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Formula marketers accused of skating laws that encourage breastfeeding

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Between contractions, a woman whom Veasna* had never met pressed two products into her hands as she lay in her hospital bed. The first was a kind of “mother’s milk” for breastfeeding mothers; the second, she said, was a bottle of baby formula.


“For me, it was my first child. I felt so shocked, and I didn’t want anybody to talk to me, I only wanted my family to be with me,” she said.


Veasna could not recall the name of the product, but said the company representative gave her products she said would “help” her.


read more http://www.phnompenhpost.com/national


probably not the best timing...

however, the 'breast is best' supporters should really start looking at where lactating mothers live before they tell them tit - feeding is the ultimate. who would enjoy drinking the milk of a cow grazing on the median strip of silom rd or somewhere in the centre of bejing?


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