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He is 58 and has survived so far. Let him learn the hard way. You have tried to warn him.

As for trying to controll how much he spends - stop being a control freak. It is his money to waste as he wants. When the girl leaves he will blame you. 

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2 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Just because HC Fields is dead that does not make his statement "There is a sucker born every day"  redundant. If you figure in the years since then and the multiplying human factor you could say there are 2 or 3 born every day. I can still think back to when I landed on these siren covered shores 7 years ago. Geeze was I dumb. 

Sorry, I worded it improperly. I meant to say no one had yet called the OP a troll for making up such a dumb story.  However, you have supported implication, there are that many dummies.


The hard way is usually the only way, and it make take a few trips around the block before you get it. 


This is no story. He usually gets to visit with them very cheap. Even he feels bad about not helping them more. Here, I've learned, it's about money, but, in some way, it's a matter of prestige and face for the lady. Give them more than expected, and they seem to glow. But what do I know? 


He has no money. No problem there, and I'm not an enabler. The problem is he gets himself too emotionally involved with them. He can't see the forest for the trees. He told me he was dropped on his head a few times as a baby and later as a youth. I can understand it, and I've been made a fool of once or twice. This is, also, no BS. It's happened 2 times in the 3 months he's been here, and the second one I, personally, wouldn't go near. I call her the virgin princess. Very attractive in every way. A spoiled little brat that we've gotten over on a few times. Cornered like a rat. With my help.   He will, however, have money soon. 


I try to ignore it. His being twisted and turned. We're all dummies.

4 hours ago, louse1953 said:

That is money for lost earnings,what do you rekon,she goes for free.I rekon he got out of it cheap.For one pop/night,thats $A33 or 825 baht.Plus she probably cooked,cleaned the house and did the washing.Bloody bargain i rekon,what's her number.

Are you joking the stupid thai moles is his girlfriend now why the f??? Would you pay your girlfriend to go to Australia for money.

you see it's dickheads like him and you who f??? It up for all of us .

and I know you are talking S??? Because you would not do the the same as him and if you did then you are as stupid as him sorry to say .

so what if she cook and cleaned the home she gets a hoilday for free .

if you think like that then you have big problems.

the Thais moles will get in to you like they did with that f??? Wit .

what a load of s??? Lost of earnings, you have know idea how thai hookers work , most of them work for 6 months then go home for 3 months then back to the bars .



Last 1 i tried to help swung a drunken punch at me, missed and cracked a concrete wall bungalo on phi phi. I got the 6am ferry out of there, word was that she took him to the cleaners and he now lives in a car garage. I just let em get on with it

8 hours ago, Shotime said:

The hard way is usually the only way, and it make take a few trips around the block before you get it. 


This is no story. He usually gets to visit with them very cheap. Even he feels bad about not helping them more. Here, I've learned, it's about money, but, in some way, it's a matter of prestige and face for the lady. Give them more than expected, and they seem to glow. But what do I know? 


He has no money. No problem there, and I'm not an enabler. The problem is he gets himself too emotionally involved with them. He can't see the forest for the trees. He told me he was dropped on his head a few times as a baby and later as a youth. I can understand it, and I've been made a fool of once or twice. This is, also, no BS. It's happened 2 times in the 3 months he's been here, and the second one I, personally, wouldn't go near. I call her the virgin princess. Very attractive in every way. A spoiled little brat that we've gotten over on a few times. Cornered like a rat. With my help.   He will, however, have money soon. 


I try to ignore it. His being twisted and turned. We're all dummies.



So the poor chap is perhaps a tad retarded?

That makes a difference in my book.

Well done you for helping and guiding him.

Perhaps get a few good comedy movies in and watch them on TV together.

Ones with a moral, where he may "get it" from watching others doing similar things to his daft stuff?




He's an adult. With plenty of life experience to do what he wants and bear the responsibility of his actions. You are a good friend but aren't his keeper or responsible for his poor decisions or actions. Stick to the sidelines and give him support if he asks.

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