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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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22 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

To answer Trump's Q:  "What the hell do you have to lose?"


Some answers:    national dignity.  To anyone who cares about the US, the country and its people will lose whatever measure of respect they now have.  It's already happening.   Already, foreign leaders are cringing in disgust at the possibility (however remote) of a Trump presidency.  The Pope is turned off.  The former prez of Mexico used the f-word.  That's 66% of foreign leaders who have thus far spoken up (the remainder are restraining expressing their disgust at The Divider).  The other third is Putin who seemingly likes Trump, not least because Trump will hamstring NATO and give the Russkies a clearer path to getting back some of their former Soviet satellite states. 


Perhaps most blacks in the US don't much care whether the USSR gets rebuilt, but they may sit up and take notice if/when their sons and brothers will have to don uniforms and trudge off to another war.  .....or perhaps the next big war zone will be in Asia, or in the Middle East?  


Having a hot-head, shoot-from-the-hip, uninformed, Republican, easily angered/offended man as US Commander in Chief will increase the possibility of war.  


Indeed, having countries who stand to benefit from the limp-wristed, status quo US government is oh such a very compelling to not vote for Trump. And the Pope? Who cares what open borders communists think of the US presidential candidates?

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Unsure of the calculations but at first glance this is one of the dumbest political appeals I have ever heard. Had he framed this better it may not have fallen so flat. I get his point. After all, under democratic stewardship blacks in America have suffered enormously. In fact, primarily due to the Democratic Party. But it is hard to remain credible when your plea is so screwed up.

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43 minutes ago, arjunadawn said:

Unsure of the calculations but at first glance this is one of the dumbest political appeals I have ever heard. Had he framed this better it may not have fallen so flat. I get his point. After all, under democratic stewardship blacks in America have suffered enormously. In fact, primarily due to the Democratic Party. But it is hard to remain credible when your plea is so screwed up.


I agree with the spirit of your post. The thing is, Trump's campaign has been off the charts hard to judge by typical political standards. I think we will want to see how else he appeals for the black vote. The data clearly indicates blacks' loyalty to the Democratic party has done nothing for them. They are still suffering the same old stuff- trapped in failing schools, lower wages, targeted for systematic extermination by Margaret Sanger's company, etc etc. And after 8 years of Obama, they appear to be more unhappy than ever- to go along with that higher government dependence and other maladies.


Malcolm X was apparently way ahead of his time when he told blacks they were chumps and race traitors if they voted Democratic.

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Texting the Black face cartoon of Hilary did not go over well Ooops. That and David Dukes ads which have him endorsing Trump have not created a positive atmosphere for courting the Black vote. Interesting those articles have not been posted up here ... uh uhhum


My advice to Trump;  given the clusterpuck so far, wooing the black vote might not be an effective strategy :D save your money stump elsehwere 

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