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Govt launches English-language broadcast program for international audiences


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"The government is introducing a new English-language TV program to propagate government policies to international audiences"


Still trying to convince an unbelieving international audience that Thailand is not lying in it's teeth.


I doubt it will work very well. The international community has heard, and probably are, more accomplished liars.



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If they've turned their attention to foreign media, it won't be long before they have a quiet word and the self-censorship screw is tightened on this forum. Surprising that this place has been left alone so long. I suspect these frank exchanges will no longer be possible by the end of the year.

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9 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

If they've turned their attention to foreign media, it won't be long before they have a quiet word and the self-censorship screw is tightened on this forum. Surprising that this place has been left alone so long. I suspect these frank exchanges will no longer be possible by the end of the year.

I wouldn't be so sure it's been left alone,   maybe it's just not overt yet.

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2 hours ago, Thailand said:

Can't wait to see this one, Sunday mornings will never be the same again.

It may be compulsory and foreigners found not watching may be sent for attitude adjustment which would consist of being forced to watch all previous episodes of the Friday night drama.

news on Thai Television is so damn boring for God sake.  
it looks like it's been programmed in advance only what they(who?)'d like the people to see.
all the channels have similar contents.

one week  attitude adjustment in a military camp for those Farangs who only stick their asses around bar girls only and ignore to receive any messages from the junta by Mor 44.

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1 hour ago, Eligius said:

Actually, that is a brilliant idea, which I had never thought of: why don't they provide the Friday night (and new Sunday morning) Addresses with all the bells, boings and whistles that comedy programmes here normally have. Could be a real hit - even greater than now!

I hope the Thai government is ready for the youtube version of their program to show up on the web.


You are right,  just add stupid sound effects and a laugh track.


Or worse, a serious version with graphics and video added illustrating why what is bring said is a lie or just plain wrong.

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8 minutes ago, jaapfries said:

I can't believe all the very negative posts here; would it not be right to await these broadcasts and THEN form an opinion ?

All together now, Ohhhhh! Yours is the only negative post here, the rest of us are positively correct that it will be the usual crap.

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11 minutes ago, jaapfries said:

I can't believe all the very negative posts here; would it not be right to await these broadcasts and THEN form an opinion ?

I take your point - but some of us have lived here a long time and seen a lot!

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never heard such a negative bunch of people that have posted so far on this thread, you must all live really depressing lives,  you see nothing but negativity in everything


I quite welcome this attempt to share news and events to English audiences and I'm willing to see how it goes, if it's a flop then it's a flop and I will be the first to say so, but since it hasn't actually started then I reserve my opinion


sad depressing lot you are.......it's almost funny

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

They already have a program talking about the government's policies on TV that is in Thai.  The reaction of the Thai audience is also "is this for real?" :lol:

No idea whether this is true or not - but it annoys the hell out of me when I'm watching a film, only for it to be interrupted to make way for the government broadcast :angry:.

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43 minutes ago, jaapfries said:

I can't believe all the very negative posts here; would it not be right to await these broadcasts and THEN form an opinion ?

A general opinion on the junta is enough to cover their propaganda.

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2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

If they've turned their attention to foreign media, it won't be long before they have a quiet word and the self-censorship screw is tightened on this forum. Surprising that this place has been left alone so long. I suspect these frank exchanges will no longer be possible by the end of the year.


I think you're probably right, even though I think the servers are in Canada and not subject to Thai law, pressure will continue to be put on advertising revenue, which is already dropping like a stone.


It's only a personal opinion and I haven't see the due diligence if there was any, but I strongly suspect, knowing the previous owner, that the new team have bought a pig in a poke; I do know the page views, email addresses and other selling points were massively exaggerated. I didn't think they would be accepted but it seems they were.


I think you're right. TV will have its toenails cut by year end and it will close it's doors before the end of July next year. I already told the new owners this but I'm pretty sure they didn't give it any credence so I guess I'll just watch it happen from afar.


I hope I'm wrong, I really do, because foreigners need a place to talk and gossip, and there's bugger all else worthwhile, even with some of the disastrous unpaid staff. I don't think I am wrong though, Thailand is changing quite quickly and it's turning into something I don't think very many of us will like. 

Edited by Winniedapu
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42 minutes ago, jaapfries said:

I can't believe all the very negative posts here; would it not be right to await these broadcasts and THEN form an opinion ?


You can't believe negative posts but you are open to goon propaganda? After 2 years of oppression and you think this broadcast is going to achieve anything useful to anyone other than the junta? You are either very naive and slow, jaapfries, or you should simply come out and admit you're in support of their behaviour.



20 minutes ago, smedly said:

never heard such a negative bunch of people that have posted so far on this thread, you must all live really depressing lives,  you see nothing but negativity in everything


I quite welcome this attempt to share news and events to English audiences and I'm willing to see how it goes, if it's a flop then it's a flop and I will be the first to say so, but since it hasn't actually started then I reserve my opinion


sad depressing lot you are.......it's almost funny


The junta don't care to "share news and events to English audiences" - it's another propaganda outlet. If they could get their filthy little fingers on control of social media they'd do that too.


Ramming their lies down people's throats during TV time is not something to keep an open mind for. Action is louder than words and the junta's actions show clearly they are evil people.

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15 hours ago, Winniedapu said:


I think you're probably right, even though I think the servers are in Canada and not subject to Thai law, pressure will continue to be put on advertising revenue, which is already dropping like a stone.


It's only a personal opinion and I haven't see the due diligence if there was any, but I strongly suspect, knowing the previous owner, that the new team have bought a pig in a poke; I do know the page views, email addresses and other selling points were massively exaggerated. I didn't think they would be accepted but it seems they were.


I think you're right. TV will have its toenails cut by year end and it will close it's doors before the end of July next year. I already told the new owners this but I'm pretty sure they didn't give it any credence so I guess I'll just watch it happen from afar.


I hope I'm wrong, I really do, because foreigners need a place to talk and gossip, and there's bugger all else worthwhile, even with some of the disastrous unpaid staff. I don't think I am wrong though, Thailand is changing quite quickly and it's turning into something I don't think very many of us will like.



Unfortunately, I think you might be right.  But that also begs the question, how long before thay start to target us individually?


Worrying times, indeed.  Hope everyone has an exit plan.  I do.

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28 minutes ago, Squeegee said:


You can't believe negative posts but you are open to goon propaganda? After 2 years of oppression and you think this broadcast is going to achieve anything useful to anyone other than the junta? You are either very naive and slow, jaapfries, or you should simply come out and admit you're in support of their behaviour.




The junta don't care to "share news and events to English audiences" - it's another propaganda outlet. If they could get their filthy little fingers on control of social media they'd do that too.


Ramming their lies down people's throats during TV time is not something to keep an open mind for. Action is louder than words and the junta's actions show clearly they are evil people.



For what it's worth, I'm sure you're right. I used to write the nonsense off to incompetence, as Napoleon advises, but I tried to look deeper and right now, I think Prayuth and Prawit are very nasty people. They've got a team of paid liars to try and make it all sound acceptable, though untrue, but underneatt it all, these two people have malice in spades and I believe, really nasty plans for Thailand. Good for the ruling classes of course, that's who fixed it so they are where they are, 


Careful needs to be the watchword. I believe they now know the international community thinks they're liars, so there isn't any reason to curb the excesses they would like to implement but hitherto have not dared.


Interestingly, Prayuth in his weekly homily last week, said he'd been reading up on the definitions of a failed state. Now why would he be doing that I wonder?


I'm not a chicken little, but I've been getting really bad vibes from this lot ever since a minority of voters approved the draft constitution.

Edited by Winniedapu
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11 minutes ago, Winniedapu said:



For what it's worth, I'm sure you're right. I used to write the nonsense off to incompetence, as Napoleon advises, but I tried to look deeper and right now, I think Prayuth and Prawit are very nasty people. They've got a team of paid liars to try and make it all sound acceptable, though untrue, but underneatt it all, these two people have malice in spades and I believe, really nasty plans for Thailand. Good for the ruling classes of course, that's who fixed it so they are where they are, 


Careful needs to be the watchword. I believe they now know the international community thinks they're liars, so there isn't any reason to curb the excesses they would like to implement but hitherto have not dared.


Interestingly, Prayuth in his weekly homily last week, said he'd been reading up on the definitions of a failed state. Now why would he be doing that I wonder?


I'm not a chicken little, but I've been getting really bad vibes from this lot ever since a minority of voters approved the draft constitution.

I totally agree, Winnie: it's going to get a lot worse. There are no restraints on them now ...

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5 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Hope they are not going to stereotype "farangs".


Sunday at 11 am. is a rather inconvenient time as having had my full english breakfast around 9 am I normally cut the lawns and then wash the car, whilst my wife prepares the vegetables for the Sunday roast. But with a little luck I will be able to fit the viewing time in, prior to heading to the pub, returning at 3 pm. for lunch and a snooze, before heading off to church for evensong.

These are some of the joys I have discovered living in Issan whilst embracing and enveloping myself in the local culture.

As I said, I wouldn't want to be stereotyped.


Where on earth do you find an Anglican church offering Evensong?  (Serious question).



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Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed. 

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I for one will be watching it and will comment once I have seen it. I know that the vast majority of you here dislike the current government, please note that I used the "dislike" purposely and you lot would use much stronger language I know.


Personally, for me I want to see what they are going to say, yeah, I know it's going to be propaganda, but having travelled quite extensively in the last couple of years I have also seen some of the good they have done, for example, we went to visit a close friend in the North recently, he's an expat by the way, and he showed me a massive project that was being done by a private contractor, Prayut paid a visit, didn't like what he saw, got rid of the contractor and had the Army move in and finish the job on schedule & on budget.


Yep a one off maybe but at least they get off their backsides and do something, unlike previous administrations.


I have an open mind on the current leaders, I will probably be called naive or worse, but hey it's not my country, I'm a visitor, I enjoy my life here and as long as it stays that way I will always be happy here.


Flame away boys & girls. :wai2:  

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44 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I for one will be watching it and will comment once I have seen it. I know that the vast majority of you here dislike the current government, please note that I used the "dislike" purposely and you lot would use much stronger language I know.


Personally, for me I want to see what they are going to say, yeah, I know it's going to be propaganda, but having travelled quite extensively in the last couple of years I have also seen some of the good they have done, for example, we went to visit a close friend in the North recently, he's an expat by the way, and he showed me a massive project that was being done by a private contractor, Prayut paid a visit, didn't like what he saw, got rid of the contractor and had the Army move in and finish the job on schedule & on budget.


Yep a one off maybe but at least they get off their backsides and do something, unlike previous administrations.


I have an open mind on the current leaders, I will probably be called naive or worse, but hey it's not my country, I'm a visitor, I enjoy my life here and as long as it stays that way I will always be happy here.


Flame away boys & girls. :wai2:  



Not from me buddy, you're entitled to your opinion. On the other hand, look at it this way. If the curate's egg had not been 'good in parts', then the curate would not have persevered with it and eaten the good bits. So it is with the clownshow. It's the good bits that keeps people wondering.


Not me. I know what they are...



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They will have to stop picking the good parts out of UN news releases telling everyone who will listen how the UN understands the Junta's position , they sure did and told them to get back to democracy is very blunt terms , which made the papers in Cambodia but not in Thailand.............................................

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