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Trump calls for 'extreme vetting' of immigration applicants


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Trump calls for 'extreme vetting' of immigration applicants



YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — Donald Trump called Monday for "extreme" ideological vetting of immigrants seeking admission to the United States, vowing to significantly overhaul the country's screening process and block those who sympathize with extremist groups or don't embrace American values.


"Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country," Trump said in a foreign policy address in Youngstown, Ohio. "Only those who we expect to flourish in our country — and to embrace a tolerant American society — should be issued visas."


Trump's proposals were the latest version of a policy that began with his unprecedented call to temporarily bar foreign Muslims from entering the country — a religious test that was criticized across party lines as un-American.


The Republican nominee has made stricter immigration measures a central part of his proposals for defeating the Islamic State, a battle he said Monday is akin to the Cold War struggle against communism. He called for parents, teachers and others to promote "American culture" and encouraged "assimilation."


Trump's address comes during a trying stretch for his presidential campaign. He's struggled to stay on message and build a consistent case against Democrat Hillary Clinton, repeatedly roiling the White House race with provocative comments that have deeply frustrated many in his own party.


Clinton has seized on Republican concerns about Trump, highlighting the steady stream of GOP national security experts who say their party's nominee is unfit to serve as commander in chief. She kept up that argument Monday as she campaigned alongside Vice President Joe Biden in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a working class area where both have family ties.


Biden called Trump's views "dangerous" and "un-American." He warned that Trump's false assertions last week about President Barack Obama founding the Islamic State could be used by extremists to target American service members in Iraq.

"The threat to their life has gone up a couple clicks," Biden said.


Trump has since said he was being sarcastic in accusing Obama of founding IS. Still, he directly blamed the president and Clinton, who served as secretary of state, for backing policies that "unleashed" the group, including withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq in late 2011.


He also challenged Clinton's fitness to be president, declaring she lacks the "mental and physical stamina" to take on the Islamic State.


Trump was vague about what he would do differently to decimate IS in its strongholds in Iraq and Syria. He vowed to partner with any country that shares his goal of defeating the extremist group, regardless of other strategic disagreements, and named Russia as a nation he would like to improve relations with.


Russia and the U.S. have been discussing greater coordination in Syria, where IS is part of a volatile mix of groups fighting for power. But they have been unable to reach an agreement on which militant groups could be targeted.


Trump also vowed to end "our current strategy of nation-building and regime change" — a criticism that extends to policies of both parties. He panned the long, expensive Iraq War started under Republican President George W. Bush, as well as Obama's calls for new leadership in some Middle East countries during the pro-democracy Arab Spring uprisings.


Obama has held up Bush's years-long commitment to setting up and securing a new government in Iraq after the initial invasion as a reason to avoid U.S. military intervention in countries like Syria.


Trump's most specific anti-Islamic State proposals centered on keeping those seeking to carry out attacks in the West from entering the United States. He said attacks involving "immigrants or the children of immigrants" underscore the need to implement "extreme vetting."


Trump aides said the government would use questionnaires, social media, interview with family and friends or other means to vet applicants' stances on issues including religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. Trump did not clarify how U.S. officials would assess the veracity of responses to the questionnaires or how much manpower it would require to complete such arduous vetting.

He did say that implementing the policy overhaul would require a temporary halt in immigration from "the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism." He did not identify those regions, saying instead that he would ask the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security to do so once he is elected.


"We will stop processing visas from those areas until such time as it is deemed safe to resume based on new circumstances or new procedures," Trump said.


Trump's first announced his call for banning Muslims last year during the GOP primary. He introduced a new standard following the June massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, vowing to "suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe or our allies, until we fully understand how to end these threats."


That proposal raised numerous questions that the campaign never clarified, including whether it would apply to citizens of countries like France, Israel, or Ireland, which have suffered recent and past attacks.


Trump had promised to release his list of "terror countries" soon. His announcement Monday that government agencies would create the list appeared to indicate that would not happen before the November election.


Pace reported from Washington. Associated Press writer Ken Thomas in Scranton, Pennsylvania, contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-16
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"Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country," Trump said in a foreign policy address in Youngstown, Ohio. "Only those who we expect to flourish in our country — and to embrace a tolerant American society — should be issued visas."


Given this statement and criteria, is it perhaps time for Mr Trump to consider himself "persona non grata". 

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Trump has exactly described the kind of immigration policy the US needs to adhere to. I actual fact, ANY potential immigrant to the US should ultimately be allowed in it they are clearly a benefit to the US and it's social beliefs. The US immigration needs to be ever so vigilant  to ensure immigrants who come here play an active part in enriching America's social and economic infrastructure. Furthermore they should be subject to immediate deportation should they prove to turn out otherwise in the future. Immigration should hold the power to quickly deport them as well.


The law should be clear that ONLY a US citizen has the ability to posses firearms of any type...period. Visa or green card holders need not apply.  If a non US citizen is found in possession of a firearm, that should be immediate grounds for deportation. The person responsible for supplying the firearm should be subject for a sentence of prison.


Bottom line.. If the US cannot ultimately benefit from a potential immigrant, they should be refused entry. 

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3 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:


"Those who do not believe in our Constitution, or who support bigotry and hatred, will not be admitted for immigration into our country," Trump said in a foreign policy address in Youngstown, Ohio. "Only those who we expect to flourish in our country — and to embrace a tolerant American society — should be issued visas."


Given this statement and criteria, is it perhaps time for Mr Trump to consider himself "persona non grata". 


I believe Trump's statement above contradicts with the Republican Party platform. 

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Friend of mine took his Thai twenty something girlfriend for a vacation in the USA.


First time application, granted a 10 year visa....


Just for info

Long time visa. 


P.s Trump is 100% right on this, thorough ideological vetting is exactly what's required.

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3 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Long time visa. 


P.s Trump is 100% right on this, thorough ideological vetting is exactly what's required.

 Christians and Jews too, dude?:rolleyes:



“As Jews, we feel called to oppose policies which would bar a person based on their faith or where they come from,” Nezer said. “We have full confidence in the U.S. government’s commitment to keeping our country safe, and we cannot allow xenophobia and fear to drive our policies.”

The Anti-Defamation League also spoke out against Trump’s proposals, “Refugees from Syria, Iraq, etc. are fleeing the same terror we fear,” the ADL tweeted Suspending immigration would only trap those who need refuge most.”






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Visa applicants who are long-legged, young, beautiful women from Eastern Europe will be 'handled' by Senor Trump's White House 'staff'.


All others go to the multi-billion dollar Federal Agency which will take over rejecting reviewing all applications, TSA part deux.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

Visa applicants who are long-legged, young, beautiful women from Eastern Europe will be 'handled' by Senor Trump's White House 'staff'.


All others go to the multi-billion dollar Federal Agency which will take over rejecting reviewing all applications, TSA part deux.


Forgot to add that Trump will name his pal Roger Ailes to Secretary of Euro-Girls cabinet post, and he will personally "vet" all the lovelies. If they put out they get a visa. If not, it's back to Romania where they can host the local TV weather spot.



Fact-checking Donald Trump’s ‘major’ speech on the Islamic State


Donald Trump traveled to Youngstown, Ohio, to deliver what was billed as a “major” speech on how to deal with the threat posed by the Islamic State terror group, aka ISIS. For reasons known only to Trump, he continued to repeat false statements that have been repeatedly debunked in the past. So here’s a round-up of some of the more notable claims made in the speech. As is our practice, we don’t award Pinocchios in round-ups, but readers by now should be able to tell the real whoppers.



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35 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Forgot to add that Trump will name his pal Roger Ailes to Secretary of Euro-Girls cabinet post, and he will personally "vet" all the lovelies. If they put out they get a visa. If not, it's back to Romania where they can host the local TV weather spot.



Fact-checking Donald Trump’s ‘major’ speech on the Islamic State


Donald Trump traveled to Youngstown, Ohio, to deliver what was billed as a “major” speech on how to deal with the threat posed by the Islamic State terror group, aka ISIS. For reasons known only to Trump, he continued to repeat false statements that have been repeatedly debunked in the past. So here’s a round-up of some of the more notable claims made in the speech. As is our practice, we don’t award Pinocchios in round-ups, but readers by now should be able to tell the real whoppers.



Thank you for posting, to bad that the trumpeteers will say again that the press is biast, that is, when they take the time to read this.

Once again it's proven that the donald is lying about everything!

And there are still people out there that support this CLOWN?

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who cares about the washington post….its bought and paid for by amazon.


all the are doing is parsing mr. trumps words…ignoring the fact that what he says is largely correct.


If crooked hillary was going to improve USA and the world, she should have by now…. she's had 40 years to do it.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

who cares about the washington post….its bought and paid for by amazon.


all the are doing is parsing mr. trumps words…ignoring the fact that what he says is largely correct.


If crooked hillary was going to improve USA and the world, she should have by now…. she's had 40 years to do it.


"40 years to do it...?"  More nonsense from the Trump camp.  Hillary has never been President.  But even if she had been, how can one person "improve the USA and the world?"  Nevermind, Trump supporters don't have to make any sense.  As for "Trumps words," nearly every word out of the guy's mouth is a lie, so the Washington Post is largely correct.   

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Yes, it's a crazy world we live in. All Obama's fault of course.



Former New York mayor and Donald Trump surrogate Rudolph W. Giuliani told Trump's supporters Monday that the U.S. did not face "any successful radical Islamic terrorist attacks" before President Obama took office in 2008.



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6 hours ago, jackh said:


Bottom line.. If the US cannot ultimately benefit from a potential immigrant, they should be refused entry. 


Such a sad statement. Let's take a look at post Trump immigration interview...


Interviewer: "So sir, I see you are a mechanical engineer with many years of expertise. Is that correct?"

Immigrant: "Yes, I also hold several patents."

Interviewer: "Good...good. Now, Your wife, does she work?"

Immigrant: "No, she is a housewife and takes care of our son."

Interviewer: "I see. Well, you are welcome to come into the country but your wife will have to remain behind as she holds no benefit to the American public. Your son is only 8 years old? I'm sorry but he too will not be allowed in as he will only be a burden on our overtaxed school system. Plus your son doesn't speak any English and you can't expect the American tax payer to pay for additional English training for him. Also, I see you wanted to bring your grandmother with you too?"

Immigrant: "Yes, my grandmother has no family left in our country and I am her only support."

Interviewer: "Sorry, but your grandmother can't come in either as she will just be another tax burden on American society. Anyway, you are welcome to come into the country but your wife, son and grandmother will have to be sent back."

Immigrant: "Well, I guess that is okay. I will just send money back to my country to support them. Praise Allah I have a job already set up for me."

Interviewer: "What?! You are going to send funds to a middle east country which could be used to support potential terrorist like your son! I am sorry. Application denied!" 

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27 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


"40 years to do it...?"  More nonsense from the Trump camp.  Hillary has never been President.  But even if she had been, how can one person "improve the USA and the world?"  


She has been in the upper echelons of power for well over 3 decades…did nothing there….her foreign policy as sec of state is a goddamn disaster and she has a moronic outlook on state security.


But don't take my word for it.



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The USA 10 year visitor visa does not allow a person to stay in the USA for 10 years. The visa has a validity period of 10 years and must be updated every two years and/or when new passport is issued. The length of stay might be 6 months maximum.  But is seen as multiple entry.




The funny thing about this article:  Notice the article does not say how long one must be out of the country before being able to return. Same same Thai and USA on those points. The article cites 'intent' and at the discretion of immigration. The visa is given by Department of State and entry is allowed or denied by ICE.

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LOL…Lyin Hillary on Lyin Hillary:


" Last year, when asked what her proudest accomplishment as secretary was, she came up tongue-tied: “I really see my role as secretary, and, in fact, leadership in general in a democracy, as a relay race. I mean, you run the best race you can run, you hand off the baton.”


At least Mr Trump has some ideas of his own that make sense….all this bird can say is obama is great, I'll do some more like him. what a disaster

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…Lyin Hillary on Lyin Hillary:


" Last year, when asked what her proudest accomplishment as secretary was, she came up tongue-tied: “I really see my role as secretary, and, in fact, leadership in general in a democracy, as a relay race. I mean, you run the best race you can run, you hand off the baton.”


At least Mr Trump has some ideas of his own that make sense….all this bird can say is obama is great, I'll do some more like him. what a disaster


So that's a lie?


Sounds like it sums up "leadership" in the less autocratic style that Senor Trump often displays?


I can take anything out of context, or just about everything you write, and make it look stoopid.


Get it?

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6 hours ago, jackh said:

Trump has exactly described the kind of immigration policy the US needs to adhere to. I actual fact, ANY potential immigrant to the US should ultimately be allowed in it they are clearly a benefit to the US and it's social beliefs. The US immigration needs to be ever so vigilant  to ensure immigrants who come here play an active part in enriching America's social and economic infrastructure. Furthermore they should be subject to immediate deportation should they prove to turn out otherwise in the future. Immigration should hold the power to quickly deport them as well.


The law should be clear that ONLY a US citizen has the ability to posses firearms of any type...period. Visa or green card holders need not apply.  If a non US citizen is found in possession of a firearm, that should be immediate grounds for deportation. The person responsible for supplying the firearm should be subject for a sentence of prison.


Bottom line.. If the US cannot ultimately benefit from a potential immigrant, they should be refused entry. 

The USA has a very intensive vetting process. However, vetting cannot be done on the basis of religion, sex, gender, ethnicity etc etc as that is violating the rights of humans in the US Constitution. While it is possible to engage in racial profiling covertly that business is usually left to the intelligence agencies and they report back to Immigration as to whether they believe that person is a risk. This keeps the process of racial profiling covert. If a person is undesirable the Immigration people can deny the application without a lot of disclosure as to why.


Bottom line: If the US cannot ultimately benefit from a potential immigrant .... they usually do refuse entry.

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Trump is like a jet that is falling from the sky. And everybody in Washington is happy to see this. The right sided populist is on a crash and burn mission. It is over. The power elite have been setting this up since late May or June. The power elite had to let the Donald run his course to make it look like voters really have a say in American politics. (surprise..they don't. It is all a show) For the life of me I cannot figure out why anybody in their right mind would think the elite of the Republican Party would hand over the keys of the front door to a New York City con-man without a fight. The Donald is done.


As for Hillary. The demise of The Donald will only bear out a landslide victory for HRC. She will see this as a mandate and continue to slaughter people around the globe (as our last 2 presidents have done) and hand Wall St trillions of dollars (as our last 2 presidents have done). That pesky little idea called neo-liberalism is front and center in her agenda. Pesky to them... extrememely destructive to common people. Expect more war and less money in your pocket.


Just think for a minute. If you fixed the health care system in USA and stopped the imperial war machine, the USA GDP would fall so far that the US Dollar would no longer be the world's reserve currency. Hillary will keep us afloat though. No matter what the cost ...in lives or $


Bernie (the left sided populist) came and went as was expected. I was a very reluctant supporter. In fact ... I really gave up on him in April or May. He sold out. His 'revolution' (many before him have carried the torch... it wasn't his revolution) was based on principle he said. But when it came time to admit defeat and move on he took the 'anything but Trump' road and in my eyes sold out his principles that he stood on.


One lesson we should learn here it that the idea of 'populism' will be gone from American politics for a long time to come. As is described in this article, you'll find the fall of Trump will allow Hillary to get back to her neo-liberal economics and war mongering ways.




just my 2฿

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


So that's a lie?


Sounds like it sums up "leadership" in the less autocratic style that Senor Trump often displays?


I can take anything out of context, or just about everything you write, and make it look stoopid.


Get it?


Get a grip man....she has nothing to offer but platitudes....likening leadership to a relay baton exchange....lol. 

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


What benefits did the bangladeshi imam offer the USA?

I don't know really. Never met the guy.


Maybe his farts smelled like roses.... or he planted trees in the neighborhood ....or looked after elderly people....

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