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Trump to black voters: 'What the hell do you have to lose?'


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2 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

W/out a photo ID anywhere you can't take out a phone contract, (ok, buy a burner if you're inclined), drive a car, buy liquor, get on an aeroplane and now even AmTrack as well.

Basically, you can't live in America w/out a photo ID.

Anyone who say different is patently wrong.


Or a shameless liar.

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38 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Black and other minority group voters have for 15 years been subject to being screwed by Republican party controlled states. However, the federal courts have thrown out just about every Grandson of Jim Crow law put on the books of the various Republican controlled states.


Federal courts have instructed the perp Republican controlled states to use or to establish alternatives to photo ID requirements, although no court has invalidated the photo ID for any use.


Just sayin as we tour the waterfront of photo ID applications in the USA. Photo ID in the hands of Republicans in government is always dangerous to the fundamental duty and right of the citizen, which is to vote. Black citizens especially, which all goes back 400 years.


Lack of photo ID in the hands of Democrats is even more dangerous as a enabler of electoral fraud. All the arguments against voter ID are specious or fraudulent.


Lack of tight identification for voters simply indicates to me how electoral integrity counts for little and has nefarious ends. 

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37 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Yeah sure. Are they hillbillies living in a hut far from civilization? Funny how I can't do any of these things without an ID in Southern California. :rolleyes:


They're living off-the-ID-grid. :D

Edited by MaxYakov
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9 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Lack of photo ID in the hands of Democrats is even more dangerous as a enabler of electoral fraud. All the arguments against voter ID are specious or fraudulent.


Lack of tight identification for voters simply indicates to me how electoral integrity counts for little and has nefarious ends. 


It's been posted to the thread 31 cases of in-person voter fraud of 1 billion votes cast in USA.


The rightwhinge is well known for not recognising facts.


For instance, none of the states whose voter restriction laws have been thrown out by the federal courts are controlled by the Democratic party. Republican controlled states began the current era of radical restrictions, in the 1990s. Every state whose voter restriction law has been thrown out by the federal courts is or has been a Republican party controlled state.


Let's talk about the electoral integrity of the year 2000 vote count in Florida where GW's bro Jeb wuz governor. Then again, let's not eh (off topic anyway).

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28 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You can not produce those posts because they do not exist. As usual, you are posting complete fabrications. 


Search function easy to use. Many will do so. Seems like you don't stand by your own posts. No courage of your convictions then?


You calling me a liar?

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26 minutes ago, PTC said:


Search function easy to use. Many will do so. Seems like you don't stand by your own posts. No courage of your convictions then?


You calling me a liar?


Forum Tip: In the upper right-hand corner of each post is a ID: "Perma Link" number (A permanent link to the specific post - will provide the correct link to a post even if posts on the thread have been deleted). Make a "copy link address" of the "Perma Link" and use it as a raw link or a text-anchored link in a post.


If one has posts containing information one wants to share with others, it's much easier for the sharees, if the post(s) link(s) are provided as references by the sharer rather than tell them to do a search.

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34 minutes ago, Publicus said:


It's been posted to the thread 31 cases of in-person voter fraud of 1 billion votes cast in USA.


The rightwhinge is well known for not recognising facts.


For instance, none of the states whose voter restriction laws have been thrown out by the federal courts are controlled by the Democratic party. Republican controlled states began the current era of radical restrictions, in the 1990s. Every state whose voter restriction law has been thrown out by the federal courts is or has been a Republican party controlled state.


Let's talk about the electoral integrity of the year 2000 vote count in Florida where GW's bro Jeb wuz governor. Then again, let's not eh (off topic anyway).


You're looking at the politicized trees rather than the electoral forest.


Elections should be protected from fraud from any political party, group or individual, don't you agree?


PS: I'd cut back a little (or a lot) on the nonsensical stereotypes (i.e. rightwhinge, etc)  if I were you. It doesn't enhance your credibility. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat (or any other party or group, for that matter). AFAIC the political process in the USA is riddled with corruption across the board and nothing points that out more than the ridiculous activities of both political parties in this election.

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19 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Forum Tip: In the upper right-hand corner of each post is a ID: "Perma Link" number (A permanent link to the specific post - will provide the correct link to a post even if posts on the thread have been deleted). Make a "copy link address" of the "Perma Link" and use it as a raw link or a text-anchored link in a post.


If one has posts containing information one wants to share with others, it's much easier for the sharees, if the post(s) link(s) are provided as references by the sharer rather than tell them to do a search.


I did not know that function. I probably will never use it.


It does not change the fact that the posts exist and are searchable. There are so many of them that I think most people paying attention to this little side thread will know exactly what I am talking about.

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15 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


You're looking at the politicized trees rather than the electoral forest.


Elections should be protected from fraud from any political party, group or individual, don't you agree?


PS: I'd cut back a little (or a lot) on the nonsensical stereotypes (i.e. rightwhinge, etc)  if I were you. It doesn't enhance your credibility. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat (or any other party or group, for that matter). AFAIC the political process in the USA is riddled with corruption across the board and nothing points that out more than the ridiculous activities of both political parties in this election.

The trouble with using a word like "corruption" is that it has such a broad range of meaning that it becomes useless in discussing what the problems are and what needs reforming.  In the past, corruption in the political sphere meant politicians using their powers for monetary gain.  Not anymore.

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27 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The trouble with using a word like "corruption" is that it has such a broad range of meaning that it becomes useless in discussing what the problems are and what needs reforming.  In the past, corruption in the political sphere meant politicians using their powers for monetary gain.  Not anymore.


I do recall stating "across the board". How about we start, at least, at the electoral level and work north by impeaching or indicting corrupt government officials rather than giving them effective immunity and the encouragement of others to perpetuate the cycle. I must be in a dream state today.

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32 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


You're looking at the politicized trees rather than the electoral forest.


Elections should be protected from fraud from any political party, group or individual, don't you agree?


PS: I'd cut back a little (or a lot) on the nonsensical stereotypes (i.e. rightwhinge, etc)  if I were you. It doesn't enhance your credibility. I'm neither Republican nor Democrat (or any other party or group, for that matter). AFAIC the political process in the USA is riddled with corruption across the board and nothing points that out more than the ridiculous activities of both political parties in this election.


Wake up time.


Until you or someone can refute the content of my post, personal opinion advice about (optional) posting language might well be withheld. Then there's the meaningless dreamland generality posed as a glittering question about protecting elections from fraud by any political party.


On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum) the theme Republican party controlled states only have, since the 1990s, enacted voter restriction laws against black and minority American citizens that have consistently and thoroughly been thrown out by the federal courts. The federal courts have identified the laws as willful and deliberate violations of the Constitution.


Deal with it because it is about illegalities that are entirely specific to one political party and one political party only, i.e., the Republican Party.



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On 23 สิงหาคม 2559 at 2:44 PM, Publicus said:


Too late for Trump.


His racism across the board is baked in already. So's the Xenophobia. So's the manic personality.


No respectable voter is going to vote Donald Trump. Privately or by letting family know, to include neighbors to know, colleagues, associates etc. (The only question about Trump's rally crowds is how many trailer park populations can he pack into an arena.)


For all of Clinton's faults, not among them is hatemongering on the basis of race, religion, national origin, skin color, being female of any age or demographic, being of prisoner of war, being a Gold Star Family and the rest of it. Millennials reject Trump outright. Suburban Republican women throughout the country flee Trump as the party's nominee.


The lunatic right has seized control of the Republican party in this 2016 Potus election and both have already begun to suffer for it profoundly and broadly. Perhaps irrecoverably.

Perhaps you are not aware that voting is secret. No one knows who people vote for unless they tell them, and that doesn't need to be whom they actually voted for.

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1 hour ago, PTC said:


I did not know that function. I probably will never use it.


It does not change the fact that the posts exist and are searchable. There are so many of them that I think most people paying attention to this little side thread will know exactly what I am talking about.


Another use of the ID: "Perma Link" is that it can be used to instantiate the specific post into a newly-created tab in one's browser. This, in turn, can be bookmarked for future reference and rapid access. Or it can be pasted into a text document, if so desired.


Oh, sorry - I digressed. You were saying something about your ignorance of Hyperlinks [wiki] and your implicit non-acceptance of new ideas or approaches?


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57 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:


Another use of the ID: "Perma Link" is that it can be used to instantiate the specific post into a newly-created tab in one's browser. This, in turn, can be bookmarked for future reference and rapid access. Or it can be pasted into a text document, if so desired.


Oh, sorry - I digressed. You were saying something about your ignorance of Hyperlinks [wiki] and your implicit non-acceptance of new ideas or approaches?



Yes quite. Got me there. Please continue reveling in geekdom. I will occupy myself with more interesting matters. It is time to cut my toenails.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps you are not aware that voting is secret. No one knows who people vote for unless they tell them, and that doesn't need to be whom they actually voted for.


You misread my post completely as the campaign wears on.


You also suggest wrongly about secret ballot in a way that betrays a cultural deficiency and a cognitive deficit concerning certain others.  


So kindly visit here plse thx: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/reading-aloud-build-comprehension


Looking forward to your revival. 

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7 hours ago, PTC said:


Search function easy to use. Many will do so. Seems like you don't stand by your own posts. No courage of your convictions then?


You calling me a liar?


If the search function is so easy to use, produce the posts. YOU are the one making false allegations that you can't back up.


If the shoe fits, wear it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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7 hours ago, Publicus said:


Wake up time.


Until you or someone can refute the content of my post, personal opinion advice about (optional) posting language might well be withheld. Then there's the meaningless dreamland generality posed as a glittering question about protecting elections from fraud by any political party.


On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum) the theme Republican party controlled states only have, since the 1990s, enacted voter restriction laws against black and minority American citizens that have consistently and thoroughly been thrown out by the federal courts. The federal courts have identified the laws as willful and deliberate violations of the Constitution.


Deal with it because it is about illegalities that are entirely specific to one political party and one political party only, i.e., the Republican Party.




"On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum)...." At last I agree with you. Your repetitions are quite sickening.

Why use 3 words when you can use 23.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


If the search function is so easy to use, produce the posts. YOU are the one making false allegations that you can't back up.


If the shoe fits, wear it.


Yes the search function is easy to use. Repeating this to the chronically stiff necked is quite boring. I make no false allegations. Your posts against African American people are stored safely on TVF for everyone to re-read if they so choose. You may not call other posters a liar, no matter how you dress it up.

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16 minutes ago, Linzz said:


"On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum)...." At last I agree with you. Your repetitions are quite sickening.

Why use 3 words when you can use 23.


You keep stalking Publics and now descend to direct personal attacks. Why do you not attack his argument instead of him personally or the words he uses to present it? A very low and common tactic employed by low and common people.


I assume you are old enough to have been required to learn Latin in Australian schools. You fit the demographic. In which case, you would know that while nausea means sickness and has its roots in Latin, the term ad nauseum has nothing to do with sickness.


Why don't you make some point about the absurd and ludicrous notion that Donald could ever hope to appeal to African American voters with his manufactured, spin-doctored crap designed to attract the racist white voter.

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35 minutes ago, Linzz said:


"On the point, my posts have reiterated (ad nauseum)...." At last I agree with you. Your repetitions are quite sickening.

Why use 3 words when you can use 23.


Thanks for reading my posts. I'll try to reciprocate from this point forward :D


Just por vous next time I put 3 I'll say three and likewise for 23 which will become twenty-three.


Aren't you the guy who used to be an independent who said he liked Bernie, detested Hillary but who saw Trump as the messiah or some such. Or at least as the best of the worst or whatever. The guy who said a swarm of Bernie supporters would in the end vote for Trump  :lol:


The Trump Boyz have run out of arguments, defenses, offense, except for the same-o Hillary rants with a new one each week, and the standard cussing against the liberal media, liberal leftist progressives, PC, no use of nuclear weapons etc etc.


The Trump is Change argument ran out when 250, er, a couple of hundred million-plus Americans recognised Trump and change would mean turning America upside down and throw the world into chaos.


That guy.

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27 minutes ago, PTC said:


You keep stalking Publics and now descend to direct personal attacks. Why do you not attack his argument instead of him personally or the words he uses to present it? A very low and common tactic employed by low and common people.


I assume you are old enough to have been required to learn Latin in Australian schools. You fit the demographic. In which case, you would know that while nausea means sickness and has its roots in Latin, the term ad nauseum has nothing to do with sickness.


Why don't you make some point about the absurd and ludicrous notion that Donald could ever hope to appeal to African American voters with his manufactured, spin-doctored crap designed to attract the racist white voter.


I'm sure Publicus can defend himself! No need to rush to his aid. I did attack his words and not him personally. In this case ad neuseum which I used as word play so no need for the haughty Latin lesson from Ivory Tower. 


Pot kettle black.


You attacked me personally. ... common, low, my age, and to cap it all off...Australian! Lol . Take your presumption elsewhere. Speaking of age since you raised it, as one gets older the more one realizes how little one really knows. Some posters like to show how much they think they know, but they are usually young or have reached no real state of self realization. 

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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Like Bank of America is going to open a bank account for someone who does not own a photo ID. P.T. Barnum had a point. :cheesy:

I produced the Bank of America web page that quite explicitly states what is necessary. You respond by denying the truth of what that web page explicitly says and then for your  finale you post a laughing emoji. And you still haven't addressed the rest of the false claims you made.  I've disproved everything and all you can do is indulge in empty and groundless mockery.  ANd you know why that is?  Because it's all you've got.


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2 minutes ago, Linzz said:


I'm sure Publicus can defend himself! No need to rush to his aid. I did attack his words and not him personally. In this case ad neuseum which I used as word play so no need for the haughty Latin lesson from Ivory Tower. 


Pot kettle black.


You attacked me personally. ... common, low, my age, and to cap it all off...Australian! Lol . Take your presumption elsewhere. Speaking of age since you raised it, as one gets older the more one realizes how little one really knows. Some posters like to show how much they think they know, but they are usually young or have reached no real state of self realization. 


You stalk people. I recall a post from quite some time ago where you admit that you targeted Publics specifically.


Why don't you say something about the topic. The facts, data and information that Publicus has provided about the purposeful and insidious disenfranchisement of minorities in America are compelling. Is that why you choose silly 'word' games as you call it instead of actual some rational counterpoint?


Or am I to be subject to your attentions now?

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13 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Thanks for reading my posts. I'll try to reciprocate from this point forward :D


Just por vous next time I put 3 I'll say three and likewise for 23 which will become twenty-three.


Aren't you the guy who used to be an independent who said he liked Bernie, detested Hillary but who saw Trump as the messiah or some such. Or at least as the best of the worst or whatever. The guy who said a swarm of Bernie supporters would in the end vote for Trump  :lol:


The Trump Boyz have run out of arguments, defenses, offense, except for the same-o Hillary rants with a new one each week, and the standard cussing against the liberal media, liberal leftist progressives, PC, no use of nuclear weapons etc etc.


The Trump is Change argument ran out when 250, er, a couple of hundred million-plus Americans recognised Trump and change would mean turning America upside down and throw the world into chaos.


That guy.


Yup I never skip your posts but if you could make them shorter they would be less laborious. Plz thx

Nup never said any of those things except I supported Bernie and disliked Hillary. Never mentioned what Bernie's supporters would do. Still hard to like Trump but yes would prefer him over Hillary. Problem is that your elections are about personalities which becomes a distraction from policy. Both candidates have weaknesses that get in the way of anything useful.

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3 minutes ago, PTC said:


You stalk people. I recall a post from quite some time ago where you admit that you targeted Publics specifically.


Why don't you say something about the topic. The facts, data and information that Publicus has provided about the purposeful and insidious disenfranchisement of minorities in America are compelling. Is that why you choose silly 'word' games as you call it instead of actual some rational counterpoint?


Or am I to be subject to your attentions now?


Yup you could be! Especially if you don't lighten up.

Some fok's demeanour attracts people like me. Especially when they are dyed in the wool, intransigent, and moreover talk down to others, then I consider them fair game. 

As to the issues in hand, notwithstanding, you have some valid points to make as does Pub and also as a counterpoint, so does Ulysses G. I contribute when I feel  it's relevant so to do.

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34 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Yup I never skip your posts but if you could make them shorter they would be less laborious. Plz thx

Nup never said any of those things except I supported Bernie and disliked Hillary. Never mentioned what Bernie's supporters would do. Still hard to like Trump but yes would prefer him over Hillary. Problem is that your elections are about personalities which becomes a distraction from policy. Both candidates have weaknesses that get in the way of anything useful.


It is the case no respectable voter living in a respectable community will vote for Trump, which is why Trump is getting clobbered in the suburbs in the states with the largest Electoral College Votes.


Since Reagan elections of Potus have been decided in the suburbs and we see what the burbs dwellers think of Donald Trump, but it runs through the the large number of cities too.


Moreover, even the disreputable Koch Bros are running in the opposite direction from Trump, so youse guyz supporting him are a distink minority.


Yes, to a significant extent elections in the USA -- for Potus more than for any other office -- are about personalities, which is the primary reason Trump is getting minced and mashed by voters throughout the country.


We see that Trump is a radical wildman crackpot lunatic ignoramus. As history is our guide, even the numbnuts "Silent" Calvin Coolidge (1923-29) was preferable to someone like the wild radical Wm. Jennings Bryant (who had run unsuccessfully in three Potus elections* before Coolidge later ran successfully). 


Since FDR presidents have had to have policies, be active, rational, reasonable, and have pronounced yet stable reassuring leadership to all. This is yet another reason voters in November will give the bum's rush to Trump and all of his right wing gang of nihilists and anarchists.



*1896, 1900, 1908

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11 minutes ago, Linzz said:


Yup you could be! Especially if you don't lighten up.

Some fok's demeanour attracts people like me. Especially when they are dyed in the wool, intransigent, and moreover talk down to others, then I consider them fair game. 

As to the issues in hand, notwithstanding, you have some valid points to make as does Pub and also as a counterpoint, so does Ulysses G. I contribute when I feel  it's relevant so to do.


I don't believe I have read anything so self servingly trite on this forum. The refrain of the Keyboard Warrior.


The self righteous are always the most conceited. Stalk me as you will. Rationalize it any way you want to. Just remember you have no entitlement to tell anyone what attitude to take. Your little homily when placed against your previous ad hominem attacks clearly show you are talking out of both sides of our mouth.


Wanna identify any of these valid points to which you refer and discuss them or will you keep this diversion going?

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