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Chronic Paronchia

dick dasterdly

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I've had chronic Paronchia (in all finger and toe nails) for at least a couple of years now, and the creams etc. supplied by the hospital following MANY repeat visits have not helped.


Eventually, I got fed up as the hospital specialists' treatment didn't make any difference - and so didn't go back for my last appointment.


Does anyone know anything that may help?


A quick search of Google says soaking the nails in warm water a few times a day is a suggested treatment - but the hospital specialist said I should keep my nails out of water as much as possible.

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What worked for many of my friends. My Mom swore by it. Was Vicks Vapor rub.

She had her friends all use it. It takes awhile. She applied it at night and used socks at first.

Good luck.

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See http://www.aafp.org/afp/2001/0315/p1113.html


In chronic paronchia (which sounds like what you have), water is indeed to be avoided, warm soaks are only for acute form.


If treatment with both topical antifungals and steroids have failed, oral antifungal might be indicated and if that too fails, surgery may be necessary. read the full article but be mindful of which sections refer to chronic vs. acute.


Did the doctors take scrappings to determine which organisms were present? (should have)


If yo uare in the Bangkok area, I suggest you consult Prof. Charussri  Leeyaphan or Prof. Sumanas Bunyaratavej at Siriraj, they have done research and published on this condition  http://www.siphhospital.com/th/home

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25 minutes ago, NickJ said:

What worked for many of my friends. My Mom swore by it. Was Vicks Vapor rub.

She had her friends all use it. It takes awhile. She applied it at night and used socks at first.

Good luck.

Funnily enough an American friend of mine said that he'd seen a youtube video about Vick's vapour rub, and as he is going back to the US for a holiday in a few weeks time - would I like him to bring some back!


As a Brit., Vicks is well known to me, but I hadn't seriously thought of it as a good idea.  In view of your post, its definitely worth a try - thank you.

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42 minutes ago, NickJ said:

What worked for many of my friends. My Mom swore by it. Was Vicks Vapor rub.

She had her friends all use it. It takes awhile. She applied it at night and used socks at first.

Good luck.

Double post.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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35 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

See http://www.aafp.org/afp/2001/0315/p1113.html


In chronic paronchia (which sounds like what you have), water is indeed to be avoided, warm soaks are only for acute form.


If treatment with both topical antifungals and steroids have failed, oral antifungal might be indicated and if that too fails, surgery may be necessary. read the full article but be mindful of which sections refer to chronic vs. acute.


Did the doctors take scrappings to determine which organisms were present? (should have)


If yo uare in the Bangkok area, I suggest you consult Prof. Charussri  Leeyaphan or Prof. Sumanas Bunyaratavej at Siriraj, they have done research and published on this condition  http://www.siphhospital.com/th/home

Scrapings were taken a couple of years ago, and the doctor was suprised that they only showed a mild fungal infection - even though I was losing most of my nails (fingers and toes).


Unfortunately, I live on Phuket - and cannot go to Bangkok as I have 4 dogs.


The link is much appreciated - I'll check it out.


Edit - Yes, I've been through anti-fungals/antibiotics and (I think - but not sure) steroids - all prescribed by the hospital doctor - and none of them helped.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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Suggest asking your doctor whether an oral anti-fungal (e.g. fluconazole) might be indicated, given lack of response to the topical meds. Certainly should try (unless there is some contraindication) before resorting to surgery which is what is usually done when meds fail.


Vick vaporub is basically menthol, if it works (which I have no idea about) then tiger balm would likely as well and readily available here. I don't see any harm in trying.

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21 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Suggest asking your doctor whether an oral anti-fungal (e.g. fluconazole) might be indicated, given lack of response to the topical meds. Certainly should try (unless there is some contraindication) before resorting to surgery which is what is usually done when meds fail.


Vick vaporub is basically menthol, if it works (which I have no idea about) then tiger balm would likely as well and readily available here. I don't see any harm in trying.

I'm pretty sure I was prescribed oral anti-fungals back at the beginning of this saga.  Sorry to be so vague, but its been going on for a long time....


At one point (steroid?) injections under the nails were suggested :shock1:, but having a VERY low pain threshold, this was instantly rejected!


I'd had the same thought about the green stuff bought to rub on itching mossie bites (presumably tiger balm) and yesterday evening as a few of the toes on one foot were itching like mad - I gave it a try.  It eventually stopped the itching, and so today I've applied it to all nails and surrounding areas.


Fingers crossed.

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