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Live In Australia.com - Anyone Used This Service?

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I am thinking about using this service, but before shelling out $300USD and being disappointed, want to know of any others' experiences.

Maybe we can do it all ourselves and save the money and time???

Any feeback, positive or negative would be appreciated.

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I am thinking about using this service, but before shelling out $300USD and being disappointed, want to know of any others' experiences.

Maybe we can do it all ourselves and save the money and time???

Any feeback, positive or negative would be appreciated.

With that Aussie flag flying Reg, why do you need a visa service to go to Aust. Aren't you an Aussie ?

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IMHO a correctly filled in application and by following the guidelines set out in the Partner migration hand book will do.

These agencies are in business to make money, if they only charged for successful applications, then yes go for it but they dont.

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Hi Dr PP.

Yes I am an Adelaide boy like you, but my wife is Thai and we need to get her here with the least possible problems. We haven't much time because of her age and what she wants to do here, the wait of 6-9 months can really throw a spanner in the works.

She would like to continue her nursing career here in AU, but she has already passed the "skilled visa" age limit of 45, so we have only a "Spouse visa" option left.

Having to do a re-training of 12 months in AU leaves very limited time before the cut-off time for her to return to this work here.



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Thats very good news to hear Bronco, I suppose being in a rural area like we will be can be an advantage too?

Also she specilizes in incontinence which effects quiet a few older people, so hopefully she can get a placement rather quickly?

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I would be making enquiries with Nursing Agencies, there are heaps now. Your wife could probably work as an enrolled nurse while waiting to become a registered nurse ( could be the other way around ) any way summat like that.

The shortage will be acute soon and they are trying deparately to recruit mature nurse back into the work force.

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Bronco, have you any info on her learning the English language here?

We are sort-of in "the bush" and there are no colleges in the area that do this sort of thing.

Her needs would be to speak rather than write, because she can already read and write quiet well, but speaking is another thing.

Maybe there are some other ways of doing this? Got any ideas?

This would effect her work a lot, because she has to pass the English points test of 8.

Checked into several nursing bodies so far, seems like they all have their rules to follow, but we will keep on trying to find our way.

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When she gets her 309 visa she will be entitled to get 520 hours of tuition from the TAFE system, OK you are out of Adelaide slightly but the lessons are delivered in many formats, distance is one.

Contact the TAFE in Currie street for more information.

Speaking skills develop very quickly when immersed a totally english speaking environment.

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