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Trump vows 'fair, but firm' approach to illegal immigration


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Trump vows 'fair, but firm' approach to illegal immigration



NEW YORK (AP) — Republican Donald Trump promised on Monday to be "fair, but firm" toward the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally, a shift in tone that raised questions on whether he's backtracking from previous pledges to push for mass deportations.


The billionaire businessman, whose hard-line approach to immigration and fierce rhetoric propelled him to the GOP presidential nomination, insisted that he's not "flip-flopping" on the divisive issue as he works to broaden his support two and half months to the general election. Polls show him trailing Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in both national polls and battleground states.


But in a meeting with Hispanic activists on Saturday, Trump indicated that he was open to considering allowing those who have not committed crimes, beyond their immigration offenses, to obtain some form of legal status — though attendees made clear Trump has yet to make up his mind.


"The impression I got was that the campaign is working on substantive policy to help the undocumented that are here, including some type of status so they would not be deported," said Pastor Mario Bramnick, president of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition, who was in attendance.


Bramnick said he'd left the meeting "very encouraged" and "hopeful in anticipating the policy and language" Trump's campaign is expected to release in the coming weeks.


Any walk-back would mark a dramatic reversal for Trump, whose tough stand on immigration has been the driving issue of his campaign. During the GOP primary, Trump vowed to use a "deportation force" to round up and deport the millions of people living in the country illegally — a proposal that excited many of his core supporters, but alienated Hispanic voters who could be pivotal in key states.


Trump said in an interview with "Fox & Friends" on Monday that he was "working with a lot of people in the Hispanic community to try and come up with an answer."


"We want to come up with a really fair, but firm answer. It has to be very firm. But we want to come up with something fair," he said.


Asked whether Trump's plan still included a deportation force, his new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said Sunday it was "to be determined."


"What Donald Trump says is we need a fair and effective way to deal with the 11 million who are here, who live among us," Conway said on CNBC on Monday.


Trump had been scheduled to deliver a speech on the topic Thursday in Colorado, but it has since been postponed.


There have been signs for weeks now that Trump was shifting course. Hispanic business and religious leaders who would like to see Trump move in a more inclusive direction, have reported closed-door conversations with Trump in which they say he has signaled possibly embracing a less punitive immigration policy that focuses on "compassion" along with the rule of law.


At last month's GOP convention, the Republican National Committee's director of Hispanic communications, Helen Aguirre Ferre, told reporters at a Spanish-language briefing that Trump had already said that he "will not do massive deportations" — despite the fact that Trump had never said so publicly.


Instead, she said, "he will focus on removing the violent undocumented who have criminal records and live in the country."


Indeed, Trump's first television ad of the general election specifically singles out illegal immigrants with criminal records, claiming that, if Clinton is elected, "Illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay."


But Trump's campaign has pushed back on the notion that he's reversing course. "Mr. Trump said nothing today that he hasn't said many times before, including in his convention speech," rapid response director Steven Cheung said after the meeting. "There is nothing new to report in regards to his plan," added spokeswoman Hope Hicks.


Over the last week, Trump has worked to moderate his rougher edges, offering regrets for remarks he's made that have caused pain and sticking with his teleprompter at a series of events. Yet it remains to be seen whether the provocateur will be able to stay on script.


After weeks of largely avoiding Twitter, Trump was back on Monday, calling MSNBC's "Morning Joe" ''unwatchable!" and one of its female hosts "off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!"


Clinton, meanwhile, is spending the next three days fundraising across California. She'll stop by the home of actors Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel in Los Angeles, address donors with NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson in Beverly Hills and join Apple CEO Tim Cook and other business leaders in Silicon Valley.


But Clinton's email scandal continues to haunt her. In the latest revelations, the State Department said Monday it is reviewing nearly 15,000 previously undisclosed emails. The emails were recovered as part of the FBI's now-closed investigation into the handling of sensitive information that flowed through Clinton's private home server during her time as secretary of state.


Lawyers for the department said they anticipate releasing the first batch of these new emails in mid-October, raising the prospect new messages sent or received by Democratic nominee could become public just before Election Day.


Associated Press writers Lisa Lerer in Los Angeles and Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-23
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From the OP:


"The billionaire businessman, whose hard-line approach to immigration and fierce rhetoric propelled him to the GOP presidential nomination, insisted that he's not "flip-flopping" on the divisive issue as he works to broaden his support two and half months to the general election."


"Any walk-back would mark a dramatic reversal for Trump, whose tough stand on immigration has been the driving issue of his campaign. During the GOP primary, Trump vowed to use a "deportation force" to round up and deport the millions of people living in the country illegally — a proposal that excited many of his core supporters, but alienated Hispanic voters who could be pivotal in key states."


So, no deportations of 11 million people then?


Just pure, Bloviating.

And classic  Flip-Flopping.


Trumpeteers got nothin'.

Except, but, but, but, Hillary... :facepalm:

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Trump is a complete moron but I would have much more respect for him if he stuck to his "principles".  By flip flopping around it shows that he really will say anything without caring a jot about his supporters at all.  They are being sold down the river but no doubt they will still be defending the idiot. DUH!

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14 minutes ago, NickJ said:

A tough stance on Immigration. Or a plan to curtail illegal migration.

You can't vet people from a war zone adequately. It's a fact that many illegals are criminals.

It's a fact that using a qualifier like "many" means virtually nothing. And you know that when someone uses it, that means that they haven't done their homework. The question is what percentage of illegal immigrants are criminals as compared to the percentage of citizens and resident aliens.

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18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The question is what percentage of illegal immigrants are criminals as compared to the percentage of citizens and resident aliens.

If you look at crime statistics and prison populations you will find the answer. The answer in many EU countries didn't fit the liberal narrative so their collation was often prevented.

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9 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

If you look at crime statistics and prison populations you will find the answer. The answer in many EU countries didn't fit the liberal narrative so their collation was often prevented.

I found this left-wing source:

The Mythical Connection Between Immigrants and Crime

A separate IPC paper from 2007 explains that this is not a function of well-behaved high-skilled immigrants from India and China offsetting misdeeds of Latin American newcomers. The data show that “for every ethnic group without exception, incarceration rates among young men are lowest for immigrants,” according to the report. “This holds true especially for the Mexicans, Salvadorans, and Guatemalans who make up the bulk of the undocumented population.”


Edited by ilostmypassword
forgot to include title
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15 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

To put it another way, Trump is saying "Forget everything I said during the primaries.  I didn't really mean it."


He was being sarcastic, but not that sarcastic.


Trump -> Just Kidding!

Trump -> Why the heck not!

Trump -> Try it you might like it!

Trump -> What do have to lose!

Trump -> Immigrants R Us...unless you are not.

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Trump proclaimed the most outrageous simplistic  rhetoric in the Primaries for attention grabbing and voter appeal from non voters and the disgruntled. He's a marketer, his rough and ready un PC presentation real or manufactured worked, to the dismay of America people and politicians alike. Now he has to modify to secure the moderates and extend his voter base and improve his Presidential image if that's possible. He either knew this or if not he has to learn on the hoof. He does not have the advantage of political experience like Hillary, but he has the appeal to those who see him as a newbie political underdog.

He won't lose the original devotees because the perception of the  establishment political insider that Hillary  embodies represents all they have no faith in and they have nowhere else to go. He'll keep them sweet with the odd tweet.

The next few months should prove interesting.

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