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From The Night Safari Web Site

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By Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadee

Assistant Minister at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Director, Administration Officer of Chiangmai night Safari Project


1. Meats of all animals displayed at Chiangmai night Safari will not be appeared as the restaurant menus in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of Chiangmai night Safari concept. For crocodiles and ostriches’ meats from cultivated farms, they are not prohibited if the seller desires.

2. I still insist that Chiangmai night Safari objectives are to research and conserve natural resources and wildlife and to support sustainable nature tourisms.

3. Many thanks are extended to all critics. Please to hear and correct for the right things. However, very sorry for somebody’s violent, rude and disparaging remarks.

4. For foreign NGOs, please reconsider your own nations and people’s behaviors, what have been undertaken or are still going on, are truly appropriate in terms of wildlife conservation, before criticizing something oversea. Hunting of whales, wolves and moose both for game and for human food have been doing until now. Where kangaroo’s meat is still for human being’s food. Why restaurants are names “Carnivore” still existing? Please do not look down upon Thai people. Foreigners like westerners have started hunting wildlife such as elephants and tigers in India and elephants, lions, rhinos, and others in Savanna Africa.

5. Chiangmai night Safari is itself a good project for public affairs. It might have little flaws. Please be optimistic and do not merely judge other people being worst than you.

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2. Jaguar Trail + Predator Prowl + Savanna Safari (กลางคืน)

เด็ก ผู้ใหญ่

คนไทย THB125 250 บาท (thai)

ต่างชาติ THB300 500 บาท (farang)


By Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadee

Assistant Minister at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Director, Administration Officer of Chiangmai night Safari Project


1. Meats of all animals displayed at Chiangmai night Safari will not be appeared as the restaurant menus in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of Chiangmai night Safari concept. For crocodiles and ostriches’ meats from cultivated farms, they are not prohibited if the seller desires.

2. I still insist that Chiangmai night Safari objectives are to research and conserve natural resources and wildlife and to support sustainable nature tourisms.

3. Many thanks are extended to all critics. Please to hear and correct for the right things. However, very sorry for somebody’s violent, rude and disparaging remarks.

4. For foreign NGOs, please reconsider your own nations and people’s behaviors, what have been undertaken or are still going on, are truly appropriate in terms of wildlife conservation, before criticizing something oversea. Hunting of whales, wolves and moose both for game and for human food have been doing until now. Where kangaroo’s meat is still for human being’s food. Why restaurants are names “Carnivore” still existing? Please do not look down upon Thai people. Foreigners like westerners have started hunting wildlife such as elephants and tigers in India and elephants, lions, rhinos, and others in Savanna Africa.

5. Chiangmai night Safari is itself a good project for public affairs. It might have little flaws. Please be optimistic and do not merely judge other people being worst than you.

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Such a predictable response from a Thai bureaucrat. What a maroon. :D:D:D:D

I wonder where he got the feedback he's resonding to??? TV perhaps :o


I did hear that the "Night Surfari" was loosing money hand over fist, and they can't even afford to meet their advertising budget, hence no serious advertising. Possibly Plodprasop's rather sad statement is in leiu of this :o

I did hear that the "Night Surfari" was loosing money hand over fist, and they can't even afford to meet their advertising budget, hence no serious advertising. Possibly Plodprasop's rather sad statement is in leiu of this :o

If they cannot afford their advertising budget it's as sure as shittin that they will not be feeding the animals properly.

Another one of the "square faced man's" grandious (and doubtful) ideas going down the gurgler.

Same as the Thai Priviledge Card, Fashion City, you name it :D


Wow, gee, oh my! Imagine that, a Thai trying to redirect blame onto someone else.

Come on man, your ideas are CRAP! Yes, you can find foreigners doing all sorts of stupid things, but not quite as 'in your face' as this farce of a conservation project you call the Night Safari. The place is a failure and the people have spoken. It's a bad business plan. Change it or live with it, but for Christ's sake be man enough to accept your shortcomings...


By Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadee

Assistant Minister at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Director, Administration Officer of Chiangmai night Safari Project


1. Meats of all animals displayed at Chiangmai night Safari will not be appeared as the restaurant menus in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of Chiangmai night Safari concept. For crocodiles and ostriches’ meats from cultivated farms, they are not prohibited if the seller desires.

2. I still insist that Chiangmai night Safari objectives are to research and conserve natural resources and wildlife and to support sustainable nature tourisms.

3. Many thanks are extended to all critics. Please to hear and correct for the right things. However, very sorry for somebody’s violent, rude and disparaging remarks.

4. For foreign NGOs, please reconsider your own nations and people’s behaviors, what have been undertaken or are still going on, are truly appropriate in terms of wildlife conservation, before criticizing something oversea. Hunting of whales, wolves and moose both for game and for human food have been doing until now. Where kangaroo’s meat is still for human being’s food. Why restaurants are names “Carnivore” still existing? Please do not look down upon Thai people. Foreigners like westerners have started hunting wildlife such as elephants and tigers in India and elephants, lions, rhinos, and others in Savanna Africa.

5. Chiangmai night Safari is itself a good project for public affairs. It might have little flaws. Please be optimistic and do not merely judge other people being worst than you.

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Sometimes it's just better to say nothing...


> If they cannot afford their advertising budget..

Never mind the advertising budget, what about a budget for a 6th grade English teacher to proof read it?

I'd say this statement is very much on par with everything else I've seen at and heard about the Night Safari. It's a sad disgrace and wasting of public funds. And I can't even be happy that the place is a miserable failure as I (and all tax paying Thais) helped pay for it. :o

What's the matter Dr. Plod?

Having a strange feeling you'll be fed to the lions next?

Sorry to offer this correction..... Its the Christians they throw to the lions......

Besides the lions threw him back....



On a more serious note, I would sincerely suggest that the good Dr. Plop take a trip to Jakarta.

About an hour out of Jakarta there is a animal theme park that I found very good, complete, and very interesting.. I think the name is Taman Safari. On the road to Puncak, if anyone is familiar with the area.

Its a drive thru in your own car type and really has an extensive variety of animals.

If I thought that Night Safari was in this stead, I might be interested enough to venture thru even at the seperate pricing structure.


PS the animals are alive not cement.....

I only went to look around before it was opem...nothng seemed to want to drive me to go back yet I only live a mile away


Is this a park that you drive thru in your own vehicle or can you give a brief description of what you were able to see or how it was structured?



Watch, next we will start hearing about mysterious deaths of certain animals i.e., the ones that eat the most. Or, perhaps they can recoup their investment by exporting game meat to China.

What a <deleted> disgrace.


I now live 5 km from the entrance road to the safari, and was expecting my question to be answered, "Oh sure, six of us have gone, see the following topics in ThaiVisa." The canal road is surely not heavily travelled during the night hours when the safari might be open. So, nobody goes, eh?

...maybe it's all a conspiracy, a corrupt money making project that siphoned so much payola, that they never built the complex. It's not there; it's just an imagination of your figment....


By Dr. Plodprasop Suraswadee

Assistant Minister at Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Director, Administration Officer of Chiangmai night Safari Project

.............5. Chiangmai night Safari is itself a good project for public affairs. It might have little flaws. Please be optimistic and do not merely judge other people being worst than you.

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Perhaps there is a need to further publicize the fact that this Night Safari Park has perhaps overtaken Nong Buak Hat Public Park and other well-known locations for the practicing of affairs in public during the darker hours. Opens up a potential new line of tour opportunities.

Its a drive thru in your own car type and really has an extensive variety of animals.

I heard that they wanted to make the Night Safari here a drive-thru, but Macdonalds weren't interested in making big-macs from elephants!


You've spurred me to look at the website and consider even going!

However, I looked at the ticket prices with the website in "English" mode. It shows a price of 300 for child, 500 for adult. No mention of Thai prices.

THEN! I switched the website into "Thai" mode. Under the Thai ticket price page, it says Thai kid 125 adult 250, and underneath it, it says Farang prices. All written in Thai.

Hmmm, so they do not advertise to "Farang" that they're getting charged loads more than Thais. BUT they see fit to give a nudge and a wink to the Thai population. Its like them saying "Hey look, we charge the Farangs loads more"....

And for this reason, Im not going!



Under the 'news' section of the website, it says, "On December 15, 2005 about 01.30 p.m., over 7 thousand people from the nearby communities, Maehea, Nongkwaii, and Namphrae district, amphor Hangdong, gathered themselves in order to resist the NGOs trying to stop opening of Chiangmai night Safari... They spoke that after November 16, 2005, the soft opening day of Chiangmai night Safari had enabled many people in Hangdong to produce 700-800 Baht-per-day income for their own. Hence, if here has been no Chiangmai night Safari, they could not have earned much more money."

Um, so! There are plenty of ways to make money. Abusing animals for money is disgraceful. I don't remember reading in any of the Poli Canons or Sutras that it was OK to exploit animals for profit.

The government should provide options for the people of these villages to make a decent living by doing something more compassionate.

If one is banned from eating the animals, then there's not a lot of point going is there.

And, while we're at it.

Screw the environment! It takes up so much room and is so hard to keep clean. :o

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