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Has anyone had any experience with laser surgery in Thailand. I am interested in any info on how bad or good the doctors are that perform laser surgery. Also what the costs for it would be. It cost about $2000 per eye in the states and seems to be a relatively simple and safe procedure. I watch a show about medical care in Thailand and how it is getting to be world class at a fraction of the cost, compared to the states.

any info would be appreciated.



The quality of healthcare is as good as (or better) than the states if you go to the right clinics. But before you decide for lasik surgery, ask yourself "why do refractive surgeons wear glasses?".

And pay a visit to http://www.lasikdisaster.com/

I wouldn't do it but I know several people who did it at Bamrungrad with varying results. Some got perfect vision, some not. Noone went blind.

The quality of healthcare is as good as (or better) than the states if you go to the right clinics. But before you decide for lasik surgery, ask yourself "why do refractive surgeons wear glasses?".

And pay a visit to http://www.lasikdisaster.com/

I wouldn't do it but I know several people who did it at Bamrungrad with varying results. Some got perfect vision, some not. Noone went blind.

Holly sh1t!

Thanks for the info!

That is enough to change my mind.



But if one has a cataract, or detached retina, then the risk is much less of a consideration than if one 'just does not want to wear spetacles'.

I will be going for elective eye surgery at sometime in the future, as I have a cataract developing. My mother did this at age 90, so maybe she will not suffer any ill-effects.


Interesting thread...

I'd be interested in seeing some information, facts and figures about laser eye surgery... having worn glasses for 12 years i'd love to be able to dump the bins :o


I too were specs. isn't dry eye the msot common side effect from the surgery?

Anyone had this problem post surgery as opposed to reading the info on another site. Here I can trust the open honest opinions.



I've been thinking about having Lazer vision correction. A couple of weeks ago I went into a hospital that a Thai friend recommended (Rama Thibodi) and was told that they were changing lazer machines and wouldn't be doing vision correction for a couple of months. I went ahead and had a prescription checked and found that it hadn't changed, but that I had a couple of small holes in my retinas that could lead to detached retinas if left untreated! I thought that the doctor was quite good, so I went ahead and scheduled an operation with him. He took about an hour to weld shut the holes with a lazer. That was almost two weeks ago and I feel fine. I'll be going back for a checkup in about a week.


I had the laser surgery about four years ago....I didn't do my research and although I would have had the surgery again I would have been smarter to have had a number of optometrists and at least two ophthalmologists provide recommendations. Vision is improved but I still wear glasses for reading and there are a number of side effects, on a case by case basis, that can be more than just a nuisance.

If you are thinking about it make sure you are doing it for the right reason, get some "Eye Docs" to do a thorough eval, and make sure you get someone "behind" the laser that is experienced.

Don't know anything about Thailand but from what I hear it is no different as far as getting a complete work up prior to making your decision.

Best of luck and enjoy the 20/20

I've had two friends have it done at Bumrungrad, no problems. I believe the cost was about 60,000 THB.

Was that price for both eyes? :o

I've had two friends have it done at Bumrungrad, no problems.  I believe the cost was about 60,000 THB.

Was that price for both eyes? :o

I received 2 days ago a good leaflet in English of the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital about LASIK. Yes, baht 60000,- is for both eyes, all included.

I need eye glasses for distance, but not for reading, LASIK might not help me very much, as the future will be, no eye glasses for distance, but eye glasses for reading.

LASIK will correct short-sight, asticmatic, but not improve the ability to focus.....

Sometimes useful, sometimes not.....

Best maybe to ask for examination and estimate at several hospitals



I've had it...if you're quite nearsighted, it's like goddamned magic. The only negative that I notice is that you get a "starburst effect" when looking at lights at night. That is, if they make 8 "cuts", then light sources which are round take on six tiny points around their circumference...six "cuts", six tiny points. US$750 per eye is no particular bargain by US standards; it's about the same cost as in the US. Lasik or any radial keratotomy doesn't guarantee 20-20, but you'll be able to find whatever specs you might need, at least (I'm about 20-30 in one eye, 20-35 in the other....I was 20-210 in both). Another rather bizarre aspect is that the older you are, the better it works, the exact opposite of most physiological phenomena. ;>). I wouldn't recommend it for farsightedness, as it is far less effective. walker



You should consider going to TRSC (http://www.lasikthai.com) for LASIK surgery. My girlfriend did surgery there just before x-mas, and she's very happy with it. We did extensive research about the various LASIK centers before we went there, and found this one to definately be the best!

They got one of the world's most experienced surgeons. It's just a fantastic setup. By the way, TRSC is the place where all the rich and famous Thais go to have LASIK. They've had tons of actors and super models there.

Best regards,



The quality of healthcare is as good as (or better) than the states if you go to the right clinics. But before you decide for lasik surgery, ask yourself "why do refractive surgeons wear glasses?".

And pay a visit to http://www.lasikdisaster.com/

I wouldn't do it but I know several people who did it at Bamrungrad with varying results. Some got perfect vision, some not. Noone went blind.

I can tell you why LASIK surgeons wear glasses: Because of age-related farsightedness. That is something LASIK (Or any other kind of surgery for that sake) can't fix. I actually know in person 2 LASIK surgeons who's had it themselves. If you have heard some rumours about LASIK or anything else being bad, go check it out in person before you speak bad about it? A simple fact about all kinds of surgeries is that the surgeons skill and experience and the equipment used are the most important things. There are good surgeons and there are bad surgeons. If you choose a bad one you'll probably have bad results, so before having any kind of surgery find out how good is the doctor?

Best regards,




Any sergical procedure in Thailand is very iffy.

Why is it so much cheaper? Just consider,if done in the USA then incase of a screwup,you are covered by some protective measures, Doctors have to charge more so as to be able to pay for insurance,,here if there is a screwup and you are blind because of it,tough tittie,you pays your money and takes what you get. as they do not have any insurance for malpractise,I sure wouldn't let them screw around with my eyes.

Just like in Mexico,if you are hurt,let them do the first aid and then get back across the border for anything heavy duty. If given the wrong meds and they kill you,so solly cholly.

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