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Dozens of Republicans say party should stop funding Trump


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6 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

 I see. Sooo - the 16 other Republican primary candidates who couldn't beat Trump in the primaries would each make a better and more competitive candidate in the general election? 

Trump won the primaries going away and YOU think these huge cheering crowds "all know in their guts that he's nuts"?

I'd do a "gut check" to see who it is that's really nuts.  :thumbsup:  Cheers.


Trump won most of the Republican primaries because he was the most outlandish of the bunch.


Here's a quote from Fox's Roger Ailes (I dislike him, but I like the quote):


Two candidates go to a debate.  One states, "I have a plan to end the wars in the Middle East."  The other candidate falls off the stage into the orchestra pit.  Which one do you think will get the headlines in the next day's newspaper?

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The topic is that 'someone' said the party should stop supporting Trump.


The "Party" is the people. Perhaps its leaders haven't realized that yet.


Supporting? Trump raised $80 million dollars in campaign donations in July - last month. LINK


14 million  people voted for Trump in the primaries. That's a record for any Republican ever, even though he had 16 people running against him to draw votes to themselves. If each of those 14 million people donated just $10 to the campaign it would be $140 million dollars raised.


Easy. The few noisy #NeverTumpers who think someone pee'd in their cornflakes are just losers who should shut up.



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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.


What is "traditional America"?

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More hysterical over reaction at the thought of the monopoly of political control of BOTH parties is under threat. The dirty tricks employed by HRC's team to keep Sanders from the nomination are being mirrored within the GOP. This election is not about Trump it's about people's disgust at a corrupt and broken system versus the scaremongering from those with most to lose if it's replaced. 


In in other words the exact same dynamic as the Brexit referendum.

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7 minutes ago, mesterm said:


What is "traditional America"?


Maybe a place that isn't full of rapefugees as Hillary promises to do, and where men can't use the little girls' bathroom? A place that's fiscally strong with a strong middle class like we had before we got the commies in charge?



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1 minute ago, NeverSure said:

Stop supporting Trump is the topic, is it? He raised $80 million just last month and this is his daily transportation. Why don't the little boys just stop whining?


111 1600.jpg


So, donate money to Trump and you can pay for his jet expenses, and rents on at least two of his mansions.  BTW, why does he pay rent?  If he's so rich, he should buy the properties, shouldn't he?  Also, how do you know your donations to Trump aren't being funneled to attorneys (he currently has 3,500+ lawsuits) and/or hush money to his former wives, one-nighters, former biz associates, former campaign workers, and the many other people he makes sign non-disclosure agreements.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I don't think so. IMO, all the "crazy" rhetoric is nonsense. However, I still do not trust him. He is too all over the place with his beliefs and he tells too many lies to justify changing his positions. He is probably better than Hillary, but that is not saying much. We are screwed either way. 


The wingnuts are screwed that's for sure. End of the world as you know it. When the Supreme Court flips, Katy, bar the door!



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I really hope Trump wins. America needs a no-bullshit businessman to take the helm away from the secret-handshake good-old-boys club. Hellary is pure evil. Anyone who believes a single word she says is completely retarded. 

Edited by ChoakMyDee
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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump won most of the Republican primaries because he was the most outlandish of the bunch.


Here's a quote from Fox's Roger Ailes (I dislike him, but I like the quote):


Two candidates go to a debate.  One states, "I have a plan to end the wars in the Middle East."  The other candidate falls off the stage into the orchestra pit.  Which one do you think will get the headlines in the next day's newspaper?


You really think that. The truth is that the PEOPLE are sick of corruption and cronyism on both sides of the aisle and are voting for an outsider. Hillary is corrupt to the core and most of Trumps competitors in the primaries were insiders.

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5 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Maybe a place that isn't full of rapefugees as Hillary promises to do, and where men can't use the little girls' bathroom? A place that's fiscally strong with a strong middle class like we had before we got the commies in charge?




And cheers to you for that great post. One of your classics. Rapefugees...love it. 

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8 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


Maybe a place that isn't full of rapefugees as Hillary promises to do, and where men can't use the little girls' bathroom? A place that's fiscally strong with a strong middle class like we had before we got the commies in charge?




Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans came to rape, murder and pillage them.


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5 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

More hysterical over reaction at the thought of the monopoly of political control of BOTH parties is under threat. The dirty tricks employed by HRC's team to keep Sanders from the nomination are being mirrored within the GOP. This election is not about Trump it's about people's disgust at a corrupt and broken system versus the scaremongering from those with most to lose if it's replaced.  In in other words the exact same dynamic as the Brexit referendum.


Ummm, this election is about Trump.  Never before has the US had such a potentially dangerous prez candidate.  He has no prominent supporters.  No prior Republican presidents support him, nor any former Rep prez candidates.  Most of the few prominent Republican hold-outs who support him, do so reluctantly, - like if your mom served brussel sprouts at a family dinner,  while gushing beforehand how she slaved so hard in the kitchen to boil them, ......you would feel obliged to at least keep your mouth shut, if you hated brussel sprouts. 


1 minute ago, Pinot said:

The wingnuts are screwed that's for sure. End of the world as you know it. When the Supreme Court flips, Katy, bar the door!


The wingnuts will still have their guns (even HRC doesn't advocate taking peoples' guns).  Millions of angry vindictive people wielding loaded guns is not a pretty picture.

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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.


And who do you think Trump would nominate ... aside from the likes of David Duke or Vladimir Putin?


Presumably "traditional America" means white male Protestants who support the NRA and the use of chain gangs.

Edited by Suradit69
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9 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans came to rape, murder and pillage them.



The natives were raping, murdering and pillaging each other. I see your white guilt is alive and well.

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7 minutes ago, ChoakMyDee said:

The natives were raping, murdering and pillaging each other. I see your white guilt is alive and well.


Nothing wrong with some guilt to keep history and current reality in perspective. Sorry if your ego prevents that.

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23 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

I'm sure you would were it your wife or daughter on the receiving end.


On the receiving end of a rapefugee?  Little girl's bathrooms? Commies?




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25 minutes ago, mesterm said:


Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans came to rape, murder and pillage them.



"Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans British came to rape, murder and pillage them."


There, fixed it for ya. The British were really good at colonizing people who didn't want to be colonized.



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9 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


"Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans British came to rape, murder and pillage them."


There, fixed it for ya. The British were really good at colonizing people who didn't want to be colonized.




Ah, so I guess the French, Portuguese and Dutch are not Europeans then? Learn something new every day.


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52 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

More hysterical over reaction at the thought of the monopoly of political control of BOTH parties is under threat. The dirty tricks employed by HRC's team to keep Sanders from the nomination are being mirrored within the GOP. This election is not about Trump it's about people's disgust at a corrupt and broken system versus the scaremongering from those with most to lose if it's replaced. 


In in other words the exact same dynamic as the Brexit referendum.

What dirty tricks?

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The topic is...


On Aug 1st less than 2 weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. There were so many people that this is just the overflow room.


Hillary could hold her rallies in the men's bathroom.





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32 minutes ago, Norvid said:

Nice little bit of anti-semitism there.  Keep up the bad work.

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1 minute ago, NeverSure said:

The topic is...


On Aug 1st less than 2 weeks ago, Trump held a rally in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. There were so many people that this is just the overflow room.


Hillary could hold her rallies in the men's bathroom.




Let's go back to the days of 2012 when the same thing was being said. Only that time it was about Romney.



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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

The topic is that 'someone' said the party should stop supporting Trump.


The "Party" is the people. Perhaps its leaders haven't realized that yet.


Supporting? Trump raised $80 million dollars in campaign donations in July - last month. LINK



Actually there is something fishy about the $80 million July fundraising number for Trump.  In June he raised $51 million.  His campaign's first announcement of the July take was $36 million, which was startlingly in the wrong direction.  But then they changed it by reporting that the RNC raised the additional $44 million bringing it up to $80 million.  What is not clear is how much of the RNC's money, if any, is going to Trump's campaign rather that Senate and House races.  Trump is clearly underspending Clinton by a lot, having announced that they will only spend in four swing states, even though they are at risk in many other swing and even formerly red states like Utah and South Carolina.  So, it looks like he has a lot less to spend than Clinton suggesting that he is not getting most of the RNC money.


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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.

You seem to think you will get what you want with Trump. Are you actually stupid or infatuated? Hillary is a shade dodgy, Donald is a shyster. 

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36 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


"Oh, I thought you meant the traditional America where the native Americans lived before Europeans British came to rape, murder and pillage them."


There, fixed it for ya. The British were really good at colonizing people who didn't want to be colonized.



I didnt know that Custer was an British general and the 7th cavalry a British regiment

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