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Radical UK cleric guilty of supporting ISIL


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5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

ISIS Claim: “British Preacher Anjem Choudary Is An Informer” Mind you, that is from Pamela Gellar, so obviously is not very reliable.


It seems her source was  ISIS Claims, “British Preacher Anjem Choudary Is An Informer” which comes from another hate site.


The claim is also made on various conspiracy theory sites.


But nothing from any media which could remotely be considered reliable; left, right or centre, whether one agreed with their politics or not.


I've provided the links you requested, now you do the same to your source of this claim that Choudary was an informer.


'Tout' is Scottish slang for informer; if you say it is common in Ireland (North, South or both?) as well, ok; you must be capable of the occasional accuracy.




Contrary to your vivid imagination, everyone who has a differing viewpoint from your own, does not read '' Hate Sites '' so it should come as no surprise to you that I was not aware of the information reported on any sites that you cite.


You are even more deluded than I thought if you are expecting an official / semi - official source quoting Choudary as an informer. You have heard of sealed records ? Try again when Choudary is either dead or at least 25 years have passed.


Accuracy ? How is this for accuracy. '' Tout '' is UK wide slang for an informer, probably in use in other Countries also. On mainland UK  its use is normally associated with ticket - touts. Try visiting Ireland ( North or South ) and asking where the nearest tout is. You might get lucky and live to tell the tale.


You also claim that you live in a high density Muslim Pakistani community. So which Local Authority do you live in ?


The top 20 local authorities in England and Wales with the highest percent of Muslims in 2011[25] were:




Or does your Local Authority not even make the top 20 and it is just another figment of your vivid imagination ?

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24 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Had the law treated Choudary as it treated Tommy Robinson he would have been jailed decades ago. Indeed the incitement he was responsible for very likely led to the deaths of some people at the hands of terrorists.


If the 500 or so that he is attributed to help send to Syria is true.


I think that would be a given.

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21 hours ago, SgtRock said:

Chowdhary was protected and given a platform for 20 + years because he was a '' Tout ''


He has either outlived his usefulness or he was close to being identified as a '' Tout ''



13 hours ago, 7by7 said:

I've provided the links you requested, now you do the same to your source of this claim that Choudary was an informer.


7 hours ago, SgtRock said:


Contrary to your vivid imagination, everyone who has a differing viewpoint from your own, does not read '' Hate Sites '' so it should come as no surprise to you that I was not aware of the information reported on any sites that you cite.


You are even more deluded than I thought if you are expecting an official / semi - official source quoting Choudary as an informer. You have heard of sealed records ? Try again when Choudary is either dead or at least 25 years have passed.


I did not say that you got your information from either of the sites I linked to; yet another feeble attempt by you to put words into the mouths of others.  You asked the source of my posting that it was ISIS who claim Choudary was an informer from, I replied.


You still refuse to identify the source of your claim that he was an informer. You must have either got it from a hate site similar to the two I linked to or one of the conspiracy theory sites who base their claim on the fact that Choudary was something of a party animal when he was a student.


Or are you trying to convince us that you are privy to the contents of sealed government/police/security service records? In which case you should be joining Choudary in prison following your serious breach of the Official Secrets Act!


You could easily have found out where I live by looking at my profile; so I'll tell you; Woking.


I live in the town centre, most of which comes under one ward; Maybury and Sheerwater.You will see from Profile of Maybury and Sheerwater that whilst people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin constitute only 6.18% of the population of the whole borough, they constitute 35.64% of that ward. Also, whilst only 7.28% of the whole borough are Muslim, 37.74% of the population of Maybury and Sheerwater are.


Now, I grant you that in numbers that is nowhere near as many as those that live in the boroughs you mention; but it does prove that when I say I live in an area with a large Pakistani Muslim population I am speaking the truth.

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4 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

Had the law treated Choudary as it treated Tommy Robinson he would have been jailed decades ago. Indeed the incitement he was responsible for very likely led to the deaths of some people at the hands of terrorists.


Tommy Robinson, aka Andrew McMaster, aka Paul Harris, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, does have a string of convictions; true.


In 2003 he was convicted of assaulting an off duty police officer. The officer had intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from assaulting his then girlfriend.


in July 2011, he was convicted of having used "threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour" during a fight between Luton Town and Newport County supporters on 20th August 2010.


In September 2011 while out on bail accused of head butting a fellow EDL member at a rally in April was arrested for breaching the conditions of his bail. He was later convicted of common assault for the head butting.


In October 2012 he was convicted of attempting to enter the USA using a false passport.


In January 2014 he was convicted of mortgage fraud.


As far as I can ascertain he has never been imprisoned or even arrested for his political views. But if you know otherwise, links, please.



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On August 19, 2559 BE at 5:39 PM, 7by7 said:


Tommy Robinson, aka Andrew McMaster, aka Paul Harris, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, does have a string of convictions; true.


In 2003 he was convicted of assaulting an off duty police officer. The officer had intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from assaulting his then girlfriend.


in July 2011, he was convicted of having used "threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour" during a fight between Luton Town and Newport County supporters on 20th August 2010.


In September 2011 while out on bail accused of head butting a fellow EDL member at a rally in April was arrested for breaching the conditions of his bail. He was later convicted of common assault for the head butting.


In October 2012 he was convicted of attempting to enter the USA using a false passport.


In January 2014 he was convicted of mortgage fraud.


As far as I can ascertain he has never been imprisoned or even arrested for his political views. But if you know otherwise, links, please.



I doubt even you believe that Tommy Robinson's convictions were anything other than politically motivated in both the conviction and sentencing. The so called mortgage fraud was particularly laughable, as if anyone else would get a custodial sentence for something so trivial. But you do like to persist with your tedious repetitive charades don't you? 


Its quite funny how you were delighted when Maajid Nawaz persuaded Tommy to leave the EDL, but now you are no doubt less keen on Mr Nawaz after his honest observations on radical Islam and criticism of the regressive left who actually enable the extremists under the cloak of  pretending to protect all Muslims. I guess your ears must be burning there.

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3 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

I doubt even you believe that Tommy Robinson's convictions were anything other than politically motivated in both the conviction and sentencing. The so called mortgage fraud was particularly laughable, as if anyone else would get a custodial sentence for something so trivial. <snip>


Actually the guy pleaded guilty. One of his co-conspirators also received an 18 month sentence, another 27 months, others lesser sentences.





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That is the best you can come up with in defence of a violent criminal?




His first conviction for violence was in 2003, while he was an unknown apprentice at Luton Airport. It wasn't until a year after that he began his career in political activism by joining the BNP.


You may think mortgage fraud is a trivial crime; the authorities do not. I agree with the authorities.


Yaxley-Lennon got 18 months for that; a lot less than many others not in the public eye have received. One example

Mortgage fraud gang led by faith healer jailed for total of 52 years; sentences there ranged from 1 year for the bookkeeper of the gang up to 14 years for the leader.

Five sentenced for mortgage fraud - Herts is a report from the CPS of Yaxley-Lennon's case.


Your last paragraph is nonsense. You have either made it up, confused me with someone else or your memory is not what it was.



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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:

That is the best you can come up with in defence of a violent criminal?




His first conviction for violence was in 2003, while he was an unknown apprentice at Luton Airport. It wasn't until a year after that he began his career in political activism by joining the BNP.


You may think mortgage fraud is a trivial crime; the authorities do not. I agree with the authorities.


Yaxley-Lennon got 18 months for that; a lot less than many others not in the public eye have received. One example

Mortgage fraud gang led by faith healer jailed for total of 52 years; sentences there ranged from 1 year for the bookkeeper of the gang up to 14 years for the leader.

Five sentenced for mortgage fraud - Herts is a report from the CPS of Yaxley-Lennon's case.


Your last paragraph is nonsense. You have either made it up, confused me with someone else or your memory is not what it was.



As ever you seize any opportunity to send the thread off topic with both hands. Had the forum software not been playing up my last post should have been edited to explain the only reason Tommy Robinson was mentioned was that his decision to join the EDL was in response to Choudary getting away with murder as his supporters burned poppies in front of soldiers returning from overseas. Government inaction and press silence over the activities of Islamist ideology has caused rising public anger and the empowerment of the so called 'far right'. The consequences of this included the splitting of the Tory vote with UKIP, which had a knock on effect of Cameron agreeing to a referendum for Brexit. Cameron also promised to pursue characters such as Choudary, a big change from his previous ill advised membership of Unite against (sic) fascism, an organization Michael Adebolajo was a member of.


anyway, sorry not playing your game of deliberately seeking to de-rail every thread, please feel free to have the last word (as you always do), but do us all a favour and spare us the IRA, Balfour declaration or the usual invitation to trawl through your posting history, which would be a cruel and unusual punishment to inflict on any of our esteemed members.

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It was YOU who brought Yaxley-Lennon into this topic, not I.


Now that your feeble attempt to whitewash his crimes has backfired you are furiously back peddling and making false accusations.


BTW, the poppy burning abomination occurred in 2010.


Yaxely-Lennon founded the EDL in 2009 following a demonstration in Luton against the Afghan war by militant Islamists; so you are sort of right about his motives, but got the facts completely wrong; again.


However, his history of violent crime began six years before that.


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On 19/08/2016 at 11:39 AM, 7by7 said:


Tommy Robinson, aka Andrew McMaster, aka Paul Harris, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, does have a string of convictions; true.


In 2003 he was convicted of assaulting an off duty police officer. The officer had intervened to stop Yaxley-Lennon from assaulting his then girlfriend.


in July 2011, he was convicted of having used "threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour" during a fight between Luton Town and Newport County supporters on 20th August 2010.


In September 2011 while out on bail accused of head butting a fellow EDL member at a rally in April was arrested for breaching the conditions of his bail. He was later convicted of common assault for the head butting.


In October 2012 he was convicted of attempting to enter the USA using a false passport.


In January 2014 he was convicted of mortgage fraud.


As far as I can ascertain he has never been imprisoned or even arrested for his political views. But if you know otherwise, links, please.



Tommy Robinson was arrested and charged recently for being pictured wearing an Anti-ISIS T-Shirt, and holding up an English Saint George Cross flag with ‘f.u.ck ISIS’ written across it. The case is due in September.
This is despite the fact former Prime Minister David Cameron in his House of Commons speech on the 2nd December 2015 referred to the ‘evil’ of ISIS, and that British Muslims were appalled by ISIS. Cameron further said that the attacks in Syria by the British Military were ‘far from an attack on Islam, we are engaging in the defence of Islam…failing to act would betray British Muslims’.
Also more recently Anjem Choudary was prosecuted and convicted for inviting support of the proscribed organisation Islamic State.
Seems the UK authorities can't make up their minds which way they stand on ISIS, prosecuting some for supporting ISIS and others for standing against it.

Edited by katana
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Katana wrote.


Seems the UK authorities can't make up their minds which way they stand on ISIS, prosecuting some for supporting ISIS and others for standing against it.


This is my point in a nutshell, though only recently was any meaningful action taken against the likes of Choudary, and only with the loaded gun of public opinion pointed at the heads of government.


So there you have it, do you fret about minor mortgage fraud and assaulting poppy burners or do you worry about gang rape of minors on a national scale, incitement to and acts of murder, homophobia, honor killings, polygamy, no go zones and all the other gifts cultural enrichment has brought us?

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5 hours ago, katana said:

Tommy Robinson was arrested and charged recently for being pictured wearing an Anti-ISIS T-Shirt, and holding up an English Saint George Cross flag with ‘f.u.ck ISIS’ written across it. The case is due in September.
This is despite the fact former Prime Minister David Cameron in his House of Commons speech on the 2nd December 2015 referred to the ‘evil’ of ISIS, and that British Muslims were appalled by ISIS. Cameron further said that the attacks in Syria by the British Military were ‘far from an attack on Islam, we are engaging in the defence of Islam…failing to act would betray British Muslims’.
Also more recently Anjem Choudary was prosecuted and convicted for inviting support of the proscribed organisation Islamic State.
Seems the UK authorities can't make up their minds which way they stand on ISIS, prosecuting some for supporting ISIS and others for standing against it.

One problem here; Robinson wasn't charged with anything. This has to do with a banning order. Get your facts straight.

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5 hours ago, katana said:

Tommy Robinson was arrested and charged recently for being pictured wearing an Anti-ISIS T-Shirt, and holding up an English Saint George Cross flag with ‘f.u.ck ISIS’ written across it. The case is due in September.


Can you provide a link to that? The reason I ask is that the only thing I can find relating to it are articles where his lawyer makes these claims - but the actual charge he appears to have been served is of travelling abroad to a football match despite having a banning order served against him.

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7 hours ago, Steely Dan said:


This is my point in a nutshell, though only recently was any meaningful action taken against the likes of Choudary, and only with the loaded gun of public opinion pointed at the heads of government.


So there you have it, do you fret about minor mortgage fraud and assaulting poppy burners or do you worry about gang rape of minors on a national scale, incitement to and acts of murder, homophobia, honor killings, polygamy, no go zones and all the other gifts cultural enrichment has brought us?


Is that what the argument has become? The English Muslim scum are more scummy than the English nazi scum?

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Prison is the best fishpond for terrorists - these outlaws already have the know how and the connections to get - once outside - the arms, the support - the "skill" to commit murders and crimes.  

There is no need to recruit and send candidates for Syria anymore.

Those who hate our society are already on site and just need to be activated to turn their hate into action.


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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

One problem here; Robinson wasn't charged with anything. This has to do with a banning order. Get your facts straight.

Yes, he's contesting the banning order.
The banning order cited his "capacity to organise disorder from an anti-Muslim perspective" and came after his anti-ISIS photos appeared. Although with recent terrorist events in France, they don't seem to need much help in that respect.
His lawyer is hoping to have it overturned on the grounds it was “brought on the basis of a harassment campaign” linked to his “high social media profile, and is associated with Pegida UK” and amounted to an attack on his “free speech”.

4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


Can you provide a link to that? The reason I ask is that the only thing I can find relating to it are articles where his lawyer makes these claims - but the actual charge he appears to have been served is of travelling abroad to a football match despite having a banning order served against him.

It appears though that the previous banning order lapsed in 2014 and wasn't renewed. They only served him a new one after he returned to the UK from the Euros in June 2016.
"...Mr. Robinson had travelled to France to watch the Euro 2016 tournament, leaving shortly before Bedfordshire Police planned to serve him with a fresh football banning order. A previous three-year ban expired in 2014.."

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33 minutes ago, katana said:

Yes, he's contesting the banning order.
The banning order cited his "capacity to organise disorder from an anti-Muslim perspective" and came after his anti-ISIS photos appeared. Although with recent terrorist events in France, they don't seem to need much help in that respect.
His lawyer is hoping to have it overturned on the grounds it was “brought on the basis of a harassment campaign” linked to his “high social media profile, and is associated with Pegida UK” and amounted to an attack on his “free speech”.

It appears though that the previous banning order lapsed in 2014 and wasn't renewed. They only served him a new one after he returned to the UK from the Euros in June 2016.
"...Mr. Robinson had travelled to France to watch the Euro 2016 tournament, leaving shortly before Bedfordshire Police planned to serve him with a fresh football banning order. A previous three-year ban expired in 2014.."


So the T-shirt had nothing to do with his arrest, and it is just typical breitbart propaganda?

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Yes, it is just typical Brietbart, and other sites, propaganda; ignoring some facts and twisting others to suit their agenda..


Yaxley-Lennon's banning order for Euro 2016 was not new; he'd had one before.


Like well over 100 other English football hooligans with previous banning orders he was issued with it after the fighting in Marseille due to his previous convictions for football related violence.


It was issued before the pictures of him and his flag and T shirt appeared but, unfortunately, after he had already left for France.


Tommy Robinson: Ex-EDL leader escapes Euro 2016 ban, celebrates with '&lt;deleted&gt; Isis' England flag in France


But the 33-year-old had already left the country when officers turned up at his house near Luton. He was pictured days later in France holding an England flag with the words "&lt;deleted&gt; Isis" and wearing a shirt showing a cartoon of an England fan urinating on the Black Banner flag adopted by Islamic State (Daesh).


If he is such an innocent and has distanced himself from football related violence, why does he continue to use the name Tommy Robinson?


The real Tommy Robinson was a prominent member of the Luton Town MIGs


Ex-MIG, Tommy Robinson (not to confused with Stephen Yaxley-Lennon the self-styled leader of the English Defence League, who took the football hooligan's name), has written two books about his experiences with the firm, Mig Down which charts his own personal 25-year career in football violence, and Mig Crew about the firm itself.


N.B. the deletion of a certain word is down to the forum software.

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7 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

This is my point in a nutshell, though only recently was any meaningful action taken against the likes of Choudary, and only with the loaded gun of public opinion pointed at the heads of government.


So there you have it, do you fret about minor mortgage fraud and assaulting poppy burners or do you worry about gang rape of minors on a national scale, incitement to and acts of murder, homophobia, honor killings, polygamy, no go zones and all the other gifts cultural enrichment has brought us?


Action has been taken against Choudary before, such as banning his hate organisation Islam4UK; but it has taken time to garner enough evidence to gain a criminal conviction.


Remember, Choudary is an intelligent man and a qualified lawyer; he has been very careful to stay just the right side of the law. Fortunately, not careful enough.


Of course mortgage fraud and even attempted girlfriend beating, assaulting a police officer and football related violence is not the same as child rape, murder, etc.; no one has said it is.


All the crimes you list are not restricted to just the Muslim community.  Why is it that you only seem concerned about these crimes when they are committed by Muslims?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tommy Robinson Wins Court Case Against Bedfordshire Police Over Football Banning Order
Tommy Robinson has won a court case and prevented the police imposing a football banning order on him.
His lawyer Alison Gurden called the move “a ruse to create an exclusion zone in Luton so that he cannot undertake any political protests on Saturdays” before the hearing in a blog.

The EDL founder and Pegida UK co-ordinator was challenging Bedfordshire Police and the UK Football Policing Unit over the order that would have stopped him entering his hometown of Luton for 12 hours on Saturdays when Luton Town FC were playing.
...the judge at Luton Magistrates’ Court called the police’s evidence for the order “vague, cagey and not genuine” on Monday.

http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/edls-tommy-robinson-wins-court-case-against-bedfordshire-police-over-football-banning-order_uk_57dff718e4b0d584f7f1fcb1 (19/09/16)

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