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London schoolgirl who joined ISIL killed in Syria


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19 hours ago, webfact said:

“One would hope that the only benefit out of this is – as a tombstone and testament to others, that these are the risks actually involved in going to a war zone – to dissuade people from ever making that choice really,” Akunjee said.

God forbid that another benefit out of this would be that parents realize their teenage children do stupid things and it's the parents' job to prevent.

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7 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

God forbid that another benefit out of this would be that parents realize their teenage children do stupid things and it's the parents' job to prevent.


And there's the rub!


PREVENT teenagers from doing stupid things? I doubt it.


It takes cunning and wit (together with some child psychology) to encourage them in the "right" direction.


Maybe one should have to pass parenting skills classes before being allowed to raise your own! 


I'M JOKING ( a bit )

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1 minute ago, Grouse said:


And there's the rub!


PREVENT teenagers from doing stupid things? I doubt it.


It takes cunning and wit (together with some child psychology) to encourage them in the "right" direction.


Maybe one should have to pass parenting skills classes before being allowed to raise your own! 


I'M JOKING ( a bit )


Stupid at 15 is stealing a tube of lip gloss from Boots or swallowing some unidentified tablet that your friend got from their dodgy older boyfriend. Joining neolithic death cults that celebrate in the public crucifiction of innocent people is not, I assume, most people's definition of teenage stupidity.

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1 hour ago, Norvid said:

It looks to me that she was as British as I am a martian. One less stupid walking on earth. More to go?

Just because a dog was born in a stable doesn't make it a horse.  I'm Belgian and feel that way about many of our guests in Molenbeek and the like.  I'm not against immigration, and we have some Italians and Turks for instance who have perfectly integrated, but there's immigration and then there's reverse colonization.  For instance, how many of these immigrants would accept their daughter to marry a local?

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All the muslums in Britain who denounce the country and preach hatred against the people should be removed from the country ,the muslums who will not speak out against their  own should follow ,if someone goes to fight against us they deserve to die ,if we did these things here how long could we stay 

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Remember when David Cameron said we could all learn something from Muslim  families then when the three girls went to Syria via Turkey none of their relatives knew anything  ?

One of the girls allegedly stole expensive jewellery from her family but No she hadn't just borrowed the items yet they knew nothing of her plans.

Final straw when a photo of one of the fathers at an extremist rally surfaced.


Yes we learned a lot.

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16 hours ago, mcfish said:

snap out of it! this wasnt some silly little girl that snuck out of her bedroom window to hang out with some guys in the park.


this was a journey to hell well over a week of traveling and making world headlines that benefited isis . stupid cow she would have been raped within several houra of arriving, bet she wasnt expecting that..but thats what the religion of pedophilea do..

DIdnt realise there were Catholics there.

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13 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Remember when David Cameron said we could all learn something from Muslim  families then when the three girls went to Syria via Turkey none of their relatives knew anything  ?

One of the girls allegedly stole expensive jewellery from her family but No she hadn't just borrowed the items yet they knew nothing of her plans.

Final straw when a photo of one of the fathers at an extremist rally surfaced.


Yes we learned a lot.

Cameron is an IDIOT.

That took England down.


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The age of majority in the UK is indeed 18.


At 17, this girl was legally a child under UK law at the time of her death.


I have no sympathy with Muslims and I would like to see many of them leave the UK if they do not fully integrate and accept our social mores and customs.


However, to express joy at the death of a child is beyond contempt.


I will decline to respond further to the nastiness expressed on this thread except to say be careful what sort of society you wish for....

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38 minutes ago, Grouse said:

The age of majority in the UK is indeed 18.


At 17, this girl was legally a child under UK law at the time of her death.


I have no sympathy with Muslims and I would like to see many of them leave the UK if they do not fully integrate and accept our social mores and customs.


However, to express joy at the death of a child is beyond contempt.


I will decline to respond further to the nastiness expressed on this thread except to say be careful what sort of society you wish for....


Not everyone is expressing joy; personally my feelings are more a grim sadness at the waste of her potential, but I do not accept your suggestion that she simply made an every-day teenage mistake. These girls could have been under no illusions as to what ISIS stood for - these are not toddlers dressed up in Hamas uniforms but people who were only a few months shy of being allowed to leave school, get married and have children. Misguided? Definitely; let down by the adults around them? Probably - but they had 15 years of English education that should have helped them form their values and morals. I can think of no excuse that would justify what they did.

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Sorry to hear about the young woman, very misguided. From what I understand about the group and the culture they belong too, she would never have been able to leave unless she could find away to sneak out of the town and make it back to the  Border of Turkey.


That culture believes every woman belongs to some man and they just do not say Bye Bye.

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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Not everyone is expressing joy; personally my feelings are more a grim sadness at the waste of her potential, but I do not accept your suggestion that she simply made an every-day teenage mistake. These girls could have been under no illusions as to what ISIS stood for - these are not toddlers dressed up in Hamas uniforms but people who were only a few months shy of being allowed to leave school, get married and have children. Misguided? Definitely; let down by the adults around them? Probably - but they had 15 years of English education that should have helped them form their values and morals. I can think of no excuse that would justify what they did.

Her potential? Given her act so far, her potential was to have 8 hate-filled children, 4 male terrorists or suicide bombers and 4 more breeding machines. By dying, she potentially saved the UK taxpayer millions in wasted education, family support, and security supervision.

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57 minutes ago, Grouse said:

The age of majority in the UK is indeed 18.


At 17, this girl was legally a child under UK law at the time of her death.


I have no sympathy with Muslims and I would like to see many of them leave the UK if they do not fully integrate and accept our social mores and customs.


However, to express joy at the death of a child is beyond contempt.


I will decline to respond further to the nastiness expressed on this thread except to say be careful what sort of society you wish for....

In Scotland it's 16 and Scotland's still part of the UK,    unfortunately.

English law doesn't apply north of the border and England isn't the UK.

This girl was a child in English not UK law and unfortunately it all gets bit complicated when the systems can and do conflict.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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What needs to happen is the muslims living abroad that really do want to peacefully co-exist in the UK or other countries need to run a campaign detailing what actually can and did happen.  The girl got married off very very quickly.  The young girl apparently did not get a baby very very quickly, but I bet that is the exception.  Tell how the girl lived or didn't live, ate, slept, medically took care of herself or did not.  You can't just leave this stuff up to the authorities.  And the families should NOT give their children their passports.  Once the kid is of legal age, well, there is not much you can do about whatever it is they want to go do.  Parents and families need to get involved.  This is more serious but not much more different than kids joining a gang or stuff like that, except this usually has much more dire consequences

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19 hours ago, Grouse said:


Yes, foolish child.


I'm anti Muslim but she was a child after all.


Some posters here are not fit to be parents


Expressing joy at the death of of a misguided child is pretty low....


    Child ?    At 17 ?  In my birth country... Canada, you can get your firearms licence (long guns... rifles and shotguns) , and vehicle driver's licence at 16 years of age..  

     If you are 16 or 17 years old and you have been charged with murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, or aggravated sexual assault, your trial can automatically be moved to adult court.

   You can join the Canadian Army at 17 years of age with parent's permission.... 18 without.  


   She was an adult. And she should not be shocked to find bombs and bullets and knives where she was. She wanted to be in a place of death......  she got what she asked for..  That's karma.... 


   ISIS Jihad Song:  For The Sake of Allah :     


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She knowingly went out there to support an organisation that delights in sawing peoples' heads off for the entertainment of their followers and to strike terror into the hearts of normal decent people.


Several of their victims have been American, Australian and European aid workers and journalists. The names of men like Ken Bigley have already been forgotten and our treacherous politicians have desecrated their memory by letting these pieces of scum come back and carry on as if nothing has happened!


Her family should have had their passports taken away and every man jack of 'em been sent out with her. Not one of these barbaric pieces of shit should ever be allowed back in the UK. This bitch and her cohorts knew exactly what they were doing by joining ISIS and so did CMD and Sharia May.


Of the hundreds that have returned and will be returning God knows how many terror cells they will be creating and what sort of bombs their mentors in ISIS like Jihadi John will have taught them to make.


She just experienced karma if in fact she really has been killed and if anybody pays any attention to ISIS's casualty lists if they even issue them. If a son or daughter of mine joined an outfit like ISIS I'd disown 'em and tell whoever cared to listen that they were traitors to their country and its people.


Just another catastrophy in the the ill conceived multicultural experiment our scatter brained politicians have insisted on embarking upon without the general public's approval.


These young Muslims hate Britain and the British people not without just cause because of what we've done to their co religionists in Iraq but it's been done and you cannot force different peoples to live in harmony especially when some of them are members of the Religion of Hate.

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Do not forget James Bulger who was killed by two 10 years old English Boys. No matter what age murder is murder. This Girl was 15 and had 5 more years of maturity over the Boys who killed James Bulger. She made a conscious decision to join these jihadi Fanatics who make rape , torture and ritual decapitation an everyday duty for their so called fighters. I have not one modicum of pity or sorrow for her. i hope it was napalm she got to enjoy so She and the other murdering curs who call themselves Holy Warriors can roast in Hell. I have no dislike of Muslims, Jews, Hindus or Christians just anyone who thinks they are commanded by some Higher power to disenfranchise and murder all who do not believe in them. Child or Adult if you choose to run with Murderers then share their fate.

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59 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


Not everyone is expressing joy; personally my feelings are more a grim sadness at the waste of her potential, but I do not accept your suggestion that she simply made an every-day teenage mistake. These girls could have been under no illusions as to what ISIS stood for - these are not toddlers dressed up in Hamas uniforms but people who were only a few months shy of being allowed to leave school, get married and have children. Misguided? Definitely; let down by the adults around them? Probably - but they had 15 years of English education that should have helped them form their values and morals. I can think of no excuse that would justify what they did.


     That depends..... if they are getting humanistic situation ethics and taught moral relativism or moral equivalence, then no... she would have formed good morals only by good luck.... by chance.


   In Humanistic Situational Ethics, which is now quite common in western schools..... there is no absolute notion of "right" and "wrong".  No "Ten Commandments" or "Noble Eightfold Path".


  Of course... the schools do not call it Humanistic Situation Ethics..... . they would have another name for the course... or they sneak in in in other subjects... 


        What is right or wrong depends both on the person who is deciding what is right or wrong for him/her, and also depends on the situation at the time.   


      In my birth country of Canada, one our our high school textbooks says... "you no longer have to listen to what your parents, teachers or other adults tell you is right or wrong.    You must decide for yourself what is right or wrong."


     What might  be right for someone else... might be wrong for you..  What might be wrong for someone else... might be right for you."


   I'm not saying I agree with it....   

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2 hours ago, Catoni said:


    Child ?    At 17 ?  In my birth country... Canada, you can get your firearms licence (long guns... rifles and shotguns) , and vehicle driver's licence at 16 years of age..  

     If you are 16 or 17 years old and you have been charged with murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, or aggravated sexual assault, your trial can automatically be moved to adult court.

   You can join the Canadian Army at 17 years of age with parent's permission.... 18 without.  


   She was an adult. And she should not be shocked to find bombs and bullets and knives where she was. She wanted to be in a place of death......  she got what she asked for..  That's karma.... 


   ISIS Jihad Song:  For The Sake of Allah :     



In BC, you can't get a drink in a pub until you're 19. The fact that you can get a gun at 16 is unwise IMHO

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On Friday, August 12, 2016 at 1:28 PM, ilostmypassword said:

What about those parents whose kids do drugs, steal, commit violent crimes, or generally engage in serious misbehavior?  I guess the police should be investigating them, too.

That's not terrorism you are referring to but anyway parents are held responsible for the actions of their kids including truancy. So what are you talking about?  As for drugs - now legal-decriminalised or accepted in most civilised countries. As my mam used to say whilst rolling a spliff: ' A family that smokes together stays together'.  If  these deluded girls had been part of a recreational drug use group of pals not only would she have not got sucked into murderous terrorism but possibly have gotten an insight into the  delusion that is organised religion - especially Islam.

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