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Crazed Nigerian on the loose - Bangkok police make arrest

Jonathan Fairfield

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7 minutes ago, MiKT said:


BS. None of the comments above have the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life of this unfortunately nutty Nigerian.

They are in the main JOKES.

I recognize racism when I see it (and it happens enough on TV for sure - usually anti-Thai racism) but I don't seriously see it here (maybe one or two a bit iffy). But nobody said that all Nigerians are always sleeping in the middle of the road. ??? do they?

For me; and most here, sleeping/lying in the middle of the road is an amusing (if tragic) occurrence. The poor guy does not look hurt in any way and will at least get some treatment in Thailand, even if it is just a sobering-up.

I though he was displaying a very large foreskin piercing, is that racist? Should I have said a very small (Thai size) piercing? Golly no, that would be racist.

And if you think I actually am a racist, come round and ask my 3 black (according to the locals) Thai kids what they think.


Of course it will probably not cause him any great discriminations in his life to make racist jokes about him on the Internet, but it could, perhaps he will be perfectly well again tomorrow, back at work, but the idea that he may be a criminal is now in somebodies mind who he knows and he loses out in some way through that.  How would you like your photo being in the news with a bunch of comments below calling you a drug user, drug dealer and a scammer?  Quite a serious crime in Thailand by the way, you can go to jail for some of the comments above.


All we we know about him is that he has been unwell and taken away by the police and he is Nigerian, are you seriously trying to claim that the jokes people made about scams and drugs are not due to him being Nigerian?  Because if they are, which they obviously are, then they are racist jokes, the point of my previous post was not to demonstrate that he was suffering what would be considered by the UN to be descrimination, but that these comments made about a specific nationality are also considered racism.


As as for your final, I am not a racist I have three black friends comment, this type of attempt to use the fallacy that a racist could not possibly be friends with another race as they should feel that they are unsuitable as friends if they have any prejudice against other races at all, is weak to say the least, it's as if you think that this one single point, you having black friends, would override all other points that you make, it doesn't, you also made the blatantly racist claim that a joke is not racism, that overrides your black friends point,

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3 hours ago, Thian said:


I never heard of a stabvest, we call them leather jackets. 


If i was a policeman and had to deal with a crazy dangerous person i wouldn't touch him at all or even come near him. My gun and mouth would do all the work untill i could easy put the handcuffs on while he was laying  on the floor.

That's why your not a police man,try the USA.

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mad black guy in racist Thailand.  oh boy... 


as for the bullet vest. isn't it just one of those singlets they sell at all temple fairs together with fake guns, cross bows, knives, metal rings for fist, ninja stars, etc ??? says a lot about Buddhism in Thailand too. 555

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38 minutes ago, MiKT said:


BS. None of the comments above have the effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life of this unfortunately nutty Nigerian.

They are in the main JOKES.

I recognize racism when I see it (and it happens enough on TV for sure - usually anti-Thai racism) but I don't seriously see it here (maybe one or two a bit iffy). But nobody said that all Nigerians are always sleeping in the middle of the road. ??? do they?

For me; and most here, sleeping/lying in the middle of the road is an amusing (if tragic) occurrence. The poor guy does not look hurt in any way and will at least get some treatment in Thailand, even if it is just a sobering-up.

I though he was displaying a very large foreskin piercing, is that racist? Should I have said a very small (Thai size) piercing? Golly no, that would be racist.

And if you think I actually am a racist, come round and ask my 3 black (according to the locals) Thai kids what they think.

They are not jokes to the people you ridicule,no matter how hilarious you think it is.I think your black kids would be some what bias.

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2 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Is saying something disparaging about a Nigerian qualify as a "racist" comment? 


Is Nigerian its own "race"?


Will the PC Brigade ever stop?

Bad men will win if good men say and do nothing.So no,we will not stop.

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3 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


It is not only PC to show disdain for bigotry, it is also morally correct, so in answer to your question, no, people will never stop having morals, and it is the racists that will die out not being unprejudiced which is a growing movement that is expanding in line with increasing levels of education and intelligence


To clear up your lame attempt to avoid racism being called racism, take a look at the definition.


"The international definition of racial discrimination is contained in Article 1 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). It states that 'the term 'racial discrimination' shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life'."

The comments above being well within this definition of racism as it is defined by the UN.


You really need to read the section that you quoted carefully then you will see that none of the posts that remain on this thread have the purpose of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. 


None of that definition applies to opinions and no opinions expressed here so far could be classed as racial discrimination which is what your definition encompasses.  There is a difference between racism and racial discrimination.


God bless the United Nations.

Edited by gdgbb
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3 hours ago, wvavin said:

Did the Thai authority ask themselves what a Nigerian guy is staying and what is he doing outside Bangkok? A higher quality tourist?


That's what this is partly about and Samut Prakan is part of the Bangkok metropolitan area. 


When you asked, wrongly, what he was doing outside Bangkok did you think that Nigerians were restricted to staying in Bangkok?

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3 hours ago, NickJ said:

Honestly. How on earth were they only able to determine he was from Nigeria? He could be from Hati, Jamaica or Baltimore.


He probably told them, don't you think?

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3 hours ago, Johnniey said:



Mentally ill and in need of help and one poster even called the unfortunate man "trash".


Who says he's mentally ill?  Maybe the poster that you refer to wasn't wrong with his description.

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


Of course it will probably not cause him any great discriminations in his life to make racist jokes about him on the Internet, but it could, perhaps he will be perfectly well again tomorrow, back at work, but the idea that he may be a criminal is now in somebodies mind who he knows and he loses out in some way through that.  How would you like your photo being in the news with a bunch of comments below calling you a drug user, drug dealer and a scammer?  Quite a serious crime in Thailand by the way, you can go to jail for some of the comments above.


All we we know about him is that he has been unwell and taken away by the police and he is Nigerian, are you seriously trying to claim that the jokes people made about scams and drugs are not due to him being Nigerian?  Because if they are, which they obviously are, then they are racist jokes, the point of my previous post was not to demonstrate that he was suffering what would be considered by the UN to be descrimination, but that these comments made about a specific nationality are also considered racism.


As as for your final, I am not a racist I have three black friends comment, this type of attempt to use the fallacy that a racist could not possibly be friends with another race as they should feel that they are unsuitable as friends if they have any prejudice against other races at all, is weak to say the least, it's as if you think that this one single point, you having black friends, would override all other points that you make, it doesn't, you also made the blatantly racist claim that a joke is not racism, that overrides your black friends point,

You need to get down off your high horse because you can't see what posters are actually saying from up there.  No one has said that he is a "drug user, dealer or scammer".  Where did it say that he has been "unwell"?


What you describe as a reference to the poster's three black friends was, in fact, the poster referring to his three black children.    As I said jump down and try reading what is actually posted.

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5 hours ago, geisha said:

Is hé Nigérian ? With the huge African populations in Bangkok, surely the police have interpreters? They all seem to be in one area of Bangkok that has a street market at night, can't remember where it was , but I was really surprised to see so many Africans obviously living and working there. Do they get easy visas or what ? 

I thought it`s even more difficult for Africans to obtain visa than for Farlangs.

Edited by cyberfarang
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1 hour ago, gdgbb said:


You really need to read the section that you quoted carefully then you will see that none of the posts that remain on this thread have the purpose of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life. 


None of that definition applies to opinions and no opinions expressed here so far could be classed as racial discrimination which is what your definition encompasses.  There is a difference between racism and racial discrimination.


God bless the United Nations.


The disparaging remarks are publicly displayed meaning that they could impair this mans recognition, enjoyment or excersise in an economic or social field of public life, he has just been called a drug dealer because he is from Nigeria, that is text book racism and the intention is not to be funny, the intention is to brand him, as a Nigerian, as being crooked, the purpose is to prejudice him due to his ethnicity, and these comments succeed in that aim, people listen to them, people hear that Nigerians are crooks, and when a Nigerian is in the news we see the evidence, there is very little sympathy for him, the comments are full of accusation for what is actually an unwell person, the same would not have been seen had it been a fallang man that was suffering a breakdown in the street, the comments would have been full of suspicion of an imaginary Thai woman that pushed him over the edge.  What exactly is so difficult for you to understand? I know you desperately want to be able to be racist without having to hear the word racist said at you, but you can't.

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I think some people are obsessed with racism to the point where they can't see anything else. It is a symptom of the cancer that is the PC that has infected and is slowly killing our society. People really need to understand the difference between stereotyping and racism, they are not the same thing.

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


The disparaging remarks are publicly displayed meaning that they could impair this mans recognition, enjoyment or excersise in an economic or social field of public life, he has just been called a drug dealer because he is from Nigeria, that is text book racism and the intention is not to be funny, the intention is to brand him, as a Nigerian, as being crooked, the purpose is to prejudice him due to his ethnicity, and these comments succeed in that aim, people listen to them, people hear that Nigerians are crooks, and when a Nigerian is in the news we see the evidence, there is very little sympathy for him, the comments are full of accusation for what is actually an unwell person, the same would not have been seen had it been a fallang man that was suffering a breakdown in the street, the comments would have been full of suspicion of an imaginary Thai woman that pushed him over the edge.  What exactly is so difficult for you to understand? I know you desperately want to be able to be racist without having to hear the word racist said at you, but you can't.


Yes if he'd been white, these idiots - many of whom themselves cry "racism" when they're overcharged or stopped by the cops while driving their cars - would be speculating on the involvement of a mototaxi rider with an inferiority complex or a mercenary wife with designs on his life insurance policy.


The references to slavery are just typical of the racist trolls present on this forum in ever-increasing numbers. They can get away with their hate speech online but, in real life, they wouldn't dare repeat their vile comments for fear of receiving the beating of a lifetime.


Says a lot about Thaivisa forums that these comments are allowed to remain in view. 

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1 hour ago, gdgbb said:

You need to get down off your high horse because you can't see what posters are actually saying from up there.  No one has said that he is a "drug user, dealer or scammer".  Where did it say that he has been "unwell"?


What you describe as a reference to the poster's three black friends was, in fact, the poster referring to his three black children.    As I said jump down and try reading what is actually posted.


Yes they have, one poster said he was high on the cocaine that he sells, another that he was stoned off his own supply, there are many comments relating to scams, another questioning his visa status, all of these comments are racially motivated, they are saying them because he is from Nigeria, I am sure you think they are just great jokes, but if you at least appreciate that these dumb jokes wouldn't actually make you laugh if he wasn't a Nigerian then you might be half way ready to get out of your high chair, some of us have grown up already and have a distaste for these babyish jokes.


You are right about the three children though, I misread it, not that it changes anything at all, my comment still stands true, you can't use having black kids to detract from racist points you make, they just don't make them go away, why would they?

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3 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

I think some people are obsessed with racism to the point where they can't see anything else. It is a symptom of the cancer that is the PC that has infected and is slowly killing our society. People really need to understand the difference between stereotyping and racism, they are not the same thing.


Stereotyping based on race, ethnicity or nationality are all defined as racism.  And PC has given us a better society, something that Thailand needs to emulate.

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Sigh... Nigeria is a country not a race so jokes about Nigerians are not racist by definition, not matter how hard you try to convince yourself. The "jokes" that you refer to are based on stereotypes which in turn stem from experiences that people have both living in Thailand and abroad (including Nigeria). The corruption and scams that originate in Nigeria or from Nigerian people is common knowledge and has been reported in the media. Take a stroll down Sukhumvit at night and it will not be Thai or Europeans who stop you in the street trying to be your friend so they can sell you cocaine or whatever they're trying to offload. I find it insulting that liberals automatically label people as racist or threaten them with a "beating" should they dare to disagree with their ridiculous PC views. Sorry to break this to you people, but disagreeing with you is not hate speech.

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6 minutes ago, 348GTS said:

Sigh... Nigeria is a country not a race so jokes about Nigerians are not racist by definition, not matter how hard you try to convince yourself. The "jokes" that you refer to are based on stereotypes which in turn stem from experiences that people have both living in Thailand and abroad (including Nigeria). The corruption and scams that originate in Nigeria or from Nigerian people is common knowledge and has been reported in the media. Take a stroll down Sukhumvit at night and it will not be Thai or Europeans who stop you in the street trying to be your friend so they can sell you cocaine or whatever they're trying to offload. I find it insulting that liberals automatically label people as racist or threaten them with a "beating" should they dare to disagree with their ridiculous PC views. Sorry to break this to you people, but disagreeing with you is not hate speech.


You realise that their customers are almost exclusively white train wrecks, right? What came first, the supply or the demand? Hmm, let me think

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Just now, 348GTS said:

Sigh... Nigeria is a country not a race so jokes about Nigerians are not racist by definition, not matter how hard you try to convince yourself. The "jokes" that you refer to are based on stereotypes which in turn stem from experiences that people have both living in Thailand and abroad (including Nigeria). The corruption and scams that originate in Nigeria or from Nigerian people is common knowledge and has been reported in the media. Take a stroll down Sukhumvit at night and it will not be Thai or Europeans who stop you in the street trying to be your friend so they can sell you cocaine or whatever they're trying to offload. I find it insulting that liberals automatically label people as racist or threaten them with a "beating" should they dare to disagree with their ridiculous PC views. Sorry to break this to you people, but disagreeing with you is not hate speech.


Try reading a little about the subject, youre posting a 1950's take on the useage of the word alongsude a "sigh", how funny.  It is actually as I just stated, race, ethnicity, nationality, they all come under racism, at least according to international conventions that Thailand is a party to. And I don't give a damn where people get their prejudices, to relate this to all 176 million Nigerians is racist. I understand that the majority of these posters don't get past their girly bar with a drug dealer on the corner and neglect to even consider that they wouldn't be there if their fellow country men didn't buy their drugs, and I understand that they have no idea that the majority of Nigerians are in Bangkok to do legitimate trade and that Nigeria is a very important trade partner with Thailand, but I don't suppose you have taken a walk down those streets where those Nigerian traders can be seen as you would have no business there, would you, no, your business is in a seedy alley off sukumvit.


i have no idea where you are coming from with the "beating" inclusion,


and you are not disagreeing with me, you are sympathising with hate speech, that makes you as guilty as they are, perhaps more so as you seem to have given it some thought that I suspect some of the posters of this hate speech are incapable of.

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A majority of the users on this webpage have some racist statements about Thai people as well and constantly find reasons to mock them. I have read constant posts of 'Westerners', I prefer to label them as such as that is mainly due to the fact that I want to bring these skeletons out of the closet and find out exactly who they are and where they are.


Thai Visa is used by the majority of foreigners in Thailand, and the fact that it has been a homage to persons full of hate for various nationalities, full of racism, full of hate-speech fueled posts and comments, I am beginning to consider the fact that it's time to do the right thing.


I have truly had enough of the hatred and racism among users on Thai Visa. The mere fact that Thai Visa allows such hatred to occur is an unspeakable act of truly unethical Western blogging.  


I am with the Thai Ministry of Defence and I am outraged at what these users are allowed to get away with.


Next time when you comment on a forum, make sure that you don't get the attention of the wrong kind, because you foreigners always find a way to make life more difficult for all the good guys.


The current Prime Minister isn't PC. So PC means bad guy. You know the saying; "Good guys in, bad guys out"


PC users should really get a grip on their comments or go somewhere else where they will feel more welcome. It seems like LOS isn't keeping you happy at all. Can you imagine the Thai immigration clamping down on PC foreigners in Thailand with the reason "They are politically influential people in Thailand". NVM. You will be tracked for the remainder of your stay. So keep it in your pants and smile, because this is Thailand.


The Chinese and Russians are bringing in so much money, that there is just no more space for PC. Poor PCness. Haters gonna hate.


Many of your foreigners know so much about the Nigerians and the drug trade, it tells us exactly what your interests are, perhaps we should focus on that instead and think about just exactly how many foreigners are on drugs in Thailand and piss/sweat-test every single foreign teacher and national at work, school, home every few months. Or just do the test before being able to do a 90 day-report.


Don't you people ever consider the consequences of your hate-speech?  








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Go nude go home    ...ok    dicrespect from moslims imigrant what mama merkel import to  cristian -V4. ha ha we will use same politics to prevent import "imigrants" ,what use thailand... thais also use "disrespect to cultur" (woman go to temple..) and for another 1000..reasons..  last time sweden **** critics Hungary..


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I completely disagree. Just because the loony lefties have hijacked the UN and are now redefining what words mean to further their agenda has no relevance to this topic. Neither does the point about "white train wrecks" and "the fellow countrymen of 'these' posters" being the ones who apparently according to you buy the drugs. Methinks that is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, for that right there is your own definition of being racist which makes you the racist ones. Ahh the irony. Perhaps if you read all the comments on the page, you would have noticed the person stating (and I paraphrase)  " the racist trolls present on this forum  can get away with their hate speech online but, in real life, they wouldn't dare repeat their vile comments for fear of receiving the beating of a lifetime". Ahh yes.... typical of the loony liberals who can't handle it when people disagree with their opinions and have no other way to come back apart from name calling, insults, and threats of violence. And as I said before, disagreeing with you does not constitute hate speech or "sympathizing" with hate speech, you just proved my point.

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