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Video: Thai bouncers vs British tourists - two charged with assault

Jonathan Fairfield

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Video: Thai bouncers vs British tourists - two charged with assault





BANGKOK:-- A nasty street fight in Khao San has been doing the rounds of social media after it was filmed at the weekend and posted online.


The poster didn't want to be named for fear of retribution.


The fight shows a group of Thai men kicking a British man while he is on the ground. While a female vendor nearby calls for the end of the one sided encounter saying the tourist can't fight back, some friends finally come to his aid.


Four British tourists - one of them covered in blood - reported the assault to Chana Songkram police on Sunday night.


Apparently the tourists had tried to get into a club but the bouncers would not let them and after an argument the fight erupted down the street.


Two Thai men were arrested later and charged with assault. They said that the tourists were denied entry because one was very drunk.


An argument ensued that let to the fight, they told police.


Source: Sanook News


Warning: Some viewers may find this footage disturbing




-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-08-17
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Absolutely ridiculous. Good security  personnel are supposed to be experts in peaceful resolution and helping to maintain order.

Booting some lad when he's on the deck is disgusting conduct. If the roles were reversed and the Thai guy was getting the boot stuck into him i would dread to think how heavy the punishment would be.

A simple assault charge is woefully inadequate given the footage available

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when refused entry why didn't the brits move on more than one place to drink. In all of the years coming here and now living here I have never had a problem with thai bouncers or bar people. somepeople just do not have a clue. some people cannto go to their neighbors house without getting into a fight

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3 minutes ago, moe666 said:

when refused entry why didn't the brits move on more than one place to drink. In all of the years coming here and now living here I have never had a problem with thai bouncers or bar people. somepeople just do not have a clue


Didn't the article say that the Brits had moved on down the street but the bouncers followed them?


The emd of the video where the bouncers (wearing black) walk back up the street supports the  authors writing.

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Why all this kicking in the head of someone already down?


Try watching western documentaries of security guards pacifying drunk party goers. Most of the action is verbal or in extreme cases a quick restraint.


These guys should be charged with attempted murder.  One well placed kick and the victim is dead.


Like one poster here said. "Thais fight to destroy"

Edited by petedk
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1 minute ago, moe666 said:

when refused entry why didn't the brits move on more than one place to drink. In all of the years coming here and now living here I have never had a problem with thai bouncers or bar people. somepeople just do not have a clue


It's because some people are arrogant <deleted>, and that's before they start drinking. I've seen more than a few altercations with the Brits being the ones ganging up on someone. Or 3-4 Aussies vs 1 other person. 3-4 Americans/Canadians/etc. I've mentioned before that in all the years I've been going to clubs, bars and go-gos, the closest I've come to getting into a fight was in a go-go when a group of Aussies (3) were acting like asses and pissed off because an old fart like me had 3 of the nicest looking girls sitting with me (I knew 2 of them for ages) and none of the girls wanted to sit with the drunk @**holes. Never had a problem with any staff at any establishment but then again, I don't run around acting like I'm king **** of turd island and expect people to bow at my feet because I'm a foreigner.


That's why I'm usually skeptical when I see stories like this. If the bouncers at the clubs were deliberately starting fights with foreigners for no reason, that club wouldn't be in business very long. Not to mention that rarely does anyone, of any nationality, try to start a fight with group larger than their own no matter how many Jet Li movies they've watched. I highly doubt that 3-4 bouncers would have picked a fight with 4 Brits for no reason.





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These guys are old style bouncers -the current generation panty waist don't understand no means no from guys like this. I have seen dreadful entitled behavior from brutish backpackers. I shall do my best to spread this story to remind potential travelers to behave in the company of hard men.

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13 minutes ago, petedk said:

Why all this kicking in the head of someone already down?


Try watching western documentaries of security guards pacifying drunk party goers. Most of the action is verbal or in extreme cases a quick restraint.


These guys should be charged with attempted murder.  One well placed kick and the victim is dead.


Like one poster here said. "Thais fight to destroy"

it's not the west. The young thug backpackers forget where they are. they ask for trouble- they get trouble.

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27 minutes ago, z42 said:

Absolutely ridiculous. Good security  personnel are supposed to be experts in peaceful resolution and helping to maintain order.

Booting some lad when he's on the deck is disgusting conduct. If the roles were reversed and the Thai guy was getting the boot stuck into him i would dread to think how heavy the punishment would be.

A simple assault charge is woefully inadequate given the footage available

you should see the bouncers in Margate!

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My cousins are saving money to go backpacking in Asia...i hope they don't come to Thailand.


I've been a bouncer myself when i was 20 but i never had to fight...there are plenty other ways to get them away from the party.

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9 minutes ago, The manic said:

These guys are old style bouncers -the current generation panty waist don't understand no means no from guys like this. I have seen dreadful entitled behavior from brutish backpackers. I shall do my best to spread this story to remind potential travelers to behave in the company of hard men.

Being in a pack does not make you a hard man, just the opposite

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As a Brit I have to admit that some Brits behave appallingly while on holiday and there's no excuse, however I take issue with the cowardly way that one of the bouncers kicks the downed man in the head. That's inexcusable and needs to be seen to be believed. This video should be essential viewing for anyone coming to Thailand, especially Brits who aren't prepared for what they might encounter. To put it in context, if this was in the UK, kicking someone in the head while they are down is an act that could be charged as attempted murder, it's sickening to watch. This is Thailand, as the saying goes, so I assume there's no law against it. 

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Anybody kicking and beating a helpless person on the ground is a coward. A good bouncer restrains troublemakers with his team without kicking or hitting, then hands them over to the law :-), if it can't be resolved by talking.

Is it just me feeling this , or is there a major escalation of all kinds of violence against foreigners reported in the media during the last few years??

Can't open any paper or online publication without robbery, muggings, assault, beatings, murder etc. these days.

The interesting part is, that Thailand seems to be quite resilient against tourist boycotts. For how much longer, so?

Used to be so peaceful here 22 years ago.....Not anymore....MS>

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13 minutes ago, moonseeker said:

Anybody kicking and beating a helpless person on the ground is a coward. A good bouncer restrains troublemakers with his team without kicking or hitting, then hands them over to the law :-), if it can't be resolved by talking.

Is it just me feeling this , or is there a major escalation of all kinds of violence against foreigners reported in the media during the last few years??

Can't open any paper or online publication without robbery, muggings, assault, beatings, murder etc. these days.

The interesting part is, that Thailand seems to be quite resilient against tourist boycotts. For how much longer, so?

Used to be so peaceful here 22 years ago.....Not anymore....MS>

No it is not just you feeling this.But of course the usual Thai apologists are here trying to justify this sickening violence and blaming the victim.

The nature of the job of being a bouncer means you are going to come across a##holes,its part of the job description.If you can`t handle that aspect of the job without resorting to extreme violence get another job.


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Again! Granted, the Thais are real chumps, with their penchant for kicking a downed person. However, for heaven sake, what  is it with the Brits, who also have a hard-on  penchant for carrying that East_Ender "chip-on-the-shoulder" attitude EVERYWHERE (in the world) they go?

Edited by NativeSon360
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These bouncers are just thugs.

TAT should promote Thailand as an X-destination. Get bashed outside a night club, dodge a bomb in your city of choice, try the Pattaya plunge, get mugged by a ladyboy , bungy jump without the cord attached, fly Thai airways.

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59 minutes ago, Kerryd said:


It's because some people are arrogant <deleted>, and that's before they start drinking. I've seen more than a few altercations with the Brits being the ones ganging up on someone. Or 3-4 Aussies vs 1 other person. 3-4 Americans/Canadians/etc. I've mentioned before that in all the years I've been going to clubs, bars and go-gos, the closest I've come to getting into a fight was in a go-go when a group of Aussies (3) were acting like asses and pissed off because an old fart like me had 3 of the nicest looking girls sitting with me (I knew 2 of them for ages) and none of the girls wanted to sit with the drunk @**holes. Never had a problem with any staff at any establishment but then again, I don't run around acting like I'm king **** of turd island and expect people to bow at my feet because I'm a foreigner.


That's why I'm usually skeptical when I see stories like this. If the bouncers at the clubs were deliberately starting fights with foreigners for no reason, that club wouldn't be in business very long. Not to mention that rarely does anyone, of any nationality, try to start a fight with group larger than their own no matter how many Jet Li movies they've watched. I highly doubt that 3-4 bouncers would have picked a fight with 4 Brits for no reason.






And you think that gives that pack of  bouncers the right to kick repeatedly at the head of their ONE opponent who is down already?

I'm happy that I 'm not suffering from your kind of logic

Edited by sweatalot
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9 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

These bouncers are just thugs.

TAT should promote Thailand as an X-destination. Get bashed outside a night club, dodge a bomb in your city of choice, try the Pattaya plunge, get mugged by a ladyboy , bungy jump without the cord attached, fly Thai airways.

Are you stating that a typical "bouncer" @ any niteclub in the UK, is not a thug? Huh? Plus, Thailand is one of the safest countries on this planet. Try traveling more than you apparently have, so far.

Edited by NativeSon360
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I too disagree with the way the "Security Guys" handled the situation.


BUT, on the other hand, I have never had anything even close happen

to me in my 20+ years living in Thailand, and I do go out a lot and party

hard, and respect other people.


But there seems to be a certain crowd that looks for trouble, and when

they find it they go crying to the police. I am sure if they would have just

walked away when told they can not enter, they would have had a nice





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4 minutes ago, luudee said:

I too disagree with the way the "Security Guys" handled the situation.


BUT, on the other hand, I have never had anything even close happen

to me in my 20+ years living in Thailand, and I do go out a lot and party

hard, and respect other people.


But there seems to be a certain crowd that looks for trouble, and when

they find it they go crying to the police. I am sure if they would have just

walked away when told they can not enter, they would have had a nice






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Two 'fights' going on, another on the right side of the video, sure some tourists get drunk, get stupid , and get arrogant but it doesn't explain or excuse the lack of proportionality in the aggression/ brutality of the bouncers and the sneaky little pricks like the guy in the yellow shirt who joined in then raced off with his face held down. Still that's their mentality, it's no holds barred and damn the consequences. Stick that on your promotional material TAT alongside Pokoman temples and beaches if you dare lol. 

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1 hour ago, z42 said:

Absolutely ridiculous. Good security  personnel are supposed to be experts in peaceful resolution and helping to maintain order.

Booting some lad when he's on the deck is disgusting conduct. If the roles were reversed and the Thai guy was getting the boot stuck into him i would dread to think how heavy the punishment would be.

A simple assault charge is woefully inadequate given the footage available


The charge is assault, in Thailand, if there are any scars left on his face or he is left incapacitated for more than 20 days, then the maximum sentence is 10 years, but not if there are more than three people involved, for some reason then the maximum sentence is two years, thankfully though the Thai law does implicate his friend who was stood watching, not doing any beating, but also not trying to stop him, he could get the same sentence.

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9 minutes ago, NativeSon360 said:

Are you stating that a typical "bouncer" @ any niteclub in the UK, is not a thug? Huh? Plus, Thailand is one of the safest countries on this planet. Try traveling more than you apparently have, so far.


Where did you get that one from?  Thailand has the 4th highest murder rate in the world and the third highest murder rate by gun in the world at 33 per 100,000, or about 20,000 fatal shootings per year! It also has the second highest fatal traffic accident rate in the world and is the 2nd most likely place in the world for tourists to die, I have travelled a lot and I feel safe in Thailand in comparison to many places I have been, but in reality it is a very dangerous place. 

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17 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:


Drivel. It is the most dangerous tourism destination for Brits, Swedes, Aussies and Americans according to their respective governments and the insurance companies. 

Ha! I am a Black-skinned American, residing in skin-color phobic Thailand for 7-years. I have traveled extensively, alone (via motor-bike) to every nook & cranny possible in Thailand. I have never had a problem dealing with Thai menfolk, and I don't even bother to smile, kiss anybody's butt, or pretend to be friendly towards them, either.


Its ALL about the "attitude" you bring to any foreign country. I personally know (hard-core) Swedes, Aussies and American expats in Thailand, whom have never had any problems in the LOS. So much for my "drivel", according to you, Padre!! Phew!




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Madness! This road is renowned as a tourist hotspot. No violence should be allowed. There are other ways to deal with drunks. This way has lost Thailand face. How about only female bouncers on khoa sarn road? No one would argue with a woman.

So sad to see this! This isn't the khoa sarn road I remember.

Big shame on those responsible for security.

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7 minutes ago, NativeSon360 said:

Ha! I am a Black-skinned American, residing in skin-color phobic Thailand for 7-years. I have traveled extensively, alone (via motor-bike) to every nook & cranny possible in Thailand. I have never had a problem dealing with Thai menfolk, and I don't even bother to smile, kiss anybody's butt, or pretend to be friendly towards them, either.


Its ALL about the "attitude" you bring to any foreign country. So much for my "drivel", according to you, Padre!! Phew!




I've lived here for over 30 years and say Thailand is one of the safest places in the world, unless you are an idiot in tourist places.

Thais are very very tolerant people in general.

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