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Just wondering how many people listen to stream audio while they are on the FORUM.....Most of the time I get a good feed from 10 at night till about 10 in the morning...... For anybody not knowing about stream audio?????? You can listen to one of your favorite radio stations anywhere in the world while you work on the internet........ BUBBA THE LOVE SPONGE was kicked off the air in Tampa Florida for abusive language but is now being aired 24/7 with old programs and should be on again live soon,,,,,,, I was listening to him earlier and laughing like crazy,,,,, One of his sidekicks NED prank phone called some muslim organization and hes a bigtime country,redneck, deliverence type,,,,,, He asked a bunch of crazy questions to some arab sounding guy and the whole thing was just insane,,,,,,,, Ill leave out the details to stay pollitcally somewhat neutral and not have to type so many banned words........Now Im listening to PHIL HENDRIE who is my favorite radio guy..... He starts off like a normal talk show and then gets outragous geusts on the show,,,,,, the guests are realy him using 2 diffrent microphones with delay,,,,,, Then he has some idiot call that thinks its a real talk show and they get all pissed off and its just totaly crazy,,,,,, He is a great comidien............ Does anybody else listen to this stuff?????? or have any other favorite streams????????


My dial up connection isn't usually fast enough to listen and surf the web at the same time. I don't have broadband :o and can't get it where I live either :D

You can also use your windows media player to find good stations. Virgin Radio has a pretty decent selection of free stations too (radiofreevirgin.com I think).


For BUBBA you can try www.btls.com or www.bubbaarmy.com or just do a google search and youll be all set,,,,,,,,,,, Have you heard bubba before????????????


Bubba is down in TAMPA FLORIDA,,,,, He is always in trouble with the FCC and local cops for airing crazy stuff and having strippers hanging around.... They make a bunch of prank phone calls too.... When they had a barbque they killed a pig on the radio and it realy squeled so the local cops arrested him for cruelty to animals cause they hate him.....Its some pretty good REDNECK humer.......

Phil Hendrie has one of the best web sites ive seen,,,,, A backstage pass is about 25 dollars for six months but well worth it if you like his style of comedy.... I love his Ted Bell charactor,,,, Bell is the owner of Teds of Beverly Hills Steak House.... He is a real arrogant S.O.B. and you get a bunch of pissed off femminst calling in and bitching and they dont ever figure out its a total set up.... You can burn CDs from his archives and he has a couple free downloads so you can check it out.

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