of revolution with a neo-con radio show host stated:

"I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, 

people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness,

what can we do to turn this country around?"

"I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out."



Mike McCalister, Florida GOP Senate Candidate, Brings Back Second Amendment Remedies

“We need a sign at every harbor, every airport and every road entering our state:
"You’re entering a 10th Amendment owned and operated state and,
 justice will be served with the Second Amendment." :blink:
The unhinged Bloviator knew exactly what he was implying.
Dunning Kruger.

Nice work. This trope and metaphor has been doing the rounds for a while now. It floated into Trump's cluttered head furniture and popped out onto the national stage for all to to see - private language in public places. All his listeners knew what he was saying. The dog whistled. What's not pretty to see is those who clearly know better trying to defend and deflect what Trump in fact said - they're debasing and degrading their persons.

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A US Secret Service official has confirmed that they have "interviewed" Trump or his campaign over his latest irresponsible and inflammatory comment encouraging gun owners to take out Clinton. Man, this guy just gets crazier with each passing day. I guess he figures crazy and unhinged won him the primaries and let's take it all the way to the bank, or maybe he just is crazy and unhinged. :lol:

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4 hours ago, Neurath said:

Philosophy and philosophers - always fighting. Especially over notions of cause and determinism. Anyway, be that as it may, in these dark times, a person looking for some light in that darkness and something to stifle and strangle their inner Dr. Pangloss can do worse than this: Simon Critchley, The Book of Dead Philosophers. Exits grand, small, petty funny and sometimes just plain macabre. Done it all - fancy being pulverized to death in the equivalent of person sized som tam khrok and saak? Nice.

Why has Donald Trump launched a war on words and sentences? If I remember correctly his book recommendation was his 'autobiography' The Art of the Deal which:


1. He did not write

2. Has been characterized as complete bullshit by the person who did write it.


Oh Donald.

I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this.  Easily 2/3s of the world believes in karma.  I'm not sure what you believe in.  However it's something else right?  No offense it's hard to make sense out of your post.  What's your philosophy?


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Sorry Joeyg - what I wrote wasn't in any way meant as a criticism or a reposte to what you wrote. More an addition to it - using what you wrote as a segue.  Anyway, I got no grief with anyone that wants to name  the vast concatenation of causes and effects making up the world Karma or Nature or what science measures. But I am quite the fan of Anton Chigure though not his actions - sadly not sure one can have one without the other. Oh well.

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sSme more about "2nd amendment people".........


Most are probably decent folks who wouldn't draw their guns if angry.  However, some are mental screw-ups.  How do we know one type from the other?  We don't.  It's hard to tell the screw-ups from the decent.  The Norwegian who shot and killed dozens of youngsters recently, is an example.  From appearances alone, he looked ok.   He was the opposite of ok. 


Being retired from the USMC or any other US organization doesn't guarantee a person is mentally stable.  Unjustified gun deaths in the US are just as likely to happen from an angry/deranged veteran as a baker, a priest, a cobbler, a candlestick maker - though you're much less likely to get shot by a Burning Man tree hugger than a former serviceman.  Why?  Because the tree hugger with the wild hair doesn't have or worship guns. 


Plain and simple:  there are way too many guns in the US.  It's mega oversaturated.  Also: anyone is capable of going postal.  Some more than others.   The person who is incapable of getting offended/angry/vengeful is a very rare person, no matter how many American flags he has hanging in his front yard.

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Unfortunately having a side in the debate about gun ownership has become an anchor point for political identity. The identity brings with it a whole cluster of positions and beliefs. It's pretty much impossible to change someone's mind on this issue because trying to do so will always be taken as a challenge to the entire cluster of beliefs rather than the gun issue itself. This is what makes the  debate impervious to empirical data. All dogs have their their day and all issues have their day too. We've decided that the right to gun ownership far outweighs the damage done  by their presence. We are an exceptional people after all.



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As if a President can just eliminate an amendment. I know his base is clueless re: basic civics, but it appears he is too?


Background checks, waiting periods, closing the gun show loophole, making it hard to get high-volume clips won't infringe on one's rights to join a well-regulated militia and bear arms, target shoot or hunt.


That said, if it is a "right" then the government should provide a firearm to every citizen free of charge.



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Trump's candidacy is the result of a couple of decades of work by the Republican grass roots and party heirachy. The party and its supporters are going to have to suck it up now: in the end you might not get the candidate you want, but by Christ you get the one you deserve. Trump's current real supporters I can disagree with but respect, but the shitbirds who spent the last 2 decades blowing the dog whistles that facilitated his rise and who now find  it all too messy and rowdy for their patrician hands? Well, there's a specially reserved circle of hell for them. 

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17 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Oh come on Assange has never been in Putin's back pocket. What a crock of  dung. Right wing Trump propaganda. Personally I hope Assange finds and releases something that destroys Clinton. Then Bernie will be the next and first decent president in many, many years. Hey UG Obama never made the slightest effort to take any body's guns away in spite of all the lies from the right wing. Clinton on the other hand...... ?  Ahem, somebody has a problem with gay marriage, a bit homophobic scared cat there. Better look around you.


Anything coming from Assange comes from Putin-Assange and it is designed with one purpose, which is to impact the US election of the president from Moscow.





Assange to host talk show on Russia Today


30 January 2012

Have you heard the one about the world’s most famous advocate of transparency working for a TV channel backed by one of the world’s least transparent countries?




The stage is set; will the Kremlin feel your force, Mr Assange?


Or the one about the anti-imperialist war-critic working for the mouth piece of the world’s leading supporter of terrorism and state repression?


In another indication of his service to the Russians, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has told The New Internationalist magazine that the Swedish security services intercept 80 percent of Russian Internet traffic and share the information with the United States





Recall that Wikileaks met Edward Snowden in Hong Kong after Snowden fled the USA from his residence and work station in Hawaii. The slut from Wikileaks took Snowden to Moscow despite Snowden travelling without a passport due to the US Government having canceled its issue to Snowden. The Wikileaks whore took Snowden to Moscow where Snowden was issued documents to stay in Russia...I wonder who approved all of that...or who ordered all of that.


No I don't wonder. Putin-Assange did it and they're pulling the string of every Clinton hater in the USA. Youse guyz need to pull your heads out.




Edward Snowden Walked Right Into A Bizarre Alliance Between Wikileaks And Russia


  • Aug. 3, 2013


One thing that has become clear as the Edward Snowden saga unfolds is that WikiLeaks and Russia have both been integral to the NSA leaker's arrival and extended stay in Moscow.


Here are a few notable details from a tentative timeline of Edward Snowden and his associates put together by former senior U.S. intelligence analyst Joshua Foust:




It is common public knowledge throughout the world and in the USA but the crackpot Clinton haters know not and care not. Too bent out of shape they are. 

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Not a chance.


Just a lot of bad news reporting by mainstream media (dominated by Demagogue Democrats).

Public being led by their silly noses, believing this garbage about Trump. 


His weakness is his failure to fall into the square peg of political correctness.  If Trump were to copy the traditional lying pattern of traditional politicians....he would just be worse than Hillary.


Total Rubbish Reporting...



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33 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

Not a chance.


Just a lot of bad news reporting by mainstream media (dominated by Demagogue Democrats).

Public being led by their silly noses, believing this garbage about Trump. 


His weakness is his failure to fall into the square peg of political correctness.  If Trump were to copy the traditional lying pattern of traditional politicians....he would just be worse than Hillary.


Total Rubbish Reporting...



Who you gonna believe, slipperylobster or your own lying eyes and ears?

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36 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

Not a chance.


Just a lot of bad news reporting by mainstream media (dominated by Demagogue Democrats).

Public being led by their silly noses, believing this garbage about Trump. 


His weakness is his failure to fall into the square peg of political correctness.  If Trump were to copy the traditional lying pattern of traditional politicians....he would just be worse than Hillary.


Total Rubbish Reporting...



This's what makes Trump supporters so mental to so many around the world. What is even more bonkers is i have zero doubt you are a real good person. Trump has done something to a hell of a lot of good guys and girls. It's replies like yours Slippery that make the rest of us looking from the outside in look at the monitor with our jaws on the floor.


This is NOT the MSM making something up. We heard it and watched it with our own eyes. This isn't second hand information that can't be proven. it's there....right there for all to see.

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17 hours ago, Neurath said:

Philosophy and philosophers - always fighting. Especially over notions of cause and determinism. Anyway, be that as it may, in these dark times, a person looking for some light in that darkness and something to stifle and strangle their inner Dr. Pangloss can do worse than this: Simon Critchley, The Book of Dead Philosophers. Exits grand, small, petty funny and sometimes just plain macabre. Done it all - fancy being pulverized to death in the equivalent of person sized som tam khrok and saak? Nice.

Why has Donald Trump launched a war on words and sentences? If I remember correctly his book recommendation was his 'autobiography' The Art of the Deal which:


1. He did not write

2. Has been characterized as complete bullshit by the person who did write it.


Oh Donald.

I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this.  Easily 2/3s of the world believes in karma.  I'm not sure what you believe in.  However it's something else right?  No offense it's hard to make sense out of your post.  What's your philosophy?


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