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Arresting people for medicinal ganja use - like "arresting a mother for stealing baby milk for a hungry child", police say


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Not really opposed to legalizing weed in general. That being said not looking forward to the loser, fisherman pants, hipster crowd that doing so will attract. I have a business in Laos where currently it is just an endless line of losers that do nothing but smoke weed all day and don't do much more. They pay more in a day for weed than their room, food and anything else. By all means legalize but for tourists keep the price sky high so it doesn't attract anybody.


That being said the weed isn't any good over here anyway and would be considered ditch weed back home. 

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On 9/30/2016 at 5:00 PM, shadmo63 said:

Speaking from personal experience,  I would say that it falls somewhere between needing and wanting. There is a difficult period when the dry spell or abstinence hits. I think you are both somewhat correct. I had terrible insomnia and I desperately wanted/needed a good sleep. Certainly the physical addiction is not as strong as alcohol or opiates, but the psychological addiction can be compelling.  


That's a fair enough statement. I agree that a couple of nights of near-insomnia is the most noticeable symptom, and perhaps a physiological one. Although we're told that cannabis isn't physically addictive, I can buy into the idea that some of its chemical compounds could have qualities that do create a small degree of short-term physical addiction. Either way, the one thing I'm sure we can all agree upon is that any sane person who habitually uses any of the substances discussed, would rather deal with quitting cannabis than quitting opiates or alcohol -- by a country mile. 

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Edibles, looking forward to solving the perpetual munchies conundrum. 


On the upside, there are plenty of convenient stores to cater to the munchies attack, infrastructure is in place to cater to potheads.:partytime2:

Edited by HoboKay
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I believe the original Thai stick known in the west was grown outdoors, then dipped in hash oil for extra potency, probably a 70%+ cannabinoid coating atop the 15-20% on the flowers. Ultra potent for its day, but nothing over the top by today's standards. And of course as a tropical sativa, Thai made quite a splash among those used to smoking indica.


With some exceptions, good weed in the west is grown indoors. Thai strains and other popular strains (or landraces) have been further bred and improved in western grow rooms, and almost always produced as sinsemilla, without seeds. Almost all the weed I've seen in Thailand (Laos, Cambodia...) is grown outdoor haphazardly, full of seed, but reasonably potent because of high resin production. There are a lot of hermaphrodites. Growing well outdoors in the tropics is tricky because of the small variation of daylight hours through the year. Many strains go right into flower without supplemental lighting to keep them in veg. If they waver between veg and flower too long, they could go hermie. Greenhouses would solve the problem.


Other obstacles include current use of agricultural chemicals and poor packing and handling.


Legalized production would make it possible for Thai weed to make a comeback. The terpenes developed under the full spectrum of brilliant tropical sun are richer and better than those produced in reaction to artificial light.


Thailand would benefit medically, environmentally, and economically from building a modern, open cannabis economy.

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I don't know CC... puwa (above) seems to have a handle on it, though, and is happy to share / demonstrate same.


heres a list of a few illnesses that the demon drug THC is known (or thought) to help... notice Tourette's at the bottom of the list... now anything to help that "syndrome" has gotta be good... right? ?


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3 hours ago, HoboKay said:

Edibles, looking forward to solving the perpetual munchies conundrum. 


On the upside, there are plenty of convenient stores to cater to the munchies attack, infrastructure is in place to cater to potheads.:partytime2:


It's amazing how many 7/11s there are in Bangkok.  I think you could parachute down somewhere in Bangkok, and you would probably not be more than a few minutes walk away from one.

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53 minutes ago, farcanell said:

I don't know CC... puwa (above) seems to have a handle on it, though, and is happy to share / demonstrate same.


heres a list of a few illnesses that the demon drug THC is known (or thought) to help... notice Tourette's at the bottom of the list... now anything to help that "syndrome" has gotta be good... right? ?



I will go back and read his posts.


I know some folks who swear MJ has some positive medicinal applications and anything that can help cancer sufferers avoid chronic pain is worth a shot in my book.


I am not against the legalization of MJ once there are proven methods to test for its presence that can be accepted by the Judicial system. Just like with alcohol, some users are going t abuse their MJ use and operate motor vehicles and endanger others. In CO, its amazing how many times you see and smell people smoking in their vehicles. Most of these same people would never consider drinking alcohol in their vehicle.


But I have no issue with an adult consuming MJ in the privacy of their own home.

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18 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I will go back and read his posts.


I know some folks who swear MJ has some positive medicinal applications and anything that can help cancer sufferers avoid chronic pain is worth a shot in my book.


I am not against the legalization of MJ once there are proven methods to test for its presence that can be accepted by the Judicial system. Just like with alcohol, some users are going t abuse their MJ use and operate motor vehicles and endanger others. In CO, its amazing how many times you see and smell people smoking in their vehicles. Most of these same people would never consider drinking alcohol in their vehicle.


But I have no issue with an adult consuming MJ in the privacy of their own home.

Although weed does change your perception and reaction times, it is nowhere as dangerous as drink driving. Also different strains of cannabis can cause very different highs, sometimes you may find you are more alert and cautious as to what is going on than when sober. But yes bottom line you should never drive under the influence of anything

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6 minutes ago, JustNo said:

Although weed does change your perception and reaction times, it is nowhere as dangerous as drink driving. Also different strains of cannabis can cause very different highs, sometimes you may find you are more alert and cautious as to what is going on than when sober. But yes bottom line you should never drive under the influence of anything


The Sativa strain is one that offers that "alertness", "clarity" and "focus". Regionally that's the prevalent strain being cultivated and consumed.


Just to add, do not operate any machinery under any influence.

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5 hours ago, JustNo said:

Although weed does change your perception and reaction times, it is nowhere as dangerous as drink driving. Also different strains of cannabis can cause very different highs, sometimes you may find you are more alert and cautious as to what is going on than when sober. But yes bottom line you should never drive under the influence of anything


There is no reason to bring alcohol consumption and dangers into this conversation. 

The subject of MJ is a "stand-alone" topic...it is a unique drug with its own set of dangers.


The dangers of alcohol and motor vehicle is well documented and there are laws and safeguards well established and enforced. 


This is not the case with MJ. The science is not there yet. Piss tests are fine for employment screening but do not measure recent or active "highs".


Blood tests do work to some extent.


Saliva tests for roadside stops appear to have some effectiveness but only when the MJ is smoked and not for "edibles".


There are some excellent studies on this topic but the science has not yet effectively shaped legislation.



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On Monday, October 3, 2016 at 8:42 PM, ClutchClark said:


There is no reason to bring alcohol consumption and dangers into this conversation.

The subject of MJ is a "stand-alone" topic...it is a unique drug with its own set of dangers.


The dangers of alcohol and motor vehicle is well documented and there are laws and safeguards well established and enforced.


This is not the case with MJ. The science is not there yet. Piss tests are fine for employment screening but do not measure recent or active "highs".


Blood tests do work to some extent.


Saliva tests for roadside stops appear to have some effectiveness but only when the MJ is smoked and not for "edibles".


There are some excellent studies on this topic but the science has not yet effectively shaped legislation.



Problem is, amongst many,  Alcohol and Marijuana go together like peas and carrots while you can argue on behalf of cannabis as a stand alone drug having its own merits and benefits and detriments the marijuana is commonly consumed while also drinking and more often than not.

We are talking about the wide spread use of the drug and although less detrimental and less problematic than alcohol the drug is an integral aspect of the party hardy drug consumption culture and is not separate from all the other drugs and or alcohol being consumed within that party hardy drug consumption culture that is prevalent in many liberal societies.

That being the case, then commonly, those that are apprehended for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated are found to have both Alcohol and THC in their blood stream and in effect considered by the law makers and law enforcers to be making matters all the worse.

It really does not matter what we believe or know about the drug more so than others and argue as such compared to those who are said to be ill informed or brainwashed or ignorant about marijuana and all that is entailed.

Meantime it is being made perfectly clear that the government entities and law enforcement entities in particular are going to judiciously enforce the laws concerning operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on any kind of mind altering or physically altering substance that alters your ability to drive 100 percent alert and safe as possible...including marijuana, the new concern more so than before now that it is legal to consume.

The argument about being safer than alcohol is moot, although interesting, while the authorities are not going to listen to any reasoning or excuses in defense or favor of any person caught out and apprehended while driving while stoned ( intoxicated ) on Marijuana and in effect endangering the lives of other people on the roads.

Eventually there will be a standard test while there are numerous companies, as we speak, developing cost effective and simple enough ways of accurately detecting the presence of THC in the blood stream and the current levels at the time of testing...just like the alcohol breath analyzers and other means of on the spot testing conducted by the police.

This is becoming a contentious social development because many people and pot users will argue that driving stoned on marijuana is not the same as driving drunk....but that is a moot point in respect to the laws as the laws will be enforced while many people, as in tens of thousands of users at any given time, will continue to violate those particular drug consumption laws on a regular basis the same way they have always ignored or violated the laws of drug consumption, as is the history of marijuana consumption.

Now that the drug is legalized to consume the law makers and law enforcers will demand that the supposedly law abiding users comply with the laws of legal consumption while "drugging and driving" will not be tolerated if you are caught out violating that particular law concerning the legal consumption of marijuana.....now that the drug is legalized.

There will be plenty of people arrested and fined and the fines will become a notable source of revenue for the police in all parts of the country while the pot heads will be whining and whinging they are being persecuted by the government while trying to have everyone believe that driving, while high on marijuana, is perfectly safe or acceptable.

That is in a pot heads mind and to their way of thinking and nothing to be concerned about while they will inform you they can not understand why the police and the judges, during their arrest and or court appearances, do not understand about the medicinal benefits of marijuana nor understand them and all the other habitual marijuana users and respect all their vast knowledge about marijuana spoken about in their defense of drugging and driving all in the hopes of convincing the law enforcers to see things their drug induced and drug seduced way...... and grant them lenience and just a warning.

Not going to happen the way they are thinking.


I am pro legalization by the way...but just pointing out the bitter realities that the stoners are going to be faced with while those laws will be enforced and supported by the masses of citizens that do not drink or drive while intoxicated.




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1 hour ago, gemguy said:

Eventually there will be a standard test while there are numerous companies, as we speak, developing cost effective and simple enough ways of accurately detecting the presence of THC in the blood stream and the current levels at the time of testing...just like the alcohol breath analyzers and other means of on the spot testing conducted by the police.


I have been researching these recent attempts of finding an effective method to test for THC but to clarify, they are searching for a "simple" technique that can be used in roadside stops but I have not read any method is very far advanced in efficacy. One of the problems are the various methods of THC entering the body (ingested or inhaled) and that each result in very different measurements. For example, saliva tests can accurately measure how recently MJ has been smoked but it is almost useless when testing a user who ingested the Cannibus (and "edibles" are the future).


My own research, including articles in both pro-user publications like High Times as well as sources from pro-Industry as well as the latest Law Enforcement periodicals, offers no evidence a scientific method which can stand up to the scrutiny of the Courtroom is close to being discovered. Are you aware of one?


1 hour ago, gemguy said:

There will be plenty of people arrested and fined and the fines will become a notable source of revenue for the police in all parts of the country while the pot heads will be whining and whinging they are being persecuted by the government while trying to have everyone believe that driving, while high on marijuana, is perfectly safe or acceptable.


I have never understood this assertion that police issuing fines is simply for revenue. Police could care a less about generating income fo a jurisdiction--their interest is enforcing laws that are designed to protect society. The city adminstrators might design fines as income generators but these decisions are in no way the result of the street cop. There is nothing nefarious in a police officer issuing a traffic citation or removing a driver from behind the wheel who is under the influence. 


I have heard the argument from stoners that pot makes them a better driver. Ironically, I have been hearing the same thing from drunks for 50 years. 


I was surprised, though, by research that does support drivers under the influence of MJ pass far more driving agility tests than was expected...however, those encouraging results are stood on end when the user has consumed both MJ and alcohol ! And I will take your word for it that the two are often consumed together.


1 hour ago, gemguy said:

That is in a pot heads mind and to their way of thinking and nothing to be concerned about while they will inform you they can not understand why the police and the judges, during their arrest and or court appearances, do not understand about the medicinal benefits of marijuana nor understand them and all the other habitual marijuana users and respect all their vast knowledge about marijuana spoken about in their defense of drugging and driving all in the hopes of convincing the law enforcers to see things their drug induced and drug seduced way...... and grant them lenience and just a warning.

Not going to happen the way they are thinking.


I am pro legalization by the way...but just pointing out the bitter realities that the stoners are going to be faced with while those laws will be enforced and supported by the masses of citizens that do not drink or drive while intoxicated.


Very insightful and well-informed post on the topic. I had considered a business in this Industry since I reside in CO and have the warehouse space to make it happen BUT I cannot do it with a clear conscious UNTIL we have a method of testing and prosecuting stoned drivers that will hold up in court. 


Thanks for your post.

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9 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


I have been researching these recent attempts of finding an effective method to test for THC but to clarify, they are searching for a "simple" technique that can be used in roadside stops but I have not read any method is very far advanced in efficacy. One of the problems are the various methods of THC entering the body (ingested or inhaled) and that each result in very different measurements. For example, saliva tests can accurately measure how recently MJ has been smoked but it is almost useless when testing a user who ingested the Cannibus (and "edibles" are the future).


My own research, including articles in both pro-user publications like High Times as well as sources from pro-Industry as well as the latest Law Enforcement periodicals, offers no evidence a scientific method which can stand up to the scrutiny of the Courtroom is close to being discovered. Are you aware of one?



I have never understood this assertion that police issuing fines is simply for revenue. Police could care a less about generating income fo a jurisdiction--their interest is enforcing laws that are designed to protect society. The city adminstrators might design fines as income generators but these decisions are in no way the result of the street cop. There is nothing nefarious in a police officer issuing a traffic citation or removing a driver from behind the wheel who is under the influence.


I have heard the argument from stoners that pot makes them a better driver. Ironically, I have been hearing the same thing from drunks for 50 years.


I was surprised, though, by research that does support drivers under the influence of MJ pass far more driving agility tests than was expected...however, those encouraging results are stood on end when the user has consumed both MJ and alcohol ! And I will take your word for it that the two are often consumed together.



Very insightful and well-informed post on the topic. I had considered a business in this Industry since I reside in CO and have the warehouse space to make it happen BUT I cannot do it with a clear conscious UNTIL we have a method of testing and prosecuting stoned drivers that will hold up in court.


Thanks for your post.

I am not anti pot and certainly not in support of prohibition while people should be free to choose to consume or not consume...while it should be up to them......same as alcohol.

But the free and liberal use of the drug does come with a variety of social ramifications and it will always remain a contentious social issue.

While people are accustomed to seeing others have a drink or 2, or a dozen, and considered somewhat of a common occurrence and considered as acceptable, the consumption of marijuana will continue to carry a degree of social stigma while users of marijuana will always be referred to as "Pot Heads" by the percent of people that do not consume marijuana and or those that do not consume any intoxicants at all.

Of course the pot heads do not care what others think, as it should be in some respects, but still, lighting up a joint in public verses opening up a bottle of beer in public will not be readily accepted by main stream society for a long time to come.

I predict, in the evolution of pot becoming an acceptable social intoxicant and tolerated, so to speak, there will develop specific establishments that facilitate the users of marijuana where they can go and smoke all the pot and hashish they want and consume the other forms of THC...just like a pub or beer hall that caters to those who like to drink....while more than likely existing licensed alcohol consumption establishment will evolve such that both Alcohol and THC based intoxicants are on offer

On the other hand I am certain that while you can order a alcoholic drink at a restaurant and various public venues and enjoy that drink uncontested and even be surrounded by people that do not drink, while they tolerate your alcohol consumption, the same environment will not tolerate you lighting up a joint or whipping out your hash pipe and lighting up.

Mainly because of the smoke aspect involved while THC edibles would be acceptable and many would readily try edibles as opposed to smoke inhalation while one day you will see Alcohol with activated THC blended into the alcohol....Double Whammy...Wah- Hoo!...lol

When Cannabis consumption becomes all the more socially acceptable and "consumption decorum" and practiced social etiquette concerning the consumption of the drug is eventually established then you will see all the more cases of drugging and driving as people will chance getting caught rather than abandon their vehicles and get from A to B by alternative means...similar to people who drink and drive.

In some aspects it is inevitable as people who are habitual users of marijuana and licensed motor vehicle operators are going to carry on with their daily routines involving the daily and hour by hour use of their motor vehicles to get around while their daily use of marijuana and being stoned everyday is going to be practiced together resulting in the users being intoxicated and then have to do something, many things, that involve driving around taking care of numerous personal matters...including delivering or picking up the kids to and from school...for example....while stoned.

Right now in America alone there is easily 10, 000  ( possibly 100,000 ) citizens driving around stoned when you realize that about 10 million Americans per day are high on Marijuana ..so, 1 percent equals 100,000 people driving around while stoned and in effect endangering other people using the same roads and highways. 

Known to be less dangerous than people intoxicated on Alcohol but the laws relevant to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on any kind of substance, legal or illegal, that impairs your driving ability is not to be tolerated in theory while in practice we see the law enforcement agencies developing the means and ways to curb the practice of drugging and driving.

Point is....how will the mass of citizens feel about those people ( "Pot Heads" as they are affectionately  known )  that drug and drive and continue to break the laws and recklessly ignore that particular law and how harsh should the penalties be for those that do break that particular law and how vigilant should the law enforcement agencies be concerning that particular law attached to the legal consumption of THC.

What would be an acceptable deterrent, short of prison time, that would lower the percent of Pot Heads that will continue to get stoned and then drive about while stoned and endangering other peoples lives ..including yours also if you so happen to be in the immediate vicinity of a thoroughly stoned Pot Head and he crashes into to "you"

Would you then accept the pot users adamant argument that driving while stoned on THC is safe ( or safer) while it is argued by the pot heads that alcohol is the real culprit and the pot head is an otherwise law abiding citizen that has been driving around thoroughly stoned on THC everyday for say the last 20 years,  without incident...but on this or that particular day he or she ( a Ladyboy perhaps..lol )  crashed into "you" and your family while thoroughly stoned, as per usual and everyday.

I surmise most people would want to kick the crap out of the Pot Head for ruining their day or ruining their life for that matter.

Just pointing out one of the many social implications and ramifications of drug use regardless of being legal or illegal to consume.


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58 minutes ago, gemguy said:

I am not anti pot and certainly not in support of prohibition while people should be free to choose to consume or not consume...while it should be up to them......same as alcohol.

But the free and liberal use of the drug does come with a variety of social ramifications and it will always remain a contentious social issue.

While people are accustomed to seeing others have a drink or 2, or a dozen, and considered somewhat of a common occurrence and considered as acceptable, the consumption of marijuana will continue to carry a degree of social stigma while users of marijuana will always be referred to as "Pot Heads" by the percent of people that do not consume marijuana and or those that do not consume any intoxicants at all.

Of course the pot heads do not care what others think, as it should be in some respects, but still, lighting up a joint in public verses opening up a bottle of beer in public will not be readily accepted by main stream society for a long time to come.

I predict, in the evolution of pot becoming an acceptable social intoxicant and tolerated, so to speak, there will develop specific establishments that facilitate the users of marijuana where they can go and smoke all the pot and hashish they want and consume the other forms of THC...just like a pub or beer hall that caters to those who like to drink....while more than likely existing licensed alcohol consumption establishment will evolve such that both Alcohol and THC based intoxicants are on offer

On the other hand I am certain that while you can order a alcoholic drink at a restaurant and various public venues and enjoy that drink uncontested and even be surrounded by people that do not drink, while they tolerate your alcohol consumption, the same environment will not tolerate you lighting up a joint or whipping out your hash pipe and lighting up.

Mainly because of the smoke aspect involved while THC edibles would be acceptable and many would readily try edibles as opposed to smoke inhalation while one day you will see Alcohol with activated THC blended into the alcohol....Double Whammy...Wah- Hoo!...lol

When Cannabis consumption becomes all the more socially acceptable and "consumption decorum" and practiced social etiquette concerning the consumption of the drug is eventually established then you will see all the more cases of drugging and driving as people will chance getting caught rather than abandon their vehicles and get from A to B by alternative means...similar to people who drink and drive.

In some aspects it is inevitable as people who are habitual users of marijuana and licensed motor vehicle operators are going to carry on with their daily routines involving the daily and hour by hour use of their motor vehicles to get around while their daily use of marijuana and being stoned everyday is going to be practiced together resulting in the users being intoxicated and then have to do something, many things, that involve driving around taking care of numerous personal matters...including delivering or picking up the kids to and from school...for example....while stoned.

Right now in America alone there is easily 10, 000  ( possibly 100,000 ) citizens driving around stoned when you realize that about 10 million Americans per day are high on Marijuana ..so, 1 percent equals 100,000 people driving around while stoned and in effect endangering other people using the same roads and highways. 

Known to be less dangerous than people intoxicated on Alcohol but the laws relevant to operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated on any kind of substance, legal or illegal, that impairs your driving ability is not to be tolerated in theory while in practice we see the law enforcement agencies developing the means and ways to curb the practice of drugging and driving.

Point is....how will the mass of citizens feel about those people ( "Pot Heads" as they are affectionately  known )  that drug and drive and continue to break the laws and recklessly ignore that particular law and how harsh should the penalties be for those that do break that particular law and how vigilant should the law enforcement agencies be concerning that particular law attached to the legal consumption of THC.

What would be an acceptable deterrent, short of prison time, that would lower the percent of Pot Heads that will continue to get stoned and then drive about while stoned and endangering other peoples lives ..including yours also if you so happen to be in the immediate vicinity of a thoroughly stoned Pot Head and he crashes into to "you"

Would you then accept the pot users adamant argument that driving while stoned on THC is safe ( or safer) while it is argued by the pot heads that alcohol is the real culprit and the pot head is an otherwise law abiding citizen that has been driving around thoroughly stoned on THC everyday for say the last 20 years,  without incident...but on this or that particular day he or she ( a Ladyboy perhaps..lol )  crashed into "you" and your family while thoroughly stoned, as per usual and everyday.

I surmise most people would want to kick the crap out of the Pot Head for ruining their day or ruining their life for that matter.

Just pointing out one of the many social implications and ramifications of drug use regardless of being legal or illegal to consume.



Excellent observations. Agree with all.


Social ramifications in CO since MJ has been legslized include an increase in children being exposed to "edibles" and requiring ER visits...which are well documented so a useful metric.


And I see drivers in traffic every day here in CO getting stoned. Its hard to miss the plumes of smoke and avoid smelling that odor. No telling how many are stoned in total but your approximation seems conservative. Here in CO there is not much social stigma against MJ all around Denver and the Front Range but in the rural areas of the State there is less tolerance for its use in public. 

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In Victoria, Australia, where MJ is still illegal but rarely prosecuted for personal use, we have had on-the-spot saliva drug driving tests since 2004. Unlike the quick alcohol breathaliser test, the saliva drug test takes more than 5 minutes to complete. And its relatively expensive. There have been quite a few cases that have successfully challenged the results in court. The tests have a reputation for being a bit dodgy (unreliable). Maybe that is why few other countries have taken up these tests. I think they now test for amphetamines as well as THC. I still do not know anyone personally who has had a test, although I have mostly lived outside the city. If you test positive only traffic infringements apply. It is interesting that you only get 10 demerit points, the same as a minor drink driving offence (0.05-0.10%), and a AUD$330 fine, so maybe the authorities agree that stoners are better drivers than drunks. (Once you get 12 points in a 3 year period you will lose your licence.)


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6 hours ago, shadmo63 said:

Poor Big Pharma!!Screen_Shot_2016-07-19_at_9.33.42_AM.png



On the cntrary...big pharma is anxiously waiting to see if CO & WA are stopped by any federsl actions and have positioned themselves quite well to take over the MJ business on a major level. 



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On 24/08/2016 at 6:39 AM, bartender100 said:

Seems to be working well in half the states in the USA, Thailand could supply the worlds need if they wanted to, has to be more profitable than rice

And no "subsidies" 

needed either.......

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