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British Mum in Coma After 'Something She Ate in Pattaya'

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2 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

She doesn't look the picture of health to begin with...probably should't be belting back the brew-skies. It sounds like to me more probably a heart-attack or stroke...most likely nothing to do with anything she ate.

I think that's a pretty fair guess...


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Very tragic especially after their previous experience with their sons death. 


It says she went into a coma at the hospital and then her heart stopped for 11 minutes.


I wonder if immediate action was taken to restart it or was there a delay?




Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky, as a chef there are really no standards here or regulations in hotels and restaurants.

Yes, I work here.

My guess is frozen fish bought in a bag that the hotel/restaurant purchased. Sold by an anonymous supplier. $$$$


Puffer fish mixed in with the frozen stuff.

11 minutes ago, joeyg said:

I hope she will recover and wish her the best.  May or maybe not something to do with this.  I try my best to avoid consuming MSG.  I think sometimes eating street Som tum and other things I inadvertently get some in my system.


After brushing my teeth and flossing I will often take about 1/8 teaspoon salt in my hand toss it in my mouth take a little sip of water and rinse it around my mouth for 1/2 minute.


I had mistakingly bought a small bag of MSG rather than salt.  I did this the other day with the MSG.  I quickly noticed it wasn't salt on my tongue and I thought what the hell is it.  Of course MSG spit it out immediately.


I then got very dizzy and swallowing was weird.  I rinsed my mouth several times but that taste on the "spot" on my tongue was there for hours and I just did not feel good.  I friend was hospitalized about a month ago  with a mild anaphylactic reaction to MSG.  He does his best to avoid it but it's happened once before.


I don't think it's related in this case sounds like an allergic reaction to me,  a little hard to figure with the history of the case.   Anyway just a reminder about MSG here in Thailand.  We really are swimming in it!


"Food for thought" 

Typical MSG complaints include:

Your wrong about MSG my friend.


I am not a doctor but I know that if you have a stomach problem the last thing you need to put in your gut is antibiotics. Many doctors refer to antibiotics being likened to an A bomb in the stomach. More likely to be an allergic reaction which an Eppi pen should have been used. 

36 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

"Something she ate". A nice vague diagnosis that ensures no entity in Thailand is found culpable or blamed in any way particularly the first doctor that sent her off with a cursory smile and wave and the obligatory antibiotics and slyly shifts the blame to the patient.


   Just to understand how good the hospitals in this country can be. A good friend of us had a urinal tract infection and my wife drove her on the motorbike to the next hospital. Instead of giving her Antibiotics on three following days intravenous, somebody injected the dose for three days at once.


  Result: An anaphylactic shock. Unfortunately, did they not know that two units of Adrenaline i.v. would have stopped the body from escalating. But nobody knew it, they threw her in an ambulance drove her to the 24 km away Sisaket hospital.


  The story was that she died at the hospital in Sisaket, but was already dead when she arrived in Sisaket.


        She was 21, had two little kids and was our friend. 


   When I came back from Rayong, I immediately drove to the hospital and wanted to find out who killed her. A woman at the reception then telling me that she's HIV positive and would have died anyway through Aids then made me so angry that I really lost my temper and got really loud.


  I finally found the doctor who's on duty who blamed a nurse, the nurse blamed the doctor. We couldn't get her back to life, but all involved came to my wife;'s village on the day when she got cremated.


  Bad vibes come back, I better stop here. 



53 minutes ago, Catoni said:


    If her brain really was starved of oxygen for eleven minutes as it says in the article...  she will never be aware of any cost.. She will be brain dead.  Nobody home...     very sad...      


    The same could happen to me.       I always carry an Epi-pen epinephrine injector and the anti-hystamine Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) with me when travelling....  I'm deadly allergic to Shrimp/Prawns.  It's the only food I am deadly allergic to.  I have to be very careful.


   Many people allergic to one shellfish are also allergic to others.  But it's not always the case.. there are exceptions to the "rule".  It's only Shrimp/Prawns for me. 


   Twice I've ended up rushed to the hospital because of this allergy... Thank Buddha for Epi-pen and for Diphenhydramine. 


       In Thailand I first learned the locations of the closest hospitals.... and learned how to say "shrimp/prawn allergy" and "chicken please... no shrimp/prawns" in Thai.  Do the same no matter where I travel.


Yes, well written, can't hope you get better, but hope you can avoid this again, its not easy in any country let alone Thailand where seafood is a full part of the normal diet.


I myself have a strange reaction to sticky rice that seems to cause my throat to constrict. No idea why, my wife assures me its normal Thai rice (all 100 + varieties) just cooked differently. But I have to avoid it.


Many people suffer from sea-food allergies, but I suppose coming to Thailand for the first time (I assume) this poor woman would not have experience the amazing varieties of sea food you can get in Pattaya.


Or as suggested by Rare Dingo,  it could easily have been a nut allergy, which does indeed cause the throat to constrict.


I do hope the poor woman gets better, although her chances look pretty slim.


But, if she has an allergy this could have happened anywhere, why oh why do the Pattaya haters have to get their pathetic squawks in every time somebody dies on holiday.


Millions have a great time their every year and their are some really good hotels.


Your pathetic prejudices have no bearing on this poor families tragedy.




1 hour ago, RareDingo said:

Sounds like it could be a peanut allergy, anaphylactic reaction, very sudden and very dangerous.  She may not have ordered food with peanuts but the cook may have used the same bowl to make a peanut dish before and not cleaned it.  Sad story...

Just happened to my niece here in Florida. Has an allergy to nuts. Ordered a butter nut squash dish that hospitalized her. Had pulverized cashew nuts in it.


NIce to see the Thai Visa 'medics' and 'snap diagnosticians' are out in force honing their 'skills' on this sad case. 


23 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

She doesn't look the picture of health to begin with...probably should't be belting back the brew-skies. It sounds like to me more probably a heart-attack or stroke...most likely nothing to do with anything she ate.


I'm sure the causes will be made known in time, once (hopefully) this lady has made a full recovery but one thing that is certain is that your comment is possibly the most pointless, vilest, classless post I've read here  in a long time which takes some doing....

The old saying; 'if you have nothing to say, say nothing' rings true in your case here. I know you probably fancy yourself as an Internet 'House MD' but a fish probably has more medical knowledge than you do, so maybe in future it's best you keep your ludicrous 'expert' opinions to yourself in such topics......

14 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky, as a chef there are really no standards here or regulations in hotels and restaurants.

Yes, I work here.

My guess is frozen fish bought in a bag that the hotel/restaurant purchased. Sold by an anonymous supplier. $$$$


Puffer fish mixed in with the frozen stuff.


You know frig all about puffer fish in Thailand if you think that.


How can any person who claims to be some kind of American (and thus presumably minimally educated to even their low, low standards) have the idiocy to post a statement like "eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky".


68 million people say that John Wayne would be bloody ashamed to see you wearing his hat.




47 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky, as a chef there are really no standards here or regulations in hotels and restaurants.

Yes, I work here.

My guess is frozen fish bought in a bag that the hotel/restaurant purchased. Sold by an anonymous supplier. $$$$


Puffer fish mixed in with the frozen stuff.


( Eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky )


That's 100% BS. :w00t:

65 million do it every day.

You know nothing :bah:


Hope she recovers.




4 hours ago, tomwct said:

Why would anyone choose Pattaya for a holiday? Not me! I hope she recovers!


1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Probably because there's no chance of them meeting someone like yourself seeing as you say would never be seen here....but thank you for your worthwhile, positive and encouraging words that may be of great assistance to the grieving family should they have the equal misfortune to read what you said.

Well seems plenty of people like to holiday in Pattaya look at stats, bars and restaurants. Its fortunate for them that they don't meet a sad person like you Tom, might just scare them away.

Back on topic, this not food poisoning or similar, its something far more dangerous. Hope she recovers but..............................

27 minutes ago, Merylhighground said:

NIce to see the Thai Visa 'medics' and 'snap diagnosticians' are out in force honing their 'skills' on this sad case. 



I'm sure the causes will be made known in time, once (hopefully) this lady has made a full recovery but one thing that is certain is that your comment is possibly the most pointless, vilest, classless post I've read here  in a long time which takes some doing....

The old saying; 'if you have nothing to say, say nothing' rings true in your case here. I know you probably fancy yourself as an Internet 'House MD' but a fish probably has more medical knowledge than you do, so maybe in future it's best you keep your ludicrous 'expert' opinions to yourself in such topics......


  Exactly, the resident Thai apologist will ALWAYS blame the victim. Aways, period

5 hours ago, tomwct said:

Why would anyone choose Pattaya for a holiday? Not me! I hope she recovers!

don't we all have our desired destinations where we feel comfortable. it may be local sightseeing  or simply the friendly neighbourhood. i have met  people who spent moths in the same destination year after year and also choose to in the same accommodation.


it sounds like some allergy situation, which is not always easy to identify as it take a lot of trial and error.hope the  already distressed couple are not subjected to further misery and the lady recovers soon.

4 hours ago, tomwct said:

Why would anyone choose Pattaya for a holiday? Not me! I hope she recovers!


Oh do give us a break, Tom ... Not everyone is you, and you is not God's gift to humanity and/or the universal reference when it comes to morality. If people like Pattaya, it's their business, not yours. Clichés are lame and boring. Food poisoning can happen anywhere, which makes your comment that much more silly and off the point.


Good luck to the lady, I hope she recovers. This happening after the tragedy she's been through ... life can be such a bitch ...

49 minutes ago, MiKT said:


You know frig all about puffer fish in Thailand if you think that.


How can any person who claims to be some kind of American (and thus presumably minimally educated to even their low, low standards) have the idiocy to post a statement like "eating in Pattaya and Thailand in general is risky".


68 million people say that John Wayne would be bloody ashamed to see you wearing his hat.







Well, Cowboys can be chefs you know...there's a cowboy in every kitchen ...

1 hour ago, Rorri said:

What concerns me is she collapsed, in hospital, and yet she suffered a lack of oxygen for 11 minutes, what were the doctors doing, or not doing.


Ever think that just perhaps they were trying but couldn't get her breathing again for 11 minutes?


The son died of a seizure.  The mother almost died of a seizure.  Connect the dots?

Prayers for a full recovery. 

44 minutes ago, brling said:


  Exactly, the resident Thai apologist will ALWAYS blame the victim. Aways, period


I don't wish to kibitz on Merrylhighground, but The old saying; 'if you have nothing to say, say nothing' most certainly does rings true in your case.


What you have said is a big nothing.



6 hours ago, smedly said:

Tragic, hope she recovers and they find out what caused this so that it can be avoided in the future

How exactly do you avoid "dodgy" Thai food in Thailand>>>

Meat that's been hanging around all day in warm temperatures..
Vegetables that are well passed their best condition
Cooking facilities that leave a lot to be desired
Utensils and cooking pots that have probably not been cleaned properly
work surfaces that have only been given a quick wipe with a dirty rag
Ohh and the best of the bunch.. cross contamination
if you have an allergy Thailand is not the best choice to visit.. 

you could go on the list is endless

6 hours ago, tomwct said:

Why would anyone choose Pattaya for a holiday? Not me! I hope she recovers!

Why? Because there are other things to do in Pattaya besides being a sex tourist. 

2 hours ago, Briggsy said:

"Something she ate". A nice vague diagnosis that ensures no entity in Thailand is found culpable or blamed in any way particularly the first doctor that sent her off with a cursory smile and wave and the obligatory antibiotics and slyly shifts the blame to the patient.


I seem to remember "something she ate" was what they said about the Kiwi girl who died at the DoomTown Inn....

6 hours ago, tomwct said:

Why would anyone choose Pattaya for a holiday? Not me! I hope she recovers!


why would anyone be interested what you choose or not?  :coffee1: 

2 hours ago, Rorri said:

What concerns me is she collapsed, in hospital, and yet she suffered a lack of oxygen for 11 minutes, what were the doctors doing, or not doing.


Waiting for the hospital cashier to process her credit card?

22 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

How exactly do you avoid "dodgy" Thai food in Thailand>>>

Meat that's been hanging around all day in warm temperatures..
Vegetables that are well passed their best condition
Cooking facilities that leave a lot to be desired
Utensils and cooking pots that have probably not been cleaned properly
work surfaces that have only been given a quick wipe with a dirty rag
Ohh and the best of the bunch.. cross contamination
if you have an allergy Thailand is not the best choice to visit.. 

you could go on the list is endless


Well sorry to hear that.


I am most certainly never coming to eat in your house that's for sure.


Maybe a quite word with the Mother-In-Law will help put things right.


Or have you never considered getting of your fat A and helping to clean your kitchen.


Disgusting standards you have.

20 minutes ago, Chicog said:


I seem to remember "something she ate" was what they said about the Kiwi girl who died at the DoomTown Inn....


And your point is?



she was at a hospital and went without O2 for 11 minutes? just don't sound right but this is....well I'll leave that alone.  best wishes to her and her family!

39 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

How exactly do you avoid "dodgy" Thai food in Thailand>>>

Meat that's been hanging around all day in warm temperatures..
Vegetables that are well passed their best condition
Cooking facilities that leave a lot to be desired
Utensils and cooking pots that have probably not been cleaned properly
work surfaces that have only been given a quick wipe with a dirty rag
Ohh and the best of the bunch.. cross contamination
if you have an allergy Thailand is not the best choice to visit.. 

you could go on the list is endless


Yes you could go on,  but its boring :coffee1:

The food is fine in Thailand. 

20 Years tells me your wrong.

Aroy mak mak  :licklips:




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