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3 former inmates caught hours after their release from prison


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23 minutes ago, halloween said:

Well I didn't expect your attitude to change after they had shot you dead. Did you somehow think that Thaksin's gunmen only shot the "real" bad people, that innocents and ganja smokers got a pass?

" Well I didn't expect your attitude to change after they had shot you dead"   

WOW man you are special huh,   How in the wonderful world of Disney can a persons attitude change after they had been shot dead???

Man you have a gift.

As for thinking  "Thaksins gunmen" giving a free pass to innocents and gunja smokers,  no'p don't think that at all, but you have quite the imagination there lil fella.      NEXT.

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37 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Johnniey:. Little Mary does like those

doible espressos.....that's the only vice

when it comes to drinking!!  Sorry You 

Are so wrong!


As are you, as to what is happening in the Philippines.

Edited by Bluespunk
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14 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

Bring back the   "WAR ON DRUGS"  Before it was put in place by Thaksin,  Thailand had a serious drugs and drug related problem's, after the implementation of the "war on drugs" policy  The drug problem was massively reduced.

Now the controversial  policy  of extrajudicial killings was a serious problem and one it is alleged the police were involved in, of that I know  as my wife's brother is a high ranking cop here and told her about "the black book" a hit list book with names of drug dealers that need to be illuminated.  Now the tactic's suggested they (BIB) use is let them kill each other off to cut any links to the big dealers and their Hench men which the big guy's didn't have a problem with as it reduced competition.

Then there the tactic where the BIB are allegedly directly involved in.

My wife say's and I agree,  after Thaksin was removed and the "war on drugs" policy dropped, now you can go too any 7-11 corner store and score,.

Now before some of you get your knickers in a twist,  let me just say, I have no problem with a little green now and again,  But YES I do think that meth dealers and hammer dealers need to be removed from society as they deal in death and destruction of not only the drug user but their family's are hurt and the innocent victims that are hurt/ robed/ or killed by these freaks and not just when they are high.

Now the only question is how to deal with the problem?  seems gaol doesn't work,  ok so maybe the softly softly approach, medication?

 well ok but now if that doesn't work then,,,, I'm open to sugestions:whistling:

Bring back the green.

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The majority of low level drug addicts tend to be one person crime waves they are addicted to these highly addictive drugs and there only concern is getting there next fix. To accomplish this they will do anything to get the money for there next fix whether this is mugging, burglary, bag snatching the crime to them is a nescessity to get the drugs and they will commit the crime to get the money to buy the drugs. This is an everyday cycle for these people and the war on drugs isn't going to stop this cycle it is just an everyday problem that these addicts deal with.

What are the answers?

Stop the drugs from entering the Kingdom this hasn't worked as for every shipment that gets caught coming in there are more shipments that don't get caught, it is a supply and demand product if there is a demand there will be somebody who will supply and the amount of money involved is vast.

Execute all users I personally think that this is madness as the people at the top of the tree will never be caught and a lot of innocent people who haven't done any harm to anybody will be slaughtered.

Legalise everything and monitor it though licensed premises and give registered addicts drugs for free and educate them and try to get them clean from drugs, a radical solution I know but the only sane one I believe, lets look at the advantages of this a sharp fall in low level street crime where you break the cycle of addicts having to commit these crimes to get there fix, but where will the money come from to feed these peoples addiction? well take it out of the vast amount of money being spent on drug prohibition and there will be less low level street crime to police.

Further up the chain if the government are producing these drugs for there licensed premises this will affect the big men at the top as there will be no demand for the product and this will affect how much money they can make and this will slowly stop the supply as it won't be financially viable for them to continue.

For all the people who think that this will increase the number of addicts take a look at Portugal who have done something similar the number of addicts has actually fallen, low level street crime has also fallen.

This is not just a problem for Thailand but it is epidemic through out the world, prohibition hasn't worked the problems are still there people will still take drugs and not think of the consequences not all these people are bad.

I personally don't use drugs but in my youth I tried many different recreational drugs and like millions more like me I didn't go on to be an addict.

I think the world is slowly changing its attitude towards drugs now what with the legalisation or decriminalisation of cannabis in many US states, some Australian states and a few countries in Europe, I think a lot of the world will slowly follow suit.

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