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Clinton: Trump health allegations a 'wacky strategy'


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22 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Sorry but Trumps personal physician has already made the statement Trump will be the healthiest Prez to ever hold the office.


In a letter that he wrote in five minutes in a style he thought Trump would like while a limo waited outside to collect it.

Yeah right.



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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


In a letter that he wrote in five minutes in a style he thought Trump would like while a limo waited outside to collect it.

Yeah right.



Perhaps that's all it takes to recognize superior health in an individual.

But, the topic is Crooked Hillary's ill health wide open for the world to witness.

She's the sick one, folks...:thumbsup:

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13 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Perhaps that's all it takes to recognize superior health in an individual.

But, the topic is Crooked Hillary's ill health wide open for the world to witness.

She's the sick one, folks...:thumbsup:


No, the topic is the right's whacky strategy of inventing yet another desperate anti-Clinton fairy story.


It really doesn't matter that only dumb rednecks believe it, because they were going to vote for her anyway.

Well until they find out he's not going to build a wall after all that is.




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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


No, the topic is the right's whacky strategy of inventing yet another desperate anti-Clinton fairy story.


It really doesn't matter that only dumb rednecks believe it, because they were going to vote for her anyway.

Well until they find out he's not going to build a wall after all that is.





Don't kid yourself.


Us rednecks knew all along that even if the wall got built, they were going to use cheap mexican labor to build it.


Rednecks don't trust politicians from NY. Never have. Never will. And we never have believed in faery tales. Its the city folks who are into faeries.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


In a letter that he wrote in five minutes in a style he thought Trump would like while a limo waited outside to collect it.

Yeah right.




Yeah its a pretty funny story but the fact is he did write it and it once again proves Donald is the best.



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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Don't kid yourself.


Us rednecks knew all along that even if the wall got built, they were going to use cheap mexican labor to build it.


Rednecks don't trust politicians from NY. Never have. Never will. And we never have believed in faery tales. Its the city folks who are into faeries.


Excellent, given that Trump is from NY and Clinton is from Chicago, now we know which way you're voting, you little minx you.


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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:


Excellent, given that Trump is from NY and Clinton is from Chicago, now we know which way you're voting, you little minx you.



Yes...yes...born in Chicago...to us rednecks there is little difference between chicagoans and new yorkers...they are both bastions of liberal politics.  But she never was involved in Chicago politics so those early years there aren't of much matter. 


But wherever hillary was from she started calling her home NY a few years back in one of the steps to get into the WH. 


I think she dreamed of the zoval Office from a very young age. 

She must have shaken her head at Bill's weakness of character in the Lewinski debacle. Hillary has always been the stronger of those two. Maybe thats why I liked Bill...there was something human about him. 


With hillary I see only a cold-hearted calculating machine. 



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41 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Yes...yes...born in Chicago...to us rednecks there is little difference between chicagoans and new yorkers...



Unfortunately your cunning plan has been revealed, and attempting to dig yourself out of it will not work.



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The Trumpeteers got nothin'


The Bloviator has a quack.  :cheesy:




“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.” :cheesy:


"Things got a little weirder when we learned the physician identifies himself with the American College of Gastroenterology,

which isn’t exactly true."

"An NBC News report on Friday took the story in an even more jaw-dropping direction."



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You have to laugh. "Like she's opening a can of sealed peanut butter".

And there are those on this board that lap this rubbish up.


"You would hear the pop of the can... let's do this in slo mo"





Bit of a worry that he keeps calling it a can. I call them jars. Is this something American that I don't understand?


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How Trump's health smear of Clinton backfired

"Did Donald Trump actually believe that raising baseless accusations about the health of Hillary Clinton, who is two years his junior, will somehow cause people to stop supporting her and side with him or a third party candidate?"

"Even Trump's new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, seemed to disavow this new health smear, telling CNN's Anderson Cooper on Tuesday night that the approach by campaign surrogates was a "strategy" that was not her "style." 
"Which brings us to how this line of attack on Clinton has not hurt her -- since there's zero objective evidence she has any medical issue -- but rather produced a backlash that has hurt Trump."  :thumbsup:
The Clown Train continues... :clap2:
Keep at it Donnie...
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So some feel Trump is employing a 'wacky strategy do they?

She's a sick puppy, fellas...:thumbsup:


Poor Hillary.
She looks whipped.

Video was posted on imgur today showing Hillary Clinton trying to get out of van.
She nearly falls on the way out.

And look who is there to help her… The mysterious handler.





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For  the Kool-Aid Trumpeteers:

Fake Clinton Medical Records


"Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton got a clean bill of health from her doctor, fake medical records for Clinton are circulating on some conservative websites, purporting to show that she suffers from seizures and dementia."


"The fake records are making the rounds just as some in the conservative media have been baselessly questioning Clinton’s health."


"Among them was Fox News’ Sean Hannity, who played a tape of Clinton vigorously shaking her head in a manner he deemed “seizure-esque” (although neither of the medical experts on his program agreed).



Fact Checking Dr. Drew on Hillary Clinton’s ‘Medical Records’

"During a radio interview yesterday, Dr. Drew Pinsky made some strong accusations about Hillary Clinton’s health care,  referring to her medical treatment as “bizarre,” “very unconventional,” and “old-fashioned.”
"Astonishingly, the “records” Dr. Pinsky chose to comment on have been making the rounds for months and have been proved to be fake."
There was even a massively uninformed poster on these boards that used this quack Drew as proof. :cheesy:
Ya got nothin'
Dunning Kruger.
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It was pointed out that Trump was supposed to have released his "medical records" in a hurry in response to Clinton .... who did it five months earlier.

The general consensus is that this letter was dictated by Trump for the doctor to sign.


What's worrying is that his examination produced "positive results".

Positive for what? HIV? Hep? 



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53 minutes ago, Chicog said:

It was pointed out that Trump was supposed to have released his "medical records" in a hurry in response to Clinton .... who did it five months earlier.

The general consensus is that this letter was dictated by Trump for the doctor to sign.


What's worrying is that his examination produced "positive results".

Positive for what? HIV? Hep? 




Although, in the name of accuracy in reporting, the Doctor has indicated he authored the entire report but with a certsin Trump-style enthusiasm. I believe he said something about being caught up in the moment.  



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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

It was pointed out that Trump was supposed to have released his "medical records" in a hurry in response to Clinton .... who did it five months earlier.

The general consensus is that this letter was dictated by Trump for the doctor to sign.


What's worrying is that his examination produced "positive results".

Positive for what? HIV? Hep? 




Edit function still faulty.


Did you see the photo of the good Doctor above?


I highly doubt those eyes miss anything...its said he can spot a virus in the blood without the assistance of a microscope.

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49 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

The topic being Crooked Hillary's health we turn now to some additional graphic evidence this old gal is on her last legs::coffee1:



Again, because reading doesn't appear to be your strong point, the topic is

"Trump health allegations a 'wacky strategy'"


Unfortunately for Trump, it has made the press take notice of the badly formatted and written word document that he has attempted to pass off as "medical records".


I suspect the Trump campaign are flip flopping away on this one too.



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36 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Edit function still faulty.


Did you see the photo of the good Doctor above?


I highly doubt those eyes miss anything...its said he can spot a virus in the blood without the assistance of a microscope.


Since he's a gastroenterologist, I'm guessing that his primary role is to make sure that Trump's rectal sphincter continues to function as his primary vocal communications medium. 

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11 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Unfortunately for Trump, it has made the press take notice of the badly formatted and written word document that he has attempted to pass off as "medical records".





Who cares.

 Anyone with two good eyes can see which one of these candidates is ready for the retirement home...:whistling:

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Dr. Sanjay Gupta Dismantles Trump’s ‘Bizarre’ Medical Letter and Its Mystery Author


"Major questions about Trump’s “doctor”, the medical report and even his own health have emerged in recent days.   

The doctor who wrote his medical report admitted that he did so in 5 minutes while Trump waited outside in a limo."


"Hillary has released a full, professional medical assessment detailing that she “is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.”


"Despite the fact that Donald Trump — and his surrogates — have tried to recently put the focus of emphasis squarely onto Hillary Clinton‘s health, the tactic seems to be backfiring in a disastrous way."  :lol:




"Donald Trump tests positive for every medical ailment. All of them. Supposedly, that’s what his doctor says—or at least, that’s what the Trump campaign portrays him as saying."  :cheesy:


"It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign."

"First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word."


Read on for more ridiculous aspects of the letter:



How is it that someone who is in "excellent health" is also on a daily regimen of aspirin and a statin?


And, didn't I see this guy in "Back to the Future"?



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Well, it sure seems Trump's so-called "Wacky Strategy has reverberated to the point CNN is censoring any such news.

To wit:


 CNN Pressured Dr. Drew ‘Like the Mafia’ to Retract Clinton Health Comments


“CNN is so supportive of Clinton, network honchos acted like the Mafia when confronting Drew,” a source close to Pinsky told the New York Post‘s Page Six. “First, they demanded he retract his comments, but he wouldn’t.”




What's next from the American version of Pravda?  :facepalm:

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On September 3, 2016 at 4:38 PM, Chicog said:

Poor Boon Mee, frantically posting conspiratorial Youtube videos, and meanwhile Clinton is kicking the Trump behind in pretty well every poll out there.

Must be disheartening for the poor boy.




Hardly, if it was not for Boon Mee's posts then hillarys temporary lead would be much worse.


He is showing American voters the light CNN has censored...

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